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The Folk-Lore Society.

Prospectus and List of Publications.

JANUARY, 1908.




J. G. FRAZER, LL.D., Litt.D.
A. C. HADDON, M.A., D.Sc.


Hon. Treasurer.

EDWARD CLODD, 5, Prince's Street, E.C.

Hon. Auditors.



F. A. MILNE, M.A., 11, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.

The Folk-Lore Society.

Objects of the Society.

This Society was established in 1878 for the purpose of collecting and preserving the fast-perishing relics of Folklore. Under this general term are included Folk-tales; Hero-tales; Traditional Ballads and Songs; Place Legends and Traditions; Goblindom; Witchcraft; Leechcraft; Superstitions connected with material things; Local Customs; Festival Customs; Ceremonial Customs; Games; Jingles; Nursery Rhymes; Riddles, &c.; Proverbs; Old Saws, rhymed and unrhymed; Nick-names, Place-rhymes and Sayings; Folk-Etymology.

Foreign countries have followed the example of Great Britain, and are steadily collecting and classifying their Folklore.[1] It is most gratifying to this Society to observe that one great result of its work has been to draw attention to the subject in all parts of the world; and it is particularly noticeable that the word "Folklore" has been adopted as the name of the subject in foreign countries.

Scope of the Society.

Since the establishment of the Society great impetus has been given to the study and scientific treatment of those crude philosophies which Folklore embodies. Hence the place now accorded to it as a science, to be approached in the historic spirit and treated on scientific methods. The meaning for a long time given to the term Folklore has thus been greatly enlarged, and the definition which the Society has adopted will illustrate the importance of the new departure:—The science of Folklore is the comparison and identification of the survivals of archaic beliefs, customs, and traditions in modern ages.

Characteristics of Folklore.

It may be well to point out the essential characteristics of Folklore under the terms of this definition. It was found by observation that there exists, or has existed, among the least cultured of the inhabitants of all the countries of modern Europe, a vast body of curious beliefs, customs, and story narratives which are handed down by tradition from generation to generation, and the origin of which is unknown. They are not supported or recognised by the prevailing religion, nor by the established law, nor by the recorded history of the several countries. They are essentially the property of the unlearned and least advanced portion of the community.

Then it was noted that, wherever any body of individuals, entirely ignorant of the results of science and philosophy to which the advanced portion of the community have attained, habitually believe what their ancestors have taught them, and habitually practise the customs which previous generations have practised, a state of mind exists which is capable of generating fresh beliefs in explanation of newly observed phenomena, and is peculiarly open to receive any fanciful explanations offered by any particular section of the community. Thus, in addition to the traditional belief or custom, there is the acquired belief or custom arising from a mythic interpretation of known historical or natural events.

From these potent influences in the uncultured life of a people—traditional sanctity and pre-scientific mental activity—and from the many modifications produced by their active continuance, it is seen that the subjects which constitute Folklore principally consist of the relics of an unrecorded past in man's mental and social history.

Thus it will be seen that the subjects dealt with by the Folklorist are very wide in range and of absorbing interest. Customs, beliefs, folk-tales, institutions, and whatever has been kept alive by the acts of the Folk are Folklore. Other studies which illustrate Folklore, whether it be archaeology, geology, or anthropology, must be brought to bear upon it, so that no item may be left without some attempt to determine its place in man's history.

Work of the Society.

The work of the Society is divided into two branches. First, there is the collection of the remains of Folklore still extant. Much remains to be done in our country, especially in the outlying parts of England and Scotland, the mountains of Wales, and the rural parts of Ireland, and the publications of the Society bear witness to the fact that in all parts of our land the mine has abundant rich ore remaining unworked. In European countries for the most part there are native workers who are busy upon the collection of Folklore; but in India and in other states under English dominion, besides savage lands not politically attached to this country, there is an enormous field where the labourers are few. No one who has opportunities of knowing the folk in his own neighbourhood should be deterred from recording the lore gathered from them by the fear that his information may not be worth it. What is an everyday occurrence, seemingly of no import, in one's own neighbourhood, may be a revelation to the student seeking for links to complete his investigations. And should the same item have been already noted elsewhere, the addition of a hitherto unrecorded habitat will have a definite value, when accompanied by particulars of the date when the custom was observed, the occasion on which the superstitious notion was revealed, the person by whom the story was related.

