United States Treaty Series/Volume 1/Index
- Africa
- Ammunition, importation into Africa (General Act of Brussels): July 2, 1890 134
- Firearms, importation into Africa (General Act of Brussels): July 2, 1890 134
- General Act of Brussels: July 2, 1890 134
- Liquors, importation into Africa
- Duties: June 8, 1899 226
- Revision of: Nov. 3, 1906 551
- General Act of Brussels: July 2, 1890 134
- Duties: June 8, 1899 226
- Slave trade (General Act of Brussels): July 2, 1890 134
- Agriculture, International Institute of: June 7, 1905 436
- Algeciras, General Act of (re Morocco): Apr. 7, 1906 464
- Algiers, cemetery: Mar. 21, 1826 1
- Amelioration of condition of wounded on field of battle. See Red Cross conventions.
- Ammunition, importation into Africa. See under Africa.
- Arbitration
- Claims, settlement
- Pecuniary, inter-American
- Jan. 30, 1902 347
- Aug. 13, 1906 541
- Aug. 11, 1910 763
- Portugal, claims against, re Lourengo Marques Railroad: June 13, 1891 185
- Samoa, re military operations in: Nov. 7, 1899 273
- Venezuela, claims against: May 7, 1903 351
- Pecuniary, inter-American
- Disputes, pacific settlement
- July 29, 1899 (Hague, I) 230
- Jan. 15, 1902 (inter-American) 331
- June 14, 1907 575
- Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, I) 577
- Permanent Court of Arbitration. See separate entry.
- Claims, settlement
- Assistance and salvage at sea, unification of rules re: Sept. 23, 1910 780
- Automatic submarine contact mines, laying of (Hague, VIII): Oct. 18, 1907 669
- Balloons, prohibition re discharge of projectiles and explosives from
- July 29, 1899 (Hague, IV, 1) 270
- Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, XIV) 739
- Berlin, General Act of (re Samoa): June 14, 1889 116
- Bombardment by naval forces (Hague, IX): Oct. 18, 1907 681
- Boxer uprising, settlement of matters re: Sept. 7, 1901 302
- Brussels, General Act of (re Africa). See General Act of Brussels.
- Cables, submarine
- Mar. 14, 1884 89
- Dec. 1, 1886 112
- July 7, 1887 114
- Cape Spartel lighthouse (Morocco): May 31, 1865 14
- Capture in naval war, restrictions re (Hague, XI): Oct. 18, 1907 711
- Cemetery in Algiers: Mar. 21, 1826 1
- China
- Boxer protocol: Sept. 7, 1901 302
- "Open door" policy: Sept. 6, 1899–Mar. 20, 1900 278
- Whangpoo conservancy
- Sept. 7, 1901 302
- Sept. 27, 1905 446
- Apr. 9, 1912 879
- Oct. 19, 1915 897
- Chosen. See Korea.
- Citizenship, status of naturalized citizens (inter-American): Aug. 13, 1906 544
- Claims (see also Contract debts)
- Pecuniary, inter-American
- Jan. 30, 1902 347
- Aug. 13, 1906 541
- Aug. 11, 1910 763
- Portugal, claims against, re Lourenço Marques Railroad: June 13, 1891 185
- Pecuniary, inter-American
- Claims-Continued
- Samoa, re military operations in: Nov. 7, 1899 273
- Simonoseki indemnities (Japan): Oct. 22, 1864 12
- Venezuela, claims against: May 7, 1903 351
- Commercial relations
- China ("open door" policy): Sept. 6, 1899-Mar. 20, 1900 278
- International Union for Publication of Customs Tariffs: July 5, 1890. 172
- Japan, tariff duties: June 25, 1866 18
- Samoa: Nov. 5, 1839 3
- Consular rights
- Morocco: July 3, 1880 71
- Samoa: Nov. 5, 1839 3
- Contact mines, automatic submarine, laying of (Hague, VIII): Oct. 18, 1907 669
- Contract debts, limitation of force for recovery (Hague, II): Oct. 18, 1907 607
- Copyright
- Literary and artistic (inter-American)
- Jan. 27, 1902 339
- Aug. 11, 1910 758
- Union for protection of literary and artistic property (inter-American): Jan. 27, 1902 339
- Literary and artistic (inter-American)
- Customs of war. See Hague conventions, first and second conferences, and War.
- Customs tariffs. See under Commercial relations.
- Debts, contract, limitation of force for recovery (Hague II): Oct. 18, 1907 607
- Designs, inventions, patents, and industrial models, protection of (inter-American): Aug. 20, 1910 767
- Diseases. See Health and Sanitary conventions.
