User:Charles Matthews/DNB 15001-16000
[edit]- Cotta, John - Cottam, Thomas - Cotter, George Sackville - Cotter, Patrick - Cotterell, Charles - Cotterell, William - Cottesford, Thomas - Cottingham, Lewis Nockalls - Cottington, Francis - Cotton, Bartholomew de
- Cotton, Charles (1630-1687) - Cotton, Charles (1753-1812) - Cotton, George Edward Lynch - Cotton, Richard Lynch - Cotton, Robert Bruce - Cotton, Roger - Cotton, St. Vincent - Cotton, Stapleton - Cotton, Sydney John - Cotton, William (d.1621)
- Cotton, William (1786-1866) - Cotton, Willoughby - Couche, William - Coulson, Walter - Coulson, William - Coulton, David Trevena - Couper, Robert - Courayer, Pierre François le - Courci, John de - Courten, William (1642-1702)
- Courtenay, Edward - Courtenay, John - Courtenay, Peter - Courtenay, Richard - Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine - Courtenay, William - Courteville, Raphael - Courthope, William - Courthopp, Nathaniel - Courtney, Edward
- Couse, Kenton - Cousen, John - Cousins, Samuel - Coutances, Walter de - Coutts, John - Coutts, Thomas - Cove, Morgan - Covel, John - Covell, William - Coventry, Anne
[edit]- Coventry, Francis - Coventry, Henry (d.1752) - Coventry, John (d.1682) - Coventry, Thomas (1547-1606) - Coventry, Thomas (1578-1640) - Coventry, William - Coverdale, Miles - Coward, James - Cowell, John - Cowell, Joseph Leathley
- Cowell, Samuel Houghton - Cowen, William - Cowherd, William - Cowie, Robert - Cowley, Abraham - Cowley, Hannah - Cowper, Charles - Cowper, Douglas - Cowper, Edward - Cowper, Henry
- Cowper, Mary - Cowper, Spencer (1669-1728) - Cowper, Spencer (1713-1774) - Cowper, William (1666-1709) - Cowper, William (d.1723) - Cowper, William (1701-1767) - Cowper, William (1731-1800) - Cowper, William (1780-1858) - Cowton, Robert - Cox, Captain
- Cox, Benjamin - Cox, Daniel - Cox, David (1783-1859) - Cox, David (1809-1885) - Cox, Edward William - Cox, Richard (1500-1581) - Cox, Richard (1650-1733) - Cox, Robert - Cox, Thomas - Cox, Walter
- Cox, William Sands - Coxe, Francis - Coxe, Henry Octavius - Coxe, John - Coxe, Peter - Coxe, Richard (d.1596) - Coxe, Thomas - Coxe, William - Coxeter, Thomas - Coxon, Thomas
[edit]- Coyne, Joseph Stirling - Coyte, William Beeston - Cozens, John Robert - Crab, Roger - Crabb, George - Crabb, Habakkuk - Crabb, James - Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1621-1683) - Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1801-1885) - Kingston, Richard
- Harrison, William (1685-1713) - Martyn, Thomas (fl.1760-1816) - Carlyon, Clement - Carmelianus, Peter - Carmichael, Frederick - Carmichael, James (1578?-1672) - Carmichael, James (fl.1587) - Carmichael, James Wilson - Carmichael, Richard - Carmylyon, Alice
- Carnaby, William - Carnac, James Rivett - Carnac, John - Carne, Robert Harkness - Carnegie, David - Carnegie, Robert - Carpenter, Alexander - Carpenter, George - Carpenter, James - Carpenter, John (1370?-1441?)
- Carpenter, James - Carpenter, John (1370?-1441?) - Carpenter, John (d.1476) - Carpenter, John (d.1621) - Carpenter, Lant - Carpenter, Margaret Sarah - Carpenter, Mary - Carpenter, Philip Pearsall - Carpenter, Richard (d.1670?) - Carpenter, Richard Cromwell
- Carpenter, William (1797-1874) - Carpenter, William Benjamin - Carpentière, — - Carpentiers, Adrien - Carpue, Joseph Constantine - Carr, John (1723-1807) - Carr, John (1732-1807) - Carr, John (1772-1832) - Carr, Johnson - Carr, R.
