User:CalendulaAsteraceae/Lehrer's translations

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See Wikisource:Copyright discussions#Lehrer's translations where original would be under copyright: followup.

Tout va très bien, Madame la Marquise
French lyrics Literal translation Lehrer's lyrics

Allô, allô, James, quelles nouvelles
Absente depuis quinze jours,
Au bout du fil je vous appelle
Que trouverai-je à mon retour ?

Hello, hello, James, what news?
Absent for fifteen days,
I'm calling you on the line—
What will I find on my return?

Hello, hello, James? Tell me, what's new?
I've been away two weeks or so,
And that is why I'm calling you
For any news that I should know.

Tout va très bien, madame la Marquise
Tout va très bien, tout va très bien !
Pourtant il faut, il faut que l'on vous dise
On déplore un tout petit rien
Un incident, une bêtise,
La mort de votre jument grise
Mais a part ça, madame la Marquise
Tout va très bien, tout va très bien !

Everything's just fine, Madame la Marquise
Everything's just fine, everything's just fine!
However, we must tell you
We regret one tiny little thing
One incident, one mistake,
The death of your gray mare
But apart from that, Madame la Marquise,
Everything's just fine, everything's just fine!

Everything's fine, Madame la Marquise,
Everything's fine, and all is well.
There's just one thing I'll mention, if you please,
Although there isn't much to tell.
Of no concern, it must be said,
Just that your old gray mare is dead.
Apart from that, Madame la Marquise,
Things are just fine, and all is well.

Allô, allô, Martin, quelles nouvelles
Ma jument grise, morte aujourd'hui ?
Expliquez moi, cocher fidèle,
Comment cela s'est-il produit ?

Hello, hello, Martin? Tell me, what's new?
My faithful coachman, have you heard?
My mare is dead, I'm asking you,
How such a thing could have occurred?

Cela n'est rien, madame la Marquise
Cela n'est rien, tout va très bien !
Pourtant il faut, il faut que l'on vous dise
On déplore un tout petit rien
Elle a périt dans l'incendie
Qui détruisit vos écuries
Mais a part ça, madame la Marquise
Tout va très bien, tout va très bien !

There's nothing wrong, Madame la Marquise,
Everything's fine, and all is well.
There's just one thing I'll mention, if you please,
Although there isn't much to tell.
Yes, in the fire she was found
That burned your stables to the ground.
Apart from that, Madame la Marquise,
Everything's fine, and all is well.

Allô, allô, Pascal, quelles nouvelles
Mes écuries ont donc brûle ?
Expliquez moi , mon chef modèle
Comment cela s'est-il passe

Hello, Hello, Pascal? Tell me, what's new?
My stables burned? How can that be?
My faithful chef, now how can that be true?
Can you explain all this to me?

Cela n'est rien, madame la Marquise,
Cela n'est rien, tout va très bien !
Pourtant il faut, il faut que l'on vous dise
On déplore un tout petit rien
Si l’écurie brûla madame,
C'est qu'le château était en flamme,
Mais a part ça, madame la Marquise
Tout va très bien, tout va très bien !

There's nothing wrong, Madame la Marquise,
Everything's fine, and all is well.
There's just one thing I'll mention, if you please,
Although there isn't much to tell.
The flames that burned the stables so
Came from the fire in the chateau.
Apart from that, Madame la Marquise,
Things are just fine, and all is well.

Allô, allô, Lucas, quelles nouvelles
Notre château est donc détruit ?
Expliquez moi car je chancelle !
Comment cela s'est-il produit ?

Hello, hello, Lucas? Tell me, what's new?
What I've just heard has staggered me.
Is our chateau in ruins too?
What could have caused this tragedy?

Eh! bien voilà, madame la Marquise
Apprenant qu'il était ruiné
A peine fut-il rev'nu de sa surprise
Qu' Monsieur l'Marquis s'est suicidé
Et c'est en ramassant la pelle
Qu'il renversa toutes les chandelles
Mettant le feu à tout l’château
Qui s'consuma de bas en haut
Le vent souflant sur l'incendie,
Le propageant sur l’écurie
Et c'est ainsi qu'en un moment
On vit périr votre jument
Mais à part ça, madame la Marquise
Tout va très bien, tout va très bien !

Well, it's like this, Madame, what can I say?
The Marquis nearly had a stroke.
He took his life, and on the very day
That he found out that he was broke.
But in his rush to kill himself
He knocked some candles off a shelf.
The fire then began to grow
And soon destroyed the whole chateau.
The wind was strong and in a flash
The stables too were turned to ash.
And just a moment then and there
Was all it took to kill your mare.
Apart from that, Madame la Marquise,
Things are just fine, and all is well.

