United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/Appendix/Appendix 1

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4190282United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Appendix, Appendix No. 1United States Congress


No. I.

Proclamation issued by the President of the United States, under the act of June 7, 1836, chap. 86.



Preamble.Whereas, by an act of Congress of the 7th of June, 1836, it was enacted that when the Indian title to all the lands lying between the State of Missouri and the Missouri river should be extinguished, the jurisdiction over said land should be ceded by the said act to the State of Missouri, and the western boundary of said State should be then extended to the Missouri river, reserving to the United States the original right of soil in said lands, and of disposing of the same; and whereas, it was in and by the said act provided that the same should not take effect until the President should, by proclamation, declare that the Indian title to said lands had been extinguished, nor until the State of Missouri should have assented to the provisions of the said act:

And whereas, an act was passed by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, on the 16th of December, 1836, expressing the assent of the said State to the provisions of the said act of Congress, a copy of which act of the General Assembly, duly authenticated, has been officially communicated to this Government, and is now on file in the Department of State:

The President declares that the Indian title has been extinguished.Now therefore, I, Martin Van Buren, President of the United States of America, do, by this my proclamation, declare and make known, that the Indian title to all the said lands lying between the State of Missouri and the Missouri river, has been extinguished, and that the said act of Congress of the 7th of June, 1836, takes effect from the date hereof.

Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this 28th day of March, A. D. 1837, and of the Independence of the United States of America the sixty-first.


By the President:


Secretary of State.