[edit]- Carr, Richard - Carr, Robert (d.1645) - Carr, Roger - Carr, William Holwell - Carre, Walter Riddell - Carrick, John Donald - Carrick, Thomas - Carrington, Codrington Edmund - Carrington, Frederick George - Carrington, Noel Thomas
- Carroll, Anthony - Carruthers, Andrew - Carruthers, James - Carruthers, Robert - Carse, Alexander - Carse, William - Carsewell, John - Carson, Aglionby Ross - Carson, James - Carstares, William
- Carswell, Robert - Carte, Samuel - Carte, Thomas - Carter, Edmund - Carter, Elizabeth - Carter, Ellen - Carter, Francis - Carter, Harry William - Carter, Henry - Carter, James
- Carter, John (1554-1635) - Carter, John (d.1655) - Carter, Lawrence - Carter, Matthew - Carter, Oliver - Carter, Owen Browne - Carter, Peter - Carter, Richard - Carter, Thomas (d.1795) - Carter, Thomas (1735?-1804)
- Carter, Thomas (d.1867) - Carter, William - Carteret, George - Carteret, Philip de - Carteret, Philip (d.1796) - Carthach (d.580?) - Carthach (d.636) - Carthew, George Alfred - Carthew, Thomas - Cartier, George Etienne
[edit]- Cartwright, Edmund - Cartwright, George - Cartwright, John (fl.1763-1808) - Cartwright, John (1740-1824) - Cartwright, Joseph - Cartwright, Samuel - Cartwright, Thomas (1535-1603) - Cartwright, Thomas (1634-1689) - Cartwright, Thomas (1795-1850) - Carve, Thomas
- Carvell, Nicholas - Carver, John - Carver, Jonathan - Carver, Robert - Carwardine, Penelope - Carwell, Thomas - Cary, Edward - Cary, Francis Stephen - Cary, Henry (d.1633) - Cary, Henry Francis
- Cary, John (d.1395?) - Cary, John (d.1720?) - Cary, Lucius - Cary, Valentine - Cary, William - Caryl, Joseph - Caryll, John (1625-1711) - Caryll, John (1666?-1736) - Casali, Andrea - Casanova, Francis
- Casaubon, Isaac - Case, Thomas - Caslon, William (1692-1766) - Norden, John - Mell, Davis - Caulfeild, James - Caulfeild, Toby (1565-1627) - Caulfeild, Toby (d.1642) - Caulfeild, William (d.1671) - Caulfeild, William (d.1726)
- Caulfield, James - Caunt, Benjamin - Caunter, John Hobart - Causton, Thomas - Cautley, Proby Thomas - Cavagnari, Pierre Louis Napoleon - Cavalier, Jean - Cavallo, Tiberius - Cave, Ambrose - Cave, Edward
[edit]- Cave, John - Cave, Stephen - Cave, William - Cavendish, Elizabeth - Cavendish, George - Cavendish, Georgiana - Cavendish, Henry (1732-1804) - Cavendish, Henry (1731-1810) - Cavendish, John (d.1381) - Cavendish, John (1732-1796)
- Cavendish, Margaret - Cavendish, Richard - Cavendish, Thomas - Cavendish, William (1617-1684) - Cavendish, William (1640-1707) - Cavendish, William (1720-1764) - Cavendish, William George Spencer - Caverhill, John - Caw, John Young - Cawdell, James
- Cawdry, Zachary - Cawley, William - Cawood, John - Cawston, Michael de - Cawthorn, James - Caxton, William - Cay, John - Cayley, Arthur - Cayley, Charles Bagot - Ceadda
- Ceallachan - Cearbhall - Ceawlin - Cecil, James (d.1683) - Cecil, James (d.1693) - Cecil, Richard - Cecil, Robert - Cecil, Thomas (1542-1622) - Cecil, Thomas (fl.1630) - Cecil, William
