User:Charles Matthews/DNB 1001-2000
[edit]- Moryson, Fynes - Wilmot, Charles - Fitzmaurice, Thomas (1574-1630) - Pelham, William - Burgh, Ulick de - Carne, Elizabeth Catherine Thomas - Carne, John - Carne, Joseph - Cartwright, Samuel - Carvosso, Benjamin
- Cathcart, Charles Murray - Cavendish, Frederick (1729-1803) - Cavendish, Frederick Charles - Adeliza of Louvain - Adkins, Robert - Adolph, Joseph Antony - Adolphus Frederick - Adolphus, John Leycester - Adrain, Robert - Adrian IV
- Adrian de Castello - Ady, Joseph - Adye, Stephen Payne - Ælfgar - Ælfgifu (fl.956) - Ælfgifu (fl.1030) - Ælfheah - Ælfhere - Ælfred (d.1036) - Ælfred (849-901)
- Chambers, William Frederick - Fitzwilliam, Edward Francis - Charleton, Robert - Wilkins, John - Ælfric (d.1005) - Ælfric (fl.950?-1016?) - Ælfric (fl.1005) - Ælfric (fl.1006) - Ælfric (d.1051) - Ælfsige
- Ælfthryth (d.929) - Ælfthryth (945?-1000) - Ælfweard - Ælfwig - Ælfwine - Ælla (d.514?) - Ælla (d.588) - Ælla (d.867) - Ælnoth - Ælsinus
[edit]- Æsc - Chatterton, Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles - Chester, Joseph Lemuel - Chorley, Charles - Clark, William (1821-1880) - Affleck, Edmund - Affleck, Philip - Agard, Arthur - D'Oyly, Thomas - Hakewill, William
- Hartwell, Abraham (fl.1600) - Hynde, John - Martyn, Thomas (d.1597?) - Bekinsau, John - Mayow, John - Cleasby, Anthony - Clegg, Samuel - Closterman, John - Clutterbuck, Henry - Hill, John (1716?-1775)
- Cockburn, George (1763-1847) - Coldstream, John - Collard, Frederick William - Colledge, Thomas Richardson - Collis, John Day - Coleridge, Derwent - Condy, Nicholas - Coningsby, Thomas (d.1625) - Coningsby, Thomas (1656?-1729) - Cook, Edward Dutton
- Cooke, Henry (1788-1868) - Copeland, Thomas - Corser, Thomas - Coryton, William - Couch, Jonathan - Courten, William (1572-1636) - Coventry, Henry (1619-1686) - Cozens, Alexander - Crampton, John Fiennes Twisleton - Craufurd, James
- Craven, Keppel Richard - Crawshay, Robert Thompson - Crew, Ranulphe - Crichton, Andrew - Dale, Valentine - Crossley, Francis - Cuff, Henry - Cunningham, Peter Miller - Dallas, Eneas Sweetland - Sykes, Arthur Ashley
[edit]- Farmer, Hugh - Ashdowne, William - Mead, Richard - Maty, Matthew - Dansey, William - Dargan, William - Dashwood, George Henry - Daunt, Achilles - Davies, Griffith - Davies, Lucy Clementina
- Davies, Thomas Stephens - Davies, William Edmund - Deas, David - Deas, George - Dendy, Walter Cooper - Dennistoun, James - Newcome, William - Benson, George - Mann, Nicholas - Stock, Joseph
- Dering, Edward (1598-1644) - Simpson, John (1746-1812) - Aikin, John (1713-1780) - Walker, George (1734?-1807) - Rotheram, Caleb - Tipper, John - Moises, Hugh - Leechman, William - Evans, Arthur Benoni - Cappe, Newcome
- Clayton, Nicholas - Andrews, Robert - Barnes, Thomas (1747-1810) - Seddon, John (1725-1770) - Bentley, Thomas (1731-1780) - Towers, Joseph - Biscoe, Richard - Flexman, Roger - Goadby, Robert - Ball, John (1665?-1745)
- Wellbeloved, Charles - Rees, Abraham - Aspland, Robert (1782-1845) - Wilson, Walter - Estlin, John Prior - Miles, Henry - Taylor, John (1694-1761) - Harwood, Edward (1729-1794) - Simson, John - Freke, William
