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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/4th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 15

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This act was printed twice in the Statutes at Large. The duplicate is at United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/4th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 15.

1215912United States Statutes at Large, Volume 6Private Acts of the Fourth Congress, 1st Session, Chapter 15United States Congress

April 20, 1796

Chap. XV.An Act authorizing and directing the Secretary of War, to place certain persons, therein named, on the pension-list.

Secretary of War to place certain persons on the list of invalid pensioners at certain rates.
Act of Feb. 28, 1793, ch. 17.
Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary for the Department of War be, and he is hereby directed, to place upon the list of invalid pensioners of the United States, the persons hereinafter named, who have been returned, as such, by the judges of the several districts, pursuant to the act of Congress, passed the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, entitled, “An Act to regulate the claims to invalid pensions,” at the rates and proportions annexed to the names of the said persons, respectively; that is to say:

Pensioners and their rates.
Of the District of Maine: Daniel Brawn, a private, two-thirds of a pension; John Knowles, a private, one-third of a pension; Ebenezer Phinney, a private, one-fourth of a pension.

New Hampshire.Of the District of New Hampshire: Jonas Adams, a private, one-third of a pension; Andrew Aiken, a serjeant-major, three-fourths of a pension; Caleb Aldrish, a serjeant, a full pension; Caleb Austin, a private, one-third of a pension; John Barter, a serjeant, half a pension; Archelaus Batcheldor, a serjeant, half a pension; Ebenezer Bean, a private, one-third of a pension; Job Briton, a private, one-third of a pension; Ebenezer Carleton, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Levi Chubbock, a fifer, one-fourth of a pension; Edward Clark, a serjeant, one-fourth of a pension; Morrell Coburn, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Richard Colony, a private, half a pension; Ebenezer Copp, a serjeant, a full pension; James Crombie, a lieutenant, a full pension; William Curtiss, a private, half a pension; Henry Danforth, a private, half a pension; James Dean, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Lemuel Dean, a private, half a pension; Thomas Eastman, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Ebenezer Fletcher, a fifer, one-fourth of a pension; James Ford, a captain, half a pension; Stephen Fuller, a private, one-third of a pension; Moses Sweat George, a private, half a pension; Joshua Gilman, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Windsor Gleason, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Joseph Greely, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Joseph Green, a private, half a pension; Joshua Haynes, a private, half a pension; Joseph Hilton, a lieutenant, half a pension; Nathan Holt, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Jonathan Holten, a lieutenant, half a pension; Caleb Hunt, a private, half a pension; Humphrey Hunt, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Charles Huntoon, jun., a private, one-third of a pension; Zadock Hurd, a private, one-third of a pension; Ebenezer Jennings, a serjeant, one-fourth of a pension; Peter Johnson, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Thomas Kimball, a private, one-fifth of a pension; Abraham Kimball, a private, half a pension; Benjamin Knight, a serjeant, one-third of a pension; John Knight, a private, half a pension; Jonathan Lake, a corporal, half a pension; John Lapish, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Nathaniel Leavitt, a corporal, half a pension; John Lincoln, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Joshua Lovejoy, a serjeant, half a pension; William Lowell, a serjeant, three-fourths of a pension; Jonathan Margery, a private, two-thirds of a pension; James Moore, a private, a full pension; Samuel Morrell, a private, two-fifths of a pension; Joseph Moss, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Jotham Nute, a serjeant, half a pension; Phinehas Parkhurst, a fifer, a full pension; Amos Pierce, a lieutenant, one-third of a pension; Silas Pierce, a lieutenant, half a pension; Joel Porter, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Samuel Potter, a sergeant, half a pension; Thomas Pratt, a private, half a pension; Jeremiah Pritchard, a lieutenant, half a pension; Asa Putney, a serjeant, half a pension; Charles Rice, a private, half a pension; John Smith, a serjeant, half a pension; Samuel Stocker, a private, half a pension; William Taggart, an ensign, half a pension; Eliphalet Taylor, a private, one-third of a pension; Ebenezer Tinkham, a private, one-third of a pension; John Varnum, a private, half a pension; Edward Waldo, a lieutenant, two-thirds of a pension; Weymouth Wallace, a private, half a pension; Josiah Walton, a private, one-third of a pension; Jacob Wellman, junior, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Francis Whitcomb, a private, one-third of a pension; Robert B. Wilkins, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Jonathan Willard, an ensign, one-fourth of a pension; Seth Wyman, a private, one fourth of a pension.