Secondly, there is the very important duty of classifying and comparing the various items of Folklore as they are gathered from the people and put permanently on record.

Ancillary tasks to the collection of oral and to the classification of recorded material, are the preservation in a form convenient for Folklore students of the vast number of facts and notices of a Folklore character scattered in various books and periodical publications, and the compilation of a fully detailed bibliography covering all fields of Folklore research. A promising start towards the accomplishment of the first task has been made in the initiation of the series entitled "County Folk-Lore, Printed Extracts," in which numberless items of Folklore interest are rescued from the pages of county histories, dissertations of the older antiquaries, local archæological associations, &c., and classified, upon a definite plan, by counties (see List of Publications, Nos. 37, 45, 49, and 53). The second task, the compilation of an adequate Folklore bibliography, has been and still is delayed ahke by the lack of funds and the insufficiency of workers, but a beginning has been made in the Annual Bibliographies compiled by Mr. N. W. Thomas, of which 1905 and 1906 have appeared.

The Society needs more ample funds to publish its results and its materials in hand, as . well as to extend the area of its labours. Increased membership would make it possible to establish a library and a museum of Folklore objects. Meanwhile the nucleus of both already exists; the former at the rooms of the Anthropological Institute at 3 Hanover Square, and the latter, including the collections of Mexican objects presented by Professor Starr, and of Musquakie objects presented by Miss Owen, in cases in the Cambridge University Museum, for which space has for the present been kindly found by the authorities of the Museum. Contributions to both are invited.


All the publications of the Society are issued to Members, and those volumes that are priced in the following list may be obtained by non-members of the publisher, Mr. David Nutt, 57, and 59, Long Acre. Besides the volumes prepared for the Society, Members receive a copy of the quarterly journal, Folk-Lore, published by Mr. Nutt. This journal is the official organ of the Society, in which all necessary notices to Members are published, and to which Members of the Society are invited to contribute all unrecorded items of Folk-lore which become known to them from time to time, or any studies on Folklore or kindred subjects which they may have prepared for the purpose.


The Annual Subscription to the Society is One Guinea, and is payable in advance on the first of January in each year. This will entitle Members to receive the publications of the Society for such year. Members joining during the current year, and desirous of obtaining such of the publications of the Society already issued as are still in print (several of them are becoming scarce), may do so by paying the subscriptions for the back years. Post-office orders and cheques should be sent to the Secretary.


All communications relating to literary matters, to contributions to the Journal, to the work of collection, to the tabulation of Folktales, &c., and to the general aims of the Society, should be made to the Secretary. All communications respecting the delivery or purchase of publications to the Publisher.

Persons desirous of joining the Society are requested to send in their names to the Secretary, Mr. F. A. Milne, ii. Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.

January, 1908.

The Folk-Lore Society.


as follows (all prices are net for cash), may be had from the Society's
Publisher, Mr. David Nutt, 57-59, Long Acre, London.

(Only the longer articles in the Transactions are given.)


1. The Folk-Lore Record, Vol. I. 8vo, pp. xvi, 252. [Issued to Members only.]

Mrs. Latham: West Sussex Superstitions. W. R. S. Ralston: Notes on Folktales. A. Lang: The Folklore of France. C. Pfoundes: Some Japan Folktales. W. J. Thorns: Chaucer's Night-Spell; &c., &c.


2. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders, by William Henderson. A new edition, with considerable additions by the Author. 8vo, pp. xvii, 391. [Published at 16s.]

3. The Folk-Lore Record, Vol. II. 8vo, pp. viii, 250; Appendix, pp. 21. [Issued to Members only.] H. C. Coote: The Neo-Latin Fay. J. Sibree: Malagasy Folk-lore. J. Hardy: Popular History of the Cuckoo. J. Napier: Old Ballad Folklore. F. G. Fleay: Some Folklore from Chaucer. The Story of Conn-Eda; &c., &c.



4. Aubrey's Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaismae, with the additions by Dr. White Kennet. Edited by James Britten, F.L.S. 8vo, pp. vii, 273. [Published at 13s. 6d.]

