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User:Cygnis insignis/Milton a Poem

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Versions of
Cygnis insignis/Milton a Poem

The title is given 'the Milton' in discussion of the work, the full title is Milton a Poem in 2 Books. Original text from an illuminated manuscript by William Blake, the final edition contains 48 to 50 (51) plates, The preface is absent from many extant copies. See also Cygnis insignis/Milton a Poem

506457Cygnis insignis/Milton a Poem
Versions of Cygnis insignis/Milton a Poem include:

Original editions

  • foo (1794), unpublished transciption of an original copy

Typeset editions

A poem in two books

Original editions

  • foo (1794), unpublished transciption of an original copy

Typeset editions

Additional plates