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User:Beleg Tâl/Sandbox/Methodist Hymnal

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Beleg Tâl/Sandbox | Methodist Hymnal

N.B. The Hymns distinguished by the prefix of an asterisk were not in the editions published during the life of Mr. Wesley. (1876 ed., page v.)

Part I: Containing Introductory Hymns


Section I: Exhorting Sinners to Return to God

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 1 Hymn 1 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Charles Wesley
Hymn 2 Hymn 2 Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast Charles Wesley[Dictionary 1]
Hymn 3 Hymn 3 O all that pass by, To Jesus draw near W.[1]
Hymn 4 Hymn 4 Ho! every one that thirsts, draw nigh! W
Hymn 5 Hymn 5 Thy faithfulness, Lord, Each moment we find W
Hymn 6 Hymn 6 Sinners, turn, why will ye die? W
Hymn 7 Hymn 7 Let the beasts their breath resign W
Hymn 8 Hymn 8 What could your Redeemer do W
Hymn 9 Hymn 9 Sinners, obey the gospel-word! Charles Wesley
Hymn 10 Hymn 10 Ye thirsty for God, To Jesus give ear Charles Wesley
Hymn 11 Hymn 11 God, the Offended God Most High Ambassadors of God Charles Wesley

Section II


Describing the Pleasantness of Religion

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 12 Hymn 12 Come, ye that love the Lord Isaac Watts
Hymn 13 Hymn 13 Happy soul that free from harms Charles Wesley
Hymn 14 Hymn 14 Happy the man that finds the grace W
Hymn 15 Hymn 15 Happy the souls to Jesus joined W
Hymn 16 Hymn 16 Happy the souls that first believed Charles Wesley
Hymn 17 Hymn 17 Jesus, from whom all blessings flow Charles Wesley
Hymn 18 Hymn 18 Maker, Saviour of mankind Charles Wesley
Hymn 19 Hymn 19 Rejoice evermore With angels above W
Hymn 20 Hymn 20 Weary souls, that wander wide W
Hymn 21 Hymn 21 Ye simple souls that stray W

Describing the Goodness of God

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 22 Hymn 22 Behold the Saviour of mankind Samuel Wesley
Hymn 23 Hymn 23 Extended on a Cursed Tree O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben Paul Gerhardt
Extended on a Cursed Tree John Wesley
Hymn 24 Ye that pass by, behold the Man! Charles Wesley
Hymn 24 Saviour, if thy precious love George Herbert (alt)
Hymn 25 O thou dear suffering Son of God Charles Wesley
Hymn 25* Stupendous love of God most high! Charles Wesley
Hymn 26 Hymn 26 I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God §1-2 from Ach mein verwundter Fürst Nikolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf
§3-6 from Du blutiger Versühner Johann Nitschmann
§7 from Der Gott von unsern Bunde Nikolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf
§8 from Mein Konig deine Liebe Anna Nitschmann
I thirst, Thou wounded Lamb of God John Wesley
Hymn 27 Hymn 27 Saviour, the world's and mine W
Hymn 28 Hymn 28 O love Divine! what hast thou done! W
Hymn 29 Hymn 29 Come, ye weary sinners, come Charles Wesley[Dictionary 2]
Hymn 30 Hymn 30 Where shall my wondering soul begin? W
Hymn 31 Hymn 31 See, sinners, in the gospel glass W
Hymn 32 Hymn 32 Sinners, believe the gospel word W
Hymn 33 Hymn 33 Would Jesus have the sinner die? W
Hymn 34 Hymn 34 Let earth and heaven agree Charles Wesley
Hymn 35 Hymn 35 Jesus, thou all-redeeming Lord Charles Wesley
Hymn 36 Hymn 36 Lovers of pleasure more than God Charles Wesley
Hymn 37 Hymn 37 Jesus! the name high over all Charles Wesley
Hymn 38* Hymn 38* O God, of Good the Unfathomed Sea Du unvergleichlich's Gut Angelus Silesius
O God, of Good the Unfathomed Sea John Wesley
Hymn 39* Hymn 39* Father, whose everlasting love W
Hymn 40 Hymn 40 Ye neighbours, and friends Of Jesus, draw near Charles Wesley

Describing Death

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 41 Hymn 41 O God! our help in ages past Isaac Watts
Hymn 42 Hymn 42 Thee we adore, eternal name! Isaac Watts
Hymn 43 Hymn 43 And Am I Born to Die? And Am I Born to Die? Charles Wesley
Hymn 44 Hymn 44 And Am I Only Born to Die? And Am I Only Born to Die? Charles Wesley
Hymn 45 Hymn 45 Shrinking from the Cold Hand of Death Shrinking from the Cold Hand of Death Charles Wesley
Hymn 461 Hymn 46 The Morning Flowers Display Their Sweets The Morning Flowers Display Their Sweets Samuel Wesley
Hymn 462 Hymn 47 Come, Let Us Anew Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue Charles Wesley
Hymn 47 Hymn 48 Pass a few swiftly-fleeting years Charles Wesley
Hymn 48 Ah, Lovely Appearance of Death! A Funeral Hymn for a Believer Charles Wesley
Hymn 49 Hymn 49 Rejoice for a Brother Deceased Charles Wesley
Hymn 50 Hymn 50 Blessing, Honour, Thanks, and Praise W
Hymn 51 Hymn 51 Hark! a voice divides the sky W
Hymn 52 Hymn 52 Again we lift our voice Charles Wesley
Hymn 53 Give glory to Jesus our Head Charles Wesley
Hymn 53* Glory Be to God On High Glory Be to God On High (Wesley, 1747) Charles Wesley

Describing Judgment

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 54 Hymn 54 Hearken to the solemn voice W
Hymn 55 Hymn 55 Thou Judge of quick and dead Charles Wesley
Hymn 56 Hymn 56 He comes! he comes! the Judge severe Charles Wesley
Hymn 57 Hymn 57 The great archangel's trump shall sound Charles Wesley
Hymn 58 Hymn 58 Jesus, faithful to his word W
Hymn 59 Hymn 59 Thou God of glorious majesty Charles Wesley
Hymn 60 Hymn 60 Righteous God! whose vengeful phials Charles Wesley
Hymn 61 Hymn 61 Stand the omnipotent decree! Charles Wesley
Hymn 62 Hymn 62 How happy are the little flock Charles Wesley
Hymn 63 Hymn 63 Woe to the men on earth who dwell Charles Wesley
Hymn 64 Hymn 64 By faith we find the place above Charles Wesley
Hymn 65 Hymn 65 Ye virgin souls, arise Charles Wesley
Hymn 66* Hymn 66* Lo! He comes with clouds descending Charles Wesley

Describing Heaven

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 67 Hymn 67 How weak the thoughts, and vain Charles Wesley
Hymn 68 Hymn 68 How happy is the pilgrim's lot! W
Hymn 69 Hymn 69 Thou, Lord, on whom I still depend Charles Wesley
Hymn 70 Hymn 70 I long to behold him arrayed Charles Wesley
Hymn 71 Hymn 71 Leader of faithful souls, and Guide W
Hymn 72 Hymn 72 Saviour, on me the grace bestow Charles Wesley
Hymn 73 Hymn 73 Away with our sorrow and fear! Charles Wesley
Hymn 74 Hymn 74 We know, by faith we know Charles Wesley
Hymn 75 Hymn 75 Lift your eyes of faith, and see w
Hymn 76 Hymn 76 What are these arrayed in white w
Hymn 77 Hymn 77 The Church in her militant state Charles Wesley
Hymn 78 Hymn 78 The thirsty are called to their Lord Charles Wesley
Hymn 79 Hymn 79 A fountain of life and of grace Charles Wesley

Describing Hell

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 80 Hymn 80 Terrible Thought! Shall I Alone Terrible Thought! Shall I Alone Charles Wesley

Section III: Praying for a Blessing

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 81 Hymn 81 Father of omnipresent grace! Charles Wesley
Hymn 82 Hymn 82 Shepherd of souls, with pitying eye W
Hymn 83 Hymn 83 Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyes Charles Wesley
Hymn 84 Hymn 84 Come, O thou all-victorious Lord Charles Wesley[Dictionary 3]
Hymn 85 Hymn 85 Spirit of Faith, come down W
Hymn 86 Hymn 86 Sinners, your hearts lift up W
Hymn 87 Hymn 87 Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire W
Hymn 88 Hymn 88 Father of all, in whom alone W
Hymn 89 Hymn 89 Inspirer of the ancient seers Charles Wesley
Hymn 90* Thus saith the Lord of earth and heaven Charles Wesley[Hymnary 1]
Hymn 90* Come, O thou Prophet of the Lord W

Part II: Convincing


Section I: Describing Formal Religion

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 91 Hymn 91 Long have I seemed to serve thee, Lord W
Hymn 92 Hymn 92 Still for thy loving-kindness, Lord W
Hymn 93 Hymn 93 My gracious, loving Lord W
Hymn 94 Hymn 94 The men who slight thy faithful word Charles Wesley

Section II: Describing Inward Religion

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 95 Hymn 95 Author of faith, eternal Word Charles Wesley[Dictionary 4]
Hymn 96 Hymn 96 How can a sinner know Charles Wesley
Hymn 97* Hymn 97* Thou great mysterious God unknown W
Hymn 98 Hymn 98 Upright, both in heart and will Charles Wesley

