United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/7th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 3
Feb. 14, 1803.
Chap. III.—An Act for the relief of Henry Messonnier.
Certain duties refunded.Be it enacted, &c., That there be paid to Henry Messonnier, from any money in the Treasury not heretofore appropriated by law, the sum of six hundred and fifty-five dollars and ninety cents, being the amount of duties paid by him on fourteen hogsheads of coffee imported in the ship Pacareau, Captain Latour, and entered at the port of Baltimore, on the eighteenth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, which sum had also been paid on the same fourteen hogsheads of coffee, by Champaign and Deyme.
Approved, February 10, 1803.