5. The Folk-Lore Record, Vol. III., Part L 8vo, pp. 152. [Issued to Members only.] H. C. Coote: Catskin. J. Fenton: Biographical Myths; illustrated from the Lives of Buddha and Muhammad. J. B. Andrews: Stories from Mentone; Ananci Stories. J. Long: Proverbs, English and Celtic. J. S. Udal: Dorsetshire Mummers. H. C. Coote: Indian Mother-Worship, &c., &c. 6. The Folk-Lore Record, Vol. III., Part II. 8vo, pp. 153-318; Appendix, pp. 20. [Issued to Members only.] G. Stephens: Two English Folktales. W. S. Lach-Szyrma: Folklore Traditions of Historical Events. Evelyn Carrington: Singing Games. H. C. Coote: Folklore the Source of some of M. Galland's tales; &c., &c.


7. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-east of Scotland. By the Rev. Walter Gregor. 8vo, pp. xii, 288. [13s. 6d.]

8. The Folk-Lore Record, Vol. IV. 8vo, pp. 239. [Members only.] Alfred Nutt: The Aryan Expulsion-and-Return Formula in the Folk- and Hero-Tales of the Celts. J. Sibree: Additional Folklore from Madagascar. W. S. Lach-Szyrma: Slavonic Folklore. H. Friend: Euphemism and Tabu in China. W. Crooke: Notes on Indian Folklore; &c., &c.



9. Researches respecting the Book of Sindibad. By Professor Domenico Comparetti. pp. viii, 167.—Portuguese Folk-Tales. By Professor Z. Consiglieri Pedroso, of Lisbon; with an Introduction by W. R. S. Ralston, M.A. pp. ix, 124. In one vol., 8vo. [Published at 15s.]

10. The Folk-Lore Record, Vol. V. 8vo, pp. 229. [Members only.] Alfred Nutt: Mabinogion Studies, I. Branwen, the daughter of Llyr. R. C. Temple: Agricultural Folklore Notes (India). Mrs. Mawer: Roumanian Folklore Notes. G. L. Gomme: Bibliography of English Folklore Publications (A—B). R. Clark: Wexford Folklore. North American Indian Legends and Fables; &c., &c.


11. Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. I. (Monthly.) [Not sold separately.] W. G. Black: The Hare in Folklore. D. G. Brinton: Folklore of Yucatan. J. Britten: Irish Folktales. A. Lang: Anthropology and the Vedas. F. E. Sawyer: St. Swithin and Rainmakers. Professor Sayce: Babylonian Folklore. J. Sibree: On the Oratory, Songs, Legends, and Folktales of the Malagasy. C. Swinnerton: Four Legends of King Rasalu. R. C. Temple: Panjabi Proverbs. C. S. Wake: Ananci Stories.

12. Folk Medicine. By W. G. Black. 8vo, pp. ii, 227. [13s. 6d.]


14. Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. II. (Monthly.) [Published at 20s.] J. Abercromby: Irish Stories; Irish Bird-Lore. J.Britten: Irish Folktales. Ed. Clodd: The Philosophy of Punchkin. H. C. Coote: Sicilian Children's Games. The Folklore of Drayton. W. Gregor: Folktales from Aberdeenshire. W. H. Jones and L. Kropf: Szekely Folk-Medicine. G. A. Kinahan: Connemara Folklore. Countess Martinengo-Cesaresco: American Games and Songs. Rich. Morris: Folktales of India. Alf. Nutt: Irish Mythology according to a recent Writer. F. E. Sawyer: Sussex Tipteerer's Play; Old Clem Celebrations. J. Sibree: Malagasy Folktales. R. C. Temple: Burmese Ordeals.

16. The Religious System of the Amazulu. By the Bishop of St. John's, Kaffraria. (Members can have this volume at los. 6d.) [;^i. IS.]


16. Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. III. (Quarterly.) [Not sold separately.] Ch. S. Burne: The Science of Folklore. H. C. Coote: Origin of the Robin Hood Epos; The Folklore of Drayton. G. L. Gomme: The Science of Folklore. W. Gregor: Some Folklore of the Sea. E. S. Hartland: The Science of Folklore; The Forbidden Chamber. T. H. Moore: Chilian Popular Tales. Rich. Morris: Folktales of India (Jatakas). R. C. Temple: North Indian Proverbs.