Part III


Section I: Praying for Repentance

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 99 Hymn 99 Father of lights, from whom proceeds
Hymn 100 Hymn 100 Jesus, my Advocate above
Hymn 101 Hymn 101 Saviour, Prince of Israel's race
Hymn 102 Hymn 102 O that I could repent
Hymn 103 Hymn 103 O that I could revere
Hymn 104 Hymn 104 O for that tenderness of heart
Hymn 105 Hymn 105 O that I could repent
Hymn 106 Hymn 106 Jesu, let thy pitying eye
Hymn 107* Hymn 107* The Spirit of the Lord our God

Section II: For Mourners convinced of Sin

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 108 Hymn 108 Enslaved to sense, to pleasure prone
Hymn 109 Hymn 109 Wretched, helpless, and distrest
Hymn 110 Hymn 110 Jesus, friend of sinners, hear
Hymn 111* Hymn 111* Thus saith the Lord! Who seek the Lamb
Hymn 112 Hymn 112 Woe is me! what tongue can tell
Hymn 113 Hymn 113 O thou, whom fain my soul would love
Hymn 114 Hymn 114 Jesus, in whom the weary find
Hymn 115 Hymn 115 Let the world their virtue boast
Hymn 116 Hymn 116 Saviour, cast a pitying eye
Hymn 117 Hymn 117 God is in this and every place
Hymn 118 Hymn 118 Author of faith, to thee I cry Charles Wesley[Dictionary 5]
Hymn 119* Hymn 119* Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord
Hymn 120* Hymn 120* Comfort, ye ministers of grace
Hymn 121 Hymn 121 Expand thy wings, celestial Dove
Hymn 122 Hymn 122 O thou who hast our sorrows borne
Hymn 123 Hymn 123 Let the redeemed give thanks and praise
Hymn 124 Hymn 124 O that I, first of love possessed
Hymn 125 Hymn 125 O that I could my Lord receive
Hymn 126 Hymn 126 Too strong I was to conquer sin
Hymn 127 Hymn 127 Wherewith, O God, shall I draw near
Hymn 128 Hymn 128 With glorious clouds encompassed round
Hymn 129 Hymn 129 Adam descended from above Charles Wesley[Dictionary 6]
Hymn 130 Hymn 130 Thou God unsearchable, unknown
Hymn 131 Hymn 131 Lord, I despair myself to heal
Hymn 132 Hymn 132 Jesus, the sinner's friend, to thee
Hymn 133 Hymn 133 Jesu, whose glory's streaming rays
Hymn 134 Hymn 134 Jesus, it still the same thou art
Hymn 135 Hymn 135 Jesu, if still thou art to-day
Hymn 136 Hymn 136 While dead in trespasses I lie
Hymn 137 Hymn 137 When shall thy love constrain
Hymn 138 Hymn 138 O that thou would'st the heavens rent
Hymn 139 Hymn 139 Jesu! Redeemer, Saviour, Lord
Hymn 140 Hymn 140 Come, O thou Traveller unknown Charles Wesley[Dictionary 7]
Hymn 141 Hymn 141 Yield to me now, for I am weak
Hymn 142 Hymn 142 Drooping soul, shake off thy fears
Hymn 143* Hymn 143* Jesu, Lover of my soul
Hymn 144 Hymn 144 Thee, Jesu, thee, the Sinner's Friend
Hymn 145 Hymn 145 O Jesus, let me bless thy Name!
Hymn 146 Hymn 146 Still, Lord, I languish for thy grace
Hymn 147 Hymn 147 O Love Divine, how sweet thou art!
Hymn 148 Hymn 148 Father of Jesus Christ, the Just
Hymn 149* Thus saith the Lord,—'tis God commands
Hymn 149 Why not now, my God, my God!
Hymn 150 Hymn 150 Thou hidden God, for whom I groan
Hymn 151 Hymn 151 Out of the deep I cry
Hymn 152 Hymn 152 Ah! Whither Should I Go? Ah! Whither Should I Go? Charles Wesley[Dictionary 8]
Hymn 153 Lo! in thy hand I lay
Hymn 153* I seem desirous to repent
Hymn 154 Hymn 154 Fain would I leave the world below
Hymn 155 Hymn 155 God of my life, what just return
Hymn 156 Hymn 156* O disclose thy lovely face
Hymn 157 Hymn 157 My sufferings all to thee are known
Hymn 158 Hymn 158 O my God, what must I do?
Hymn 159 Hymn 159 Lay to thy hand, O God of Grace!
Hymn 160 Hymn 160 O Jesus, my hope
Hymn 161 Hymn 161 Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay
Hymn 162* Hymn 162* O my offended God
Hymn 163 Hymn 163 When, gracious Lord, when shall it be
Hymn 164 Hymn 164 Lord, regard my earnest cry
Hymn 165 Hymn 165 Come holy celestial Dove
Hymn 166 Hymn 166 Jesu, take my sins away
Hymn 167 Hymn 167 Lamb of God, for sinners slain

Section III: For Persons convinced of Backsliding

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 168 Hymn 168 Depth of mercy, can there be
Hymn 169 Hymn 169* Jesus, the all-restoring Word
Hymn 170 Hymn 170 O 'tis enough, my God, my God!
Hymn 171 Hymn 171 O God, if thou art love indeed
Hymn 172 Hymn 172 O unexhausted Grace!
Hymn 173 Hymn 173 Jesus, I believe thee near
Hymn 174 Hymn 174 How shall a lost sinner in pain
Hymn 175 Hymn 175 God of my salvation, hear
Hymn 176 Hymn 176 O God, thy righteousness we own
Hymn 177 Hymn 177 Jesus, thou know'st my sinfulness
Hymn 178 Hymn 178 Yes, from this instant now, I will
Hymn 179 Hymn 179 Father, if thou must reprove
Hymn 180 Hymn 180 Saviour, I now with shame confess
Hymn 181 Hymn 181 Thou Man of griefs, remember me

Section IV: For Backsliders Recovered

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 182 Hymn 182 I will hearken what the Lord
Hymn 183 Hymn 183 Jesu, Shepherd of the sheep
Hymn 184 Hymn 184 My God, my God, to thee I cry
Hymn 185 Hymn 185 After all that I have done
Hymn 186 Hymn 186 Weary of wandering from my God
Hymn 187 Hymn 187 Son of God, if thy free grace
Hymn 188 Hymn 188 Lord, and is thine anger gone?