Massachusetts.Of the District of Massachusetts: Thomas Alexander, a captain, half a pension; Ephraim Bailey, a private, half a pension; Robert Bancroft, a private, one-sixth of a pension; James Batcheldor, a private, one fourth of a pension; James Campbell, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Caleb Chadwick, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Barnabas Chapman, a private, one-third of a pension; Richard Chase, a private, half a pension; Joseph Coxe, a serjeant, two-thirds of a pension; Thomas Crowell, a private, a full pension; Levi Farnsworth, a private, half a pension; Benjamin Farnum, a captain, one-third of a pension; Moses Fitch, a private, one-fifth of a pension; Frederick Follett, a private, half a pension; Joseph Frost, a private, one-eighth of a pension; Uriah Goodwin, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Joseph Hale, a private, half a pension; Gamaliel Handy, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Peter Hemenway, a private, half a pension; Jesse Holt, a corporal, one-eighth of a pension; Job Lane, a private, half a pension; Ebenezer Learned, a colonel, one-fourth of a pension; Moses M’Farland, a captain, one-third of a pension; Hugh Maxwell, a captain, one eighth of a pension; John Maynard, a lieutenant, one-tenth of a pension; Tilley Mead, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Elisha Munsell, a private, half a pension; John Nixon, a colonel, one-third of a pension; Timothy Northam, a private, one-third of a pension; Joseph Peabody, a private, one-third of a pension; Amos Pearson, a serjeant, one-fifth of a pension; Abner Pier, a private, half a pension; Job Priest, an ensign, one-third of a pension; Amasa Scott, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Robert Smith, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Silvanus Snow, a private, one-third of a pension; Cesar Sprague, a private, half a pension; Samuel Warner, a private, half a pension; William Warren, a lieutenant, one-third of a pension; Samuel Willington, a private, half a pension; Nahum Wright, a serjeant, one-eighth of a pension.

Rhode Island.Of the District of Rhode Island: Clark Albro, a private, one-fourth of a pension; John Baggs, junior, a serjeant, one-third of a pension; Robert Cars, a private, half a pension; Jonathan Davenport, a private, one twenty-fourth of a pension; Nathan Jaquays, a private, one-third of a pension; William Lunt, a private, half a pension; George Popple, a serjeant, one-eighth of a pension; Job Snell, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Edward Vose, a serjeant, one-sixth of a pension.

Connecticut.Of the District of Connecticut: Theodore Andrus, a private, a full pension; Samuel Andrus, a corporal, half a pension; William Bailey, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Robert Bailey, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Job Bartram, a captain, half a pension; Francis Baxter, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Enos Blakesly, a private, a full pension; David Blackman, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Elijah Boardman, a serjeant, three-fourths of a pension; Jonathan Bowers, a corporal, half a pension; Aner Bradley, a serjeant, half a pension; Jedediah Brown, a serjeant, one-fourth of a pension; Isaac Buel, a private, one-third of a pension; Oliver Burnham, a serjeant, one-fourth of a pension; William Burritt, a private, one-fourth of a pension; John Chappell, a private, one-third of a pension; Elisha Clark, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Jonah Cook, a private, half a pension; Henry Cone, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Simon Crosby, a private, half a pension; Prince Dennison, a private, half a pension; Israel Dibble, a private, one-third of a pension; Gershom Dorman, a private, one-third of a pension; Joseph Dunbar, a corporal, three-fourths of a pension; Henry Filmore, a private, half a pension; Samuel French, a private, half a pension; Burr Gilbert, a corporal, two-thirds of a pension; David Hall, junior, a serjeant, half a pension; Nathan Hawley, a corporal, one-third of a pension; Daniel Hewitt, a serjeant, one-third of a pension; Isaac Higgins, a private, half a pension; Thurston Hilliard, a private, one-third of a pension; Thomas Hobby, a major, half a pension; John Horseford, a private, one-eighth of a pension; Benjamin Howd, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Elijah Hoyt, a private, half a pension; David Hubbel, a private, half a pension; Enock Jacobs, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Robert Jeroin, a fifer, one-fourth of a pension; Aaron Kelsey, a lieutenant, one-fourth of a pension; Lee Lay, a captain, one-sixth of a pension; John Ledyard, a private, three-fourths of a pension; William Leeds, a lieutenant, half a pension; Naboth Lewis, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Nathaniel Lewis, a private, one-fourth of a pension; George Lord, a private, half a pension; Samuel Loomis, a corporal, one-fourth of a pension; Jeremiah Markham, a serjeant, half a pension; Allyn Marsh, a corporal, half a pension; Josiah Merryman, a corporal, two-thirds of a pension; Stephen Minor, a quarter-gunner, half a pension; Justus Munn, a private, half a pension; Elnathan Norton, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Joseph Otis, a private, half a pension; Thomas Parmelee, a serjeant, one-eighth of a pension; Chandler Pardie, a private, seven-eighths of a pension; Frederick Platt, a private, one-third of a pension; Daniel Preston, a private, one-third of a pension; David Ranney, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Solomon Reynolds, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Isaac Richards, a private, one-third of a pension; Samuel Rossetter, a private, half a pension; Elijah Royce, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Elihu Sabin, a private, half a pension; Samuel Sawyer, a private, half a pension; Nathaniel Scribner, a captain, one-fourth of a pension; Thomas Shepherd, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Amos Skeel, a private, one-third of a pension; Heber Smith, a serjeant, half a pension; Aaron Smith, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Edmund Smith, a private, half a pension; Josiah Spalding, a lieutenant, half a pension; Samuel Stillman, a private, half a pension; Benjamin Sturges, a private, one-sixth of a pension; Enock Turner, junior, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Richard Watrous, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Stephen Wells, a lieutenant, half a pension; Jonathan Whaley, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Ezra Willcox, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Azel Woodworth, a private, three-fourths of a pension.