- Cecilia - Cedd - Celesia, Dorothy - Celeste, Madame - Cellach - Cellier, Elizabeth - Celsus - Centlivre, Susannah - Centwine - Cenwalh
[edit]- Cenwulf - Ceolfrid - Cervetto, Giacobbe - Cervetto, James - Cestreton, Adam de - Chabham, Thomas de - Chabot, Charles - Chaceporc, Peter - Chaderton, Laurence - Chaderton, William
- Chads, Henry Ducie - Chadwick, James - Chafy, William - Chaigneau, William - Chalk, James Jell - Harris, Francis - Harris, George (1722-1796) - Harris, George (1746-1829) - Harris, George Francis Robert - Harris, Henry
- Harris, Howel - Harris, James (1709-1780) - Harris, James (1746-1820) - Harris, James Howard - Harris, Joseph (?) (fl.1661-1681) - Harris, Joseph (fl.1661-1699) - Harris, Joseph (1702-1764) - Harris, Joseph (d.1814) - Harris, Joseph (1773-1825) - Harris, Joseph John
- Harris, Joseph Macdonald - Harris, Moses - Harris, Paul - Harris, Renatus - Harris, Richard - Harris, Robert (1809-1865) - Harris, Samuel - Harris, Thomas - Harris, Walter (1647-1732) - Harris, Walter (1686-1761)
- Harris, William (1546?-1602) - Harris, William (1720-1770) - Harris, William (1776?-1830) - Harris, William Cornwallis - Harris, William George - Harris, William Snow - Harrison, Benjamin (1771-1856) - Harrison, Benjamin (1808-1887) - Harrison, George (d.1841) - Harrison, George Henry
[edit]- Harrison, John (fl.1630) - Harrison, John (1579-1656) - Harrison, John (1613?-1670) - Harrison, John (1693-1776) - Harrison, Joseph - Harrison, Robert (d.1585?) - Harrison, Robert (1715-1802) - Harrison, Samuel - Harrison, Stephen - Harrison, Susannah
- Harrison, Thomas (1555-1631) - Harrison, Thomas (fl.1658) - Harrison, Thomas (1606-1660) - Harrison, Thomas (1693-1745) - Harrison, Thomas (1744-1829) - Harrison, Thomas Elliott - Harrison, William (1534-1593) - Harrison, William (1553-1621) - Harrison, William (1813-1868) - Harrison, William (1802-1884)
- Harrison, William Frederick - Harrison, William George - Harrod, Henry - Harry, George Owen - Harry, Nun Morgan - Harsnett, Adam - Harsnett, Samuel - Hothby, John - Hook, Walter Farquhar - Jones, William (1746-1794)
- Herbison, David - Herd, David - Herd, John - Herdman, John - Herdman, Robert - Herdman, William Gawin - Herdson, Henry - Herebert - Herewald - Hereward
- Herfast - Hericke, William - Hering, George Edwards - Heriot, George - Heriot, John - Herle, Charles - Herle, William - Hermann (fl.1070) - Hermann (d.1078) - Herne, John
[edit]- Heron, Haly - Heron, Richard - Heron, Robert (1764-1807) - Heron, Robert (1765-1854) - Herrick, Robert - Herries, Charles John - Herries, John Charles - Herring, Francis - Herring, John Frederick - Herring, Julines
- Herring, Thomas - Herschel, Caroline Lucretia - Herschel, John Frederick William - Herschel, William - Herschell, Ridley Haim - Hershon, Paul Isaac - Hertelpoll, Hugh of - Hertslet, Lewis - Hervey (d.1131) - Hervey, Augustus John
- Hervey, Frederick Augustus - Hervey, Thomas (1698-1775) - Hervey, Thomas Kibble - Hervey, William - Heseltine, James - Hesilrige, Arthur - Hesketh, Harriet - Hesketh, Henry - Hesketh, Richard - Hesketh, Roger
