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by Alice Ann Holmes
Lines to a Sister on the Loss of a Child
4359759[[../|Poems]] — Lines to a Sister on the Loss of a ChildAlice Ann Holmes
Lines addressed to a Sister,
On the loss of a child.
Mourn not, sister, for thine infant,Whose form we've laid in yonder tomb;For now with Christ, in Paradise,His spirit will for ever bloom.There, like a tender flower transplanted,His infant beauty shall increaseIn that unchanging spring above,Where all is happiness and peace.
Mourn not, sister, oh, so deeply,But to thy Maker's will submit,Who in love doth now correct thee,And who will kindly bless thee yet.Let the Saviour's words support thee,In this sad and trying hour;Since to realms of life and glory,He has called thy cherished flower.
Mourn not, sister; God is gracious;He doth thy deep anguish know;In His mercy, He'll support thee,If to Him thou'lt trusting go.Oh, from thy sadness then awake thee,And with Israel's Psalmist trust;Thou mayst meet thy sainted infant,In yon bright regions of the just.

Poetry transcriber, occasionally other things in other places (enwp/frwp/meta/commonsuploads/data/mw/translatewiki).

Open to suggestions of poetry collections to do, add at Poetry requests.


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Some random and debatable thoughts of mine[1], if you've got time to lose[2].

  • Here, the ultimate goal of technological optimization is to proofread without reading. Most of the human input is unnecessary[3], and we can go much faster without it.[4].
  • We should not focus on notability or usefulness, as they are both very relative[6]. I personally choose the works I do because why not[7].
  • Every revert should be explained. And, in general, every correction should be explained. If you don't tell new users how they made a mistake, they're likely to repeat it.
  • For technical stuff, the cache is the god and the devil. It is the cause[8] or the solution[9] of most problems.
  • We have a problem with documentation. No one actively takes care of the help pages[10]. The /doc subpages of templates are in some cases good, but they're hard to find. We have a great lot of them, a nice help page that doesn't cover a lot of them and a category tree that doesn't either[11]. Some templates are in categories that make them hard to find[12]. I am neither the first, nor the second, and not the third either to think we have a documentation issue. There have apparently been a number of attempts to fix this already, and they've more or less all dwindled to nothing.
  • Everyone makes mistakes. Not saying it's inevitable; merely that we should at all times expect that we're maybe going to make one, and prevent it.


  1. with an absurd quantity of footnotes for not really necessary information. I am usually more of a parentheses user, but refs clutter the text less, even though it's a bit awkward
  2. and you probably do, if you landed here
  3. e.g. copying in the previous/next fields names already written in the TOC
  4. it is a bit ridiculous that I am taking time that I could have spent proofreading to write on how precious time is
  5. though obscure doesn't mean bad, and the best I did were quite obscure
  6. notability also has the issue that it's when we duplicate most the work of others, as for instance PG has most famous texts, but likelily not obscure collections of poetry[5] by authors of whom the work is the only trace
  7. and maybe an unreasonable liking of running gags. Can't tell me the 147 authors were notable, or that a lot of people care for them
  8. Notably for: scripting, scripts, you're looking for bugs that don't exist anymore; anything which relies on search-based page generators, with a wide range of consequences; images
  9. less often than it is the cause, sadly; but often useful for optimisation
  10. and despite my complaining about it most of the time I don't either
  11. and is sometimes a bit unclear in the distinction between subcategories
  12. e.g. {{ppoem}} in Category:Experimental templates


  1. it would have been a shame if something called mantis shrimp has not been original
  2. details on that sort of stuff at w:Leg mechanism
  3. I find that phrase sort of motivating
  4. and we should really remember that it's no more than a mop to scrub the floor
  5. Also, feel free to strike that out whenever it becomes false
  6. The bit of code that does that. It however only does it for enwp. Would have liked to have this shitty hack over here too.
  7. I deleted the main page, for 30 seconds. And then forgot to reprotect it. Not the most glorious thing I did. More context, in my defence: I wanted to test API:delete, because I was closing a PD discussion that required batch deleting. So, I thought, "on which page can I practice safely without any consequences?" From the enwp village stocks, I'd kept the impression that deleting the main page had been made impossible[6]. I wasn't sure, so I looked at the menu at the main page, saw that there was no delete button, was satisfied that you couldn't delete it, and the rest is history.
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