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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/11th Congress/3rd Session/Chapter 39

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March 3, 1811.

Chap. XXXIX.An Act for the relief of Richard Tervin, William Coleman, Edwin Lewis, Samuel Mims, and Joseph Wilson, of the Mississippi Territory.

Donation certificate for a tract of land granted to Richard Tervin, on his producing certain evidence.Be it enacted, &c., That Richard Tervin be, and he is hereby, authorized to produce to the register of the land office, and the receiver of public moneys, for the district cast of Pearl river, in the Mississippi territory, evidence of his having inhabited and cultivated a tract of land in said territory, prior to the thirtieth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight; and in case such evidence shall be produced, the said register and receiver are required to grant to the said Richard Tervin a donation certificate for such tract of land, not exceeding six hundred and forty acres.

To William Coleman.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That William Coleman be, and he is hereby authorized to produce to the said register and receiver, evidence of his right to a donation of a tract of land on the Tombigbee river in said territory; and in case he shall produce satisfactory evidence to the said register and receiver, that he was entitled to a donation of such tract, according to the provisions of the second section of the act entitledAct of March 3, 1803, ch. 27.An act regulating the grants of land and providing for the disposal of the lands of the United States, south of the state of Tennessee,” and the acts supplementary thereto, it shall then be lawful for the said William Coleman to locate a quantity of land equal to that to which he was entitled under the above-mentioned provisions, on any lands of the United States, which shall have been offered at public sale, in the said district, and that shall then remain unsold; and it shall be the duty of the said register and receiver to issue a donation certificate to the said William Coleman, for the land so located by him.

Right of pre-emption vested in Edwin Lewis.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Edwin Lewis be entitled to the right of pre-emption in five acres of land, situate within the boundaries of a tract of land, whereon he resides, which five acres were heretofore used for an encampment, for the troops of the United States, so soon as the same shall cease to be used for that purpose; the said five acres to be paid for at the same price, on the same terms and conditions, as are provided for lands granted by right of pre-emption in the Mississippi territory,

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That Samuel Mims be, and he is Title of Samuel Mims confirmed, &c.hereby confirmed in his title to a tract of land, containing five hundred and eighty-four acres, granted by the British government of West Florida, to William Clark, so as not to deprive the heirs of said Clark, or any other person or persons, of their legal remedy, if any they have, for the recovery of said land from said Mims, his heirs or assigns.

Joseph Wilson authorized to enter certificate of pre-emption right, &c.
Act of March 3, 1803, ch. 27.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That Joseph Wilson be, and he is hereby authorized to enter with the register of the land office his certificate of pre-emption right, granted to him by the board of commissioners, for the district east of Pearl river, in the Mississippi territory, for the quantity of four hundred and eighty acres of land, lying on the Tombigbee river in said territory; and that payment be made therefor, at the same price, and on the same terms and conditions, as are provided by law, for other lands granted in right of pre-emption in said territory.

Apporved, March 3, 1811.