United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/13th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 3
Chap. III.—An Act for the relief of Alexander Phœnix and Willian Nexsen, jun.
To be discharged from imprisonment.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Alexander Phœnix and William Nexsen, junior, of the city of New York, insolvent debtors, now and for a long time past confined in jail for debts due to the United States, which they are wholly unable to pay, be henceforth discharged and remain free from imprisonment and arrest, for and on account of the said debts, and all judgments, suits, costs, and charges, touching the same:Conditions. Provided always, That all property, real, personal, or mixed, which the said Alexander Phœnix and William Nexsen, jun., now have or hereafter may have or acquire, shall be and remain liable for the payment and satisfaction of the debts, costs, and charges aforesaid, in the same manner as if this act had never been made: And provided further, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to impair the right of the United States to any estate which the said Alexander Phœnix and William Nexsen, junior, have assigned or conveyed to any person or persons whatever; nor to prevent the recovery of the said estate, for the satisfaction of the debts, costs, and charges aforesaid; nor shall operate to discharge therefrom any person or persons, except the said Alexander Phœnix and William Nexsen, junior, who may now be liable for the same to the United States, either in whole or in part, in any manner or form whatever.
Approved, June 19, 1813.