User:Charles Matthews/DNB 14001-15000
[edit]- Burnett, James - Burnett, John (1729-1784) - Burnett, John (1764?-1810) - Burnett, William - Burney, Charles (1726-1814) - Burney, Charles (1757-1817) - Burney, James - Burney, Sarah Harriet - Burneyeat, John - Burch, Edward
- Burchard - Burchell, William John - Burchett, Josiah - Burchett, Richard - Burckhardt, John Lewis - Burder, George - Clarke, Theophilus - Clarke, Thomas (1703-1764) - Clarke, Thomas (fl.1768-1775) - Clarke, Timothy
- Clarke, William (1623?-1666) - Clarke, William (1640?-1684) - Clarke, William (1696-1771) - Clarke, William (1800-1838) - Clarke, William Branwhite - Clarke, William Fairlie - Clarkson, David - Clarkson, John - Clarkson, Nathaniel - Burns, Allan
- Burns, Islay - Burns, James (17th cent.) - Burns, James (1789-1871) - Burns, James Drummond - Burns, John - Burder, Thomas Harrison - Burdett, Francis - Burdon, William - Burford, Robert - Burford, Thomas
- Conder, Josiah - Condlaed - Conduitt, John - Coney, John - Congallus I - Congallus II - Congallus III - Congreve, William (1670-1729) - Coningsburgh, Edmund - Coningsby, Harry
[edit]- Coningsby, William - Burns, Robert (1759-1796) - Bunny, Francis - Bunsen, Frances - Bunting, Edward - Bunting, Jabez - Bunting, William Maclardie - Burbage, James - Burbage, Richard - Craig, Alexander
- Craig, James (d.1795) - Craig, James Gibson - Craig, James Henry - Craig, James Thomson Gibson - Craig, John (1512?-1600) - Craig, John (d.1731) - Craig, Robert - Craig, Thomas - Craig, William (1745-1813) - Craig, William Gibson
- Craig, William Marshall - Craigie, David - Butler, Simon - Butler, Theobald - Butler, Thomas (fl.1570) - Butler, Thomas (1532-1614) - Butler, Thomas (1634-1680) - Butler, Thomas Hamly - Butler, Walter (1569-1633) - Butler, Walter (d.1634)
- Butler, Weeden (1742-1823) - Butler, Weeden (1773-1831) - Butler, William (d.1410?) - Butler, William (1535-1618) - Butt, George - Butt, Isaac - Butter, John - Butter, Nathaniel - Butter, William - Butterfield, Swithun
- Butterworth, Edwin - Butterworth, Henry - Butterworth, James - Butterworth, John - Butterworth, Joseph - Button, Thomas - Button, William (d.1264) - Button, William (d.1274) - Button, William (d.1654) - Butts, John
[edit]- Burder, Samuel - Crakelt, William - Cramer, Franz - Cramer, Johann Baptist - Cramer, John Antony - Cramer, Wilhelm - Cramp, John Mockett - Crampton, Philip - Crampton, Victoire - Cranch, John
- Crane, Edward - Crane, Francis - Cutler, John - Cutler, William Henry - Cuttance, Roger - Cuttinge, Francis - Cutts, John - Cutwode, Thomas - Cwichelm - Cybi
- Cynegils - Cynewulf - Cyples, William - Butts, William - Buxhull, Alan - Buxton, Charles - Buxton, Jedidiah - Buxton, Richard - Byam, Henry - Byer, Nicholas
- Byerley, Thomas - Byers, James - Byfield, John - Cannera - Canning, Charles John - Canning, Elizabeth - Canning, George - Canning, Richard - Canning, Stratford - Cannon, Richard
- Cannon, Robert - Canon, John - Canot, Peter Charles - Cant, Andrew - Cantebrig, John de - Hodgkin, Thomas - Byles, John Barnard - Bylot, Robert - Byng, Andrew - Byng, George
