United States patent 995600
995,600. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented June 20, I911.
Application filed January 19, 1910, Serial No. 538,829. Renewed November 9, 1910. Serial No. 591,533.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, JONAS EDWARD HEYSER, a citizen of the United States, residing at Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Surgical Appliances, of which the following is a specification.
My invention relates to improvements in surgical appliances and more particularly to devices for preventing masturbation by males, the object of the invention being to provide an improved device of this character which may be secured on the body of the patient and which cannot be removed by the patient, and which will absolutely prevent any attempt on the part of the patient to masturbate.
A further object is to provide a device of this character which is especially adapted for use on insane patients, and which will be simple in construction, strong and durable in use and which may be worn with reasonable comfort and without danger of unduly wearing the clothes or garments of the patient.
With these and other objects in view, the invention consists in certain novel features of construction and combinations and arrangements of parts, as will be more fully hereinafter described and pointed out in the claims.
In the accompanying drawings: Figure 1 is a perspective view illustrating my improvements. Fig. 2 is a fragmentary view in section. Fig. 3 is a fragmentary view enlarged in side elevation illustrating the manner of fastening one of the leg chains. Fig. 4 is a view in section on the line 4--4 of Fig. 3. Fig. 5 is a view in side, elevation showing the manner of fastening the waist band. Fig. 6 is a view in section on the line 6--6 of Fig. 5. Fig. 7 is a view similar to Fig. 3 illustrating a modification of the connection shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 8, is a fragmentary view in side elevation illustrating the manner of fastening the waist band to the metal plate. Fig. 9, is a view in section on the line 9--9 of Fig. 8. Fig. 10, is a view of a modified form of the structure shown in Fig. 8. Figs. 11 and 12 are views of other modifications.
1 represents a sheet metal plate, which is of the general shield shape shown, so as to fit within the crotch of the wearer. This plate 1 is provided with openings 2 and 3 and metal pockets 4 and 5 respectively, register with these openings 2 and 3 and are brazed or otherwise fastened or secured to the plate 1 and form, in effect, an integral part of said plate. These pockets 4 and 5 are adapted for the reception of the penis and testicles respectively, and are perforated at their ends as shown for ventilation and for the escape of urine. The pocket 4, it will be noted, has a slight bend or curve downward, so as to permit the penis a natural position and render as far as possible, the device a comfortable one. To the outer face of the upper corners of plate 1, loops or staples 6 are riveted and metal strips 7 are passed around these staples 6 and are riveted at their ends to opposite sides of metal bands 8. These bands extend upward for a short distance to a point about in line with the waist of the wearer and are then bent slightly as shown at 9, and then extend in a general curved line so that the two bands overlap at the back of the wearer. One of these bands 8 is provided with a staple 10, and the other band with a series of slots 11, so that the band may be adjusted to position any of the slots 11 over the staple 10, and then a small padlock 12 is positioned in staple 10 to lock the parts together. This connection is preferably covered by a flap 32 secured to one of the bands and extending across the staple and padlock and exposed ends of the metal bands.
To protect the body of the wearer and to protect the clothes of the wearer, leather or other flexible flaps 13 are secured to opposite sides of plate 1 by means of straps 14 riveted thereto, and cover the meeting point of the bands 8 and plate 1, and these metal bands are preferably inclosed in a leather covering 15, in which a padding 16 is provided as shown most clearly in Fig. 4. I would have it understood that hereinafter when the word band is used, it is used to include the metal band covered with the leather covering as shown, and not merely the metal band itself.
The lower end of plate 1 is provided with an opening 17, in which the meeting ends of two chains 18 are secured, These chains are adapted to be passed around the legs of the wearer, and are preferably covered with a soft rubber tubing 19, to prevent chafing. The ends of these chains may be provided with straps 20 as shown in Fig. 1, and these straps are adapted to engage buckles 21 as shown in Fig. 3, the buckles 21 being preferably of the lock form such as ordinarily used on trunk straps, and secured to tabs 22 connected by rivets 23 with band 8. This buckle 21 is preferably covered by a flap 24 to prevent undue wear upon the clothes of the patient. Where the patient is of the worst type, it is desirable, instead of providing a strap 20, to provide a flat chain 25 as shown in Fig. 7. This flat chain is adapted to be caught over a hasp 26 on band 8, and secured by means of a padlock 27.