17. Folk-Lore and Provincial Names of British Birds, By the Rev. C. Swainson. [Not sold separately.]


18. Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. IV. (Quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] Ch. S. Burne: Classification of Folklore; Staffordshire Guiser's Play. M. A. Courtney: Cornish Feasts and Feasten Custom. W. Gregor; Folklore of the Sea; Children's Amusements. E. S. Hartland : The Outcast Child. G. H. Kinahan : Donegal Superstitions. Rich. Morris : Folktales of India. J. S. Stuart-Glennie : Classification of Folklore. R. C. Temple : The Science of Folklore.

[13.] Magyar Folk-Tales. By the Rev. W. H. Jones and Lewis H. Kropf. [Published at 153.]


19. Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. V. (Quarterly.) [Not sold separately.] W. H. Babcock : American Song-Games. W. G. Black : North Friesland Folktales. C. P. Bowditch : Negro Songs from Barbados. A. Colles : A Witch's Ladder. M. A. Courtney: Cornish Folklore. J. G. Frazer : A Witch's Ladder. M. Gaster : The Modern Origin of Fairy Tales. J. S. King : Folklore of the Western Somali Tribes. W. F. Kirby : The Forbidden Doors of the Thousand and One Nights. C. G. Leland: The Witch's Ladder. N. G. Mitchell Innes : Chinese Birth, Marriage, and Death Rites. Mrs. Murray-Aynsley : Secular and Religious Dances of Primitive Peoples. G. Taylor : Folklore of Aboriginal Formosa.


21. Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. VI. (Quarterly.) [Out of Print.] R. Abercromby : Cloud-Land in Folklore. W. H. Babcock : Folktales collected near Washington. J. Batchelor : Some Specimens of Aino Folklore. B. H. Chamberlain : Aino Folktales. Miss Dempster: Folklore of Sutherlandshire. J.J. Foster : Dorset Folklore. J. G. Frazer : Folklore at Bal- quhidder. D. F. A. Hervey : Traditions of the Aborigines of Malacca. J. S. King : Folklore and Social Customs of the Western Somali Tribes. Rajah Donan : A Malay Fairy Tale ; &c., &c.

22. Aino Folk-Tales. By Basil Hall Chamberlain, with Intro- duction by Edward B. Tylor. (Privately printed and sold to Members of the Society only, price 5s. Not included in the Annual Subscription.)

. Studies in the Legend of the Holy Grail, with especial reference to the Hypothesis of its Celtic Origin, By

Alfred Nutt. [Out of Print]


24. Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. VII. (Quarterly.) [Out of Print.] J. Abercromby: The Beliefs and Religious Superstitions of the Mordvins. Ch. S. Burne: Derbyshire and Staffordshire Sayings. Ed. Clodd: The Philosophy of Rumpelstiltskin. J. G. Frazer: Notes on Harvest Customs; A South African Red Riding Hood. G. L. Gomme: Coorg Folklore. W. Gregor: Aberdeenshire Folktales. Rich. Morris: Death's Messengers. T. F. Ordish: Morris Dance at Revesby. R. F. St. A. St. John: Indo-Burmese Folklore. Prof Sayce: Cairene Folklore. J. S. Udal: Dorsetshire Children's Games.

25. Gaelic Folk-Tales. Edited and translated by the Rev. D. McInnes, with Notes by Alfred Nutt. [Only in set.]

[20.] The Handbook of Folk-Lore. [Out of print.]


26. The Exempla of Jacques de Vitry. With Introduction, Analysis, and Notes. Edited by Professor T. F. Crane. [Not sold separately; only in set.]