Part IV: For Believers


Section I: Rejoicing

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 189 Hymn 189 Now I have found the ground wherein
Hymn 190 Hymn 190 Jesus, thy Blood and Righteousness
Hymn 191 Hymn 191 Thee, O my God and King
Hymn 192 Hymn 192 Oft I in my heart have said
Hymn 193 Hymn 193 O filial Diety
Hymn 194 Hymn 194 Arise, My Soul, Arise Arise, My Soul, Arise (Wesley, 1739)[2] Charles Wesley
Hymn 195 Hymn 195 High above every name
Hymn 196 Hymn 196 Into thy gracious hands I fall
Hymn 197 Hymn 197 Happy soul, who sees the day
Hymn 198 Hymn 198 O what shall I do My Saviour to praise
Hymn 199 Hymn 199 O Heavenly King, Look down from above
Hymn 200 Hymn 200 My father, my God, I long for thy love
Hymn 201 Hymn 201 And Can It Be That I Should Gain? And Can It Be That I Should Gain? Charles Wesley[Dictionary 9]
Hymn 202 Hymn 202 Arise, My Soul, Arise Arise, My Soul, Arise (Wesley, 1742)[3] Charles Wesley
Hymn 203 Hymn 203 Glory, to God, whose sovereign grace
Hymn 204 Hymn 204 Jesus, thou soul of all our joys
Hymn 205 Hymn 205 My God, I am thine, What a comfort divine
Hymn 206 Hymn 206 What am I, O thou glorious God!
Hymn 207 Hymn 207 Jesus is our common Lord
Hymn 208 Hymn 208 Come, let us, who in Christ believe Charles Wesley[Dictionary 10]
Hymn 209 Hymn 209 Thou hidden Source of calm repose
Hymn 210 Hymn 210 Thee will I love, my strength, my tower
Hymn 211 Hymn 211 Let all men rejoice, By Jesus restored
Hymn 212 Hymn 212 My brethren beloved, Your calling ye see
Hymn 213* Hymn 213* My God, the spring of all my joys
Hymn 214 Hymn 214 Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal
Hymn 215 Hymn 215 Glorious Saviour of my soul
Hymn 216 Hymn 216 Infinite, unexhausted Love!
Hymn 217 Hymn 217 Jesus, to thee I now can fly
Hymn 218 Hymn 218 See how great a flame aspires
Hymn 219 Hymn 219 All thanks be to God Charles Wesley[Dictionary 11]
Hymn 220 Hymn 220 All Glory to God in the Sky All Glory to God in the Sky Charles Wesley[Dictionary 12]
Hymn 221 Hymn 221 Meet and right it is to sing
Hymn 222 Hymn 222 How happy, gracious Lord! are we
Hymn 223 Hymn 223 When Israel out of Egypt came
Hymn 224 Hymn 224 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath Psalm 146 Anonymous
Hymn 225 Hymn 225 Praise ye the Lord! 'tis good to raise Psalm 147 Anonymous
Hymn 226 Hymn 226 Eternal Wisdom! Thee we praise
Hymn 227 Hymn 227 How do thy mercies close me round!
Hymn 228* Hymn 228* Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine
Hymn 229 Hymn 229 God of my life, to thee
Hymn 230 Hymn 230 Fountain of life and all my joy
Hymn 231 Hymn 231 Away with our fears! The glad morning appears Charles Wesley[Dictionary 13]
Hymn 232 Hymn 232 Young men and maidens, rise
Hymn 233 Hymn 233 Happy man whom God doth aid!
Hymn 234 Hymn 234 Let all that breathe Jehovah praise
Hymn 235 Hymn 235 Father of all, whose powerful voice
Hymn 236 Hymn 236 Son of thy Sire’s eternal love
Hymn 237 Hymn 237 Eternal, spotless Lamb of God
Hymn 238 Hymn 238 Meet and right it is to praise
Hymn 239 Hymn 239 Hail! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Hymn 240 Hymn 240 O God, thou bottomless abyss
Hymn 241 Hymn 241 Thou, true and only God, lead’st forth
Hymn 242 Hymn 242 Glorious God, accept a heart
Hymn 243 Hymn 243 Thou, my God, art good and wise
Hymn 244 Hymn 244 Thou, the great, eternal God
Hymn 245 Hymn 245 Good thou art, and good thou dost
Hymn 246 Hymn 246 My soul, through my Redeemer’s care
Hymn 247 Hymn 247 Holy as thou, O Lord, is none!
Hymn 248 Hymn 248 Blest be our everlasting Lord
Hymn 249 Hymn 249 Great God! to me the sight afford
Hymn 250 Hymn 250 Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love
Hymn 251 Hymn 251 Father of me, and all mankind
Hymn 252 Hymn 252 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Charles Wesley[Dictionary 14]
Hymn 253* Hymn 253* Father, in whom we live
Hymn 254 Hymn 254 The day of Christ, the day of God
Hymn 255 Hymn 255 Spirit of Truth, essential God
Hymn 256 Hymn 256 Hail! Father, Son, and Spirit great
Hymn 257* Hymn 257* Glory Be to God on High Glory Be to God on High (Wesley, 1739) Charles Wesley
Hymn 258 Hymn 258 Jehovah, God the Father, bless
Hymn 259 Hymn 259 Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord!
Hymn 260 Hymn 260 Holy, holy, holy Lord
Hymn 261 Hymn 261 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Hymn 262 Hymn 262 A thousand oracles divine Charles Wesley[Dictionary 15]
Hymn 263* Hymn 263* Father, how wide thy glory shines!
Hymn 264 Hymn 264 O all-creating God!

Section II: For Believers Fighting

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 265 Hymn 265 O may thy powerful word
Hymn 266 Hymn 266 Soldiers of Christ, arise
Hymn 267 Hymn 267 But, above all, lay hold
Hymn 268 Hymn 268 In fellowship, alone
Hymn 269 Hymn 269 Surrounded by a host of foes
Hymn 270 Hymn 270 Equip me for the war
Hymn 271 Hymn 271 O almighty God of Love
Hymn 272 Hymn 272 Peace! doubting heart; my God’s I am!
Hymn 273 Hymn 273 Omnipotent Lord, My Saviour and King
Hymn 274 Hymn 274 O my old, my bosom-foe
Hymn 275 Hymn 275 The Lord unto my Lord hath said
Hymn 276* Hymn 276* Worship, and thanks, and blessing
Hymn 277 Hymn 277 Jesus, the Conqueror, reigns
Hymn 278 Hymn 278 Who is this gigantic foe
Hymn 279 Hymn 279 Shall I, for fear of feeble man
Hymn 280 Hymn 280 The Lord is King, and earth submits
Hymn 281 Hymn 281 Are There Not in the Labourer's Day Are There Not in the Labourer's Day Charles Wesley[Dictionary 16]
Hymn 282 Hymn 282 But can it be, that I should prove
Hymn 283 Hymn 283 O God, my hope, my heavenly rest
Hymn 284 Hymn 284 To thee, great God of Love! I bow
Hymn 285 Hymn 285 Come, Savior, Jesus, from above Venez Jesus, mon salutaire Antoinette Bourignon
Come, Savior, Jesus, from above John Wesley, John Byrom[4]
Hymn 286 Hymn 286 Abraham, When Severely Tried Abraham, When Severely Tried Charles Wesley[Dictionary 17]
Hymn 287 Hymn 287 Omnipresent God! whose aid
Hymn 288 Hymn 288 O God, thy faithfulness I plead!
Hymn 289 Hymn 289 God of my life, whose gracious power
Hymn 290 Hymn 290 My God, if I may call thee mine
Hymn 291 Hymn 291 Fondly my foolish heart essays
Hymn 292 Hymn 292 To the haven of thy breast
Hymn 293 Hymn 293 Jesus, my King, to thee I bow

Section III: For Believers Praying

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 294 Hymn 294 Jesus, thou sovereign Lord of all
Hymn 295 Hymn 295 Come, ye followers of the Lord Charles Wesley[Dictionary 18]
Hymn 296 The praying Spirit breathe
Hymn 296 Help, Lord! the busy foe
Hymn 297 Hymn 297 Shepherd Divine, our wants relieve
Hymn 298 Hymn 298 O Wondrous power of faithful prayer!
Hymn 299 Hymn 299 Jesus, thou hast bid us pray
Hymn 300 Hymn 300 Jesus, I fain would find
Hymn 301 Hymn 301 Jesus, my strength, my hope
Hymn 302 Hymn 302 Lord, that I may learn of thee
Hymn 303 Hymn 303 Ah, when shall I awake Charles Wesley[Dictionary 19]
Hymn 304 Hymn 304 Saviour, on me the want bestow

Section IV: For Believers Watching

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 305 Hymn 305 Gracious Redeemer, shake
Hymn 306 Hymn 306 Father, to thee I lift mine eyes
Hymn 307 Hymn 307 God of all grace and majesty
Hymn 308 Hymn 308 I want a principle within
Hymn 309 Hymn 309 Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly
Hymn 310 Hymn 310 Jesus, my Master and my Lord
Into a world of ruffians sent
Hymn 311 Hymn 311 Bid me of men beware
Hymn 312 Hymn 312 Jesu, my Saviour, Brother, Friend
Hymn 313 Hymn 313 Pierce, fill me with an humble fear
Hymn 314 Hymn 314 Hark, how the watchmen cry
Hymn 315 Hymn 315 Angels Your March Oppose Angels Your March Oppose Charles Wesley
Hymn 316 Hymn 316 Eternal Power, whose high abode
Hymn 317 Hymn 317 Ah, Lord, with trembling I confess Charles Wesley[Dictionary 20]
Hymn 318 Hymn 318 A charge to keep I have Charles Wesley
Hymn 319 Hymn 319 Watched by the world's malignant eye
Hymn 320 Hymn 320 Be it my only wisdom here

Section V: For Believers Working

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 321 Hymn 321 Summoned my labour to renew
Hymn 322 Hymn 322 Servant of all, to toil for man
Hymn 323 Hymn 323 God of almighty love
Hymn 324 Hymn 324 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
Hymn 325 Hymn 325 Lo! I come with joy to do
Hymn 326 Hymn 326 Captain of Israel's host, and Guide Charles Wesley[Dictionary 21]
Hymn 327 Hymn 327 O thou who camest from above
Hymn 328 Hymn 328 When quiet in my house I sit

Section VI: For Believers Suffering

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 329 Hymn 329 Thee, Jesus, full of truth and grace
Hymn 330 Hymn 330 Saviour of all, what hast thou done
Hymn 331 Thou, Lord, hast blest my going out
Hymn 331* Afflicted by a gracious God Charles Wesley[Dictionary 22]
Hymn 332 Hymn 332 Master, I own thy lawful claim
Hymn 333 Hymn 333 Come on, my partners in distress Charles Wesley[Dictionary 23]
Hymn 334 Hymn 334 Lord, I adore thy gracious will
Hymn 335 Hymn 335 Cast on the fidelity
Hymn 336 Hymn 336 Father, in the Name I pray
Hymn 337 Hymn 337 Eternal Beam of Light Divine
Hymn 338 Hymn 338 Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of Peace
Hymn 339 Hymn 339 O thou, to whose all-searching sight