Les Bourgeois
French lyrics Literal translation Lehrer's lyrics
Le cœur bien au chaud, les yeux dans la bièreHeart nice and warm, eyes in the beerHearts as light as air, eyes and cheeks aglow,
Chez la grosse Adrienne de MontalantChez la grosse Adrienne de MontalantWe were twenty, and we had the truth.
Avec l'ami Jojo, et avec l'ami PierreWith my friend Jojo, and with my friend PierreWith my friend Pierre and my friend Jojo,
On allait boire nos vingt ansWe were going to drink our twenty yearsTo the bar we'd go to drink our youth.[indicates bar and moves in that direction]
Jojo se prenait pour VoltaireJojo thought he was VoltairePierre thought he was Casanova,
Et Pierre pour CasanovaAnd Pierre, CasanovaJojo, Voltaire and Debussy,
Et moi, moi qui étais le plus fierAnd I, who was the proudest,[spoken:]And I, who always was the proudest,
Moi, moi je me prenais pour moiI thought I was was meI imagined I was—me!
Et quand vers minuit passaient les notairesEt quand vers minuit passaient les notairesFrom the Grand Hotel the businessmen would leave.[indicates hotel on other side of stage]
Qui sortaient de l'hôtel des, "Trois Faisans"Qui sortaient de l'hôtel des, "Trois Faisans"We would greet them as they came along,
On leur montrait notre cul et nos bonnes manièresOn leur montrait notre cul et nos bonnes manièresShowing them our class, showing them our ass,
En leur chantant:En leur chantant:Singing this song:
Les bourgeois c'est comme les cochonsThe bourgeoisie are like pigsThe bourgeoisie are really pigs,
Plus ça devient vieux plus ça devient bêteAs they get older, they get stupiderThey don't get smart, they just get fatter.
Les bourgeois c'est comme les cochonsThe bourgeoisie are like pigsThe bourgeoisie with all their dough—
Plus ça devient vieux plus ça devient c—As they get older, they get—The more they learn, the less they know!
Le cœur bien au chaud, les yeux dans la bièreHeart nice and warm, eyes in the beerHearts as light as air, eyes and cheeks aglow,
Chez la grosse Adrienne de MontalantChez la grosse Adrienne de MontalantWe were twenty, and we knew the truth.
Avec l'ami Jojo, et avec l'ami PierreWith my friend Jojo, and with my friend PierreWith my friend Pierre and my friend Jojo,
On allait boire nos vingt ansWe were going to drink our twenty yearsDrunk with beer but even more with youth.
Voltaire dansait comme un vicaireVoltaire danced like a curateCasanova chased the ladies,
Et Casanova n'osait pasAnd Casanova didn't dareVoltaire wrote songs with Debussy.
Et moi, moi qui restait le plus fierAnd I, who remained the proudest,[spoken:]And I, who always was the proudest,
Moi j'étais presque aussi saoul que moiI was almost as drunk as meI got almost as drunk as—me!
Et quand vers minuit passaient les notairesEt quand vers minuit passaient les notairesFrom the Grand Hotel the lawyers would appear.
Qui sortaient de l'hôtel des, "Trois Faisans"Qui sortaient de l'hôtel des, "Trois Faisans"We would greet them as they came along.
On leur montrait notre cul et nos bonnes manièresOn leur montrait notre cul et nos bonnes manières[affected voice:]Veddy uppah clahss, showing them our ahss,
En leur chantant:En leur chantant:Singing this song:
Les bourgeois c'est comme les cochonsThe bourgeoisie are like pigsThe bourgeoisie are really pigs,
Plus ça devient vieux plus ça devient bêteAs they get older, they get stupiderThey don't get smart, they just get fatter.
Les bourgeois c'est comme les cochonsThe bourgeoisie are like pigsThe bourgeoisie with all their dough—
Plus ça devient vieux plus ça devient c—As they get older, they get—The more they learn, the less they know!
[optional: At this point he can change his demeanor so as to indicate the respectability he has acquired over the years. To further indicate the passage of time, perhaps he could make a simple costume adjustment, e.g., change beret for hat, remove scarf to reveal tie, put on glasses, etc.]
Le cœur au repos, les yeux bien sur terreHeart at rest, eyes well on the groundHearts no longer dare, eyes no longer glow,
Au bar de l'hôtel des "Trois Faisans"Au bar de l'hôtel des "Trois Faisans"At the Grand Hotel we often dine.[indicates hotel and moves in that direction]
Avec maître Jojo, et avec maître PierreWith Mr. Jojo, and with Mr. PierreThe notary, Pierre, the businessman, Jojo,
Entre notaires on passe le tempsEntre notaires on passe le tempsAnd I, the lawyer, talk and sip our wine.
Jojo parle de VoltaireJojo talks of VoltairePierre may talk of Casanova,
Et Pierre de CasanovaAnd Pierre of CasanovaJojo, Voltaire and Debussy,
Et moi, moi qui suis resté le plus fierAnd I, who remained the proudest[spoken:]And I, who still remain the proudest,
Moi, moi je parle encore de moiI still talk about myselfI still talk of—me!
Et c'est en sortant vers minuit Monsieur le CommissaireEt c'est en sortant vers minuit Monsieur le CommissaireLater when we leave from that bar they come,[indicates bar]
Que tous les soirs de chez la MontalantQue tous les soirs de chez la MontalantScum who ought to stay where they belong.
De jeunes 'Peigne-culs' nous montrent leur derrièreDe jeunes 'Peigne-culs' nous montrent leur derrièreClearly lower class, showing us their—well!
En nous chantant:En nous chantant:Singing that song:
[Everyone else on stage sings the chorus at him, tauntingly.]
Les bourgeois c'est comme les cochonsThe bourgeoisie are like pigsThe—bour—geoi—sie are really pigs,
Plus ça devient vieux plus ça devient bêteAs they get older, they get stupiderThey don't get smart, they just get fatter.
Les bourgeois c'est comme les cochonsThe bourgeoisie are like pigsThe bourgeoisie with all their dough,
Plus ça devient vieux plus ça devient c—As they get older, they get—The more they learn, the less they know!
[He has reacted angrily when they started to sing, and during their song he calls to an unseen offstage policeman:]
[spoken:]Officer! Officer! Arrest these hooligans! They are a public nuisance! We are taxpayers, and we don't need to have these hoodlums bothering us every night. God help the world when this generation grows up! [fading out as he exits] Officer! Officer! …