[edit]- Belsham, William - Belsham, Thomas - Digby, Lettice - Dillon, William Henry - Dillon, John Talbot - Dodd, Philip Stanhope - Dodson, John - Dodson, James - Don, William Henry - Douglas, Archibald (1694-1761)
- Dowling, Alfred Septimus - Dowling, Frank Lewis - Dowton, William - Green, George (1793-1841) - Wingate, Edmund - Rowe, Thomas - Henry, Philip - Drummond, Robert Hay - Duncan, Adam - Dumbreck, David
- Dunn, Samuel (1798-1882) - Dunsterville, Edward - Dugdale, Richard - Eden, Ashley - Beadon, Cecil - Grey, William (1818-1878) - Gilpin, Richard - Manlove, Timothy - East, James Buller - East, Edward Hyde
- Easthope, John - Eden, Robert John - Edmonds, Robert - Edmonstone, Archibald - Ellis, Henry (1777-1855) - Ellis, Wynne - Erle, William - Errington, John Edward - Hindmarsh, John - Hindmarsh, Robert
- Hinds, Samuel - Hine, William - Morton, Charles (1627-1698) - Jones, John (1766?-1827) - Hazlitt, William - Savage, Samuel Morton - Coward, William (d.1738) - Aikin, Arthur - Hincks, Thomas Dix - Jones, David (1795-1816)
[edit]- Kentish, John - Shepherd, William - Norgate, Thomas Starling - Smith, James (1775-1839) - Hickman, Henry - Hingston, John - Hingston, Thomas - Hinton, James - Vincent, Thomas - Owen, James
- Bryan, John (d.1676) - Oldfield, Joshua - Tong, William - Doolittle, Thomas - Calamy, Edmund (1671-1732) - Bury, Samuel - Cole, Thomas (1627?-1697) - Bennet, Benjamin - Conder, John - Taylor, Abraham
- Worthington, Hugh - Faber, George Stanley - Fane, Robert George Cecil - Farrar, John - Fawkes, Walter Ramsden - Festing, Francis Worgan - Field, Edwin Wilkins - Field, Joshua - Bayes, Joshua - Ashe, John
- Chorlton, John - Emlyn, Thomas - Evans, John (1680?-1730) - Hughes, John (1677-1720) - Jennings, David - Godwin, Thomas (d.1642) - Finch-Hatton, George William - Finlaison, John - Finlayson, Thomas - Fisher, John William
- Fitzgerald, William (1814-1883) - Flammock, Thomas - Fleetwood, George (fl.1650?) - Flexmore, Richard - Flowers, Frederick - Forbes, George (1685-1765) - Ford, Edward (1746-1809) - Amory, Thomas (1701-1774) - Chauncy, Isaac - Shuttlewood, John
[edit]- Sheffield, John (1654?-1726) - Forrester, Charles Robert - Foster, Robert - Fox, Charles (1797-1878) - Frankland, Richard - Pell, William - Warren, Matthew - Veel, Edward - Boyse, Joseph - Fraser, John (1760-1843)
- Fraser, John (d.1849) - Freeman, Philip - Fuller, Joseph - Fust, Herbert Jenner- - Fyneux, John - Rogers, Timothy (1658-1728) - Barnardiston, Samuel - Fox, John (1693-1763) - Gambier, Edward John - Gardiner, Allen Francis
- Gaselee, Stephen (1762-1839) - Gaselee, Stephen (1807-1883) - Gattie, Henry - Gilbert, John (1693-1761) - Gillan, Robert - George, John - Gladstanes, George - Lawrence, Samuel - Reynolds, Thomas (1667?-1727) - Robinson, Benjamin
- Wesley, Samuel (1662-1735) - Tallents, Francis - Glyn, Isabella Dallas - Godolphin, Francis - Godolphin, Sidney (1610-1643) - Goodford, Charles Old - Grattan, Thomas Colley - Grant, William Keir - Graham, Richard (1648-1695) - Graham, John (1794-1865)
