United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/12th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 32
Feb. 24, 1812.
Chap. XXXII.—An Act for the relief of Thomas O’Bannon.
Entry may be withdrawn and located elsewhere.
Proviso.Be it enacted, &c., That Thomas O’Bannon be permitted to withdraw his entry in the land office of Madison county, Mississippi territory, from the south east quarter of section two, township two, range one, west; and the money paid by him on the said entry, shall be placed to his credit on any purchase he shall or may have made of public land in the same district: Provided, It shall satisfactorily appear to the register of the said office, that range two, west, has been, by error of the surveyor, marked range one.
Apporved, February 24, 1812.