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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/27th Congress/3rd Session/Resolution 3

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, Third Session, Resolution No. 3
4052086United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, Third Session, Resolution No. 3United States Congress

Feb. 24, 1843.

No. 3. A Resolution for the distribution of certain copies of the Census returns and of the Compendium of the Sixth Census.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Distribution of the sixth census. That of the extra copies of the Census returns for eighteen hundred and forty, and of the Compendium of the said Census now remaining on hand, there be retained until further order two hundred copies of each; and that the residue of said Census returns and Compendium there be distributed, in the same manner as the laws of Congress are distributed, two hundred and fifty copies of each to the Secretary of State for his department and for distribution, in like manner by him, to ministers and diplomatic agents of this Government and of foreign Governments, and to universities, colleges, and literary institutions now entitled to receive congressional documents, printed by order of either House, allowing one copy of each work to each; that the said Secretary in like manner distribute of said residue to the Library of Congress the same number of copies of each as it is entitled to receive of said congressional documents, and for the same purposes; to the library of the Senate three copies of each work; to the library of the House of Representatives three copies of each work; to every other department, bureau, public office or officer now entitled to receive congressional documents as aforesaid, one copy of each work, for preservation in such department, bureau or office; to every other person, body politic and functionary now entitled to receive congressional documents as aforesaid, one copy of each work; and that the said Secretary of State distribute the remaining copies of each work aforesaid to the several States, Territories, and District of Columbia in proportion to their respective population, in the same manner as the laws of Congress are apportioned and distributed;Distribution of each previous census. and that of the extra copies of each Census taken before eighteen hundred and forty, all over fifty copies (if so many remain on hand) be distributed to said States, Territories and District in like proportion in like manner.

Approved, February 24, 1843.