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![]() | Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Alien333/prefillalt. |
/* Preload Template:Header when adding a new text -- forked by [[User:Alien333]] on 27/01/25 */
/* For help, see '''Help:Header preloading script gadget''' */
/*jshint asi:true, eqnull:true, laxbreak:true, forin: false */
/*global mw, $, */
mw.hook("wikipage.editform").add(()=>{let api = new mw.Api();
let parents = () => { // get all possible parents
let a = [] , i = -1, s = mw.config.get("wgPageName");
while ( ( i = s.indexOf("/", i+1) ) >= 0 )
a.push(s.slice(0, i));
return a;
function preloadHeaderTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "")
//fill in header template
}).done( (response) => {
let titles = Object.values(new Object(response?.query?.pages))
.filter(x => x.missing == undefined)
.map(x => x.title); // list of all existing parents
var isSubpage = !!titles.length;
var basePageTitle = isSubpage?(titles.reduce( (a, b) => a.length < b.length ? a : b )):"Main Page"; // base page is the shortest
var tocPageTitle = isSubpage?(titles.reduce( (a, b) => a.length > b.length ? a : b )):"Main Page"; // toc page is the longest
// the "Main Page" are just to prevent API crash, as we don't use the content if !isSubpage
}).done( (re) => {
var tocPageContent = re.parse.wikitext["*"];
var tocHtml = re.parse.text["*"];
var tocPageLinks = Array.from(
.matchAll(/<a( class="new")? href="(\/wiki\/|\/w\/index\.php\?title=)([^&"]+)["&][^>]*?>(.*?)<\/a>/g)
).map(x => [x[3], x[4]].map(x => x.replaceAll("_", " ")))
.filter(x => !x[0].includes(":"));
var wpTextbox1value = "{" + "{header\n | title = "
if (!isSubpage)
wpTextbox1value += mw.config.get('wgTitle')
} else {
wpTextbox1value += "[["
//output however many "../" will take us to the base page
wpTextbox1value += "../".repeat(mw.config.get("wgPageName").replaceAll(/[^\/]/g, "").length - basePageTitle.replaceAll(/[^\/]/g, "").length);
wpTextbox1value += "]]"
wpTextbox1value += "\n | author = "
if (isSubpage)
wpTextbox1value += /\{\{[\s]*[Hh]eader[2]?[\s]*[\s\S]*\|[\s]*author[\s]*\=([^\||\}\}]*)/.exec(tocPageContent)[1].trim();
catch (e)
//if there was an error, just leave the field blank
wpTextbox1value += "\n | translator = "
if (isSubpage)
wpTextbox1value += /\{\{[\s]*[Hh]eader[2]?[\s]*[\s\S]*\|[\s]*translator[\s]*\=([^\||\}\}]*)/.exec(tocPageContent)[1].trim();
catch (e)
//if there was an error, just leave the field blank
//used for both previous page and next page determination
var indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents = tocPageLinks.findIndex(x => x[0] == mw.config.get("wgPageName").replaceAll("_", " "));
wpTextbox1value += "\n | section = "
if (isSubpage) //only subpages have section titles
wpTextbox1value += tocPageLinks[indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents][1];
catch (e)
//if there was an error, fall back on just adding the section name
wpTextbox1value += mw.config.get("wgTitle").split("/").reverse()[0]
wpTextbox1value += "\n | previous = "
if (indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents > 0) {
var previousPageTitle = tocPageLinks[indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents-1];
wpTextbox1value += "[[" + previousPageTitle[0] + "|" + previousPageTitle[1] + "]]";
catch (e)
//if there was an error, just leave the field blank
wpTextbox1value += "\n | next = "
if (indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents < tocPageLinks.length-1 && 0 <= indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents)
var nextPageTitle = tocPageLinks[indexOfCurrentPageInTableOfContents+1];
wpTextbox1value += "[[" + nextPageTitle[0] + "|" + nextPageTitle[1] + "]]";
catch (e)
//if there was an error, just leave the field blank
// year (except on subpages)
if( mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf("/") == -1 )
wpTextbox1value += "\n | year = ";
wpTextbox1.value = wpTextbox1value + "\n | notes = \n}}\n\n"
/* Preload Template:Textinfo when starting a discussion page */
function preloadTextinfoTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "" && !document.URL.match('§ion=new') )
wpTextbox1.value = "{" + "{textinfo\n | edition = \n | source = \n | contributors = \n | progress = \n | notes = \n | proofreaders = \n}}\n"
let getSpecialWordPos = (words) =>
var i;
for (i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) {
if (words[i] == 'van' || words[i] == 'von' ||
words[i] == 'le' || words[i] == 'de') {
return i;
return -1;
let getLastInitial = (words) =>
// get_last_name() can't be used here, we want the last word or the next
// word following a special word
var lastname = words[words.length - 1];
var pos = getSpecialWordPos(words);
if (pos != -1 && pos < words.length - 1)
lastname = words[pos + 1];
var last_initial = lastname.slice(0, 2);
// O'Donnel --> Od
if (lastname.length > 2 && last_initial.charAt(1) == "'")
last_initial = last_initial.charAt(0) + lastname.charAt(2).toLowerCase();
return last_initial;
// Preload Template:Author when starting an author page, derived from [[User:Remember the dot]] code
// Try to fill field when creating an author page. Fields always filled, are
// lastname, firstname, lastinitial.
let preloadAuthorTemplate = () =>
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value != "") return;
// try to figure out what value we can fill, broken in some case because
// it's difficult to handle name like Tom Van Moore but Tom van Moore is
// handled correctly.
var words = mw.config.get('wgTitle').replace(/ \(.*\)/, "").split(" ");
var lastname = words.slice(getSpecialWordPos(words)).join(" ");
var firstname = words.slice(0, getSpecialWordPos(words)).join(" ");
var last_initial = getLastInitial(words);
wpTextbox1.value = "{" + "{author\n" +
" | firstname = " + firstname + "\n" +
" | lastname = " + lastname + "\n" +
" | last_initial = " + last_initial + "\n" +
" | birthyear = <" + "!--data now imported from wikidata, please consider deleting once matched-->\n" +
" | deathyear = <" + "!--data now imported from wikidata, please consider deleting once matched-->\n" +
" | description = \n" +
"}}\n\n" +
// Preload Template:Process header when starting a project or help page
// Simple preloader based on the preload code for Template:Textinfo
function preloadProcessHeaderTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "" && !document.URL.match('§ion=new') )
wpTextbox1.value = "{" + "{process header\n | title = \n | section = \n | previous = \n | next = \n | shortcut = \n | notes = \n}}\n"
// Preload Template:Portal header when starting a portal page
// Simple preloader based on the preload code for Template:Textinfo
function preloadPortalHeaderTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "" && !document.URL.match('§ion=new') )
wpTextbox1.value = "{" + "{portal header\n | title = \n | class = \n | subclass1 = \n | reviewed = \n | shortcut = \n | notes = \n}}\n\n==Works==\n\n"
// Preload Template:Portal review when starting a portal discussion page
// Simple preloader based on the preload code for Template:Textinfo
function preloadPortalReviewTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "" && !document.URL.match('§ion=new') )
wpTextbox1.value = "{" + "{portal review\n | class = \n | subclass1 = \n | subclass2 = \n | classifier = \n | reviewer = \n | notes = \n}}\n"
// Preload Template:Translation header when starting a translation page
// Simple preloader based on the preload code for Template:Textinfo
function preloadTranslationHeaderTemplate()
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")
if (wpTextbox1.value == "" && !document.URL.match('§ion=new') )
wpTextbox1.value = "{" + "{translation header\n | title = \n | author = \n | section = \n | previous = \n | next = \n | year = \n | language = \n | original = \n | notes = \n}}\n"
// Main preloader loading code:
switch (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) {
case 0: //main
case 1: //Talk
case 4: //Wikisource
case 12: //Help
case 100: //Portal
case 101: //Portal talk
case 102: //Author
case 114: //Translation