- Disputes, pacific settlement
- July 29, 1899 (Hague, I) 230
- Jan. 15, 1902 (inter-American) 331
- June 14, 1907 575
- Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, I) 577
- Documents, exchange. See Exchange of publications.
- Drugs. See Opium and other drugs.
- Earthquakes, International Association of Seismology: Aug. 15, 1905. 441
- Exchange of publications
- Mar. 15, 1886 107
- Exchange of publications-Continued
- Mar. 15, 1886 (immediate exchange of official journals) 110
- Jan. 27, 1902 (inter-American) 335
- Explosives and projectiles, prohibition re discharge from balloons
- July 29, 1899 (Hague, IV, 1) 270
- Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, XIV) 739
- Firearms, importation into Africa See under Africa.
- Foreign settlements in Korea, abolition: Apr. 21, 1913 894
- Fur seals, preservation and protection of: July 7, 1911 804
- General Act of Algeciras (re Morocco): Apr. 7, 1906 464
- General Act of Berlin (re Samoa): June 14, 1889 116
- General Act of Brussels (re Africa)
- Act: July 2, 1890 134
- Liquors, duties: June 8, 1899 226
- Revision of: Nov. 3, 1906 551
- General Postal Union (see also Postal agreements): Oct. 9, 1874 29
- Geneva conventions, wounded on field of battle
- Aug. 22, 1864 7
- Adaptation to maritime warfare (Hague, III): July 29, 1899 263
- July 6, 1906 516
- Adaptation to maritime warfare (Hague, X): Oct. 18, 1907 694
- Aug. 22, 1864 7
- Hague conventions
- First conference
- Disputes, pacific settlement (I): July 29, 1899 230
- Adherence to, protocol June 14, 1907 575
- Laws and customs of war on land (II): July 29, 1899 247
- Maritime warfare, adaptation of 1864 Geneva convention to (III): July 29, 1899 263
- Projectiles and explosives, launching from balloons (IV, 1): July 29, 1899 270
- Disputes, pacific settlement (I): July 29, 1899 230
- Second conference
- Bombardment by naval forces (IX): Oct. 18, 1907 681
- Capture of vessels in naval war, restrictions re (XI): Oct. 18, 1907 711
- Contract debts, limitation of force for recovery (II): Oct. 18, 1907 607
- First conference
- Hague conventions-Continued
- Second conference-Continued
- Disputes, pacific settlement (I): Oct. 18, 1907 577
- Laws and customs of war on land (IV): Oct. 18, 1907 631
- Maritime warfare, adaptation of 1906 Geneva convention to (X): Oct. 18, 1907 694
- Mines, automatic submarine contact, laying of (VIII): Oct. 18, 1907 669
- Neutral powers, rights and duties
- Land war (V): Oct. 18, 1907 654
- Naval war (XIII): Oct. 18, 1907 723
- Opening of hostilities (III): Oct. 18, 1907 619
- Projectiles and explosives, prohibition re discharge from balloons (XIV): Oct. 18, 1907 739
- Second conference-Continued
- Health
- International Office of Public Health: Dec. 9, 1907 742
- Sanitary conventions
- Dec. 3, 1903 359
- Oct. 14, 1905 (inter-American) 450
- Jan. 17, 1912 814
- Hospital ships, exemption from taxation in wartime: Dec. 21, 1904 430
- Hostilities, opening of (Hague, III): Oct. 18, 1907 619
- Indemnities, Simonoseki (Japan): Oct. 22, 1864 12
- Industrial property, protection of
- Mar. 20, 1883 80
- Apr. 15, 1891 183
- Dec. 14, 1900 296
- Aug. 20, 1910 (inter-American) 767, 772
- June 2, 1911 791
- Inquiry, international commissions of (Hague, I): Oct. 18, 1907 577
- International Association of Seismology: Aug. 15, 1905 441
- International Bureau (Union) for the Protection of Industrial Property
- Mar. 20, 1883 80
- Apr. 15, 1891 183
- Dec. 14, 1900 296
- June 2, 1911 791
- International Bureau of Weights and Measures: May 20, 1875 39
- International bureaus for protection of trademarks (inter-American): Aug. 20, 1910 772
- International Commission of Jurists (inter-American): Aug. 23, 1906 547
- International commissions of inquiry (Hague, I): Oct. 18, 1907 577
- International Institute of Agriculture: June 7, 1905 436
- International law, International Commission of Jurists for codification of (inter-American): Aug. 23, 1906 547
- International Office of Public Health: Dec. 9, 1907 742
- International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs: July 5, 1890 172
- Inventions, patents, designs, and industrial models, protection of (inter-American): Aug. 20, 1910 767
- Japan
- Simonoseki indemnities: Oct. 22, 1864 12
- Tariff duties re: June 25, 1866 18
- Journals, exchange. See Publications, exchange.
