United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/5th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 12

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1671246United States Statutes at Large, Volume 6Private Acts of the Fifth Congress, 2nd Session, Chapter 12United States Congress

Feb. 2, 1798

Chap. XII.An Act directing the Secretary at War to place certain persons on the pension list.

Be it enacted, &c.,Certain persons to be placed on pension list. That the Secretary for the Department of War, be, and he is hereby directed to place on the pension list of the United States, the several persons hereinafter named, who have been returned as pension claimants by the judges of the several districts, pursuant to the act of Congress, passed the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, entitled,Act of Feb. 28, 1793, ch. 17.An act to regulate the claims to invalid pensions,” at the rates and proportions annexed to the names of the said persons respectively, that is to say:

Pensioners and their rates.
N. Hampshire.
Of the district of New Hampshire, Joseph Goodrich, a private, half a pension; Joseph Patterson, a private, half a pension; Cæsar Barnes, a private, one-third of a pension.

Connecticut.Of the district of Connecticut, John Downs, a serjeant, a full pension; Obadiah Perkins, a lieutenant, one-fourth of a pension.

Vermont.Of the district of Vermont, Joseph Tyler, a private, half a pension; Peter Rider, a corporal, half a pension; Isaac Webster, a serjeant, half a pension; Ephraim Wilmarth, a serjeant, two-thirds of a pension.

New York.Of the district of New York, Stephen Kellogg, a private, a full pension; Garret Oblenis, a private, half a pension; William Scott, a major, a full pension; Finley Stewart, a batteau-man, three-fourths of a pension; Godfrey Sweet, a private, a full pension; Thomas Ward, a corporal, a full pension.

New Jersey.Of the district of New Jersey, Minne L. Vorheis, a private, half a pension; Samuel Hull, a serjeant, two-thirds of a pension.

Pennsylvania.Of the district of Pennsylvania, Robert Wilson, an ensign, one-fourth of a pension.

Delaware.Of the district of Delaware, Nelce Jones, a corporal, half a pension.

Maryland.Of the district of Maryland, Philip Casson, a lieutenant, a full pension.

Virginia.Of the district of Virginia, Joshua Davidson, a dragoon, three-fourths of a pension; Jonathan Dyer, a private, a full pension.

N. Carolina.Of the district of North Carolina, Daniel M’Kissick, a captain, half a pension; Ithamar Singletary, a private, one-fourth of a pension; William Simson, a private, half a pension; Joseph Wasson, a private, a full pension.

Georgia.Of the district of Georgia, Herman Bird, a private, one-half of a pension; Thomas Greer, a private, one-half of a pension; John Guthrie, a private, one-half of a pension; Alexander Irvine, a lieutenant, one-half of a pension; Henry Kerr, a captain, one-half of a pension; John Lindsay, a major, a full pension; Hugh Lawson, a captain, one-half of a pension; James Lewis, a lieutenant, one-half of a pension; John Ramsay, a private, one-half of a pension; John Trent, a captain, one-half of a pension; Presley Thornton, a corporal, one-half of a pension.

How these pensions shall be estimated, received, and paid.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the pensions allowed by this act, shall be estimated at the same rates, receivable on the same conditions, and payable in the same manner, in all respects, as directed in like cases by the act of the twentieth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, entitled Act of April 20, 1796, ch. 15.An Act authorizing and directing the secretary at war to place certain persons therein named, on the pension list.”

Approved, February 2, 1798.