- Gordon, James Willoughby - Gregory, Barnard - Grey, Charles Edward - Gronow, Rees Howell - Grosvenor, Thomas (1764-1851) - Guinness, Benjamin Lee - Gye, Frederick (1810-1878) - Haddan, Thomas Henry - Haddan, Arthur West - Hadfield, Charles
[edit]- Hadfield, George (1787-1879) - Haggard, John - Hailstone, John - Hall, Spencer Timothy - Halliday, Andrew (1830-1877) - Halpin, Charles Graham - Hals, William - Hamilton, George Alexander - Hamley, Edward - Hammond, Samuel
- Hamond, Graham Eden - Barker, John (1682-1762) - Bradbury, Thomas - Wright, Samuel - Grosvenor, Benjamin - Harris, William (1675?-1740) - Mottershead, Joseph - Hallett, Joseph (1656-1722) - Foster, James - Harcourt, Charles
- Harcourt, Octavius Henry Cyril Vernon - Hargreave, Charles James - Harley, John Pritt - Walpole, Robert (1781-1856) - Harlowe, Sarah - Brand, Thomas - Owen, Charles - Flower, Benjamin - Palmer, Samuel (d.1724) - Harris, Charles Amyand
- Harris, John (1802-1856) - Harrison, William (1812-1860) - Harrod, Henry - Hatchard, Thomas Goodwin - Haughton, James - Havergal, Henry East - Havergal, William Henry - Eames, John - Wilkinson, Henry (1616-1690) - Horneck, Anthony
- Hawkins, John (1758?-1841) - Hay, Andrew Leith - Hayday, James - Hayes, George - Hazlewood, Colin Henry not in Fenwick - Head, George - Headlam, Thomas Emerson - Kippis, Andrew - Merivale, John Herman - Moyle, Walter (1672-1721)
[edit]- Hammond, Anthony (1668-1738) - Heath, Christopher - Hemans, Charles Isidore - Hempel, Charles Frederick - Hempel, Charles William - Herbert, Edward (1591?-1657) - Herbert, Edward (1648?-1698) - Hewson, William (1806-1870) - Heywood, Oliver - Pike, Samuel
- Cogan, Thomas (1736-1818) - Alexander, John (d.1743) - Alexander, John (1736-1765) - Pomfret, Samuel - Bull, William - Leach, John - Hicks, William Robert - Hildyard, James - Hill, Pascoe Grenfell - Hoard, Samuel
- Hoar, Leonard - Oakes, Urian - Crook, John - Gostlin, John (1566?-1626) - Martin, Richard (1570-1618) - Townson, Thomas - Hoare, Charles James - Hobhouse, Henry - Holmes, Robert (1765-1859) - Honner, Robert William
- Honyman, George Essex - Horsman, Edward - Hotham, Charles (1615-1672?) - Blackburne, Francis (1705-1787) - Disney, John (1746-1816) - Rutt, John Towill - Burton, Thomas - Mason, Martin - Howard, Henry Edward John - Hughes, William (1803-1861)
- Hunt, Thomas (1802-1851) - Hunter, Claudius Stephen - Hunter, John Kelso - Irby, Frederick Paul - Irons, William Josiah - Ashworth, Caleb - Mason, John (1706-1763) - Holland, Philip - Cogan, Eliezer - Sharpe, Samuel
[edit]- Isaac, Samuel - Islip, John - Jacob, Arthur - Stanyhurst, Richard - James, Edward - Jamieson, Thomas Hill - Jane, Joseph - Kenrick, Timothy - Vint, William - Coningham, James
- Dyson, Jeremiah - Hatsell, John - Hardinge, Nicholas - Hardinge, George (1743-1816) - Hardinge, George Nicholas - Jellett, John Hewitt - Jewitt, Arthur - Jobson, Frederick James - Maynard, John (1602-1690) - Godwin, William (1756-1836)
- Pitt, Thomas (1737-1793) - Boyd, Hugh (1746-1794) - Burke, William (d.1798) - Duppa, Richard - Rosenhagen, Philip - Parkes, Joseph - Johnson, George William - Jollie, Thomas - Jollie, Timothy - Jones, Horace
