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3493866Upbuilders — IndexLincoln Steffens


Adams, Frank, 193, 199, 208, 209, 228, 236.

Administration, Mayor Fagan’s first, 24.

Alliance, the Farmers’, 301.

Amendment, Rush, to Denver State Constitution, 234.

American, Sugar Refining Company, 249. the real, issue: represen- tative government, 30. Smelting Company, 197.

Anti-saloon League, the, 322.

Attorney-general McCarter, 22, 23, 24.

Australian, ballot law adopted in Oregon, 300.

Ballot League, 299.

Bacon, Edgar B., 17, 23.

Baird, David, Repub. boss of Camden, 80.

Baker, the, case, 219.

“Battle-Axe Gang” of Globe- ville, 218.

Bingham, E. W., “a law- maker,” 298. his Australian ballot law adopted, 300.

Bishop, Frank, president of County Board of Den- ver, 229.

Bosses, ward, 7. big, 11, 12. little, 11, 12.

Republican, 19, 35.

Bosses —Continued

Democratic, 19, 35.

political, not really bosses,

6l ‘ , •

■ real, are business men,


Bourn, W. B., 261.

Bourne, Jonathan, jr., his silver “combine,” 309.

sets up a private house, 312.

should have been first product of popular election of Senators, 3 2 \-

mentioned in Scott’s writ- ten agreement, 324.

Brownell, George C., 315, 320.

Browning, J. A., a teacher who teaches, 48.

Calhoun, Patrick, 247, 265, 269.

plans for overhead trolley, 266.

offers R. Spreckels a bribe, 267.

proposed to smash the unions, 283.

Carey, Robert, 17, 23.

Carson, Eli, another case of “making good,” 141.

Cassatt, A. J., 76.

Caucus, the, 54.

Chamberlain, Governor, of Oregon, 314.

Cheesman, Walter, Pres, of Denver Water Co., 240, 241.

Children, Society for Preven- tion of Cruelty to, 157.

Colby, Charles L., builder of Wis. Central Railroad, 47 -

Colby, Everett, Repub. Assem- blyman from Essex Co., 32 -

elected Senator, 32. born, 1874, 47. prepared for Brown, 48. graduated, 48. makes tour around the world, 48. studies law, 48. becomes a Wall Street broker, 49.

appointed chairman of executive committee of Repub. organiz., 51. offered Senatorship, 52. nominated and elected, 52. introduces Dickinson’s bills in the House, 53. made floor leader of Rep. majority, 57. presents limited fran- chise bill, 77.

Orange issue: limited franchise, 84. the “Love Feast,” 89. elected Senator, 89.

Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 203, 233.

“Combine,” the, 9.

Company, Fidelity Trust, 21, 69.

United Gas Improve- ment, 21.

conference of, held at Sherry’s, 22.

Company —Continued

United States Steel, 56.

Colorado Fuel and Iron, 203, 233.

American Sugar Refining, 249 -

Independent Gas and Electric, 257.

San Francisco Gas, 250, 2 . 57 -

United Railways, 247, 264.

Corporation, Public Service, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 69, 78, 80.

Corporations, the, n, 18, 35, 5 §> 9 1 -.

dodge their share of taxes,


Jersey, 81.

corrupt, of Colorado, 197.

Correction, the game of, as instituted by Judge Lindsey, 128, 182.

Corruption, what the political and financial, of the U. S. is built up on, 8.

political, in J er sey City, 11.

political, in San Fran- cisco, 247.

Cotton mill, set up in Color- ado, violatesjchild-labor law, 203.

Court, Juvenile, of Denver, 95, 97, 100, iox, 131, 205.

founded on principle of love, 113.

merely supplementary,

T I31 *

Judge Lindsey’s, of Pro- bation, 128, 132.

Supreme, of Colorado, 226, 243.


Crime, j u v e n i Ie, on the increase in U. S., no. causes of, 150, 156, 192. the jails, schools of, 109.

Criminal manufacturers, 183.

Criminals, born, 188. bred, 188.

Davis, “ Bob,” the Democratic boss, 7, 11, 36, 45.

Democratic, County of Hud- son, 10. machine, 34. boss, 19, 35.

Denver, County Court of, 94, 228, 229, 230. typical American city government, 193. winerooms in, saloons, 193-.

Juvenile Court of, see Court.

County Board of, 227-236. school teachers of, 131. fight against the jail in, 208.

County Commissioners of, 228 — 236.

Dickinson, Col. Sam, Repub- lican boss, 11, 18, 21, 22, 23, 34, 45> 52- appointed Secretary of State by Gov. Murphy, 12.

calls on Mayor Fagan, 13. appointments recom- mended to Mayor by, 16.

Direct Primary Bill, passed, 320.

“Ditching,” 134.

Dryden, John F., sent to United States Senate. 22 .

D ry d en —C ontinued

gives a yachting party, 22. the man back of McCar- ter, 67.