27. Folk-Lore, Vol. I. (Issued quarterly.) [Not sold separately.] A. Lang: Presidential Address; English and Scotch Fairy Tales. J. Abercromby: Magic Songs of the Finns; Marriage Customs of the Moidvins. A. C. Haddon: Legends from Torres Straits. W. Ridgeway: Greek Trade Routes to Britain. E. S. Hartland: Recent Research on Folktales; Peeping Tom and Lady Godiva. F. York Powell: Recent Research on Teutonic Mythology. J. G. Frazer: Some Popular Superstitions of the Ancients. G. L. Gomme: A Highland Folktale and its Foundation in Usage. James Darmesteter and A. Barth: " How they met themselves." A. Nutt: Reports on Celtic Myth and Saga, 1888-89, and on the Campbell MSS. at Edinburgh. R. H. Busk: Report on Italian Folksongs. C. S. Burne: The Collection of English Folklore. S. Schechter: The Riddles of Solomon in Rabbinic Literature. J. H. S. Lockhart: Notes on Chinese Folklore; The Marriage Ceremonies of the Manchus. J. Jacobs: Recent Research in Comparative Religion; P. Kowalewsky: Marriage among the Early Slavs. W. A. Clouston: The Story of the Frog Prince.


28. Folk-Lore, Vol. II. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 15S.J G. L. Gomme: Annual Address; Recent Research on Institutions. J. Abercromby: Magic Songs of the Finns. M. Gaster: The Legend of the Grail. Col. G. Maxwell: Slava. W. Gregor: The Scotch Fisher Child; AVeather Folklore of the Sea. A. Nutt: An Early Irish Version of the Jealous Stepmother and the Exposed Child. R. F. St. A. St. John, Bhuridatta. E. S. Hartland: Report on Folktale Research, 1890. Mrs. M. C. Balfour: Legends of the Lincolnshire Cars. J. Abercromby: An Amazonian Custom in the Caucasus. J. Jacobs: Childe Rowland. F. B. Jevons: Report on Greek Mythology. J. Rhys: Manx Folklore and Superstitions. T. F. Ordish: Folkdrama. J. Sibree: The Folklore of Malagasy Birds. J. G. Bourke: Notes upon the Religion of the Apache Indians. Alfred Nutt: Les derniers travaux allemands et la legende du Saint-Graal.

29. The Denham Tracts, Vol. I. Edited by Dr. James Hardy. [Published at 13s. 6d.]


30. Folk-Lore, Vol. III. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 153.] G. L. Gomme: Presidential Address. A. Nutt: The Lai of Eliduc and the Marchen of Little Snow-white; Celtic Myth and Saga, 1890-91. J. Abercromby: Magic Songs of the Finns; Samoan Tales; An Analysis of certain Finnish Myths of Origin. W. Gregor: Guardian Spirits of Wells and Lochs. J. Rhys: Manx Folklore and Superstitions; "First Foot " in the British Isles. D. Elmslie: Folklore Tales of Central Africa. E. S. Hartland: Folktale Research, 1890-91; The Sin-Eater. A. Tille: German Christmas and Christmas Tree. A. MacBain: The Baker of Beauly. J. Sibree: Divination among the Malagasy. Mrs. E. Gutch: The Pied Piper of Hamelin. J. S. Stuart-Glennie: Dr. Tylor's Views on Animism. J. Macdonald: Bantu Customs and Legends. M. Wilmotte: Importance du Folklore pour les etudes de l'ancien Frangais. C. J. Billson: The Easter Hare. Whitley Stokes: The Bodleian Dinnschenchas, edited and translated. M. L. Dames: Balochi Tales. Cecil Smith: Recent Greek Archaeology in its relation to Folklore.

31. Cinderella. Three hundred and forty-five variants. Edited by Miss M. Roalfe Cox. [Published at 15s.]


32. Folk-Lore, Vol. IV. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 15s.] G. L. Gomme: Presidential Address. J. Abercromby: Magic Songs of the Finns. W. H. D. Rouse: May Day in Cheltenham. J. Rhys: Sacred Wells in Wales. E. S. Hartland: Folktale Research, 1892; Pin-Wells and RagBushes. A. Nutt: Cinderella and Britain; Some Recent Utterances of Mr. Newell and Mr. Jacobs, a Criticism. G. M. Godden: The False Bride; The Sanctuary of Mourie. T. F. Ordish: English Folk-drama. L. L. Duncan: Folklore Gleanings from County Leitrim. M. L. Dames: Balochi Tales. May Robinson and M. J. Walhouse: Obeah Worship in East and West Indies. W. A. Craigie: The Oldest Icelandic Folklore. J. Jacobs: Cinderella in Britain. E. Peacock: The Cow-Mass. G. Hastie, Jas. E. Crombie: First Footing. P. Gave: Szekely Tales. A. C. Haddon: A Batch of Irish Folklore. A. Nutt: Celtic Myth and Saga, 1892-93. A. Lang: Cinderella and the Diffusion of Tales. W. Stokes: The Edinburgh Dinnschenchas. R. H. Codrington: Melanesian Folklore.