[edit]- Byng, John (1704-1757) - Byng, John (1772-1860) - Bynneman, Henry - Byrd, William - Byrhtferth - Byrne, Anne Frances - Capgrave, John - Capon, John - Capon, William (d.1550) - Capon, William (1757-1827)
- Capper, Francis - Capper, James - Capper, Joseph - Caraccioli, Charles - Caractacus - Caradog (d.1035) - Caradog of Llancarvan - Byron, Henry James - Byron, John (d.1652) - Byron, John (1723-1786)
- Byron, Thomas - Byrth, Thomas - Bysshe, Edward (fl.1712) - Bythner, Victorinus - Byrne, Charles - Byrne, Letitia - Byrne, Miles - Byrne, Oscar - Byrne, William - Byrnstan
- Byrom, John - Chalkhill, John - Chalkley, Thomas - Challice, John - Challis, James - Challoner, Richard - Chalmers, Alexander - Chalmers, George (d.1791) - Chalmers, George (1742-1825) - Chalmers, George Paul
- Chalmers, James - Byron, George Gordon - Chambers, Ephraim - Chambers, George - Chambers, John (1780-1839) - Chambers, John Charles - Chambers, John Graham - Chambers, Richard - Chambers, Robert (1571-1624?) - Chambers, Robert (1737-1803)
[edit]- Chambers, Robert (1802-1871) - Chambers, Sabine - Chambers, William (1726-1796) - Chambers, William (1800-1883) - Livesey, James - Cabanel, Rudolph - Cabbell, Benjamin Bond - Cabot, Sebastian - Caddick, Richard - Cade, John (d.1450)
- Cade, John (1734-1806) - Cade, Laurence - Cade, Salusbury - Cadell (d.909) - Cadell (d.943) - Cadell (d.1175) - Clarke, Jeremiah - Clarke, John (1582-1653) - Clarke, John (1609-1676) - Clarke, John (1662-1723)
- Clarke, John (1687-1734) - Clarke, John (1706-1761) - Clarke, John (1761-1815) - Clarke, John (d.1879) - Clarke, John Randall - Clarke, Joseph (d.1749) - Clarke, Joseph (1758-1834) - Clarke, Joseph (1811?-1860) - Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop - Clarke, Mary Anne
- Clarke, Matthew (1630?-1708?) - Clarke, Matthew (1664-1726) - Clarke, Matthew (1701-1778) - Clarke, Robert (d.1607) - Clarke, Robert (d.1675) - Clarke, Samuel (1625-1669) - Cadell, Francis - Cadell, Jessie - Cadell, Robert - Cadell, Thomas
- Cadell, William Archibald - Cademan, Thomas - Cadoc - Cadogan, Henry - Cadogan, William (1601-1661) - Cadogan, William (1675-1726) - Cadogan, William (1711-1797) - Conington, Francis Thirkill - Conington, John - Conn of the Hundred Battles
[edit]- Conn-na-mbocht - Conn, George - Connell, John - Connellan, Owen - Connellan, Thaddeus - Connor, Bernard - Connor, Charles - Connor, George Henry - Conolly, Arthur - Conolly, Erskine
- Conolly, John - Conolly, Thomas - Conolly, William - Conquest, John Tricker - Conry, Florence - Const, Francis - Constable, Archibald - Constable, Cuthbert - Constable, Henry (1562-1613) - Constable, Henry (d.1645)
- Constable, John (fl.1520) - Constable, John (1676?-1744) - Cadroe - Cadvan (6th cent.) - Cadvan (d.617? or 634?) - Cadwaladr (d.1172) - Cadwaladr Casail - Cadwaladr Vendigaid - Cadwallador, Roger - Cadwgan (d.1112)
- Cadwgan (d.1241) - Cædmon - Crabbe, George - Crabtree, Henry - Crabtree, William - Crace, Frederick - Cradock, Joseph - Cradock, Marmaduke - Cradock, Walter - Cradock, Zachary