- Hesketh, Thomas - Heskyns, Thomas - Heslop, Luke - Heslop, Thomas Pretious - Hessel, Phœbe - Hester, John - Heston, Walter - Hetherington, Henry - Heton, Martin - Heugh, Hugh
- Heveningham, William - Hewett, George - Hewett, William (d.1567) - Hewett, William Nathan Wrighte - Hewit, John - Hewitson, William Chapman - Hewitt, James - Hewitt, John (1719-1802) - Hewitt, John (1807-1878) - Hewlett, Ebenezer
[edit]- Hewlett, James - Hewlett, John - Hewlett, Joseph Thomas James - Hewson, William (1739-1774) - Hey, John - Hey, Richard - Hey, William - Heydon, Christopher - Heydon, Henry - Heydon, John (d.1653)
- Heydon, John (fl.1667) - Heyman, Peter - Heynes, Simon - Heyrick, Thomas - Heysham, John - Heytesbury, William (fl.1340) - Heytesbury, William A'Court - Heywood, Benjamin - Heywood, Ellis - Heywood, James
- Heywood, Jasper - Heywood, John - Heywood, Nathaniel - Heywood, Peter - Heywood, Robert - Heywood, Samuel - Heywood, Thomas (d.1650?) - Heywood, Thomas (1797-1868) - Hibbart, William - Hibberd, Shirley
- Hibbert, George - Hibbert, Henry - Hibbert, Robert - Hibbert-Ware, Samuel - Hibbs, Richard - Hickeringill, Edmund - Hickes, Francis - Hickes, Gaspar - Hickes, John - Hickey, Antony
- Hickey, Thomas - Hickey, William - Hickman, Charles - Hickman, Francis - Hicks, Baptist - Hicks, William (1621-1660) - Hicks, William (fl.1671) - Hicks, William (1830-1883) - Hickson, William Edward - Hieron, Samuel
[edit]- Hiffernan, Paul - Higden, Ranulf - Higden, William - Higford, William - Higgins, Bryan - Higgins, Charles Longuet - Higgins, Francis (1669-1728) - Higgins, Francis (1746-1802) - Higgins, Godfrey - Higgins, John
- Higgins, William - Higginson, Edward - Higginson, Francis - Higgons, Bevil - Higgons, Theophilus - Higgons, Thomas - Higham, Thomas - Highmore, Anthony - Highmore, Joseph - Highmore, Nathaniel
- Highmore, Thomas - Highton, Henry - Higson, John - Hilary (d.1169) - Hilary (fl.1125) - Hilda - Hildersam, Arthur - Hildersam, Samuel - Hildesley, Mark - Hildeyard, Thomas
- Hildilid - Hilditch, Edward - Hildrop, John - Hill, Aaron - Hill, Abraham - Hill, Adam - Hill, Alexander - Hill, Arthur - Hill, David Octavius - Hill, Dudley St. Leger
- Hill, Edwin - Hill, George (1716-1808) - Hill, George (1750-1819) - Hill, Hugh - Hill, James (d.1729?) - Hill, James (d.1817?) - Hill, James John - Hill, John? (d.1697?) - Hill, John (d.1732?) - Hill, John (1716?-1775)
[edit]- Hill, John Harwood - Hill, Matthew Davenport - Hill, Nicholas - Hill, Richard (1655-1727) - Hill, Richard (1732-1808) - Hill, Robert (d.1425) - Hill, Robert (1699-1777) - Hill, Robert Gardiner - Hill, Roger - Hill, Rowland (1492?-1561)
- Hill, Rowland (1772-1842) - Hill, Rowland (1795-1879) - Hill, Rowley - Hill, Samuel - Hill, Thomas (fl.1590) - Hill, Thomas (1564-1644) - Hill, Thomas (d.1653) - Hill, Thomas (1628?-1677?) - Hill, Thomas (1661-1734) - Hill, Thomas (1760-1840)
