United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/8th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 28
Chap. XXVIII.—An Act for the relief of the sufferers by fire, in the town of Norfolk.
Bonds given for duties by sufferers by the fire, may be cancelled on new ones being given, &c.Be it enacted, &c., That all persons who, being indebted to the United States for duties on merchandise, having given bond therefor with one or more sureties payable to the collector for the district of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and who have suffered a loss of property by the late conflagration at the town of Norfolk, shall be, and they hereby are allowed to take up, or have cancelled, all bonds heretofore given for duties as aforesaid, upon giving to the collector new bonds, with one or more sureties, to the satisfaction of the said collector, for the sums of their former bonds respectively, payable in twelve months from and after the day of payment specified in the bonds to be taken up or cancelled as aforesaid; and the said collector is hereby authorized and directed to give up or cancel all such bonds, upon the receipt of others, as described in this act; which last mentioned bonds shall be proceeded with in all respects like other bonds which are taken by collectors for duties due to the United States: Provided, however, That nothing in this act contained shall extend to bonds which had fallen due before the nineteenth day of February last.
Approved, March 19, 1804.