- Craft, William H. - Craggs, James (1686-1721) - Cædwalla (d.634) - Cædwalla (659?-689) - Cæsar, Charles - Cæsar, Henry - Cæsar, Julius (1558–1636) - Cæsar, Julius (1656?–1712?) - Cæsar, Thomas - Caffin, James Crawford
[edit]- Caffyn, Matthew - Cahill, Daniel William - Caillaud, John - Caillin - Caimin - Cain, Rhys - Crane, John - Crane, Lucy - Crane, Nicholas - Crane, Ralph
- Crane, Thomas (1631-1714) - Crane, Thomas (1808-1859) - Crane, William - Cranfield, Lionel - Cranke, James - Cranley, Thomas (1337?-1417) - Cranley, Thomas (fl.1635) - Cranmer, George - Cranstoun, David - Cranstoun, George
- Cranstoun, James - Cranstoun, William Henry - Cranwell, John - Cainnech - Cairnes, David - Cairnes, John Elliot - Cairns, Hugh McCalmont - Cairns, William - Caistor, Richard - Caius, Thomas
- Calah, John - Calamy, Benjamin - Calamy, Edmund (1600-1666) - Calamy, Edmund (1635?-1685) - Calamy, Edmund (1697?-1755) - Calcott, Wellins - Calcraft, Granby Thomas - Calcraft, John (1726-1772) - Calcraft, John (1765-1831) - Caldecott, John
- Macky, John - Caldecott, Randolph - Caldecott, Thomas - Calder, James Tait - Calder, John - Calder, Robert (1650?-1723) - Calder, Robert (1745-1818) - Calderbank, James - Calderwood, David - Calderwood, Margaret
[edit]- Calderwood, William - Caldwall, James - Caldwall, Richard - Caldwell, Alexander - Caldwell, Andrew - Caldwell, Benjamin - Caldwell, Hume - Calenius, Walter - Caleto, John de - Caley, John
- Calfhill, James - Calhoun, Patrick - Calkin, James - Call, John - Callanan, Jeremiah John - Callander, John - Callcott, Augustus Wall - Callcott, John Wall - Callcott, Maria - Callcott, William Hutchins
- Callender, George William - Callender, James Thomson - Callis, Robert - Callow, John - Calthorpe, Henry - Calthrope, Charles - Calveley, Hugh - Calver, Edward - Calverley, Charles Stuart - Calverley, Walter
- Calvert, Caroline Louisa Waring - Calvert, Charles (1785-1852) - Calvert, Edward - Calvert, Frederick (1731-1771) - Calvert, Frederick Baltimore - Calvert, Frederick Crace - Calvert, George (1580?-1632) - Calvert, George (1795-1825) - Calvert, Harry - Calvert, James Snowden
- Calvert, Leonard - Calvert, Michael - Calvert, Thomas (1606-1679) - Calvert, Thomas (1775-1840) - Cambell, James - Cambridge, Richard Owen - Cameron, Alan - Cameron, Alexander (1747-1828) - Cameron, Alexander (1781-1850) - Cameron, Archibald
[edit]- Cameron, Donald - Cameron, Ewen - Cameron, George Poulett - Cameron, Hugh - Cameron, John (d.1446) - Cameron, John (1579?-1625) - Cameron, John (1724-1799) - Cameron, John (1771-1815) - Cameron, John Alexander - Cameron, Lucy Lyttelton
- Cameron, Richard - Cameron, William - Camidge, John (1735-1803) - Camidge, John (1790-1859) - Camidge, Matthew - Camm, Anne - Camm, John - Camm, Thomas - Camocke, George - Camoys, Thomas de
- Campbell, Alexander (d.1608) - Campbell, Alexander (1675-1740) - Campbell, Archibald (d.1703) - Campbell, Archibald (d.1744) - Campbell, Archibald (1691-1756) - Campbell, Anna Mackenzie - Campbell, Archibald (d.1513) - Campbell, Archibald (d.1558) - Campbell, Archibald (1530-1573) - Campbell, Archibald (1598-1661)