Section VII: For Believers Seeking for full Redemption

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 340 Hymn 340 The thing my God doth hate
Hymn 341 Hymn 341 O Jesus, let thy dying cry
Hymn 342 Hymn 342 God of eternal truth and grace
Hymn 343 Hymn 343 O for a heart to praise my God
Hymn 344 Hymn 344 Thou hidden love of God, whose height
Hymn 345 Hymn 345 Ye ransomed sinners, hear
Hymn 346 Hymn 346 For ever here my rest shall be
Hymn 347 Hymn 347 Jesus, my life! thyself apply
Hymn 348 Hymn 348 Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord
Hymn 349 Hymn 349 Where the ancient Dragon lay
Hymn 350 Hymn 350 Holy Lamb, who thee receive
Hymn 351 Hymn 351 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire! Charles Wesley[Dictionary 24]
Hymn 352 Hymn 352 Jesus, thou art our King!
Hymn 353 Hymn 353 O Jesu, source of calm repose
Hymn 354 Hymn 354 Ever fainting with desire
Hymn 355 Hymn 355 Jesu, shall I never be
Hymn 356 Hymn 356 Lord, I believe thy every word
Hymn 357 Hymn 357 Jesus, the Life, the Truth, the Way
Hymn 358 Hymn 358 Open, Lord, my inward ear
Hymn 359 Hymn 359 God of Israel's faithful Three
Hymn 360 Hymn 360 Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord
Hymn 361 Hymn 361 My God! I know, I feel thee mine
Hymn 362 Hymn 362 Be it according to thy word
Hymn 363 Hymn 363 What! never speak one evil word
Hymn 364 Hymn 364 Jesus, the gift divine I know
Hymn 365 Hymn 365 O God of my salvation, hear
Hymn 366 Hymn 366 I soon shall hear thy quickening voice
Hymn 367 Hymn 367 O come, and dwell in me
Hymn 368 Hymn 368 Father, see this living clod
Hymn 369 Hymn 369 O God, most merciful and true!
Hymn 370 Hymn 370 Deepen the wound thy hands have made
Hymn 371 Hymn 371 What now is my object and aim?
Hymn 372 Hymn 372 Give me the enlarged desire
Hymn 373 Hymn 373 Jesu, thy boundless love to me
Hymn 374 Hymn 374 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire
Hymn 375 Hymn 375 Saviour from sin, I wait to prove
Hymn 376 Hymn 376 I want the spirit of power within
Hymn 377 Hymn 377 Father of everlasting grace
Hymn 378 Hymn 378 What shall I do my God to love
Hymn 379 Hymn 379 O love, I languish at thy stay!
Hymn 380 Hymn 380 Prisoners of hope, lift up your heads!
Hymn 381 Hymn 381 When, my Saviour, shall I be
Hymn 382 Hymn 382 O great Mountain, who art thou
Hymn 383 Hymn 383 Who hath slighted or contemned
Hymn 384 Hymn 384 I know that my Redeemer lives
Hymn 385 Hymn 385 Love Divine, all loves excelling
Hymn 386 Hymn 386 Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake! (Wesley, 1739) Charles Wesley[Dictionary 25]
Hymn 387 Hymn 387 Prisoners of hope, arise
Hymn 388 Hymn 388 O that my load of sin were gone!
Hymn 389 Hymn 389 O Jesus, at thy feet we wait
Hymn 390 Hymn 390 Since the Son hath made me free
Hymn 391 Hymn 391 God of all power, and truth, and grace
Hymn 392 Hymn 392 Father, supply my every need
Hymn 393 Hymn 393 Holy, and true, and righteous Lord
Hymn 394 Hymn 394 O God of our forefathers, hear
Hymn 395 Hymn 395 O God, to whom, in flesh revealed
Hymn 396 Hymn 396 O thou, whom once they flocked to hear
Hymn 397 Hymn 397 Jesu, thy far-extended fame
Hymn 398 Hymn 398 Saviour of the sin-sick soul
Hymn 399 Hymn 399 Light of Life, seraphic fire
Hymn 400 Hymn 400 Jesus comes with all his grace
Hymn 401 Hymn 401 All things are possible to him Charles Wesley[Dictionary 26]
Hymn 402 Hymn 402 O might I this moment cease
Hymn 403 Hymn 403 Lord, I believe a rest remains
Hymn 404 Hymn 404 O glorious hope of perfect love!
Hymn 405 Hymn 405 O joyful sound of gospel grace!
Hymn 406 Hymn 406 What is our calling's glorious hope
Hymn 407 Hymn 407 None is like Jeshurun's God
Hymn 408 Hymn 408 He wills, that I should holy be
Hymn 409 Hymn 409 Jesus, my Lord, I cry to thee
Hymn 410 Hymn 410 Father, I dare believe
Hymn 411 Why not now, my God, my God?
→ (Hymn 418) Hymn 411 #God! who didst so dearly buy
Hymn 412 Hymn 412 Thou God that answerest by fire
Hymn 413 Hymn 413 Once thou didst on earth appear
Hymn 414 Hymn 414 Now, even now, I yield, I yield
Hymn 415 Hymn 415 Jesus hath died that I might live
Hymn 416 Hymn 416 I ask the gift of righteousness
Hymn 417 Hymn 417 Come, O my God, the promise seal Charles Wesley[Dictionary 27]

Section VII: For Believers Saved

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 418 → (Hymn 411) God! who didst so dearly buy
Hymn 418 True and faithful Witness, thee
Hymn 419 Hymn 419 Quickened with our immortal Head
Hymn 420 Hymn 420 Ye faithful souls, who Jesus know
Hymn 421 Hymn 421 I the good fight have fought
Hymn 422 Hymn 422 Let not the wise his wisdom boast
Hymn 423 Hymn 423 Who can worthily commend
Hymn 424 Hymn 424 Us, who climb thy holy hill
Hymn 425 Hymn 425 The Voice that speaks Jehovah near
Hymn 426 Hymn 426 Lord, in the strength of grace
Hymn 427 Hymn 427 God of all-redeeming grace
Hymn 428 Hymn 428 Let Him to whom we now belong
Hymn 429 Hymn 429 Behold the servant of the Lord!
Hymn 430 Hymn 430 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Hymn 431 Hymn 431 O God, what offering shall I give
Hymn 432 Hymn 432 Father, into thy hands alone
Hymn 433 Hymn 433 Give me the faith which can remove
Hymn 434 Hymn 434 Jesus, all-atoning Lamb
Hymn 435 Hymn 435 Father, to thee my soul I lift
Hymn 436 Hymn 436 Jesu, my Truth, my Way
Hymn 437 Hymn 437 O God, my God, my All thou art!
Hymn 438 Hymn 438 O God of peace and pardoning love
Hymn 439 Hymn 439 Thy power and saving truth to show
Hymn 440 Hymn 440 Thou, Jesu, thou my breast inspire

Section IX: For Believers Interceding

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 441 Hymn 441 Let God, who comforts the distrest
Hymn 442 Hymn 442 Our earth we now lament to see
Hymn 443 Sun of unclouded Righteousness
→ (Hymn 696) Hymn 443* #Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake
Hymn 444 Hymn 444 Lord over all, if thou hast made
Hymn 445 Hymn 445 O come, thou radiant Morning Star
Hymn 446 Hymn 446 Jesu, the word of mercy give
Hymn 447 Hymn 447 Messiah, Prince of Peace!
Hymn 448 Prince of universal peace
Hymn 448* Eternal Lord of earth and skies
Hymn 449 Happy day of union sweet!
Hymn 449 True and faithful Witness, thou
Hymn 450 Hymn 450 Messiah, full of grace
Hymn 451 Hymn 451 Father of faithful Abraham, hear
Hymn 452 Hymn 452 Almighty God of Love Charles Wesley[Dictionary 28]
Hymn 453 Sinners, the call obey
Hymn 453* Jesus, the word bestow
Hymn 454 Hymn 454 God of unspotted purity
Hymn 455 Hymn 455 O let us our own works forsake
Hymn 456 Hymn 456 Father, if justly still we claim
Hymn 457 Hymn 457 On all the earth thy Spirit shower
Hymn 458 Hymn 458 Author of faith, we seek thy face Charles Wesley[Dictionary 29]
Hymn 459 Hymn 459 Shepherd of Israel, hear
Hymn 460 God of all power and grace
Hymn 460* Father of boundless grace
Hymn 461 Hymn 461 Saviour, to thee we humbly cry!
Hymn 462 Hymn 462 O let the prisoners' mournful cries
Hymn 463 Hymn 463 Lamb of God, who bear'st away
Hymn 464 Hymn 464 Jesus, from thy heavenly place
Hymn 465 Hymn 465 Sovereign of all! whose will ordains
Hymn 466 Hymn 466 A nation God delights to bless Charles Wesley[Dictionary 30]
Hymn 467 Hymn 467 Father of all, by whom we are
Hymn 468 Hymn 468 God only wise, almighty, good
Hymn 469 Hymn 469 Father of Lights! thy needful aid
Hymn 470 Hymn 470 Master supreme, I look to thee
Hymn 471 Hymn 471 How shall I walk my God to please
Hymn 472 Hymn 472 I and my house will serve the Lord
Hymn 473 Hymn 473 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Hymn 474 Hymn 474 Captain of our salvation, take Charles Wesley[Dictionary 31]
Hymn 475 Hymn 475 But who sufficient is to lead
Hymn 476 Hymn 476 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Charles Wesley[Dictionary 32]
Hymn 477 Hymn 477 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Part V: For the Society


Section I: For the Society on Meeting

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 478 Hymn 478 And Are We Yet Alive? And Are We Yet Alive? Charles Wesley[Dictionary 33]
Hymn 479 Hymn 479 Peace be on this house bestowed
Hymn 480 Hymn 480 Glory be to God above
Hymn 481 Hymn 481 All Thanks to the Lamb All Thanks to the Lamb Charles Wesley[Dictionary 34]
Hymn 482 Hymn 482 Saviour of sinful men
Hymn 483 Hymn 483 Jesu, to thee our hearts we lift
Hymn 484 Hymn 484 Appointed by thee, We meet in thy name
Hymn 485 Hymn 485 Jesu, we look to thee
Hymn 486 Hymn 486 See, Jesus, thy disciples see
Hymn 487 Hymn 487 Two are better far than one