- Hill, Thomas (1808-1865) - Hill, Thomas Ford - Hill, Thomas Noel - Hill, Thomas Wright - Hill, William (1619-1667) - Hill, William Noel- - Hill, Wills - Hillary, William - Hilliard, Nicholas - Hillier, George
- Hills, Henry - Hills, Robert - Hillyar, James - Hilton, John (d.1657) - Hilton, William - Hinchliff, John Elley - Hinchliffe, John - Hinckley, John - Hincks, Edward - Hincks, Francis
- Hinde, William - Hinderwell, Thomas - Hindle, John - Henry of Scotland - Henry (1155-1183) - Henry of Cornwall - Henry of Lancaster (1281?-1345) - Henry of Lancaster (1299?-1361) - Henry Frederick (1594-1612) - Henry (1639-1660)
[edit]- Henry Frederick (1745-1790) - Henry (fl.1150) - Henry of Abendon - Henry of Blois - Henry of Eastry - Henry of Marlborough - Henry the Minstrel - Henry of Saltrey - Henry, James - Henry, Matthew
- Henry, Robert - Henry, Thomas (1734-1816) - Henry, Thomas (1807-1876) - Henry, William (d.1768) - Henry, William (1774-1836) - Henryson, Edward - Henryson, Robert - Henryson, Thomas - Hensey, Florence - Henshall, Samuel
- Henshaw, Joseph - Henshaw, Nathaniel - Henshaw, Thomas - Henslow, John Stevens - Henslowe, Philip - Hensman, John - Henson, Gravener - Henstridge, Daniel - Henton, Simon - Henty, Edward
- Henwood, William Jory - Hepburn, Francis (1779-1835) - Hepburn, Francis Stewart - Hepburn, George Buchan - Hepburn, James (1536?-1578) - Hepburn, James (1573-1620) - Hepburn, James (d.1637) - Henry VIII - Hepburn, John (d.1522) - Hepburn, John (1598?-1636)
- Hepburn, Patrick (d.1508) - Hepburn, Patrick (1512?-1556) - Hepburn, Patrick (d.1573) - Hepburn, Robert - Herapath, John - Herapath, William - Heraud, John Abraham - Herault, John - Hodgson, John Studholme - Hoare, Clement
[edit]- Hoare, Prince - Hoare, Richard (1648-1718) - Hoare, Richard Colt - Hoare, William (1707?-1792) - Hoare, William Henry - Hobart, George - Hobart, Henry - Hobart, James - Hobart, John (1694?-1756) - Hobart, John (1723-1793)
- Hobart, Miles - Hobart, Robert - Hobart, Vere Henry - Hobart-Hampden, Augustus Charles - Hobbes, Robert - Hobbes, Thomas - Hobhouse, Benjamin - Hobhouse, John Cam - Hoblyn, Richard Dennis - Hobson, Edward
- Hobson, Richard - Hobson, Thomas - Hoccleve, Thomas - Hodder, James - Hoddesdon, John - Hodge, Arthur - Hodges, Charles Howard - Hodges, Edward (1796-1887) - Hodges, Edward Richmond - Hodges, Nathaniel
- Hodges, William (1645?-1714) - Hodges, William (1744-1797) - Hodges, William (1808-1868) - Hodgkin, John (1766-1845) - Hodgkin, John (1800-1875) - Hodgkinson, Eaton - Hodgkinson, George Christopher - Hodgson, Bernard - Hodgson, Christopher Pemberton - Hodgson, Edward
- Hodgson, Francis - Hodgson, James - Hodgson, John (d.1684) - Hodgson, John (1779-1845) - Hodgson, John (1757-1846) - Hodgson, Joseph (1756-1821) - Hodgson, Joseph (1788-1869) - Hodgson, Studholme - Hodgson, William (1745-1851) - Hodgson, William Ballantyne
[edit]- Hodson, Margaret - Hodson, William (fl.1640) - Hodson, William Stephen Raikes - Hody, Humphrey - Hody, John - Hody, William - Hofland, Barbara - Hofland, Thomas Christopher - Hog, James - Hog, Roger