33. Saxo-Grammaticus. Books I.-IX.. Translated by Oliver Elton, with introduction by Professor York Powell. [Not sold separately in Society binding, but copies may be had from D. Nutt at 15s. net.]


34. Folk-Lore, Vol. V. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20S.J G. L. Gomme: Presidential Address. W. H. D. Rouse: Religious Tableaux in Italian Churches. F. Fawcett: Early Races of South India. C. S. Burne: Guy Fawkes on the South Coast. F. York Powell: Saga-Growth. E. Anichkof: St. Nicolas and Artemis. W. P. Ker: The Roman van Walewein. J. Jacobs, A. Nutt: The Problem of Diffusion. L. L. Duncan . Further Notes from County Leitrim. A. W. Moore: Water and Well- Worship in Man. G. W. Wood: On the Classification of Proverbs and Sayings in Manx and English. M. J. Walhouse: Ghostly Lights. K, Meyer: The Irish Mirabilia in the Norse Speculum Regale. A. C. Haddon: Legends from the Woodlarks, British New Guinea.

35. Denham Tracts, Vol. II. [Published at 13s. 6d.]


36. Folk-Lore, Vol. VI. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] E. Clodd: Presidential Address. A. J. Evans: The Rollright Stones and their Folklore. T. Walters: Some Corean Customs and Notions. W. W. Groome: Suffolk Leechcraft. A. E. Crawley: Taboos of Commensality. R. C. Maclagan: Notes on Folklore Objects collected in Argyleshire. M. MacPhail: Traditions, Customs, and Superstitions of the Lewis. W. H. D. Rouse: Notes from Syria. J. P. Lewis: Folklore from North Ceylon. G. M. Godden: The Sacred Marriage. A. Lang: Protest of a Psycho-Folklorist. J. E. Crombie: Shoe-throwing at Weddings. C. J. Billson: Folksongs in the Kalevala. W. A. Craigie: Donald Ban and the B6can. H. F. Feilberg: Hopscotch as played in Denmark. The " Witch-burning " at Clonmel.

37. County Folk-Lore. Printed Extracts. Vol. I. Gloucestershire, Suffolk, Leicester and Rutland.

[Published at iss.]


38. Folk-Lore, Vol. VII. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] E. Clodd: Presidential Address. B. G. Corney: Leprosy Stones in Fiji. F. C. Conybeare: The Barlaam and Josaphat Legend in the Ancient Georgian and Armenian Literatures. W. H. D. Rouse: Folklore Firstfruits from Lesbos. L. L. Duncan: Fairy Beliefs, &c., from County Leitrim; The Quicken Tree of Dubhross. M. Gaster: Fairy Tales from inedited Hebrew MSS. of the Ninth and Twelfth Centuries. F. W. Bourdillon: The Genesis of a Romance-hero, as illustrated by the development of Taillefer de Leon M. Peacock: Executed Criminals and Folk-Medicine; The Hood-Game at Haxey, Lincolnshire. J. Abercromby: Funeral Masks in Europe. C. S. Burne: Staffordshire Folk and their Lore.

39. The Procession and Elevation of the Ceri at Gubbio. By H. M. Bower. [Published at 7s. 6d.]


40. Folk-Lore, Vol. VIII. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20S.J A. Nutt: Presidential Address, the Fairy Mythology of English Literature, its Origin and Nature. J. B. Andrews: Neapolitan Witchcraft. T. Doherty: Notes on the Peasantry of Innishowen, Co. Donegal. H. Gollancz: The History of Sindban and the Seven Wise Masters, translated from the Syriac. R. E. Dennett: Death and Burial of the Fiote. Mary H. Kingsley: The Fetish View of the Human Soul. M. J. Walhouse: Folklore Parallels and Coincidences. R. C. Maclagan: Ghost Lights of the West Highlands. W. P. Ker: Notes on Orendel and other Stories. P. Manning: Some Oxfordshire Seasonal Festivals. W. Crooke: The Binding of a God: a Study of the Basis of Idolatry.

41. Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Fjort (French Congo). By R. E. Dennett. [Publlshed at 7s. 6d.]


42. Folk-Lore, Vol. IX. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20S.J A. Nutt: Presidential Address, the Discrimination of Racial Elements in the Folklore of the British Isles. F. Sessions: Some Syrian Folklore. W. Crooke: The Wooing of Penelope. W. A. Craigie: E. T. Kristensen, a Danish Folklorist. F. H. Groome: Tobit and Jack the Giant-killer. E. S. Hartland: The " High Gods " of AustraHa. Mary C. Ffennell: The Shrew Ash in Richmond Park.

43. Catalogue of a Collection of Objects illustrating the Folklore of Mexico. With numerous illustrations. By Professor F. Starr. [Published at 7s. 6d.]


44. Folk-Lore, Vol. X. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] A. Nutt: Presidential Address, Britain and Folklore. A. Lang and E. S. Hartland: Australian Gods. G. L. Gomme and A. Nutt: Ethnological Data in Folklore. W. H. D. Rouse; Folklore from the Southern Sporades; Christmas Mummers at Rugby. C. Hill-Tout: Sqaktktquaclt, the Oannes of the Ntlakapamuq. A. Goodrich-Freer: The Powers of Evil in the Outer Hebrides. A. Werner: The Tar-Baby Story. W. G. Aston: Japanese Myth. J. B. Jevons: The Place of Totemism in the Evolution of Religion. R. C. Temple: The Folklore in the Legends of the Panjab.

45. County Folk-Lore, Vol. II. Printed Extracts, No. 4. Examples of printed Folklore concerning the North Riding of Yorkshire, York, and the Ainsty. Collected and edited by Mrs. Gutch. [Published at 15s.]


46. Folk-Lore, Vol. XI. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] E. S. Hartland: Presidential Address, Totemism and some Recent Discoveries. W. Crooke: The Legend of Krishna. M. Gaster ■ Two Thousand Years of a Charm against the Child-stealing Witch. R. R. Marett: Pre-animistic Religion. N. W. Thomas: Animal Superstitions and Totemism. H. M. Chadwick: The Ancient Teutonic Priesthood. A. H. Sayce: Cairene Folklore.

47. The Games and Diversions of Argyleshire, compiled by R. C. Maclagan. [PubHshed at los. 6d.]


48. Folk-Lore, Vol. XII. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20S.J E. S. Hartland: Presidential Address. Eleanor Hull: Old Irish Tabus or Geasa. E. F. im Thurn: Games of the Red Men of Guiana. Mabel Peacock: The Folklore of Lincolnshire. Ella C. Sykes: Persian Folklore. Eleanor Hull: The Silver Bough in Irish Legend. S. O. Addy: Garland Day at Castleton. E. Lovett: The Game of Astragals. Notes and Queries on Totemism. Collectanea, Correspondence, Reviews, &c.

49. County Folk-Lore, Vol. III. Printed Extracts No. 5. Examples of Printed Folklore concerning the Orkney and Shetland Islands, collected by G. F. Black, and edited by N. W. Thomas. [Published at 13s. 6d.]


50. Folk-Lore, Vol. XIII. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] E. W. Brabrook: Presidential Address. A. Goodrich Freer: More Folklore from the Hebrides. M. Gaster: The Letter of Toledo. W. Skeat: Malay Spiritualism. W. Crooke: The Lifting of the Bride. M. Longworth Dames: Balochi Folklore. A. Lang: The Origin of Totem Names and Beliefs. A. Lang: Australian Marriage Systems. Collectanea, Correspondence, Reviews, &c.

51. Folklore of the Musquakie Indians with a Catalogue of a Collection of Musquakie beadwork and other objects. By Miss M. A. Owen. [In the Press.]