- Jones, Hugh - Jones, John Thomas - Jordan, Thomas Brown - Clulow, William Benton - Kelly, John (1801-1870) - Dyer, Samuel - Francis, Philip (1708?-1773) - Dunkin, William - Just, John - King, Peter John Locke
- Klitz, Philip - Knill, Richard - Knowles, Richard Brinsley - Knyvett, William - Knollys, Francis - Harrison, Ralph - Dixon, Thomas - Winder, Henry - Almon, John - Hamont, Matthew
[edit]- Burton, William (1575-1645) - Burton, William (d.1616) - Manning, William (1630?-1711) - Firmin, Thomas - Wray, Christopher (1524-1592) - Wren, Matthew (1585-1667) - Wright, Robert (d.1689) - Gookin, Daniel - Balguy, Charles - Athelstan
- Amos, Andrew - Kirbye, George - Braidley, Benjamin - Prendergast, John Patrick - Fowler, William (1761-1832) - Kynaston, Herbert - Lablache, Frederick - Lablache, Luigi - Lalor, John - Barbauld, Anna Letitia
- Ewing, Juliana Horatia - Moor, Michael - Wentworth, Thomas (1672-1739) - Archer, Thomas (d.1743) - Towgood, Michaijah - Jervis, Thomas - Wray, Daniel - Lancaster, Charles William - Law, William John - Lawrence, George St. Patrick
- Milbourne, Luke (1649-1720) - Hume, Patrick (fl.1695) - Lawson, James Anthony - Laxton, William (1802-1854) - Leahy, Patrick - Leigh, Henry Sambrooke - Pemberton, Henry - Wright, Laurence - Griffin, Thomas (1706?-1771) - Gunter, Edmund
- Jenkes, Henry - Turner, Peter (1586-1652) - Knowles, Charles (d.1777) - Knowles, Charles Henry - Knowles, Gilbert - Knowles, Herbert - Knowles, James (1759-1840) - Knowles, John (fl.1646-1668) - Knowles, John (1600?-1685) - Knowles, John (1781-1841)
[edit]- Knowles, Mary - Knowles, Thomas - Talbot, Catherine - Talbot, Charles (1660-1718) - Talbot, Charles (1685-1737) - Wearg, Clement - Layer, Christopher - Lee, John (1733-1793) - Montagu, James (1666-1723) - Justel, Henri
- Keats, Richard Goodwin - Hawles, John - Povey, Charles - Lennon, John - Lennox, William Pitt - Letheby, Henry - Dixie, Wolstan - Watts, John (d.1616) - Craven, William (1548?-1618) - Cokayne, William
- Lorrain, Paul - Lort, Michael - Love, William Edward - Lovell, Salathiel - Low, David (1786-1859) - Low, Sampson - Lowe, James (d.1866) - Lower, Richard (1782-1865) - Hollings, John - Shaxton, Nicholas
- Turner, Richard (d.1565?) - Lushington, Henry - Lyons, Robert Spencer Dyer - Macaulay, James Buchanan - Macdonald, William Bell - McDonnell, Alexander - Macpherson, John (1745-1821) - Maitland, Thomas (1792-1851) - Malcolm, Pulteney - Shea, David
- Dow, Alexander - Serres, Olivia - Alan of Walsingham - Alan of Tewkesbury - Whitehead, Charles - Whitby, Daniel - Douglas, Archibald (1609-1655) - Douglas, James (1617-1645) - Seppings, Robert - Bicknell, Herman
[edit]- Manning, James - Manning, Marie - Mansel, Charles Grenville - Markham, John (d.1479) - Coats, Thomas - Smith, William Robertson - Legate, John - Bradley, Charles - Marras, Giacinto - Marsh, William
- Spencer, George (1739-1817) - Brühl, John Maurice - Mudge, William (1762-1820) - Mudge, Zachariah - Mudge, John - Marshall, Francis Albert - Marshall, John (1794-1868) - Martin, Thomas (1697-1771) - Marvin, Charles Thomas - Maxwell, John Hall