- Hog, Thomas - Hogan, John - Hogarth, George - Hogarth, William (1697-1764) - Hogarth, William (1786-1866) - Hogenberg, Remigius - Hogg, Henry - Hogg, James (1771-1835) - Hogg, James (1806-1888) - Hogg, James Macnaghten McGarel
- Hogg, James Weir - Hogg, John - Hogg, Thomas Jefferson - Holbeach, Henry - Holbein, Hans - Holborne, Anthony - Holbrook, Ann Catherine - Holbrook, John - Holburne, Francis - Holcombe, Henry
- Holcot, Robert of - Holcroft, Francis - Holcroft, Thomas - Holden, George - Holden, Henry - Holden, Lawrence - Holden, Moses - Holder, William - Holding, Henry James - Holdsworth, Edward
- Holdsworth, Richard - Hole, Henry Fulke Plantagenet Woolicombe - Hole, Matthew - Hole, Richard - Hole, William - Holgate, Robert - Holinshed, Raphael - Holker, John (1719-1786) - Holker, John (1828-1882) - Holl, Francis (1815-1884)
[edit]- Holl, Francis Montague - Holl, William - Holland, Abraham - Holland, Charles (1733-1769) - Holland, Charles (1768-1849?) - Holland, Cornelius - Holland, George Calvert - Holland, Guy - Holland, Henry (d.1604) - Holland, Henry (d.1625)
- Holland, Henry (1583-1650?) - Holland, Henry (1746?-1806) - Holland, Henry (1788-1873) - Holland, Hezekiah - Holland, James - Holland, John (d.1722) - Holland, John (1794-1872) - Holland, Nathaniel Dance- - Holland, Philemon - Holland, Richard (fl.1450)
- Holland, Richard (1596-1677) - Holland, Robert - Holland, Thomas (d.1360) - Holland, Thomas (1350-1397) - Holland, Thomas (1374-1400) - Holland, Thomas (d.1612) - Holland, Thomas (1600-1642) - Holland, Thomas Agar - Hollar, Wenceslaus - Holles, Denzil
- Holles, Frescheville - Holles, Gervase - Holles, John (1564?-1637) - Holles, John (1595-1666) - Holles, John (1662-1711) - Holles, William - Holliday, John - Hollings, Edmund - Hollingworth, Richard - Hollins, John
- Hollins, William - Hollinworth, Richard - Hollis, Aiskew Paffard - Hollis, George - Hollis, Thomas - Hollond, Ellen Julia - Holloway, Benjamin - Holloway, James - Holloway, Richard - Holloway, Thomas (1748-1827)
[edit]- Holloway, Thomas (1800-1883) - Holman, Francis - Holman, James - Holman, Joseph George - Holme, Benjamin - Holme, Edward - Holme, Randle - Holmes, Abraham - Holmes, Alfred - Holmes, Charles
- Holmes, Edward - Holmes, George (fl.1673-1715) - Holmes, George (1662-1749) - Holmes, James - Holmes, John (fl.1602) - Holmes, John (1640?-1683) - Holmes, John (1800-1854) - Holmes, John Beck - Holmes, Nathaniel - Holmes, Robert (1622-1692)
- Holmes, William (1689-1748) - Holmes, William (d.1851) - Holmes, William Anthony - Holroyd, George Sowley - Holroyd, John Baker - Home, Alexander (d.1516) - Home, Alexander (d.1575) - Home, Alexander (1566?-1619) - Home, Daniel Dunglas - Home, Everard
- Home, Francis - Home, George (d.1547) - Home, Henry - Home, James (d.1666) - Home, James (1760-1841) - Home, John - Home, Robert (d.1836?) - Home, Robert (1837-1879) - Home, William - Homer, Henry (1719-1791)