Section II: For the Society giving Thanks

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 488 Hymn 488 How happy are we, Who in Jesus agree
Hymn 489 Hymn 489 How good and pleasant 'tis to see
Hymn 490 Behold how good a thing
Hymn 490* Brethren in Christ, and well-beloved
Hymn 491 Hymn 491 Come away to the skies, My beloved, arise Charles Wesley[Dictionary 35]
Hymn 492 Hymn 492 What shall we offer our good Lord
Hymn 493 Hymn 493 The people that in darkness lay
Hymn 494 Hymn 494 Lo! God is here! let us adore
Hymn 495 Hymn 495 Come, let us arise, And press to the skies
Hymn 496 Hymn 496 The earth is the Lord's, And all it contains
Hymn 497 Hymn 497 Come, all whoe'er have set
Hymn 498 Hymn 498 Come, let us anew Our journey pursue
Hymn 499 Hymn 499 Come, let us ascend, My companion and friend Charles Wesley[Dictionary 36]
Hymn 500 Hymn 500* All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord Charles Wesley[Dictionary 37]

Section III: For the Society Praying

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 501 Hymn 501 Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheep
Hymn 502 Hymn 502 Come, thou omniscient Son of Man
Hymn 503 Hymn 503 Try us, O God, and search the ground
Hymn 504 Hymn 504 Jesus, united by thy grace
Hymn 505 Hymn 505 Unchangeable, almighty Lord
Hymn 506 Hymn 506 Father of our dying Lord
Hymn 507 Hymn 507 Saviour of all, to thee we bow
Hymn 508 Hymn 508 God of Love, that hear'st the prayer
Hymn 509 Hymn 509 Jesus, Lord, we look to thee
Hymn 510 Hymn 510 Thou God of truth and love
Hymn 511 Hymn 511 Forgive us, for thy mercy's sake
Hymn 512 Hymn 512 Centre of our hopes thou art
Hymn 513 Hymn 513 Jesus, with kindest pity see
Hymn 514 Hymn 514 Father, at thy footstool see
Hymn 515 Hymn 515 Father, Son, and Spirit, hear
Hymn 516 Hymn 516 Other ground can no man lay
Hymn 517 Hymn 517 Christ, our Head, gone up on high
Hymn 518 Hymn 518 Christ, from whom all blessings flow
Hymn 519 Hymn 519 Come, and let us sweetly join Charles Wesley[Dictionary 38]
Hymn 520 Hymn 520 Come, thou high and lofty Lord!
Hymn 521 Hymn 521 Let us join, ('tis God commands)
Hymn 522 Hymn 522 Partners of a glorious hope
Hymn 523 Hymn 523 O thou, our Husband, Brother, Friend
Hymn 524 Hymn 524 Our friendship sanctify and guide
Hymn 525 Hymn 525 Jesu, thou great redeeming Lord
Hymn 526 Hymn 526 Except the Lord conduct the plan
Hymn 527 Hymn 527 Come, Wisdom, Power, and Grace Divine
Hymn 528 Hymn 528 O Saviour, cast a gracious smile!
Hymn 529 Hymn 529 Holy Lamb, who thee confess
Hymn 530 Hymn 530 Come, thou all-inspiring Spirit
Hymn 531 Hymn 531 Christ, whose glory fills the skies Charles Wesley[Dictionary 39]
Hymn 532 Hymn 532 Come, let us use the grace divine Charles Wesley[Dictionary 40]

Section IV: For the Society at Parting

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 533 Hymn 533 Lord, we thy will obey
Hymn 534 Hymn 534 Blest be the dear uniting love
Hymn 535 Hymn 535 And Let Our Bodies Part And Let Our Bodies Part Charles Wesley[Dictionary 41]
Hymn 536 Hymn 536 Jesus, accept the praise
Hymn 537 Hymn 537 God of all consolation, take
Hymn 538 Hymn 538 Jesus, soft harmonious Name
Hymn 539 Hymn 539 Lift up your hearts to things above

Additional Hymns


On Divine Worship

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 540 Before Jehovah's awful throne
Hymn 541 Lord of the worlds above!
Hymn 542 Lord and God of heavenly powers!
Hymn 543 Being of Beings, God of Love!
Hymn 544 The Lord of Sabbath let us praise
Hymn 545 O thou eternal Victim, slain

For the Lord's Supper

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 546 Come, all who truly bear
Hymn 547 Come, thou everlasting Spirit
Hymn 548 Lamb of God, whose bleeding love
Hymn 549 Jesu, at whose supreme command
Hymn 550 Come, Holy Ghost, thine influence shed
Hymn 551 Victim Divine, thy grace we claim
Hymn 552 Jesus drinks the bitter cup
Hymn 553 He dies! the Friend of sinners dies!
Hymn 554 Our Lord is risen from the dead
Hymn 555 Come, Desire of nations, come! Charles Wesley[Dictionary 42]

On Miscellaneous Subjects

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 556 To the hills I lift mine eyes
Hymn 557 Ye servants of God, Your Master proclaim
Hymn 558 Come, Lord, from above, The mountains remove
Hymn 559 God moves in a mysterious way
Hymn 560 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessings!