- Campbell, Archibald (1576?-1638) - Campbell, George (1719-1796) - Campbell, George (1761-1817) - Campbell, Guy - Campbell, Harriette - Campbell, Hugh - Campbell, Ilay - Campbell, James (1667-1745) - Campbell, James (1745-1832) - Campbell, James (1773?-1835)
- Campbell, John (d.1563) - Campbell, John (1598-1663) - Campbell, John (1635-1716) - Campbell, John Francis - Campbell, John McLeod - Campbell, Neil (d.1627) - Campbell, Neil (1776-1827) - Campbell, Patrick - Campbell, Robert (d.1722) - Campbell, Robert Calder
[edit]- Campbell, Thomas (1733-1795) - Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844) - Campbell, Thomas (1790-1858) - Campbell, William - Campbell, Willielma - Campeggio, Lorenzo - Campion, Edmund - Hamilton, Claud - Hamilton, David (1663-1721) - Hamilton, David (1768-1843)
- Hamilton, Edward - Hamilton, Elizabeth (1641-1708) - Hamilton, Elizabeth (1758-1816) - Hamilton, Emma - Hamilton, Gavin (1561?-1612) - Hamilton, Gavin (1730-1797) - Hamilton, Gavin (1753-1805) - Hamilton, George (1666-1737) - Hamilton, George (1783-1830) - Hamilton, George Alexander
- Hamilton, Gustavus - Hamilton, Henry Parr - Hamilton, Hugh (d.1679) - Hamilton, Hugh (d.1724) - Hamilton, Hugh (1729-1805) - Hamilton, Hugh Douglas - Hamilton, James (d.1479) - Hamilton, James (1477?-1529) - Hamilton, James (d.1540) - Hamilton, James (d.1575)
- Hamilton, James (fl.1566-1580) - Cranmer, Thomas - Crashaw, Richard - Crashaw, William - Cratfield, William - Crathorne, William - Craufurd, Charles Gregan - Craufurd, James - Craufurd, John Walkinshaw - Craufurd, Quintin
- Craufurd, Robert - Craven, Louisa - Craven, William (1606-1697) - Crawford, David - Crawford, Edmund Thornton - Crawford, John - Crawford, Lawrence - Crawford, Robert - Crawford, Thomas (1530?-1603) - Crawford, Thomas Jackson
[edit]- Crawford, William (1739?-1800) - Crawford, William (1788-1847) - Crawford, William (1825-1869) - Crawford, William Sharman - Crawfurd, Archibald - Crawfurd, George - Crawfurd, John - Crawfurd, Thomas - Crawley, Francis - Crawshay, William
- Creagh, Peter - Creagh, Richard - Creasy, Edward Shepherd - Creech, Thomas - Creech, William - Creed, Cary - Creed, Elizabeth - Creed, Thomas - Creed, William - Creighton, Robert (1639?-1734)
- Cressingham, Hugh - Cresswell, Madam - Cresswell, Cresswell - Cresswell, Daniel - Cresswell, Joseph - Cressy, Hugh Paulinus - Cressy, Robert - Creswick, Thomas - Cresy, Edward - Crew, John
- Crew, Nathaniel - Crew, Ranulphe - Crew, Randolph - Crew, Thomas (fl.1580) - Crew, Thomas (1565-1634) - Cribb, Tom - Crichton, Alexander - Crichton, George - Crichton, James (1560-1585?) - Crichton, William (d.1454)
- Cridiodunus, Fridericus - Cripps, John Marten - Crisp, Nicholas - Crisp, Samuel - Crisp, Stephen - Crispin, Gilbert - Critchett, George - Crocker, Charles - Crockford, William - Croft, Herbert (d.1622)
[edit]- Croft, Herbert (1603-1691) - Croft, Herbert (1751-1816) - Croft, James - Croft, John - Croft, William - Crofts, Elizabeth - Crofts, George - Croghan, George - Croke, Alexander - Croke, George