- Jurists, International Commission of (inter-American): Aug. 23, 1906. 547
- Korea, abolition of foreign settlements in: Apr. 21, 1913 894
- Land war. See Hague conventions, first and second conferences, and War.
- Law, international, International Commission of Jurists for codification of (inter-American): Aug. 23, 1906 547
- Laws and customs of war on land
- July 29, 1899 (Hague, II) 247
- Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, IV) 631
- Lighthouse, Cape Spartel (Morocco): May 31, 1865 14
- Liquors, importation into Africa. See under Africa.
- Literary and artistic copyright (inter-American)
- Jan. 27, 1902 339
- Aug. 11, 1910 758
- Lourenço Marques Railroad, claims against Portugal re: June 13, 1891 185
- Maritime warfare, adaptation of Geneva conventions to
- 1864 Geneva convention: July 29, 1899 (Hague, III) 263
- 1906 Geneva convention: Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, X) 694
- Metric system: May 20, 1875 39
- Mines, automatic submarine contact, laying of (Hague, VIII): Oct. 18, 1907 669
- Morocco
- Cape Spartel lighthouse: May 31, 1865 14
- General Act of Algeciras: Apr. 7, 1906 464
- Protection of persons in: July 3, 1880 71
- Narcotic drugs. See Opium and other drugs.
- Naturalized citizens, status of (inter-American): Aug. 13, 1906 544
- Naval forces, bombardment by (Hague, IX): Oct. 18, 1907 681
- Naval war. See Hague conventions, first and second conferences, and War.
- Neutral powers, rights and duties
- Land war (Hague, V): Oct. 18, 1907 654
- Naval war (Hague, XIII): Oct. 18, 1907 723
- Neutrality, Samoa
- General Act of Berlin: June 14, 1889 116
- Observance: May 29 and 31, 1879 63
- Regulations for: June 7, 9, and 13, 1879 65
- Obscene publications, repression of circulation: May 4, 1910 748
- "Open door" policy (China): Sept. 6, 1899-Mar. 20, 1900 278
- Opening of hostilities (Hague, III): Oct. 18, 1907 619
- Opium and other drugs
- Pharmacopœial formulas: Nov. 29, 1906 568
- Suppression of abuse of
- Jan. 23, 1912 855
- July 9, 1913 869
- June 25, 1914 873
- Feb. 11, 1915 (date of U.S. signature) 878
- Pacific settlement of disputes
- July 29, 1899 (Hague, I) 230
- Jan. 15, 1902 (inter-American) 331
- June 14, 1907 575
- Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, I) 577
- Pan American Union
- Apr. 14, 1890 129
- Jan. 29, 1902 344
- Aug. 7, 1906 535
- Aug. 11, 1910 752
- Patent rights, protection of
- Mar. 20, 1883 80
- Apr. 15, 1891 183
- Dec. 14, 1900 296
- Aug. 20, 1910 (inter-American) 767
- June 2, 1911 791
- Pecuniary claims. See Claims.
- Pelagic seals, preservation and protection of: July 7, 1911 804
- Permanent Court of Arbitration
- Disputes, pacific settlement
- July 29, 1899 (Hague, I) 230
- Jan. 15, 1902 (inter-American) 331
- June 14, 1907 575
- Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, I) 577
- Pecuniary claims (inter-American)
- Jan. 30, 1902 347
- Aug. 13, 1906 541
- Aug. 11, 1910 763
- Venezuela, settlement of claims against: May 7, 1903 351
- Disputes, pacific settlement
- Pharmacopœial formulas for potent drugs: Nov. 29, 1906 568
- Portugal, claims against, re Lourenço Marques Railroad: June 13, 1891. 185
- Postal agreements
- General Postal Union: Oct. 9, 1874 29
- Universal Postal Union
- June 1, 1878 51
- Mar. 21, 1885 97
- July 4, 1891 188
- June 15, 1897 206
- May 26, 1906 492
- Projectiles and explosives, prohibition re discharge from balloons
- July 29, 1899 (Hague, IV, I) 270
- Oct. 18, 1907 (Hague, XIV) 739
- Property
- Industrial. See Industrial property.
- Literary and artistic. See Literary and artistic copyright.
