Collections of Sermons
[edit]- Ninety-nine Homilies of S. Thomas Aquinas Upon the Epistles and Gospels for Forty-nine Sundays of the Christian Year
- Hunolt Sermons/Volume 1
- Hunolt Sermons/Volume 12
- Sermons for all the Sundays in the year
- Coptic homilies in the dialect of Upper Egypt
- Sermons (Massillon)
- The Sermon on the Mount (Bossuet)
- Fifty spiritual homilies of St. Macarius the Egyptian
- Sermons from the Latins
- Ælfric's Lives of Saints
- The Sermons of the Curé of Ars
Books of Meditations
[edit]- Meditations For Every Day In The Year
- Meditations On The Mysteries Of Our Holy Faith/Volume 1
- A golden treatise of mental prayer
- Think Well On't
- The four last things
- The Art of Dying Well
- Preparation for Death
[edit]- The Way of Salvation: Meditations for Every Day of the Year
- The Passion And The Death Of Jesus Christ
- The incarnation, birth, and infancy of Jesus Christ
- The Book of the Craft of Dying
Prayer Books
[edit]- Prayers and meditations on the life of Christ
- The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations
- The Catholic's pocket prayer-book
- The Little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- A little book of prayers from Old English sources
[edit]- With God: A Book of Prayers and Reflections
- Blessed Sacrament Book
- The Daily Prayer-Book
- St. Vincent's Manual
- Key Of Heaven
- The Path To Heaven: a complete collection of all the public and private devotions in general use
- The paradise of the Christian soul
- Blessed be God
- Mary, help of Christians
- Preces Gertrudianae: Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde of the Order of St. Benedict
- Purgatorian Consoler: a manual of prayers containing a selection of devotional exercises, originally prepared for the use of the members of the Purgatorian Arch-Confraternity, enlarged and adapted to general use
- The Devotion and Office of the Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Prayer-book for Religious: a complete manual of prayers and devotions for the use of the members of all religious communities : a practical guide to the particular examen and to the methods of meditation
- My Prayer-Book: Happiness in Goodness Reflections, Counsels, Prayers, and Devotions
- Moments with the consoling Christ
- St. Alphonsus' prayer-book
- Manual of the Sisters of charity
- St. Joseph's manual
Catechism and Theology Books
[edit]- A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion
- The Faith of Catholics
- Works of the Right Rev. Bishop Hay of Edinburgh
[edit]- The catechism of the Council of Trent
- Anecdotes and Examples Illustrating The Catholic Catechism
- A Manual Of Catholic Theology
- A manual of moral theology for English-speaking countries
- A Systematic Study Of The Catholic Religion
- Beautiful pearls of Catholic truth
Other Books
[edit]- Purgatory: illustrated by the lives and legends of the saints
- A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture
- The Paradise/Volume 1
- The Paradise/Volume 2
- The Spiritual Combat
- The Book of the Saints of the Ethiopian church
- The Apocalypse of St. John
- The great commentary of Cornelius à Lapide
- The Lord's prayer and the Angelic salutation
- Bible (Douay-Rheims, Challoner)
[edit]- Goffine's Devout Instructions
- The true spouse of Jesus Christ
- Christ in art
- Life of Saint Catharine of Sienna
- Half-Hours With The Saints and Servants of God
- The Practice Of Christian And Religious Perfection
- Revelations of St. Bridget
- The young man's guide
- The Moral Concordances of Saint Anthony of Padua
- Commentary on the book of Psalms
(Help transcribing unfinished works would be much appreciated)
Potential Future Projects
[edit]- The Catechism Explained
- An Exposition of the Gospels by the Most Rev. John Macevilly, D.D.
- The Great Biblical Commentary of Cornelius À Lapide
My Favorite Charities: Friends of Vinh Son, Lovingkindness Vietnam and Help the Helpless.
Please pray for me. I lived my life very poorly.