Vermont.Of the district of Vermont: Elijah Barnes, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Elijah Bennett, a private, half a pension; Gideon Brownson, a major, a full pension; Thomas Brush, a private, one-fourth of a pension; David Brydin, a private, half a pension; Nathan Burr, a private, half a pension; James Campbell, a private, half a pension; Oliver Darling, a private, five-eighths of a pension; Samuel Eyres, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Asa Gould, a private, half a pension; Benjamin Gould, a private, half a pension; Amasa Grover, a private, one-third of a pension; William Hazeltine, a private, half a pension; Jonathan Haynes, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Zimri Hill, a private, half a pension; William Hunt, a private, half a pension; Elijah Knight, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Ebenezer M’Ilvain, a private, half a pension; William Martin, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Pliny Pomeroy, a private, four-fifths of a pension; Moses Saunderson, a private, two-thirds of a pension; John Stark, a captain, one-fourth of a pension; Thomas Torrance, a private, half a pension; Benjamin Tower, a private, two-thirds of a pension; William Waterman, a private, one-third of a pension; John Wilson, a serjeant, one-third of a pension.

New York.Of the district of New York: Thomas Baldwin, a serjeant, half a pension; Abraham Blauvelt, a private, a full pension; Thomas Brooks, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Duncan Campbell, a lieutenant, half a pension; William Champenois, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Russell Chappell, a private, half a pension; Jeremiah Everett, a private, half a pension; Samuel Miller, a private, a full pension; Jared Palmer, a serjeant, half a pension; Stephen Powell, a private, one-sixteenth of a pension; John Rogers, a private, half a pension; William Smith Scudder, a private, half a pension; James Slater, a private, half a pension; John Utters, a private, three-fourths of a pension; John Vaughan, a serjeant, one-fourth of a pension; Asa Virgil, a private, one-fourth of a pension.

New Jersey.Of the district of New Jersey: William Crane, a lieutenant, a full pension; William Oliver, a lieutenant, two-thirds of a pension; Joel Phelps, a private, half a pension; Samuel Taylor, a corporal, two-thirds of a pension.

Pennsylvania.Of the district of Pennsylvania: John Cardiffe, a private, a full pension; Josiah Conckling, a private, half a pension; William Dewitt, a private, half a pension; Thomas Eagan, a matross, half a pension; Jacob Fox, a private, one-third of a pension; Alexander Garrett, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Samuel Gilman (alias Gilmore,) a private, half a pension; Adam Godenberger, a private, one-fourth of a pension; John Haley, a corporal, three-fourths of a pension; David Hickey, a private, a full pension; Lawrence Hipple, a private, half a pension; Nathaniel Hubble, a major, two-thirds of a pension; Philip Lauer, a serjeant, one-fourth of a pension; Charles M’Cormick, a private, a full pension; William M’Hatton, a lieutenant, a full pension; Michael Orner, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Griffith Rees, a private, half a pension; Thomas Richart, a private, a full pension; Edward Wade, a private, half a pension; Thaddeus Williams, a private, one-fourth of a pension; John Wright, a sergeant, half a pension.

Delaware.Of the district of Delaware: Donald M’Donald, a corporal, a full pension.

Maryland.Of the district of Maryland: John Bean, a private, half a pension; William Ormond, a private, three-fourths of a pension.

Virginia.Of the district of Virginia: John Bell, a lieutenant, three-fourths of a pension; David Welch, a private, a full pension.

Kentucky.Of the district of Kentucky: James Speed, a lieutenant, a full pension.

N. Carolina.Of the district of North Carolina: John Benton, a private, a full pension; George Bledsoe, a private, a full pension; Thomas Chiles, a captain, two-thirds of a pension; James Christian, a private, half a pension; Robert Harris, a private, a full pension; John Knowles, a private, two-thirds of a pension; James Smith, a private, a full pension.

These pensions, how to be estimated.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the pensions allowed by this act, shall be estimated in manner following; that is to say: A full pension to a commissioned officer shall be considered the one-half of his monthly pay, as by law established: And the proportions less than a full pension shall be the like proportions of half pay: And a full pension to a non-commissioned officer or private soldier, shall be five dollars per month; and the proportions less than a full pension, shall be the like proportions of five dollars per month: Provided,Return of commutation. That every commissioned officer, who shall, by virtue of this act, be placed on the pension-list, as entitled to a sum less than a full pension, shall receive such pension only upon compliance with the same rule respecting a return of the commutation which he may have received, as is provided for, in the case of Captain David Cook, by an1791, ch. 2. act of Congress, passed December the sixteenth, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one.

Pennions, how to be paid.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the pensioners aforesaid shall be paid in the same manner as invalid pensioners are paid, who have heretofore been placed on the list of pensioners of the United States, under such restrictions and regulations, in all respects, as are prescribed by the laws of the United States, in such cases provided.

Approved, April 20, 1796.