- Protection of persons in Morocco: July 3, 1880 71
- Publications
- Exchange
- Mar. 15, 1886 107
- Mar. 15, 1886 (immediate exchange of official journals) 110
- Jan. 27, 1902 (inter-American) 335
- Obscene, repression of circulation: May 4, 1910 748
- Exchange
- Radiotelegraph convention: July 5, 1912 883
- Red Cross conventions (wounded on field of battle)
- Aug. 22, 1864. 7
- Adaptation to maritime warfare (Hague, III): July 29, 1899 263
- July 6, 1906 516
- Adaptation to maritime warfare (Hague, X): Oct. 18, 1907 694
- Aug. 22, 1864. 7
- Right of capture in naval war, restrictions re (Hague, XI): Oct. 18, 1907 711
- Rights and duties of neutral powers
- Land war (Hague, V): Oct. 18, 1907 654
- Naval war (Hague, XIII): Oct. 18, 1907 723
- Salvage at sea, unification of rules re: Sept. 23, 1910 780
- Samoa
- Claims: Nov. 7, 1899 273
- Commerce, consular rights, shipping: Nov. 5, 1839 3
- General Act of Berlin: June 14, 1889 116
- Government of, support: Mar. 24, 1880 68
- Jurisdiction in: Dec. 2, 1899 276
- Neutral territory
- General Act of Berlin: June 14, 1889 116
- Observance of: May 29 and 31, 1879 63
- Regulations for: June 7, 9, and 13, 1879 65
- Sanitary conventions
- Dec. 3, 1903 359
- Oct. 14, 1905 (inter-American) 450
- Jan. 17, 1912 814
- Seals, fur, preservation and protection of: July 7, 1911 804
- Seismology, International Association of: Aug. 15, 1905 441
- Shipping (see also Vessels)
- Samoa: Nov. 5, 1839 3
- Ships, hospital, exemption from taxation in wartime: Dec. 21, 1904 430
- Simonoseki indemnities (Japan): Oct. 22, 1864 12
- Slave trade, Africa (General Act of Brussels): July 2, 1890 134
- Submarine cables
- Mar. 14, 1884 89
- Dec. 1, 1886 112
- July 7, 1887 114
- Submarine mines, automatic contact, laying of (Hague, VIII): Oct. 18, 1907 669
- Tariffs. See under Commercial relations.
- Taxation, exemption of hospital ships from, in wartime: Dec. 21, 1904 430
- Telecommunication
- Cables, submarine. See Submarine cables.
- Radiotelegraph: July 5, 1912 883
- Wireless telegraph: Nov. 3, 1906 556
- Telegraph. See Telecommunication.
- Trade. See Commercial relations.
- Trademarks, protection of
- Mar. 20, 1883 80
- Apr. 15, 1891 183
- Dec. 14, 1900 296
- Aug. 20, 1910 (inter-American) 772
- June 2, 1911 791
- Traffic in white slavery: May 18, 1904 424
- Union for protection of literary and artistic property (inter-American): Jan. 27, 1902 339
- Universal Postal Union. See under Postal agreements.
- Venezuela, claims against: May 7, 1903 351
- Vessels (see also Hospital ships; Maritime warfare; Mines, automatic submarine contact; Naval forces; Sanitary conventions; War).
- Assistance and salvage at sea, unification of rules re: Sept. 23, 1910 780
- Capture in naval war, restrictions re (Hague, XI): Oct. 18, 1907 711
- Pelagic sealing: July 7, 1911 804
- Slave trade (General Act of Brussels): July 2, 1890 134
- War
- Hague conventions (1899 and 1907) re. See Hague conventions, first and second conferences.
- Hospital ships, exemption from taxation in wartime: Dec. 21, 1904 430
- Wounded on field of battle (1864 and 1906 Red Cross conventions). See Red Cross conventions.
- Weights and measures: May 20, 1875 39
- Whangpoo conservancy (China)
- Sept. 7, 1901 302
- Sept. 27, 1905 446
- Apr. 9, 1912 879
- Oct. 19, 1915 897
- White slave traffic, suppression of: May 18, 1904 424
- Wireless telegraph: Nov. 3, 1906 556
- Women, suppression of white slave traffic: May 18, 1904 424
- Wounded on field of battle (Red Cross)
- Aug. 22, 1864 7
- Adaptation to maritime warfare (Hague, III): July 29, 1899 263
- July 6, 1906 516
- Adaptation to maritime warfare (Hague, X): Oct. 18, 1907 694
- Aug. 22, 1864 7
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