- Croke, John (d.1554) - Croke, Richard - Croker, John (1670-1741) - Croker, John Wilson - Croker, Temple Henry - Croker, Thomas Crofton - Crokesley, Richard de - Croll, Francis - Crolly, William - Croly, George
- Crombie, Alexander - Crombie, James - Crome, Edward - Crome, John (1768-1821) - Crome, John Bernay - Cromer, George - Cromleholme, Samuel - Crommelin, Samuel-Louis - Crompton, Charles John - Crompton, Hugh
- Crompton, John - Crompton, Richard - Crompton, Samuel - Crompton, William (1599?-1642) - Crompton, William (1633-1696) - Cromwell, Edward - Cromwell, Henry - Cromwell, Thomas (1485?-1540) - Cromwell, Thomas Kitson - Cronan
- Crone, Robert - Crooke, Helkiah - Crooke, Samuel - Crooke, Thomas - Crookshanks, John - Crophill, John - Cropper, James - Crosbie, Andrew - Crosby, Allan James - Crosby, Brass
[edit]- Crosby, John - Crosby, Thomas - Crosdill, John - Crosfield, George - Croskery, Thomas - Crosly, David - Cross, John (1630-1689) - Cross, John (1766-1842) - Cross, John (1819-1861) - Cross, Mary Ann
- Cross, Michael - Cross, Nathaniel - Cross, Nicholas - Cross, Thomas - Crosse, Andrew - Crosse, John (1739-1816) - Crosse, John (1786-1833) - Crosse, John Green - Crosse, Lawrence - Crosse, Richard
- Crosse, William - Crossley, James - Crossman, Samuel - Crotch, William - Crotty, William - Crouch, Anna Maria - Crouch, Humphrey - Crouch, John - Crouch, William - Crow, Francis
- Crow, Hugh - Crow, Mitford - Crowder, Anselm - Crowe, William (d.1743) - Crowe, William (1745-1829) - Crowfoot, John Rustat - Crowley, Nicholas Joseph - Crowley, Peter O'Neill - Crowley, Robert - Crowne, John
- Crowther, James - Crowther, Jonathan (1760-1824) - Crowther, Jonathan (1794-1856) - Croxall, Samuel - Croxton, Thomas - Crozier, Francis Rawdon Moira - Cruden, Alexander - Cruden, William - Cruikshank, George - Cruikshank, Isaac (1756?-1811?)
[edit]- Cruikshank, Isaac Robert - Cruikshank, William Cumberland - Cruise, William - Crull, Jodocus - Crump, Henry - Crumpe, Samuel - Crusius, Lewis - Cruso, John - Cruso, Timothy - Cruttwell, Clement
- Cruttwell, Richard - Crystall, Thomas - Cubbon, Mark - Cubitt, Thomas - Cubitt, William (1791-1863) - Cuddon, Ambrose - Cudmore, Richard - Cuff, James Dodsley - Cuit, George (1743-1818) - Cuitt, George (1779-1854)
- Culbertson, Robert - Culen - Culin, Patrick - Cullen, Paul - Cullen, Robert - Cullen, William - Culley, George - Cullimore, Isaac - Cullum, Dudley - Cullum, John
- Cullum, Thomas (1587?-1664) - Culmer, Richard - Culpeper, Nicholas - Culpeper, Thomas - Culverwel, Nathanael - Culy, David - Cumberland, Richard (1631-1718) - Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811) - Cumberland, Richard Francis G. - Cumine Ailbhe
- Cuming, Alexander - Cuming, Hugh - Cumming, Alexander - Cumming, James (d.1827) - Cumming, James (1777-1861) - Cumming, Joseph George - Cumming, Roualeyn George Gordon- - Cumming, Thomas - Cumming, William (fl.1797-1823) - Cunard, Samuel
