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User:Alastair Haines

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Μὴ ὑπὲρ ἃ γέγραπται—Not beyond what has been written.

Paul of Tarsus, 1 Corinthians 4:6

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1 Corinthians 13 in Codex Vaticanus (c. 350 AD)
Wikipedia:User:Alastair Haines

high quality scan of 1 Corinthians 13 in Codex Sinaiticus (col 3, line 1; c. 350 AD)
©Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (www.CSNTM.org)

If I were to speak in the tongues of men and of the angels, but had not love—I have become a brass instrument or a clanging cymbal. And if I were to have prophecy and to have perceived all the mysteries and all knowledge, and if I were to have all faith so as to even shift mountains, but had not love—I am nothing. Even were I to donate all my goods, and if I had surrendered my body, that I might elevate myself, but had not love—I have gained nothing.

Love endures. Love acts. It does not envy. Love does not brag, nor puff up, nor offend. It does not look after itself. It is not provoked, nor keeps count of the bad. It does not gloat over injustice, but congratulates sincerely. It overlooks all, trusts all, hopes all, sustains all. Love never ever fails.

Still, if there are prophecies, they will be completed. If there are tongues, they will stop. If there is knowledge, it will be completed. For about a part do I know, and about a part do I prophesy; but when fullness comes, the partial is completed. We were once a child, speaking as a child, thinking as a child, reasoning as a child; but now I have become a man, and have completed that childhood. For just now we see with a mirror indirectly; but then it will be face to face. Just now I know in part; but then I will understand, even as I am also understood.

So now this remains—trust, hope, love—these three things, but the greatest of these is love.

text above ©2008 Alastair Haines CC-SA 3.0
(also recoverable as PD via edit history of Free Bible)