- Mason, John Charles - Mayer, Samuel Ralph Townshend - Weld, Isaac - Wenman, Thomas Francis - Dunch, Edmund - Norris, Edward (d.1603) - Pocock, Isaac - Pococke, Edward - Dacres, Arthur - Croone, William
- Delaune, Paul - Melvill, Henry - Michell, Nicholas - Miller, Anna - Miller, Thomas (1731-1804) - Faricius - Morison, Richard - Miller, William (1769-1844) - Hungerford, Walter (1503-1540) - Morrison, Richard (1767-1849)
- Moser, Joseph - Moule, Henry - Mountain, George Jehoshaphat - Moyle, Matthew Paul - Napier, Henry Edward - Neild, John Camden - Neile, William - Neville, Richard Cornwallis - Dove, Patrick Edward - Mushet, Robert Forester
[edit]- Mushet, David - Nicholas, Edward - Nicholson, Renton - Nightingale, Joseph - Noad, Henry Minchin - Norie, John William - O'Brien, Conor (1534?-1581) - Rogers, James Edwin Thorold - Hawes, Stephen - Digges, Leonard (1588-1635)
- O'Brien, James (1769-1856) - O'Brien, James Thomas - O'Connell, Morgan - Ogilvie, Charles Atmore - Ogle, Charles Chaloner - Oliver, Martha Cranmer - Olliffe, Joseph Francis - Oliver, William (1695-1764) - Osborn, George - Bagster, Samuel (1772-1851)
- Baily, Francis - Levett, Henry - Levett, Robert - Parkes, Harry Smith - Parry, Thomas Gambier - Palmes, Bryan - Farnaby, Thomas - Hubert, Francis - Burton, William (1609-1657) - Osborn, Robert Durie
- Oxenden, Ashton - Oxlee, John - Packe, Christopher (1593?-1682) - Manners, George - Hanson, Levett - Cullum, Thomas Gery - Gargrave, Thomas - Moffett, Thomas - Jevon, Thomas - Sawtrey, William
- Newton, Thomas (1542?-1607) - Hope, John (1794-1858) - Legge, Thomas - Keir, James - Packe, Christopher (fl.1796) - Reilly, Hugh - Reilly, Thomas Devin - Reilly, William Edward Moyses - Reinagle, George Philip - Reinagle, Joseph
[edit]- Reinagle, Philip - Reinagle, Ramsay Richard - Reinhold, Thomas - Reisen, Charles Christian - Relhan, Anthony - Relhan, Richard - Relly, James - Relph, Joseph - Remigius - Rempston, Thomas (d.1406)
- Rempston, Thomas (d.1458) - Rendel, James Meadows - Render, William - Rendle, John - Rendle, William - Thornhill, James - Thornhill, William - Thornton, Bonnell - Thornton, Edward (1766-1852) - Thornton, Edward Parry
- Thornton, Gilbert de - Thornton, Henry - Thornton, Robert (fl.1440) - Thornton, Robert John - Thornton, Samuel - Thornton, Thomas (d.1814) - Thornton, Thomas (1757-1823) - Thornton, Thomas (1786-1866) - Thornton, William (1779?-1840) - Thornton, William Thomas
- Thornycroft, Mary - Thornycroft, Thomas - Thorold, Anthony Wilson - Thoroton, Robert - Thoroton, Thomas - Thorp, Charles - Thorpe, Benjamin - Thorpe, Francis - Thorpe, John de - Thorpe, John (fl.1570-1610)
- Packe, Christopher (1686-1749) - Renehan, Laurence - Rennell, James - Rennell, Thomas (1787-1824) - Rennell, Thomas (1754-1840) - Rennie, George (1749-1828) - Rennie, George (1802-1860) - Rennie, George (1791-1866) - Rennie, James - Rennie, John (1761-1821)
[edit]- Rennie, John (1794-1874) - Renniger, Michael - Ireland, Samuel - Blythe, Geoffrey (d.1542) - Blythe, John (d.1499) - Blythe, John Dean - Boaden, James - Boaden, John - Boadicea - Boag, John