Section I: Select Psalms

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 540 How Blest Is He Who Ne'er Consents Psalm 1 Anonymous
How Blest Is He Who Ne'er Consents Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady
Hymn 541 How Are The Gentiles All On Fire Psalm 2 David
How Are The Gentiles All On Fire George Sandys
Hymn 542 Thou, Lord, Art a Shield for Me Psalm 3 David
Thou, Lord, Art a Shield for Me W
Hymn 543 On Thee, O God of Purity Psalm 5 David
On Thee, O God of Purity[5] W
Hymn 544 O Lord, How Good, How Great Art Thou Psalm 8 David
O Lord, How Good, How Great Art Thou Henry Francis Lyte
Hymn 545 Thee will I praise with all my heart Psalm 9 David
Charles Wesley
Hymn 546 O God, the help of all thy saints Psalm 10 David
Edward Osler
Hymn 547 How long wilt thou forget me, Lord? Psalm 13 David
Hymn 548 O Lord, thy faithful servant save Psalm 16 David
Charles Wesley
Hymn 549 Save me, O God; for thou alone Psalm 16 David
Benjamin Hall Kennedy
Hymn 550 O that I could, in every place Psalm 16:8 David
Charles Wesley
Hymn 551 O God my strength and fortitude Psalm 18 David
Thomas Sternhold
Hymn 552 The spacious firmament on high Psalm 19 David
Joseph Addison
Hymn 553 The heavens declare thy glory, Lord Psalm 19 David
Isaac Watts
Hymn 554 Jesus the good Shepherd is Psalm 23 David
Charles Wesley
Hymn 555 My Shepherd will supply my need Psalm 23 David
Isaac Watts
Hymn 556 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want Psalm 23 David
The Lord's My Shepherd (Rous) Francis Rous[6]
Hymn 557 The earth with all her fulness owns Psalm 24 David
Hymn 558 One thing with all my soul's desire Psalm 27 David
James Montgomery
Hymn 559 I praise thee, Lord, who o'er my foes Psalm 30 David
Benjamin Hall Kennedy
Hymn 560 My spirit on thy care Psalm 31 David
Henry Francis Lyte
Hymn 561 Blest is the man, supremely blest Psalm 32 David
Hymn 562 Through all the changing scenes of life Psalm 34 David
Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady
Hymn 563 High in the heavens, eternal God Psalm 36 David
Isaac Watts
→ (Hymn 722) Hymn 564 #Almighty Maker of my frame
Hymn 565 Lord, let me know mine end Psalm 39 David
James Montgomery
Hymn 566 Day after day I sought the Lord Psalm 40 David
Julius Charles Hare
Hymn 567 As pants the hart for cooling streams Psalm 42 Sons of Korah
Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady
Hymn 568 My heart is full of Christ, and longs Psalm 45 Sons of Korah
Hymn 569 God is the refuge of his saints Psalm 46 Sons of Korah
Isaac Watts
Hymn 570 God, our Hope and Strength abiding Psalm 46 Sons of Korah
John Keble
Hymn 571 Clap your hands, ye people all Psalm 47 Sons of Korah
Hymn 572 Great is our redeeming Lord Psalm 48 Sons of Korah
Charles Wesley
Hymn 573 Great is the Lord our God Psalm 48 Sons of Korah
Isaac Watts
Hymn 574 Show pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive Psalm 51 David
Hymn 575 Through God I will his word proclaim Psalm 56 David
Hymn 576 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart Psalm 57 David
Hymn 577 Great God, indulge my humble claim Psalm 63 David
Hymn 578 Full of providential love Psalm 65 David
Hymn 579 O thou God who hearest prayer Psalm 65 David
Hymn 580 Earth, with all thy thousand voices Psalm 66 Anonymous
Hymn 581 To bless thy chosen race Psalm 67 David
Hymn 582 God of mercy, God of grace Psalm 67 Anonymous
Hymn 583 Jesus, Jehovah, God Psalm 68:18 David
Hymn 584 God of my childhood and my youth Psalm 71 Anonymous
Hymn 585 Great God, whose universal sway Psalm 72 Solomon
Hymn 586 Hail to the Lord's Anointed Psalm 72 Solomon
Hymn 587 In time of tribulation Psalm 77 Asaph
Hymn 588 O Lord, how long shall heathens hold Psalm 79 Asaph
Hymn 589 Of old, O God, thine own right hand Psalm 80 Asaph
Hymn 590 How lovely are thy tents, O Lord! Psalm 84 Sons of Korah
Hymn 591 Lord of the worlds above! Psalm 84 Sons of Korah
Hymn 592 How pleasant, how divinely fair Psalm 84 Sons of Korah
Hymn 593 Pleasant are thy courts above Psalm 84 Sons of Korah
Hymn 594 Glorious things of thee are spoken Psalm 87 Sons of Korah
Hymn 595 By the holy hills surrounded Psalm 87 Sons of Korah
Hymn 596 Heavy on me, O Lord, thy judgments lie Psalm 88 Heman the Ezrahite
Hymn 597 Call Jehovah thy salvation Psalm 91 Anonymous
Hymn 598 Thou who art enthroned above Psalm 92 Anonymous
Hymn 599 Sweet is the work, my God, my King Psalm 92 Anonymous
Hymn 600 With glory clad, with strength arrayed Psalm 93 Anonymous
Hymn 601 Jehovah reigns on high Psalm 93 Anonymous
Hymn 602 O Lord, with vengeance clad Psalm 94 Anonymous
Hymn 603 Come, sound his praise abroad Psalm 95 Anonymous
Hymn 604 Raise the psalm: let earth adoring Psalm 96 Anonymous
Hymn 605 Sing we to our conquering Lord Psalm 98 Anonymous
Hymn 606 God the Lord is King; before him Psalm 99 Anonymous
Hymn 607 All people that on earth do dwell Psalm 100 Anonymous
Hymn 608 Before Jehovah's awful throne Psalm 100 Anonymous
Hymn 609 Mercy and judgement will I sing Psalm 101 David
Hymn 610 O bless the Lord, my soul! Psalm 103 David
Hymn 611 O worship the King, All glorious above Psalm 104 Anonymous
Hymn 612 O render thanks to God above Psalm 106 Anonymous
Hymn 613 The Lord unto my Lord thus said Psalm 110 David
Hymn 614 O thou who, when I did complain Psalm 116 Anonymous
Hymn 615 From all that dwell below the skies Psalm 117 Anonymous
Hymn 616 All Glory to Our Gracious Lord Psalm 118 Anonymous
All Glory to Our Gracious Lord Charles Wesley[Dictionary 43]
Hymn 617 Behold the sure foundation-stone Psalm 118:22, 23 Anonymous
Hymn 618 To the hills I lift mine eyes Psalm 121 Anonymous
Hymn 619 Glad was my heart to hear Psalm 122 David
Hymn 620 Unto thee I lift my eyes Psalm 123 Anonymous
Hymn 621 If our God had not befriended Psalm 124 David
Hymn 622 Who in the Lord confide Psalm 125 Anonymous
Hymn 623 When our redeeming Lord Psalm 126 Anonymous
Hymn 624 In vain we build, unless the Lord Psalm 127 Solomon
Hymn 625 Out of the depth of self-despair Psalm 130 Anonymous
Hymn 626 Out of the depths I cry to thee Psalm 130 Anonymous
Hymn 627 Thou, Lord, my witness art Psalm 131 David
Hymn 628 Lord, if thou the grace impart Psalm 131 David
Hymn 629 Remember, Lord, the pious zeal Psalm 132 Anonymous
Hymn 630 Behold, how good a thing Psalm 133 David
Hymn 631 Praise, O praise our God and king! Psalm 134 Anonymous
Hymn 632 In all my vast concerns with thee Psalm 139 David
Hymn 633 Whither shall a creature run Psalm 139 David
Hymn 634 In deep distress, to God Psalm 142 David
Hymn 635 Hear thou my prayer, O Lord Psalm 143 David
Hymn 636 Far as creation's bounds extend Psalm 145 David
Hymn 637 Sweet is the memory of thy grace Psalm 145 David
Hymn 638 My soul, inspired with sacred love Psalm 146 Anonymous
Hymn 639 You, who dwell above the skies Psalm 148 Anonymous
Hymn 640 Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him Psalm 148 Anonymous
Hymn 641 Praise the Lord! who reigns above Psalm 150 Anonymous

Section II: Hymns of Adoration

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 561 Hymn 642 Hail, Father, whose creating call
Hymn 562 Hymn 643 Hail, co-essential Three
Hymn 563 Great is our redeeming Lord
Hymn 644 We give immortal praise
Hymn 645 Father, live, by all things feared
Hymn 646 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Hymn 564 Hymn 647 Infinite God, to Thee we raise
Hymn 565 Hymn 648 Messiah, joy of every heart
Hymn 566 Hymn 649 Saviour, we now rejoice in hope
Hymn 567 The spacious firmament on high
Hymn 568 → (Hymn 651) God is a name my soul adores
Hymn 569 Hymn 650 The Lord Jehovah reigns
→ (Hymn 568) Hymn 651 #God is a name my soul adores
Hymn 652 O God, at thy command we rise
Hymn 570 High in the heavens, eternal God
Hymn 571 With glory clad, with strength array'd
Hymn 572 The earth and all her fullness owns
Hymn 573 Come, sound his praise abroad
Hymn 574 How lovely are thy tents, O Lord!
Hymn 575 Who Jesus our Example know
Hymn 576 My soul, inspired with sacred love
Hymn 577 Great God, attend, while Sion sings
Hymn 578 Sweet is the work, my God, my King
Hymn 579 Great is the Lord our God
Hymn 580 Great God, this hallow'd day of thine
Hymn 581 Welcome, sweet day of rest
Hymn 582 Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows
Hymn 583 Again our weekly labours end
Hymn 584 O render thanks to God above
Hymn 585 Far as creation's bounds extend
Hymn 586 → (Hymn 655) Eternal depth of love divine
Hymn 587 Let every tongue thy goodness speak
Hymn 588 This, this is the God we adore
Hymn 589 Sweet is the memory of thy grace
Hymn 590 In all my vast concerns with thee
Hymn 591 O that I could, in every place
Hymn 592 → (Hymn 657) When all thy mercies, O my God
Hymn 593 The Lord, how wondrous are his ways!
Hymn 594 Hymn 653 Father of earth and sky
Hymn 654 Being of beings, God of love!
→ (Hymn 586) Hymn 655 #Eternal depth of love divine
Hymn 656 Great God of wonders! all thy ways
→ (Hymn 592) Hymn 657 #When all thy mercies, O my God
→ (Hymn 714) Hymn 658 #God of my life, through all my days
Hymn 595 Plunged in a gulf of dark despair
Hymn 596 Who can describe the joys that rise
Hymn 597 Great God, indulge my humble claim
Hymn 598 My heart is fix'd, O God, my heart
Hymn 599 Hymn 659 Begin, my soul, some heavenly theme
Hymn 600 Jesus, thou everlasting King
Hymn 660 This, this is the God we adore
Hymn 661 Far off we need not rove
Hymn 662 There is a book who runs may read
Hymn 663 The Strain Upraise of Joy and Praise Cantemus cuncti Gottschalk
The Alleluiatic Sequence John Mason Neale
Hymn 664 O God of Bethel, by whose hand