As a modification of the connection between the band 8 and plate 1, I show in Fig. 10 the band 8 having a ball 28 at its end mounted to move in the socket of a block 29, and thus form a ball and socket joint.
The band 8 adjacent the bend 9 therein, has a strap 30 secured at one end to the band and adapted to be positioned across the abdomen of the patient and connected to a buckle 31 on the other band, thus rendering the device more comfortable and preventing any possibility of its being spread to be forced down over the hips. This, however., would require a vast amount of strength and unreasonably small hips, as it is believed that even without this band it would be quite impossible for any ordinary patient to force it down over the hips when once adjusted in place.
I have set forth a number of modifications of the different connections between the bands and chains, but I would have it understood that I do not limit myself to these particular forms, as various other means might be employed which would serve the purpose, and various changes might be made without departing from the spirit of the invention.
It will be noted that with my improved construction, not only are the penis and testicles entirely inclosed within the metal pockets formed for their, reception, but the spermatic cord is likewise covered and the patient is absolutely prevented access to this cord, which as is well known, if he could, he might defeat the very purpose for which the device is intended.
In the modification shown in Fig. 11, the penis pocket 4 is connected with plate 1 by means of a flexible chain or other metallic flexible material 33. This is to permit an erection within the pocket 4 without causing pain to the patient. In the modification shown in Fig. 12, the same flexible material 33 is employed, but the pockets 4 and 5 are both made of flat wire mesh.
A great many changes other than those set forth might be made in the invention, and I therefore consider myself at liberty to make such changes and alterations as fairly fall within the spirit and scope of the appended claims.
Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:
1. A surgical appliance comprising a metal plate leaving openings therein, metal pockets permanently fixed to said plate, registering with the openings and adapted to receive the penis and testicles of a patient, and said pockets having perforations therein, substantially as described.
2. A surgical appliance comprising a metal plate having openings therein, metal pockets permanently fixed to said, plate registering with the openings and adapted to receive the penis and testicles of a patient, said pockets having perforations therein. metallic devices securing said plate against the body of the patient, substantially as described.
3. A surgical appliance comprising a metal plate having openings therein, metal pockets permanently fixed to said plate registering with the openings and adapted to receive the penis and testicles of a patient said pockets having openings therein, metal bands connected to the upper ends of said plate and adapted to be passed around the body of the patient, a hasp on one of said, bands, the other of said bands having a series of slots to receive the hasp, a lock positioned on said hasp to lock the bands around the body, and flexible connecting devices connecting the lower end of said plate with said bands and adapted to be passed around the legs of the patient, substantially as described.
4. In a device of the character described, the combination with a metal plate having openings therein, of metal pockets fixed to said plate registering with the openings and adapted to receive the penis and testicles of a patient, said pockets having perforations therein, staples secured to the upper portion of said plate, metal bands adapted to be passed around the body of the patient, metal straps passed around said hasps and secured to said bands, chains secured to the lower end of said plate adapted to be passed around the legs of the patient, locks on said bands to secure the chains thereto, and flaps at opposite sides of the plate covering the connection between the bands and the plate, and flexible coverings on said bands.
5. In a device of the character described, the combination with a metal plate having openings therein, of metal pockets fixed to said plate registering with the openings and adapted to receive the penis and testicles of a patient, said pockets having perforations therein, metal bands connected to the upper ends of said plate and adapted to be passed around the body of the patient, an abdomen strap fixed at one end to one of said bands and adjustably secured at its other end to the other of said bands, chains connected to the lower ends of said plate adapted to be passed around the legs of the patient, devices adjustably connecting said chains to said bands and flexible covering for the exposed metal connections between said bands.
In testimony whereof I have signed my, name to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.