[edit]- Cundy, Thomas (1765-1825) - Cundy, Thomas (1790-1867) - Cungar - Cuningham, William - Cunningham, Alexander (d.1488) - Cunningham, Alexander (d.1574) - Cunningham, Alexander (1655?-1730) - Cunningham, Alexander (1654-1737) - Cunningham, Allan (1791-1839) - Cunningham, Allan (1784-1842)
- Cunningham, Charles - Cunningham, Edmund Francis - Cunningham, Francis - Cunningham, James (d.1709?) - Cunningham, James (1749-1791) - Lyon, Hart - Coxe, Richard Charles - Cunningham, John (d.1684) - Cunningham, John (1729-1773) - Cunningham, John William
- Cunningham, Joseph Davey - Cunningham, Peter (d.1805) - Cunningham, Peter (1816-1869) - Cunningham, Richard - Cunningham, Thomas Mounsey - Cunningham, Timothy - Cunningham, William (d.1547) - Cunningham, William (1610?-1664) - Cunningham, William (1805-1861) - Cunnington, William
- Cunobelinus - Cunynghame, Arthur Augustus Thurlow - Cure, William - Cureton, William - Curle, Hippolitus - Curling, Henry - Curll, Edmund - Curll, Walter - Curran, John Philpot - Currer, Frances Mary Richardson
- Currey, Frederick - Currie, Frederick - Currie, James - Curry, John - Curson, Robert - Curtis, John - Curtis, Patrick - Curtis, Roger - Curtis, Samuel - Curtis, William (1746-1799)
[edit]- Curtis, William (1752-1829) - Curwen, Hugh - Curwen, John - Curwen, Thomas - Curzon, Robert - Cusack, Thomas - Cust, Edward - Cust, John - Cutcliffe, John - Cuthbert (d.687)
- Cuthbert (d.758) - Cuthburh - Cuthred - Constable, John (1776-1837) - Constable, Marmaduke - Constable, Robert - Constable, Thomas (1812-1881) - Constable, Thomas Hugh Clifford - Constable, William - Constantine I
- Constantine II - Constantine III - Constantine Mac Fergus - Constantine, George - Conway, Anne - Conway, Francis Seymour - Conway, Henry Seymour - Conway, John - Conway, Roger of - Conway, William Augustus
- Cony, William - Conybeare, John (1692-1755) - Conybeare, John Josias - Conybeare, William Daniel - Conybeare, William John - Conyngham, Henry - Conyngton, Richard - Cook, George - Cook, Henry - Cook, James (d.1611)
- Cook, James (1728-1779) - Cook, John (d.1660) - Cook, John (1771-1824) - Cook, John (1808-1869) - Cook, John (1807-1874) - Cook, John Douglas - Cook, Richard - Cook, Robert (d.1593?) - Cook, Robert (1646?-1726?) - Cook, Samuel
[edit]- Cook, Thomas - Cook, William - Cooke, Alexander - Cooke, Anthony - Cooke, Benjamin - Cooke, Edward (fl.1678) - Cooke, Edward (1770?-1799) - Cooke, Edward (1755-1820) - Cooke, George (1807-1863) - Cooke, George Frederick
- Cooke, George Leigh - Cooke, George Wingrove - Cooke, Henry (d.1672) - Cooke, Jo. - Cooke, John (1666-1710) - Cooke, John (1763-1805) - Cooke, John (1731-1810) - Cooke, John (1738-1823) - Cooke, John (1756-1838) - Cooke, Robert (1550-1615)
- Cooke, Robert (fl.1793-1814) - Cooke, Robert (1820?-1882) - Cooke, Roger - Cooke, Thomas (d.1478) - Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756) - Cooke, Thomas (1722-1783) - Cooke, Thomas (1763-1818) - Cooke, Thomas (1807-1868) - Cooke, Thomas Potter - Cooke, Thomas Simpson
- Cooke, William (d.1553) - Cooke, William (d.1780) - Cooke, William (1711-1797) - Cooke, William (1757-1832) - Cooke, William Bernard - Cooke, William John - Cookes, Thomas - Cookesley, William Gifford - Cookson, George - Cookson, Henry Wilkinson