Section III: On the Lord Jesus Christ

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 601 Hymn 665 Hail, God the Son, in glory crown'd
→ (Hymn 610) Hymn 666 #O God of God, in whom combine
Hymn 667 Ere God had built the mountains
Hymn 668 Jesus, the infinite I AM
Hymn 669 His name is Jesus Christ the Just
Hymn 670 Jehovah's Fellow, and his Son
Hymn 671 Thou art the Way; by thee alone
Hymn 672 Christ, of all my hopes the ground
Hymn 673 We know, by faith we surely know
Hymn 674 Jesus, the first and last
Hymn 675 Join all the glorious names
Hymn 676 Christ, the true anointed seer
Hymn 677 Jesus, thou everlasting King
Hymn 678 Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Hymn 679 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Hymn 680 Jesu, the very thought of thee
Hymn 681 All hail the power of Jesu's name
Hymn 682 Thou great Redeemer, dying Lamb
(1.) On the Birth and Life and Works of Christ (1876)
Hymn 602 Hymn 683 Hark, the herald-angels sing
Hymn 603 Celebrate Immanuel's name
Hymn 604 Sing, all in heaven, at Jesu's birth
Hymn 605 To us a Child of royal birth
Hymn 606 Light of those whose dreary dwelling
Hymn 607 Hymn 684 Glory Be to God on High Glory Be to God on High (Wesley, 1745) Charles Wesley
→ (Hymn 609) Hymn 685 #Let earth and heaven combine
Hymn 608 Hymn 686 Stupendous height of heavenly love
Hymn 609 → (Hymn 685) Let earth and heaven combine
Hymn 610 → (Hymn 666) O God of gods, in whom combine
Hymn 687 Light of those whose dreary dwelling
Hymn 688 Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Hymn 689 To us a child of royal birth
Hymn 690 O come, O come, Immanuel
Hymn 691 Christians, awake, salute the happy morn
Hymn 692 O Saviour, whom this holy morn
Hymn 611 Hymn 693 Jesus, thee thy works proclaim
Hymn 694 Lord we sit and cry to thee
Hymn 695 What means this eager, anxious throng
Hymn 696 Help us, Lord! each hour of need
Hymn 697 The winds were howling o'er the deep
Hymn 698 Lord! it is good for us to be
Hymn 612 Behold, the blind their sight receive
(2.) On the Sufferings and Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ (1876)
Hymn 613 From whence these dire portents around
Hymn 699 Plunged in a gulf of dark despair
→ (Hymn 623) Hymn 700 #When I survey the wondrous cross
Hymn 701 God of unexampled grace
Hymn 702 O thou, whose offering on the tree
→ (Hymn 615) Hymn 703 #Not all the blood of beasts
Hymn 704 Thou very Paschal Lamb
→ (Hymn 618) Hymn 705 #This, this is He that came
Hymn 614 Hymn 706 'Tis finish'd! The Messias dies
Hymn 615 → (Hymn 703) Not all the blood of beasts
Hymn 616 Hymn 707 All Ye That Pass By All Ye That Pass By Charles Wesley[Dictionary 44]
Hymn 617 Thou very Paschal Lamb
Hymn 618 → (Hymn 705) This, this is He that came
Hymn 619 O thou, whose offering on the tree
Hymn 620 Behold the sure foundation-stone
Hymn 621 God of unexampled grace
Hymn 622 Whom Jesu's blood doth sanctify
Hymn 623 → (Hymn 700) When I survey the wondrous cross
Hymn 708 O thou eternal Victim, slain
Hymn 624 Hymn 709 Rock of Ages, cleft for me
Hymn 625 → (Hymn 721) Sinners, rejoice: your peace is made
Hymn 626 → (Hymn 723) Jesus, to thee we fly
Hymn 627 → (Hymn 726) Entered the holy place above
Hymn 710 Saviour, when in dust to thee
Hymn 711 When our heads are bowed with woe,
Hymn 712 He dies! the friend of sinners dies!
Hymn 628 Hymn 713 Ye humble souls, that seek the Lord
Hymn 714 In the bonds of death he lay
Hymn 715 The foe behind, the deep before
Hymn 629 Hymn 716 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day Charles Wesley[Dictionary 45]
Hymn 630 Hymn 718 Hail the day that sees Him rise
Hymn 631 Sons of God, triumphant rise
Hymn 632 Hymn 717 Father, God, we glorify
Hymn 633 Hymn 722 Hail, thou once despised Jesus!
Hymn 634 What equal honours shall we bring
Hymn 635 Hymn 719 God is gone up on high
Hymn 636 Great God, whose universal sway
(3.) The Kingdom of Christ; its Extension and Triumphs (1876)
Hymn 637 Hymn 731 My heart and voice I raise
Hymn 638 Hymn 638 Jerusalem divine
Hymn 639 Hymn 639 My heart is full of Christ, and longs
Hymn 640 Hymn 640 Come, let us join our cheerful song
Hymn 641 Hymn 641 Join all the glorious names
Hymn 642 Hymn 642 Christ, the true anointed Seer Charles Wesley[Dictionary 46]
Hymn 643 Hymn 643 Come, O thou Prophet of the Lord
Hymn 644 Hymn 644 Coming through our great High-Priest
Hymn 645 Hymn 645 Blow ye the trumpet, blow
Hymn 646 Hymn 646 With joy we meditate the grace
Hymn 647 Hymn 647 O Sun of Righteousness, arise
Hymn 648 Hymn 648 Let everlasting glories crown

Section IV: On the Holy Spirit

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 649 Hymn 649 Hail, Holy Ghost, Jehovah, Third
Hymn 650 Hymn 650 Branch of Jesse’s stem, arise
Hymn 651 Hymn 651 Sovereign of all the worlds on high
Hymn 652 Hymn 652 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove
Hymn 653 Hymn 653 Come, Holy Spirit, raise our songs
Hymn 654 Hymn 654 Creator, Spirit, by whose aid
Hymn 655 Hymn 655 Jesus, we on the words depend
Hymn 656 Hymn 656 Why should the children of a king
Hymn 657 Hymn 657 Eternal Spirit, come
Hymn 658 Hymn 658 Father, glorify thy Son

Section V: Penitential Hymns

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 659 Hymn 659 O thou that hear’st when sinners cry
Hymn 660 Hymn 660 How sad our state by nature is!
Hymn 661 Hymn 661 O thou who hast redeem'd of old
Hymn 662 Hymn 662 Regardless now of things below
Hymn 663 Hymn 663 O for a closer walk with God
Hymn 664 Hymn 664 Infinite Power, eternal Lord
Hymn 665 Hymn 665 Long have I sat beneath the sound
Hymn 666 Hymn 666 Father, I stretch my hands to thee
Hymn 667 Hymn 667 By secret influence from above
Hymn 668 Hymn 668 Long have I waited, Lord

Section VI: The Experience and Privileges of Believers

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 669 Hymn 669 The God of Abraham praise
Hymn 670 Hymn 670 Though nature’s strength decay
Hymn 671 Hymn 671 Before the great Three-One
Hymn 672 Hymn 672 Awake, our souls! away, our fears!
Hymn 673 Hymn 673 Commit thou all thy griefs
Hymn 674 Hymn 674 Give to the winds thy fears
Hymn 675 Hymn 675 Away, my needless fears Charles Wesley[Dictionary 47]
Hymn 676 Hymn 676 Bless’d are the humble souls that see
Hymn 677 Hymn 677 Who in the Lord confide
Hymn 678 Hymn 678 God is the refuge of his saints
Hymn 679 Hymn 679 My Shepherd will supply my need
Hymn 680 Hymn 680 Happy the heart where graces reign
Hymn 681 Hymn 681 Vain, delusive world, adieu
Hymn 682 Hymn 682 O Jesus, full of truth and grace
Hymn 683 Hymn 683 Author of faith, appear
Hymn 684 Hymn 684 God of Daniel, hear my prayer
Hymn 685 Hymn 685 To God the only wise
Hymn 686 Hymn 686 In every time and place
Hymn 687 Hymn 687 O that now the church were blest
Hymn 688 Hymn 688 Blessed are the pure in heart

Section VII: On the Kingdom of Christ


(Part of section III in the 1876 edition)

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 689 Jesu, my God and King
Hymn 690 Earth, rejoice, our Lord is King!
Hymn 691 Come, thou Conqueror of the nations Charles Wesley[Dictionary 48]
Hymn 692 Father of boundless grace
Hymn 693 Head of thy Church, whose Spirit fills
Hymn 694 Eternal Lord of earth and skies
Hymn 695 Let Sion in her King rejoice
Hymn 696 → (Hymn 443*) Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake (Wesley, 1746) Charles Wesley
Hymn 697 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Hymn 698 The heavens declare thy glory, Lord
Hymn 699 From all that dwell below the skies
Hymn 700 Lord of the harvest, hear
Hymn 701 How beauteous are their feet
Hymn 702 Salvation! O the joyful sound!
Hymn 703 Saviour, whom our hearts adore
Hymn 704 Jesu, thy wandering sheep behold!
Hymn 705 The Law and Prophets all foretold
Hymn 706 Jesus, the word bestow
Hymn 707 Saviour, we know thou art
Hymn 708 Lord, if at thy command

Section VIII: Christian Ordinances and Institutions

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author

Section IX: Time, Death, Judgment, and the Future State

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 709 Hymn 709 The Lord of earth and sky
Hymn 710 Hymn 710 Let me alone another year
Hymn 711 Hymn 711 Eternal source of every joy
Hymn 712 Hymn 712 Sing to the Great Jehovah’s praise!
Hymn 713 Hymn 713 Wisdom ascribe, and might, and praise
Hymn 714 → (Hymn 658) God of my life, through all my days
Hymn 715 Hymn 715 Jesus, was ever love like thine?
Hymn 716 Hymn 716 Hear what voice from heaven proclaims
Hymn 717 Hymn 717 Tremendous God, with humble fear
Hymn 718 Hymn 718 I call the world’s Redeemer mine
Hymn 719 Hymn 719 May not a creating God
Hymn 720 Hymn 720 Why do we mourn departing friends
Hymn 721 Hymn 721 And must this body die?
Hymn 722 → (Hymn 564) Almighty Maker of my frame Psalm 39 David
from When I resolv'd to watch my thoughts Anne Steele
Hymn 723 Hymn 723 Happy who in Jesus live
Hymn 724 Hymn 724 Hosanna to God
Hymn 725 Hymn 725 Happy soul, thy days are ended
Hymn 726 Hymn 726 I know that my Redeemer lives
Hymn 727 Hymn 727 O when shall we sweetly remove
Hymn 728 Hymn 728 There is a land of pure delight
Hymn 729 Hymn 729 Lift your heads, ye friends of Jesus
Hymn 730 Hymn 730 Give me the wings of faith to rise
Hymn 731 Hymn 731 Where shall true believers go
Hymn 732 Hymn 732 The saints who die of Christ possest
Hymn 733 Hymn 733 How happy every child of grace
Hymn 734 Hymn 734 And Let This Feeble Body Fail And Let This Feeble Body Fail Charles Wesley[Dictionary 49]
Hymn 735 Hymn 735 Come, let us join our friends above Charles Wesley[Dictionary 50]

