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United States Treaty Series/Volume 2

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United States Treaty Series (1776-1949) (1969)
edited by Charles Irving Bevans
Volume 2
3839385United States Treaty Series (1776-1949) — Volume 21969Charles Irving Bevans


Compiled under the direction of

Charles I. Bevans, LL.B.

Assistant Legal Adviser, Department of State

Volume 2


Released May 1969


1918 November 3 Armistice with Austria-Hungary 1
November 11 Armistice with Germany 9
November 13 Military arrangements with Hungary 20
December 13 Prolonging of armistice with Germany 23
1919 January 16 Prolonging of armistice with Germany 24
February 16 Prolonging of armistice with Germany 28
April 4 Passage of Allied forces via Danzig 30
May 5 China: embargo on arms 34
May 8 Disposal of tonnage following World War I (Wilson—Lloyd George agreement) 35
June 24 Priority in reparation payments to Belgium 38
Editorial note regarding World War I peace treaties 42
June 28 (protocol of January 10, 1920) Treaty of peace with Germany (Treaty of Versailles) 43
June 28 International Labor Organization 241
September 10 Liquor traffic in Africa 255
September 10 Africa: revision of General Act of Berlin and General Act and Declaration of Brussels 261
1920 January 10 Protocol to Versailles Treaty—see June 28, 1919
February 9 Status of Spitsbergen (Svalbard) 269
November 13 Spanish-American postal convention 278
November 30 Universal Postal Union 282
1921 September 15 Pan American Postal Union 309
September 15 Pan American Postal Union: parcel post 318
October 6 Weights and measures 323
December 10 Extraterritoriality and administration of justice in China 329
December 13 Insular possessions and dominions in the Pacific (Four-Power Treaty) 332
1922 February 1 Foreign postal agencies in China 337
February 1 Foreign armed forces in China 338
February 1 Foreign radio stations in China 340
February 1 Unification of railways in China 342
February 1 Reduction of Chinese military forces 343
February 1 Notification regarding commitments of or with respect to China 344
February 4 Commission of Jurists to consider laws of war 346
February 4 Limitation of naval armament 348
February 4 Board of reference for Far Eastern questions 349
February 4 Chinese Eastern Railway 350
February 6 (procès-verbal of August 17, 1923) Limitation of naval armament (Five-Power Treaty or Washington Treaty) 351
February 6 (procès-verbal of August 17, 1923) Insular possessions and dominions in the Pacific(supplement to Four-Power Treaty) 372
February 6 Principles and policies concerning China (Nine-Power Treaty) 375
February 6 Revision of Chinese customs tariff 381
February 7 Commissions of Inquiry for settlement of disputes (inter-American) 387
February 7 International Central American Tribunal 393
April 28 Protection of commercial, industrial, and agricultural trademarks and commercial names (inter-American) 395
1923 May 1 Pan American Union 406
May 3 Uniformity of nomenclature for classification of merchandise (inter-American) 410
May 3 Avoidance or prevention of conflicts between American states(Gondra Treaty) 413
May 3 Publicity of customs documents (inter-American) 420
May 25 Reimbursement of costs of American Army of Occupation 424
August 17 Limitation of naval armament—see February 6, 1922
August 17 Insular possessions and dominions in the Pacific—see February 6, 1922
1924 August 25 Bills of lading for carriage of goods by sea 430
August 28 Universal Postal Union 443
November 14 Pan American sanitary code 483
November 26 Claims against Austria and Hungary 501
1925 January 14 Distribution of Dawes annuities (Finance Ministers' Agreement, 1925) 504
September 21 Allocation of Dawes annuities 521
November 6 Protection of industrial property 524
1926 April 21 International Institute of Agriculture 542
June 21 International sanitary convention 545
September 25 Suppression of slave trade and slavery 607
November 9 Pan American Postal Union 617
November 9 Pan American Postal Union: parcel post 629
November 9 Pan American Postal Union: money orders 635
1927 January 13 Allocation of Dawes annuities 644
October 19 Pan American sanitary convention 648
November 8 (supplementary agreement and protocol of July 11, 1928; protocol of December 20, 1929) Abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions 651
1927 November 25 Telecommunication: radiotelegraph 683
1928 February 20 Rights and duties of states in event of civil strife (inter-American) 694
February 20 Commercial aviation (inter-American) 698
February 20 Status of aliens (inter-American) 710
February 20 Consular agents: prerogatives, duties, rights, and immunities (inter-American) 714
February 20 Maritime neutrality (inter-American) 721
February 20 Pan American Union 730
July 11 Abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions—see November 8, 1927
August 27 Renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy (Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact or Pact of Paris) 732
November 22 International exhibitions (For text, see 19 UST 5927; TIAS 6548)
1929 January 5 Inter-American arbitration 737
January 5 Inter-American conciliation 745
February 20 Trademark and commercial protection; registration of trademarks (inter-American) 751
January 25, February 1, 26, and 28, and March 6 and 15 Telecommunication: high frequency radio stations on North American continent 775
May 31 Safety of life at sea 782
June 28 Universal Postal Union 873
July 25 International Bureau of Education (For text, see 14 UST 311; TIAS 5312)
July 27 Prisoners of war 932
July 27 Amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick of armies in the field (Red Cross Convention) 965
1929 October 12 Unification of certain rules relating to international transportation by air 983
December 20 Abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions—see November 8, 1927
1930 January 9 Rights of the United States and of its nationals in Iraq 998
February 17 Chinese courts in the International Settlement at Shanghai 1040
April 12 Military obligations in certain cases of double nationality 1049
April 22, May 21 and 24, and June 5 Limitation and reduction of naval armament (London Naval Treaty) 1055
July 5 Load lines 1076


  1. In order to provide a complete chronological list of agreements entered into by the United States during the years covered in this volume, the table of contents includes citations to two agreements which are not printed in this compilation because they entered into force for the United States after 1949 and are therefore contained in the series entitled United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST). For a more detailed explanation of the scope of these volumes, see the preface at the beginning of volume 1.