Duffield, Edward, the House leader, 75.

Evans, William T., the Den- ver boss, 237, 239.

Fagan, Mark, birth, 3. schooling, 4. learned the trade of frame-gilder, 5. undertaker, 5. started in politics, 8. elected ward leader, 8. nominated Mayor, II. elected Mayor, 12. dreams of making Jersey City “a pleasant place to live in,” 15. policy to equalize taxa- tion, 18.

raises rates on the tax dodgers, 19.

learns that trolley is king of his state, 24. first administration, 24. re-nominated and elected, 26.

famous letter to Gov.

Murphy, 28. how and why, will make J. C. “pretty,” 46. raised present issues of N. J. politics, 59. issue: equal taxation, 84.

Farmers’ Alliance, the, 301.

Fidelity Trust Company, 21, 69.

Folk, 36, 86, 90, 149, 151.

Franchise, tax fight, 31. in Jersey City, 31.

33 °

Franchise —Continued “grabs,” 31. perpetual, 33. limited, 33.

Fry, Edward, 17.

Fulton, Charles W., 313.

fundamentally corrupt, 3 H-

Garvin, ex-Governor, of Rhode Island, 286. George, Henry, 16, 297, 298. Golden, Industrial School at, 107, 108.

what, is for, 117, 137. trusting young criminals to go alone to, 165. Graft, 9, 20, 46.

county, in Denver, 227. in San Francisco, 259. Grafters, the, 22, 36.

Republican business, 69. of Denver convicted, 233.

Hale, R. B., 269.

Harrington, Cass, 229. Heimel, Jack, a boy burglar, 174.

“Tatters,” 174.

Heney, Francis J., 86, 273, .275, 280, 282, 284,314. his exposure of Oregon,

. . 3 I 9 -

Higgins, Frank J., 17. Holland, Arthur, President of United Railways, 268. Hughes, Charles J., 233.

“I. and R.”, the, 303. passed in 1899, 318. nothing but a tool, 319. declared unconstitutional, 1903; defended by U’Ren and others, 320.

“I. and R .”—Continued

used for particular reforms, 322.

Independent Gas and Electric Company, 257.

Industrial School at Golden, 107,108,117,137,165.

Initiative, the, 298.

U’Ren, father of, 285.

Jennings, Rufus B., 269.

Jersey City, 3, 6, 13, 21, 23,24, 25, 26, 31, 33, 36. corporation offices and properties in, II. “nothing but a railroad terminal,” 15. corrupt, neglected, robbed, 15.

Fagan’s hopes for, 15. trolley lines, 19.

Fagan’s “group plan” of government in, 84.

Johnson, Tom, 36.

Jury-fixing a common prac- tice, 225.

Juvenile crime, see Crime.

Juvenile Improvement Society, 240.

Kelsey, Frederick W., 70.

Kids Citizens’ League, 124.

“Labour” government in San Francisco, 262, 266. comes into complete con- trol, 1905, 267.

Ladd, William M., the lead- ing banker of Portland, _ ° re g-> 324 -

La Follette, 36, 86, 90, 91,

t I4 9 > J 5 1 -

Law, the School, of 1899,



33 1

League, Kids Citizens’, 124. for Honest Elections, 235. Australian Ballot, 299. Direct Legislation, 302- 3I9- .

Direct Primary, 319. People’s Power, 322. Anti-saloon, 322.

Lentz, Carl, Repub. boss of Essex County, 50, 66. Mayor, 78.

Life, Prudential, 21, 69, 74. Lindsey, Ben B., 95, 99, 112, 115, 130.

the “methods” of, 98,147. founds his “kids’ court,”


visits the City Jail, 109. visits the County Jail,


his “Problem of the Children,” 100, no, in.

opposition to, 149. elected County Judge of Denver, 151. up against the System,


methods are applied Christianity, 151.

“ 1 e n i e n cy,” so-called,

  • 54 - .

practice of privacy, 154. consideration for both parents and children, 160.

his Juvenile Association for Protection and Betterment of Chil- dren, 191.

his bills in the interests of children, 216. his “fight against the jail,” 208.

Lindsey —Continued

attacks “jury-fixing,” 225.

the author of the present election laws of his state, 226.

his exposure of the County Commissioners, 227.

investigates and exposes graft in Denver, 227-

“The first citizen of Colorado,” 235. re-elected County Judge on his own terms, by unanimous vote of the people, 238.

Lindsley, Harry A., 95, 108, 232.

Luelling, Alfred, 301, 305.

Luellings, the, of Milwaukee,

3 °°.

Mack, Teddy, a fourteen- year-old “criminal,”


Mahoney, Boss Thomas J., 223.

“Major,” the case of, 119.

Martin, Lee, a boy burglar, 174, 186.

“The Eel,” 174.

Martin, William P., 69, 89.

McCarter, Tom, the Attorney- general, 22, 22 , 24.

President of P. S. C., 22, 67, 69, 81.