Section X: Miscellaneous Hymns

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 736 Hymn 736 Great God, thy watchful care we bless Philip Doddridge[Hymnary 2]
Hymn 737 Hymn 737 Thou, who hast in Sion laid Agnes Bulmer[7][Hymnary 3]
Hymn 738 Hymn 738 How pleasant, how divinely fair Isaac Watts[Hymnary 4]
Hymn 739 Hymn 739 Father of all, thy care we bless Philip Doddridge[Hymnary 5]
Hymn 740 Hymn 740 God of eternal truth and love Charles Wesley[Hymnary 6]
Hymn 741 Hymn 741 How large the promise, how divine Isaac Watts[Hymnary 7]
Hymn 742 Hymn 742 Lord of all, with pure intent Charles Wesley[Hymnary 8]
Hymn 743 Hymn 743 See Israel’s gentle Shepherd stand Philip Doddridge[Hymnary 9]
Hymn 744 Hymn 744 The Saviour, when to heaven he rose Philip Doddridge[Hymnary 10]
Hymn 745 Hymn 745 Father, live, by all things fear’d
Hymn 746 Hymn 746 Father of mercies, in thy word
Hymn 747 Hymn 747 Jesus, thy servants bless
Hymn 748 Hymn 748 O God! how often hath thine ear
Hymn 749 Hymn 749 O how shall a sinner perform
Hymn 750 Hymn 750 O happy day that fix’d my choice
Hymn 751 Hymn 751 The promise of my Father’s love
Hymn 752 Hymn 752 From Jesu’s sacrifice
Hymn 753 Hymn 753 Let all who truly bear
Hymn 754 Hymn 754 Prostrate, with eyes of faith I see
Hymn 755 Hymn 755 Lord, thou hast bid thy people pray
Hymn 756 Hymn 756 Brethren in Christ, and well-beloved
Hymn 757 Hymn 757 Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Hymn 758 Hymn 758 Glory to thee, my God, this night
Hymn 759 Hymn 759 O thou that hangedst on the tree
Hymn 760 Hymn 760 Canst thou reject our dying prayer
Hymn 761 Hymn 761 Lord of the wife, extensive main
Hymn 762 Hymn 762 Infinite God, thy greatness spann’d
Hymn 763 Hymn 763 Lord, whom winds and seas obey
Hymn 764 Hymn 764 Lord of earth, and air, and sea
Hymn 765 Hymn 765 How are thy servants blest, O Lord!
Hymn 766 Hymn 766 How many pass the guilty night
Hymn 767 Hymn 767 Join, all ye ransom’d sons of grace
Hymn 768 Hymn 768 Out of the depth of self despair
Hymn 769 Hymn 769 I give immortal praise

Section XI: Hymns for Various Occasions

1830 1876 Title disambig/redirect Versions page/redirect Author
Hymn 950 The Lord of Sabbath let us praise
Hymn 951 Dear is the day which God hath made
Hymn 952 Saviour, thy sacred day
Hymn 953 Come, let us with our Lord arise
Hymn 954 Come let us join with one accord
Hymn 955 Great God, this sacred day of thine
Hymn 956 Welcome, sweet day of rest
Hymn 951 Sweet is the sunlight after rain
Hymn 951 O day of rest and gladness
Hymn 951 Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows
Hymn 951 May I throughout this day of thine
Hymn 951 We rose to-day with anthems sweet
Hymn 951 Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise
Hymn 951 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ
Hymn 951 Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Hymn 951 O timely happy, timely wise
Hymn 951 Once more the sun is beaming bright
Hymn 951 O Lord, who by thy presence hast made light
Hymn 951 The day is past and over
Hymn 951 At even, ere the sun was set
Hymn 951 Through the day thy love hath spared us
Hymn 951 God the Father! be thou near
Hymn 951 Abide with me! fast falls the eventide
Hymn 951 Sun of my soul! thou Saviour dear
Hymn 951 Glory to thee, my God, this night
Hymn 951 Safely through another week
Hymn 951 Join, all ye ransomed sons of grace
Hymn 951 How many pass the guilty night
Hymn 951 Eternal source of every joy
Hymn 951 Sing to the great Jehovah's praise!
Hymn 951 Wisdom ascribe, and might, and praise
Hymn 951 The Lord of earth and sky
Hymn 951 Let me alone another year
Hymn 951 Ye worms of earth arise
Hymn 951 A few more years shall roll
Hymn 951 Lord, thou hast bid thy people pray
Hymn 951 In grief and fear, to thee, O Lord
Hymn 951 Come, ye thankful people, come
Hymn 951 We plough the fields, and scatter
Hymn 951 Thou, who hast in Zion laid
Hymn 951 In the name which earth and heaven
Hymn 951 On him alone we build
Hymn 951 O Lord of hosts, whose glory fills
Hymn 951 This stone to thee in faith we lay
Hymn 951 Great God, thy watchful care we bless
Hymn 951 Saviour, let thy sanction rest
Hymn 951 The voice that breathed o'er Eden!
Hymn 951 Father of all, thy care we bless
Hymn 951 Thou, Lord, hast blest my going out
Hymn 951 Lord, whom winds and seas obey
Hymn 951 Lord of earth, and air, and sea
Hymn 951 Lord of the wide, extensive main
Hymn 951 How are thy servants blest, O Lord!
Hymn 951 While lone upon the furious waves
Hymn 951 Eternal Father! strong to save
Hymn 951 The grace of Jesus Christ the Son
Hymn 951 May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Hymn 951 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Bid
Hymn 951 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Fill
Hymn 951 Come then, our heavenly Adam, come
Hymn 951 This day with this day's bread
Hymn 951 Father of earth and heaven
Hymn 951 Lord of all, thy creatures see
Hymn 951 Father of all, Who fillest with good
Hymn 951 Life of the world, come down
Hymn 951 Jesus, to whom alone we live
Hymn 951 O'erwhelmed with blessings from above
Hymn 951 Father, 'tis thine each day to yield
Hymn 951 For my life, and clothes, and food
Hymn 951 Meet and right it is to praise
Hymn 951 Being of beings, God of love!
Hymn 951 Give Him then, and ever give
Hymn 951 Father, through thy Son receive
Hymn 951 Blessing to God, for ever blest
Hymn 951 Be known to us in breaking bread
Hymn 951 And can we forbear, In tasting our food
Hymn 951 Away with all our trouble


  1. "The letter W. is affixed to those hymns which first appeared in publications for which the Wesleys [i.e. Charles Wesley and John Wesley] were jointly responsible; in this case it cannot be determined with certainty to which of the two brothers a hymn should be ascribed" (1876 edition, p. 899). It is my intention to review all of these and check whether further scholarship since 1876 has determined a more precise attribution. —BT.
  2. First published in Hymns & Sacred Poems, 1739, per "Arise, my soul, arise, Thy (The) Saviour's sacrifice, &c.," in A Dictionary of Hymnology, (ed.) by John Julian (1892)
  3. First published in Hymns & Sacred Poems, 1742, per "Arise, my soul, arise, Shake off, &c.," in A Dictionary of Hymnology, (ed.) by John Julian (1892)
  4. According to the Index of the 1876, Wesley is the translator. However, according to this source, Byrom seems to be the translator, and it "may be that John Wesley’s hand touched it up here and there".
  5. This is part of the longer hymn O Lord, incline Thy gracious ear; see "O Lord, incline Thy gracious ear," in A Dictionary of Hymnology, (ed.) by John Julian (1892).
  6. This paraphrase of Psalm 23 (Greek: Psalm 22) has been attributed to several authors; the attribution to Rous (as per The Lutheran Hymnal) appears to be the most commonly accepted.
  7. b. 1775, d. 1836; see here.
A Dictionary of Hymnology
  1. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 251.
  2. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 254.
  3. Per "Come, O Thou all victorious Lord," in A Dictionary of Hymnology, (ed.) by John Julian (1892), volume 1, pp. 249–250.
  4. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 97.
  5. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 97–98.
  6. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 14.
  7. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 250.
  8. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 32–33.
  9. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 64.
  10. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 249.
  11. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 45.
  12. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 40.
  13. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 104.
  14. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 245.
  15. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 6.
  16. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 76.
  17. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 8.
  18. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 253–254.
  19. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 32.
  20. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 32.
  21. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 204.
  22. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 28.
  23. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 250.
  24. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 245.
  25. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 79.
  26. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 45–46.
  27. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 251 (given as “Come then, my God, the promise seal,” with this form as an alternate).
  28. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 53.
  29. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 98.
  30. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 3.
  31. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 204–205.
  32. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 245.
  33. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 63–64.
  34. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 45.
  35. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 244.
  36. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 248.
  37. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 44.
  38. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 244.
  39. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 226.
  40. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 249.
  41. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 65.
  42. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 244–245.
  43. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 40.
  44. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 46–47.
  45. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 226.
  46. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 226.
  47. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 104.
  48. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, pp. 251–252.
  49. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 65.
  50. Per A Dictionary of Hymnology, volume 1, p. 248.