- Cookson, James - Cookworthy, William - Cooley, Thomas - Cooley, William Desborough - Cooling, Richard - Coombes, Robert - Coombes, William Henry - Cooper, Abraham - Cooper, Alexander - Cooper, Andrew
[edit]- Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1671-1713) - Cooper, Astley Paston - Cooper, Charles Henry - Cooper, Charles Purton - Cooper, Daniel - Cooper, Edward (d.1725?) - Cooper, Edward Joshua - Cooper, Elizabeth -Cooper, George -Cooper, Grey
- Cooper, John (fl.1810-1870) -Cooper, John Gilbert -Cooper, Richard (d.1764) -Cooper, Richard (1740?-1814?) -Cooper, Robert (fl.1681) -Cooper, Robert (fl.1800-1836) -Cooper, Samuel (1609-1672) -Cooper, Samuel (1780-1848) -Cooper, Thomas (1517?-1594) -Cooper, Thomas (fl.1626)
- Cooper, Thomas (1759-1840) -Cooper, Thomas Henry -Cooper, Thomas Thornville -Cooper, William Durrant -Cooper, William Ricketts -Cooper, William White -Coote, Charles (d.1642) -Coote, Charles (d.1661) -Coote, Charles (1761-1835) - Coote, Edmund
- Coote, Eyre (1726-1783) -Coote, Eyre (1762-1824?) -Coote, Henry Charles -Coote, Holmes -Coote, Richard -Copcot, John -Cope, Alan -Cope, Edward Meredith -Cope, John - Cope, Michael
- Cope, Richard -Cope, Walter -Copeland, William Taylor -Coperario, Giovanni -Copinger, William -Copland, James -Copland, Patrick -Copland, Robert -Copland, William -Copleston, Edward
[edit]- Copley, Anthony - Copley, Godfrey - Copley, John Singleton (1737-1815) - Copley, John Singleton (1772-1863) - Copley, Thomas - Coppe, Abiezer - Coppin, John - Coppinger, Edmund - Coppock, James - Coppock, Thomas
- Copsi - Coram, Thomas - Corbaux, Marie Françoise Catherine Doetter - Corbeil, William of - Corbet, John (1594-1662) - Corbet, John (1620-1680) - Corbet, Miles - Corbet, Reginald - Corbet, Richard - Corbet, Robert
- Corbet, William - Corbett, Thomas - Corbett, William - Corbie, Ambrose - Corbie, Gerard - Corbie, Ralph - Corbmac - Corbould, Henry - Corbould, Richard - Corbridge, Thomas of
- Corcoran, Michael - Cordell, Charles - Cordell, William - Corden, William - Corder, William - Corderoy, Jeremy - Cordiner, Charles - Cordiner, James - Corey, John - Corfe, Arthur Thomas
- Corfe, Joseph - Cormac Mac Art - Cormac (836-908) - Cormack, John Rose - Cornelisz, Lucas - Cornelius, John - Cornelys, Theresa - Corner, George Richard - Corner, John - Cornewall, Charles
[edit]- Cornewall, Folliott Herbert Walker - Cornewall, James - Corney, Bolton - Cornhill, William of - Cornish, Joseph - Cornwallis, Thomas (1519-1604) - Cornwallis, Thomas (1663-1731) - Cornwallis, William (d.1631?) - Cornwallis, William (1744-1819) - Cornysshe, William
- Corpre Cromm - Corri, Domenico - Corrie, Archibald - Corrie, Daniel - Corrie, George Elwes - Corrigan, Dominic John - Corro, Antonio de - Corry, Henry Thomas Lowry - Corry, Isaac - Corry, John
- Cort, Henry - Corvus, Joannes - Cory, Isaac Preston - Coryate, George - Coryate, Thomas - Cosby, Francis - Cosby, Henry Augustus Montagu - Cosby, Phillips - Cosin, Edmund - Cosin, John