52. Folk-Lore, Vol. XIV. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] E. W. Brabrook: Presidential Address. E. S. Hartland: The Voice of the Stone of Destiny. H. A. Junod: Folklore of the Ba-Thonga. M. Longworth Dames: Folklore of the Azores. A. Lang: Notes on Ballad Origins. F. T. Elworthy: A Solution of the Gorgon Myth. J. J. Aitkinson and A. Lang: The Natives of New Caledonia. A. B. Cook: Greek Votive Offerings. A. J. Peggs: The Aborigines of Roebuck Bay, Western Australia. Sh. Macdonald: Old-World Survivals in Ross-shire.

53. County Folk-Lore, Vol. IV. Printed Extracts No. 6. Examples of Printed Folklore concerning Northumberland, collected by M. C. Balfour, and edited by N. W. Thomas. [Published at 10s. 6d.]


54. Folk-Lore, Vol. XV. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] E. York Powell: Presidential Address. Eleanor Hull: The Story of Deirdre. Arthur and Gorlagon, translated by F. A. Milne, with Notes by A. Nutt. R. Marett: From Spell to Prayer. A. B. Cook: The European Sky-God. J. Rendel Harris: Notes from America.

55. Jamaican Song and Story. Annancy Stories, Digging Sings, Ring Tunes and Dancing Tunes. Collected and Edited by Walter Jekyll. With an Introduction by Alice Werner, and Appendices on Traces of African Melody in Jamaica by C. S. Myers, and on English Airs and Motifs in Jamaica by Lucy E. Broadwood, xxix-288 pp. [Pubhshed at los. 6d.] .

56. Folk-Lore, Vol. XVI. W. H. D. Rouse: Presidential Address. E. Westermarck; Midsummer Customs in Morocco. R. P. Günther: The Cimaruta. Albinia Wherry: The Dancing Town Processions of Italy. A. B. Cook: The European Sky-God. M. Gaster: The Legend of Merlin. N. W. Thomas: The Religious Ideas of the Arunta.

[59.] Popular Poetry of the Baloches. Edited, Translated, and Annotated by M. Longworth Dames, M.R.A.S., Indian Civil Service (Retired). 2 vols, in i, xxix-204, iv-224 pp. [Published at 153.]


57. Bibliography of Folk-Lore, 1905. Compiled by N. W. Thomas, xxxvi pp. [Published at 1s.]

58. Folk-Lore, Vol. XVII. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] W. H. D. Rouse: Presidential Address. A. B. Cook: The European Sky-God (The Celts). A. P. Crawford Cree: Backfooted Beings. A. VV. Howitt: The Native Tribes of South-East Australia. N. W Thomas: The Scape-Goat in European Folk-Lore. A. Lang: Notes in reply to Mr. Howitt and Mr. Jevons. N. W. Thomas: Dr. Howitt's Defence of Group Marriage. L. Winifred Faraday: Custom and Belief in old Icelandic Sagas.


60. Extra Volume for 1907. [In Preparation.]

61. Folk-Lore, Vol. XVIII. (Issued quarterly.) [Published at 20s.] W. H. D. Rouse: Presidential Address. A. B. Cook: The European Sky-God (The Celts). Mrs. H. Spoer: The Powers of Evil in Jerusalem. Eleanor Hull: The Development of the Idea of Hades in Celtic Literature. A. W. Howitt: The Native Tribes of South-East Australia. D. M'Kenzie: Children and Wells. Jessie L. Weston: The Grail and Rites of Adonis. N. W. Thomas: Australian Marriage Customs. E. Westermarck: The Principles of Fasting.

The Society also issues "The Transactions of the Second International Folk-Lore Congress" (London, 1891), edited by J. Jacobs and Alfred Nutt. 15s.

F. A. Milne, Secretary,

11, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.

  1. The French Société des Traditions populaires was founded in 1885, and an additional French Follt-Lore Society, the Sociéte des Traditionnistes, in 1886; the American Folk-Lore Society in 18S8; the German Verein für Volkskunde in 1 890; the Swiss Gesellschaft für Volkskunde in 1 896; the Hessische Vereinigung für Volkskunde in 1901.