Robert, made Attorney- general, 22.

Uzel, 74, 81.

Messenger service, a degrad- ing influence for boys, 207.

“Mickey,” the story of, 210.

Mitchel, Senator, 308, 320, 321.

his gold “combine,” 309.

Moffatt, David H., leading banker and financier of Colorado, 240.

Morgan, Randall, 23.

Morris, the celebrated injunc- tion case of, 144.

Murphy, Governor, 12, 27,

3U 58.

“New Idea,” the, 84, 87.

Newark, the metropolis of N. J., 69.

Greater, plan to create a, 70-

Ogle, George, farmer and Populist, 315—317.

Oregon, fundamental legis- lation of, 285. corruption of, 285. a state of graft, 285.

W. S. U’Ren, the law- giver of, 285. railroads ruled in, 307. the famous hold-up ses- sion in, 307.

how the people of, achieved actual sover- eignty over their cor- rupted state, 318.

Palmer, Judge Peter L., 194. his injunction, 194.

Patterson, United States Senator, 231.

Phelan, James D., 269.

Populists, the, 302, 308.

“Problem of the children,” not a separate problem, 224.

Quay school of politics, the, 309-

Railroad, Pennsylvania, 21, 62, 78, 80.

property taxed separately in New Jersey, 25.

taxation, a great question in N. J., 26.

rates, 45.

Railroads, 26, 31, 59.

Record, George L., 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 32, 55, 59, 82, 84.

Referendum, the, 298.

U’Ren, father of, 285.

Where U’Ren first heard of, 301.

River-F ront gang, the, 174,181.

Rockefeller, Percy, 57.

Rogers, Merrick A., 294.

Rosenbaum, Johnny, the case of. 139-

San Francisco, political bad- ness of, 247.

United Railways of, 247, 264.

Gas Company of, 250, 257, 258, 260.

Gas War in, 256.

Earthquake in, 272.

Scott, Harvey W., editor of the Oregonian , 323.

Session, famous hold-up, 207.

Sewell, General, 11.

Simon, Joe, 310.

Smith, George Allan, 233.

Smith, George T., 12.

Smith, James, jr., Democratic business boss, 69.

Smith, Johnson, assistant warden of the Peniten- tiary. 313-


“Snitching,” 134.

Speer, Robert, Mayor of Denver, 239, 242. opreckels, the, family, an institution in Cal., 248. Clans, 248, 249, 250, 251, 2 57 -

a, monopoly, 248. Spreckels, Rudolph, a self- made millionaire, 244. the political ideal of the business world, 246. opposed by business men, 246.

a business reformer, 248.

president of First Nation- al Bank, 252. goes to Philadelphia with his brother, 252. carries through a coup, 254 -

elected to Board of Directors of Gas Co. by stockholders, 258. determines upon political reform, 264.

the type of “big” busi- ness man for Mayor, 279.

has mental as well as moral integrity, 282. Statement No. 1, 321.

Steel’s, U. S., “20 per cent.

consent” bill, 57. Stetson, Francis Lynde, 57. Stokes, Edward C., 31, 55.

nominated Governor of o N. J., 65.

System, the, 50, 53, 55, 58, 66, 151, 222, 225, 226,234, 240, 241.

Republican, the organ of, in Denver, 240.

Teller, United States Senator, 231.

Thieman, Paul, tells the story of the Kids’ Judge, 235, 239.

Thomas, Governor, 223.

United Gas Improvement Company, 21. Conference of, 22. United Railways Company 2 47 > 264.

United States Steel Company, « 56 -

20 per cent, consent” bid, 56, 57.

popular choice for, Sen- ators, 84.

U ren, W. S., the lawgiver of Oregon, 285.

Father of the Initiative and Referendum in . Oreg., 285. giver of laws to Dakota, 285.

born, Jan. 10^,1859,287. family, 287.

a blacksmith by trade. 287.

his first fight, 291. studied law in Denver, . 294 -

aids in colonizing voters, presidential campaign of 1880, 295. admitted to the bar, 296. reads “Progress and Poverty,” 297. how, became lawgiver “of Oregon,” 298. has always been secre- t tary, 299.

“smoothest lobbyist” in Oregon, 300.

U’ren —Continued

becomes a Populist, 302. secretary of Pop. State Committee, 302. Secretary of Direct Legis- lation League, 302. a practical politician, 306. becomes boss of Clacka- mas County, 306. runs for Assembly, and is elected, 1896, 306. how, got his good laws in the bad state of Oreg., 310.

runs for Senate and is beaten, 315.

defends the “I. and R.,” 320.

U’ren —Continued

helps effect enactment concerning U. S. Senators, known as Statement No. 1., 320, 321-

secretary of People’s Power League, 322. after economic reforms, 323-

Wanser, General, 13, 20,

calls on Mayor Fagan, 19.

Williams, Frank, 317.

Wilson, Charles F., 200.

Young, E. F. C., i'i, 19,

21 ,