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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/28th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 32

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4107605United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Eighth Congress, First Session, Chapter 32United States Congress

May 31, 1844.

Chap. XXXII.An Act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of July 1844 and ending on the thirtieth of June 1845.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Appropriations. That the following sums be, and they are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, for the preservation, repairs, and construction of certain fortifications for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and ending on the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five:

1841, ch. 17.
For defensive works near Detroit, Michigan, including the sum of twenty-eight thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars, being a balance of a former appropriation which was subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last, thirty-five thousand dollars;

1841, ch. 17.
For defensive works near Buffalo, New York, including the sum of thirteen thousand five hundred dollars, being a balance of a former appropriation, which was subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last, twenty thousand dollars;

Fort Ontario.For repairs of Fort Ontario, New York, and preservation of its site, ten thousand dollars;

Lake Champlain.
1841, ch. 17.
For fortifications at the outlet of Lake Champlain, being part of a balance of fifty-eight thousand three hundred and eight dollars and ten cents of a former appropriation, which was subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last, forty thousand dollars;

Governor’s island.For repairs of fortifications on Governor’s Island, Boston harbor, and the purchase of the portion of the island not now owned by the United States, including the sum of seven thousand four hundred and twenty-seven dollars and seventy-two cents, being the amount of balances of former appropriations for West Head and Southeast batteries on said island, which was subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last, ten thousand four hundred and twenty-seven dollars and seventy-two cents;

Fort Independence.For repairs of Fort Independence, and sea-wall of Castle Island, Boston harbor, eight thousand dollars;

Fort Warren.For Fort Warren, Boston harbor, fifteen thousand dollars;

Fort Adams.For Fort Adams, Rhode Island, eight thousand dollars;

Ft. Trumbull.For rebuilding Fort Trumbull, New London harbor, Connecticut, twenty thousand dollars;

Fort Schuyler.For Fort Schuyler, East river, New York, thirty thousand dollars;

Castle Williams, Governor’s island.For repairs of Castle Williams, New York harbor, eight thousand dollars;

Fort Wood.For repairs of Fort Wood, Bedlow’s Island, New York harbor, thirteen thousand dollars;

Fort Hamilton.For repairs of Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, eight thousand dollars;

Fort Mifflin.For repairs of Fort Mifflin, being the balance of a former appropriation of five thousand dollars, which was subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first day of December last, four thousand nine hundred dollars;

Ft. Delaware.
1841, ch. 17.
For Fort Delaware, Delaware river, provided the title to the Peapatch island shall be decided to be in the United States, being part of a balance of eighty-one thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars and twenty-five cents of former appropriations, which was subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last, twenty thousand dollars;

Forts at Annapolis.For repairing forts at Annapolis harbor, Maryland, being the amount of a former appropriation, which was subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first day of December last, five thousand dollars;

Fort Washington.For repairs of Fort Washington, Potomac river, Maryland, fifteen thousand dollars;

Fort Monroe.For Fort Monroe, Virginia, fifteen thousand dollars;

Fort Calhoun.For Fort Calhoun, Virginia, being part of a balance of sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty-two dollars and one cent, of former appropriations, which was subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last, five thousand dollars;

Fort Macon.For repairs of Fort Macon, Beaufort harbor, North Carolina, five thousand dollars;

Fort Caswell.For preservation of the site of Fort Caswell, at the mouth of Cape Fear river, North Carolina, six thousand five hundred dollars;

Fort Moultrie.For preservation of the site of Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, ten thousand dollars;

Drunken Dick shoal.For dike to Drunken Dick shoal, for the preservation of Sullivan’s Island and the site of Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, twenty thousand dollars;

Fort Sumter.For Fort Sumter, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, forty-three thousand dollars;

Fort Johnson.For preservation of the site of Fort Johnson, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, one thousand five hundred dollars;

Fort Pulaski.For Fort Pulaski, mouth of Savannah river, Georgia, thirteen thousand dollars;

Fort McRee.For Fort McRee, Pensacola harbor, Florida, five thousand dollars;

Ft. Barrancas.For Fort Barrancas, Pensacola harbor, Florida, twelve thousand five hundred dollars;

Fort Morgan.For repairs of Fort Morgan, Mobile Point, Alabama, twelve thousand dollars;

Fort Pike.For repairs of Fort Pike, and preservation of sites, Rigolets, Louisiana, eleven thousand dollars;

Fort Jackson.For repairs of Fort Jackson, Mississippi river, Louisiana, five thousand dollars;

Ft. Livingston.For Fort Livingston, Grand Terre Island, Barrataria bay, Louisiana, forty thousand dollars;

Fort Smith.For the public buildings at Fort Smith, Arkansas, the sum of thirty thousand dollars;

Fort Gibson.For the construction of suitable barracks and defences, at Fort Gibson, in addition to the former appropriation for that purpose, fifteen thousand dollars;

Fort Towson.For completing the public buildings at Fort Towson, on the Kiameche, six thousand dollars;

ProvisoProvided―That the said appropriations shall be applied in the first instance to the completion of the barracks, quarters, and other needful buildings, which may have been commenced or are in progress of construction at the said Western ports: and the Secretary of War is hereby required to take all proper measures to effect that object by the employment of such of the United States troops as may be stationed there, in aid of said appropriations.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of fortifications, being part of the sum of two balances which were subject to revert to the surplus fund on the thirty-first of December last; namely, the balance of fifteen thousand four hundred and eighty-seven dollars and seven cents remaining of appropriations for “contingencies of fortifications,” and the balance of twelve thousand three hundred and eleven dollars and fifty cents remaining of appropriation for “incidental expenses attending repairs of fortifications,” twenty-five thousand one hundred and seventy-two dollars and twenty-eight cents.

Approved, May 31, 1844.