- Homer, Henry (1753-1791) - Homer, Philip Bracebridge - Hondius, Abraham - Hondius, Jodocus - Hone, Nathaniel - Hone, William - Honey, George - Honey, Laura - Honorius - Honywood, Mary
[edit]- Honywood, Robert - Honywood, Thomas - Hood, Alexander (1758-1798) - Hood, Alexander (1727-1814) - Hood, Charles - Hood, Edwin Paxton - Hood, Francis Grosvenor - Hood, Samuel (1762-1814) - Hood, Samuel (1724-1816) - Hood, Thomas (fl.1582-1598)
- Hood, Thomas (1799-1845) - Hood, Thomas (1835-1874) - Hook, James (1746-1827) - Hook, James (1772?-1828) - Hook, Theodore Edward - Hook, William - Hooke, John - Hooke, Luke Joseph - Hooke, Nathaniel (1664-1738) - Hooke, Nathaniel (d.1763)
- Hooke, Robert - Hooker, John - Hooker, Richard - Hooker, Thomas - Hooker, William Jackson - Hookes, Nicholas - Hoole, Charles - Hoole, Elijah - Hooper, Edmund - Hooper, John
- Hooper, Robert - Hooper, William Hulme - Hooten, Elizabeth - Hooton, Charles - Hope, Alexander (1769-1837) - Hope, Alexander James Beresford - Hope, Anne - Hope, Charles (1681-1742) - Hope, Charles (1763-1851) - Hope, Frederick William
- Hope, George - Hope, Henry - Hope, James (1614-1661) - Hope, James (1741-1816) - Hope, James (1801-1841) - Hope, James (1764-1846?) - Hope, James (1808-1881) - Hope, James Archibald - Hope, John (1605?-1654) - Hope, John (1739-1785)
[edit]- Hope, John (1725-1786) - Hope, John (1765-1823) - Hope, John (1765-1836) - Hope, John Williams - Hope, Thomas (1606-1643) - Hope, Thomas (d.1646) - Hope, Thomas (1770?-1831) - Hope, Thomas Charles - Hope, William Johnstone - Hope-Scott, James Robert
- Hopkin, Lewis - Hopkins, Charles - Hopkins, Edward - Hopkins, Ezekiel - Hopkins, John (d.1570) - Hopkins, John (fl.1700) - Hopkins, John Larkin - Hopkins, Matthew - Hopkins, Richard - Hopkins, William (fl.1674)
- Hopkins, William (1647-1700) - Hopkins, William (1706-1786) - Hopkins, William (1793-1866) - Hopkinson, John - Hopkinson, William - Hopkirk, Thomas - Hopley, Edward William John - Hopper, Humphrey - Hopper, Thomas - Hoppner, John
- Hoppus, John - Hopson, Charles Rivington - Hopsonn, Thomas - Hopton, Arthur - Hopton, John - Hopton, Ralph - Hopton, Susanna - Hopwood, James - Horbery, Matthew - Horden, Hildebrand
- Horman, William - Horn, Andrew - Horn, Charles Edward - Hornblower, Jonathan - Hornby, Phipps - Hornby, William - Horne, John - Horne, Richard Henry - Horne, Robert (1519?-1580) - Horne, Robert (1565-1640) -
[edit]- Horne, Thomas (1610-1654) - Horne, Thomas Hartwell - Horne, William - Hornebolt, Gerard - Horneby, Henry - Horner, Francis - Horner, Leonard - Horner, William George - Hornsby, Thomas - Horrocks, Jeremiah
- Horrocks, John - Horsburgh, James - Horsburgh, John - Horsey, Edward - Horsey, Jerome - Horsfield, Thomas (1773-1859) - Horsfield, Thomas Walker - Horsford, Alfred Hastings - Horsford, John - Horsley, Charles Edward
- Horsley, John - Horsley, Samuel - Horsley, William - Horsman, Nicholas - Hort, Josiah - Horton, Christiana - Horton, Robert John Wilmot- - Horton, Thomas (d.1649) - Hortop, Job - Horwitz, Bernard