United States Statutes at Large/Volume 6/9th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 32
Chap. XXXII.—An Act making compensation to Messrs. Lewis and Clarke, and their companions.
Warrants to be issued to Capt. Lewis and his companions.Be it enacted, &c., That the secretary of war be, and he is hereby, directed to issue land warrants to Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke, for one thousand six hundred acres each; to John Ordway, Nathaniel Prior, the heirs or legal representatives of Charles Floyd deceased, Patrick Gass, William Bratton, John Collins, John Colter, Pier Cruzatte, Joseph Field, Reuben Field, Robert Frasier, Silas Goodrich, George Gibson, Thomas P. Howard, Hugh Hall, Francis Labuiche, Hugh M’Neal, John Shields, George Shannon, John Potts, John Baptiste Le Page, John B. Thompson, William Werner, Richard Windsor, Peter Wiser, Alexander Willard, Joseph Whitehouse, George Drulyard, Tousaint Charbono, Richard Worfington, and John Newman, for three hundred and twenty acres each: which several warrants may, at the option of the holder or possessor, be located with any register or registers of the land offices, subsequent to the public sales in such office, on any of the public lands of the United States, lying on the west side of the Mississippi, then and there offered for sale, or may be received at the rate of two dollars per acre, in payment of any such public lands.
Double pay allowed.
Sum appropriated.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That double pay shall be allowed, by the secretary of war, to each of the before named persons, agreeably to the time he or they have served, in the late enterprise to the Pacific ocean, conducted by Messrs. Lewis and Clarke, and that the sum of eleven thousand dollars be and the same hereby is appropriated to discharge the same, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Apporved, March 3, 1807.