- Boardman, Andrew - Wroe, John - Wroe, Richard - Wroth, Mary - Wroth, Robert - Wroth, Thomas (1516-1573) - Wroth, Thomas (1584-1672) - Wroth, William - Wrotham, William de - Wrottesley, John (1798-1867) - Wrottesley, Walter
- Wroughton, Richard - Brydges, John - Carrington, Richard Christopher - Burrell, Sophia - Pakeman, Thomas - Pakenham, Edward Michael - Pakenham, Hercules Robert - Pakenham, Richard - Pakenham, Thomas - Pakington, Dorothy
- Pakington, John (1549-1625) - Pakington, John (1620-1680) - Pakington, John (1671-1727) - Pakington, John Somerset - Pakington, William - Hinton, John (1603?-1682) - Hinton, John Howard - Hippisley, John (d.1748) - Hippisley, John Coxe - Hiraethog, Gruffydd
- Hirschel, Solomon - Hirst, William - Hislop, Stephen - Hislop, Thomas - Hitcham, Robert - Hitchcock, Richard - Hitchcock, Robert - Hitchins, Malachy - Hoadly, Benjamin (1706-1757) - Hoadly, Benjamin (1676-1761)
[edit]- Hoadly, John (1678-1746) - Hoadly, John (1711-1776) - Shepreve, William - Shepstone, Theophilus - Sherard, James - Sherard, William - Sheraton, Thomas - Sherborne, Robert - Sherbrooke, John Coape
- Sherburne, Edward - Sherer, Moyle - Sherfield, Henry - Sheridan, Caroline Henrietta - Sheridan, Charles Francis - Sheridan, Elizabeth Ann - Sheridan, Frances - Sheridan, Helen Selina - Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - Sheridan, Thomas (fl.1661-1688)
- Sheridan, Thomas (1687-1738) - Sheridan, Thomas (1719-1788) - Sheridan, William - Sheriff, Laurence - Sheringham, Robert - Sherley, Thomas - Sherlock, Martin - Sherlock, Paul - Sherlock, Richard - Sherlock, Thomas
- Sherlock, William (1641?-1707) - Sherlock, William (fl.1759-1806) - Sherman, Edward - Sherman, James - Sherman, John - Sherring, Matthew Atmore - Sherry, Richard - Sherwen, John - Sherwin, John Keyse - Sherwin, Ralph (1550-1581)
- Sherwin, Ralph (1799-1830) - Sherwin, William (1607-1687?) - Sherwin, William (fl.1670-1710) - Sherwood, Mary Martha - Sherwood, Robert - Sherwood, William - Boileau, John Peter - Sabie, Francis - Sabine, Edward
[edit]- Sabine, Joseph (1662?-1739) - Sabine, Joseph (1770-1837) - Sabran, Lewis - Sacheverell, Henry - Sacheverell, William - Sackville, Charles (1638-1706) - Sackville, Charles (1711-1769) - Sackville, Edward - Sackville, John Frederick - Sackville, Lionel Cranfield
- Sackville, Richard - Sackville, Thomas - Saddington, John - Saddler, John - Sadington, Robert de - Sadleir, Franc - Sadleir, John - Sadler, Anthony - Sadler, John (d.1595?) - Sadler, John (1615-1674)
- Sadler, Michael Ferrebee - Sadler, Michael Thomas - Sadler, Ralph - Sadler, Thomas (1604-1681) - Sadler, Thomas (1822-1891) - Sadler, Windham William - Sadlington, Mark - Sæwulf - Saffery, Maria Grace - Saffold, Thomas
- Sage, John - Saham, William de - Sainbel, Charles Vial de - Sainsbury, William Noel - St. Amand, Almaric de - St. Amand, James - St. André, Nathanael - St. Aubyn, Catherine - St. Aubyn, John (1696-1744) - St. Aubyn, John (1758-1839)
- Saint-Évremond, Charles de Marguetel de Saint Denis, de - St. Faith's, John of - Saint-George, Henry (1581-1644) - St. George, John - Saint-George, Richard - Saint-German, Christopher - St. John, Bayle - St. John, Charles George William - Saint-John, Henry - St. John, Horace Stebbing Roscoe
