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User:Arcorann/Playne Discourse

From Wikisource

(dee2.pdf Ashmole 1789)

A playne discourse and humble advice for () gratious Queene Elizabeth her most () Ma() to () and consider an () the needfull reformation of the Vulgar Kalendar for (...) daily

In the method of this present consideration of tyme, the true () any planet or other star, is determined by a right lyne () to passe from the center of the earthe by the center of the body, of the planet or other star,


(dee2.pdf 3)

Sonns () in the heaven, is called ye Ecliptik lyne: and


due to the montion of the Sonns (), (or the Ecliptik ()) ar somewhat distant from the knowne poles of the worlde (and now, about 32 degrees and 28 minutes) and therefore the Sonns (), or Ecliptik must be () to the Equinoctiall circumference: and they must ()


And that wintry sunstay point, we call ye beginnings of Capricorne into which ye (.) () in December. Those things beinge somewhat de()




(dee2.pdf 37)

Whereby it is evident that the true place of the Sonne, in degree, minute, and second () at the Epocha Christi (referred to London Meridian) was the ninth degree of Capricorn, 19 minutes, and one Second.

Secondly at the same Radicall Midnight, considered, as at Hierusalem, or Bethelehem, The Sonne () somewhat short of that number of minutes prime, to the ninth degree of () (). Bycause the Midnight of Hierusalem, () hath byn, and will be, about 3 houres before the Midnight of London. And therefore () as the Sonne () () 3 houres, is to be subtracted from () gr. 9. mi. 10. Second. 1. Thirds 12. (). And that came to be, about 7 minutes prime, and 35 Seconds () being subtracted, did leave to us, the Sonne his true place in Epocha Christi, (considered at Hierusalem or Bethlehem Meridian) to be () gr. 9 mi 2 Seconds 26 ().

And Thirdly at Koningsberg in Prussia, at the same momentary time of Epocha Christi, the Sonne his place was () gra. 9. mi 4 Seconds 27 () next: as a (), being about one houore and 48 minute of an houore, before London, to the eastward: whereunto, (), about 4 minutes of a degree, and 34 Seconds, to be abated out of () gr. 9 mi. 10 terc 1. as the daily motion of the Sonne required.