Hi, my name is copbuddy25.
I'm an American, and a proud lover of this country (although it's going to pieces in the last few months).
My favorite TV shows are Southland, CSI, The Unit, 24, NCIS and anything on TruTV.
My heroes are the Duke of Wellington, General Montgomery, Queen Elizabeth II, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, George Bush (father and son), Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, and Charles Lindbergh.
I have posted "The Journal of Major Andre" on the WikiSource. As a side note, I think it is of great importance that Americans reevaluate how they look at the Revolution, particularly the British role in the war. There were heroes on both sides, and John Andre certainly deserves more respect than he's given. Here's why:
1. In reading his journal you will find his experiences have a lot in common with brave American soldiers fighting today.
2. He was a proud and loyal servant of his country, despite what you might think about his cause.
3. He loved his country dearly and was willing to die for it (and that's a lot more than you can say for most people).