[edit]- St. John, James Augustus - Saint-John, John de - St. John, John - St. John, Oliver (1598?-1673) - St. John, Oliver Beauchamp Coventry - St. John, Percy Bolingbroke - St. Lawrence, Christopher (d.1589) - St. Lawrence, Christopher (1568?-1619) - St. Lawrence, Nicholas - St. Lawrence, Robert
- St. Leger, Anthony - St. Leger, Francis Barry Boyle - St. Leger, William (d.1642) - Saint Leger, William (1600-1665) - St. Lo, Edward - St. Lo, George - Sainton, Prosper Philippe Catherine - St. Paul, John de - St. Quintin, William - Saker, Edward
- Sala, George Augustus Henry - Salaberry, Charles Michel de - Sale, George - Sale, John - Sale, Robert Henry - Salgado, James - Salisbury, Enoch Robert Gibbon - Salisbury, Henry - Salisbury, John (1500?-1573) - Salisbury, John (1575-1625)
- Salisbury, Richard Anthony - Salisbury, Thomas (1555?-1586) - Salisbury, Thomas (1567?-1620?) - Salisbury, Thomas (d.1643) - Salisbury, William (1520?-1600?) - Salisbury, William (1580?-1659?) - Salisbury, William (d.1823) - Salkeld, John - Salkeld, William - Sall, Andrew
- Salmon, Eliza - Salmon, John (d.1325) - Salmon, John Drew - Salmon, Nathanael - Salmon, Robert - Salmon, Thomas (1648-1706) - Salmon, Thomas (1679-1767) - Salmon, William (1644-1713) - Salmon, William (fl.1745) - Salomon, Johann Peter
[edit]- Salomons, David - Salt, Samuel - Salt, Titus - Salt, William - Salter, James (1650-1718?) - Salter, James (fl.1723) - Salter, John William - Salter, Samuel - Salter, Thomas (fl.1580) - Salter, Thomas Frederick
- Salter, William - Salthouse, Thomas - Saltmarsh, John - Saltonstall, Charles - Saltonstall, Richard (1521?-1601) - Saltonstall, Richard (1586-1658) - Saltonstall, Wye - Saltwood, Robert - Salveyn, Gerard - Salvin, Anthony
- Salwey, Richard - Samble, Richard - Samelson, Adolph - Sammes, Aylett - Sampson, Henry (1629?-1700) - Sampson, Henry (1841-1891) - Sampson, Richard - Sampson, Thomas - Sampson, William (1590?-1636?) - Sampson, William (1764-1836)
- Sams, Joseph - Samson (fl.550) - Samson (d.1112) - Samson (1135-1211) - Samuda, Joseph d'Aguilar - Samuel, Edward - Samuel, George - Samuel, Richard - Samuel, William - Samways, Peter
- Samwell, David - Sancho, Ignatius - Sancroft, William - Sandale, John de - Sandars, Thomas Collett - Sandby, Paul - Sandby, Thomas - Sandeman, Robert (1718-1771) - Sandeman, Robert Groves - Sanders, Francis (1648-1710)
[edit]- Sanders, Francis Williams - Sanders, George - Sanders, John - Sanders, Nicholas - Sanders, Robert - Sanders, William (1799-1875) - Sanders, William Rutherford - Sanderson, James - Sanderson, John - Sanderson, Robert (1587-1663)
- Sanderson, Robert (1660-1741) - Sanderson, Thomas - Sanderson, William - Sandford, Daniel (1766-1830) - Sandford, Daniel Keyte - Sandford, Francis (1630-1694) - Sandford, Francis Richard John - Sandford, Fulk de - Sandford, John de - Sandford, John (1801-1873)
- Sandford, Samuel - Sandilands, James (d.1579) - Sandilands, James (d.1753) - Sandsbury, John - Sandwich, Henry de - Sandwich, Ralph de - Sandwith, Humphry - Sandys, Charles - Sandys, Edwin (1516?-1588) - Sandys, Edwin (1561-1629)