United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/1st Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 45
Chap. XLV.—An Act for the relief of the persons therein mentioned or described.
Register of the treasury to grant a certificate to S. Stirling.Be it enacted, &c., That the register of the treasury shall, and is hereby required to grant unto Sarah, the widow of the late Major-General Earl of Stirling, who died in the service of the United States, a certificate to entitle her to a sum equal to an annuity for seven years’ half pay of a major-general, to commence as from the fourteenth day of January, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, in conformity to the act of the late Congress, passed on the twenty-fourth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty; the amount for which the said certificate is to be granted, to be ascertained by the Secretary of the Treasury, and on similar principles as other debts of the United States are liquidated and certified.
To Frances E. Laurens.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said register shall grant To Frances unto Frances Eleanor Laurens, the orphan daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel John Laurens, who was killed whilst in the service of the United States, a certificate to entitle her to a sum equal to an annuity for seven years’ half pay of a lieutenant-colonel, to commence as from the twenty-fifth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, according to the act of the late Congress of the twenty-fourth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty; the amount for which the said certificate is to be granted, to be ascertained by the Secretary of the Treasury in manner aforesaid.
Arrears of pensions.And whereas no provision hath heretofore been made for discharging the arrears of pensions due to officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, who were wounded and disabled whilst in the service of the United States: Therefore,
To invalid pensioners.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That each of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, who were so wounded and disabled, and who are now placed on the books in the office of the secretary for the department of war, as a pensioner, or to be so placed in conformity to any law of this Congress, shall receive from the register of the treasury, who is hereby required to grant the same, a certificate, to be liquidated and settled in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct, for a sum equal to the pension annually due to him, to commence from the time he became entitled thereto, or from the time to which the same had been paid, as the case may be, which shall be ascertained and certified by the said secretary for the department of war, and which annuity shall be liquidated to the fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, from which day the United States have assumed the payment of the pensions certified by the several states. And in case of the death of any person so entitled, the certificate shall pass to his heirs or legal representative or representatives.
To widows and orphans of officers and soldiers.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the widow or orphan of each officer, non-commissioned officer, or soldier, who was killed or died whilst in the service of the United States, and who is now placed on the books in the office of the said secretary, as entitled to a pension, by virtue of any act of the said late Congress, or any law of this Congress, and for whom provision has not been made by any state, and to whom any arrears of such pension are due, and which have arisen prior to the said fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, shall receive a certificate therefor in like manner, and on the same principles, as certificates are by this act directed to be given to officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, who were wounded or disabled as aforesaid.
Approved, August 11, 1790.