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2137505Constitution of Rojava2016Syrian Democratic Council


We the peoples of Rojava: Syria's Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Turkmen and Armenians, Chechens, Circassians, Muslims and Christians and Yezidis and various others, our communities are aware that the nation-state, which has brought the problems and crises of acute and tragedies of our people, not least because of the suffering of the Syrian people the various components of the injustice and gore system Alqama totalitarian Central authoritarian, and the case that relate to the country from the rubble and tear in the social fabric, and make up Kurdistan and Mesopotamia and Syria today chaos taking place in the Middle East and that have plagued the governments of totalitarian dictatorship Center.

Therefore, we find that the democratic federal system is the best system to address the historical, social and national issues in the Western Kurdistan, Beth Nahrin, and Syria, which ensures the participation of all individuals and groups on an equal footing in the discussion and decision, implementation, and taking into account the different ethnic and religious according to the characteristics of each organized group on the basis of co-existence and brotherhood peoples, and equality of all peoples in rights and duties, and the Foundation on a geographical concept and the decentralization of political and administrative within a unified Syria, and respect for human rights charters and the preservation of civil peace and global.

Under a democratic federal system will be all the people sliced their organizations democracy and its institutions, led by women and youth and the exercise of all political and social activities freely and enjoy all the advantages offered by life peerage free and equal that.

Democratic and federal system also depends Rojava - northern Syria in this decade on the culture of the mother of the gods and the humanitarian and moral heritage of the apostles and prophets, philosophers and wise men searching for truth, justice and equality and the legacy of the cultural riches of civilization, Syria, Kurdistan and Mesopotamia, and the free will of all the components Rojava - northern Syria and in accordance with the principles of democracy, the nation has been agreed on this contract.

Section One


General principles

Article 1


This document is called the Social Contract of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava (the areas in the north of Syria), of which includes the preamble and is considered an integral part of this document.

Article 2


The Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava derives its democratic legitimacy from the will of the people and their comounity, through the free and democratic elections, where by all administrative bodies and councils formed from the results of elections.

Article 3


All languages in the "Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" are equal in all areas of social, governmental, educational and cultural matters. All people are free to organize their life and conduct their affairs in their own language.

Article 4


The City of Qamishlo is the federal capital of the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava and its management.

Article 5


To be a federal democratic Northern Syria – Rojava, a special flag hoisted alongside aware of a federal democratic Syria has a logo and regulated by law.

Article 6


Oath of Allegiance

(I swear by Almighty God and the blood of martyrs and my honor to stick to the social contract and its articles and to safeguard the interests of the people and the values ​​of the martyrs, and to safeguard the freedom and safety and security of the cantons of the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava, and to work to achieve social justice, in accordance with the principle of democracy of the nation)

Article 7


This contract is not looking to build a new state, or the construction of a class society, but based democratic Altmoss and the strength of the community and curtail the role of the state and turn it into a coordinating device.

Article 8


It consists of "democracy for the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava," is based on the approved regulations on the Democratic Confederation of ideological, ethnic groups and women's departments and cultural democratic self-counties, and all social strata.

Article 9


Based "Democracy Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" to the organizer of the individual and the free society, and take from local organizations and groups of people and components basically have within this framework.

Article 10


Take democracy and environmental life and Alcolmunalih essentially participatory in all relations, recognizing that the natural state of the existence of sound lies in the development of relations within the community and among communities, as well as the relationship with nature in accordance with the principle of mutual interdependence and integration.

Article 11


Enable co-existence in accordance with the principles of democracy, the nation filled with the spirit of brotherhood among all peoples and groups in the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava into a democratic, free and fair community-based system..

Article 12


Building environmental democratic society in order to stop the unjust dealing with nature and looted and destroyed, and looks to man as the object of the most important components of natural existence.

Article 13


The "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" on the principle of making the land, water and energy communal (public). A Environmental industry and participatory economy relies mainly. Do not allow exploitation and monopoly and Chii women. It seeks to achieve a level of life that meet all the physical and moral needs in the economic sphere.

Article 14


Democracy in the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava, relies on the co-presidency system in all areas of political and social life and others and considers it a fundamental principle of equal representation between the sexes and contribute to the organization and devote Confederate democratic system of women's own entity.

Article 15


Ensure the freedom of women in society and equality between sexual rights and duties.

Article 16


Women represent themselves equally with men in all areas of life (political, social, cultural)

Article 17


Women have their own free will in the family built on the basis of the common life peerage.

Article 18


Youth is the active force and the avant-garde in society and ensure their participation in all spheres of life.

Section Two


Rights and public freedoms

Article 19


Announces "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava," respect for the fundamental rights enshrined in the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", and supported by, and applied..

Article 20


The right to life is a fundamental right and maintained this contract under which abolished the death penalty.

Article 21


Human dignity is protected and may not be tortured a mentally or physically punished perpetrator

Article 22


Peoples, groups and plug its right to self-determination freely. The repression and smelting cultural melting, genocide and colonization a crime against humanity. And it has a legitimate right to resist it

Article 23


Each region or group has the right to decide on matters and matters which concern them not to interfere with the social contract.

Article 24


Groups and community groups the right to organize themselves according to their specificities.

Article 25


Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience and belief, thought, and the right to organize itself and self-expression

Article 26


All of the right to participate in political life, and to be elected and to vote according to the law.

Article 27


It shall not insult anyone or to remove him because of the difference in color, sex, race, religion Ooualematkd.

Article 28


It is oppression or injustice or ill-treatment and degrading offense punishable by law.

Article 29


Is the practice of violence against women or exploited, or the imposition of negative discrimination on offense punishable by law.

Article 30


Women's right to equal participation in all areas of life (political, social, cultural and economic)

Article 31


Women's right to make decisions relevant to their affairs

Article 32


Youth the right to organize themselves and take effective place in all spheres of life.

Article 33


Youth the right to organize themselves in particular the semi-autonomous confederation on the basis of a democratic, not conflicting with the social contract.

Article 34


Every defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Article 35


Shall not enter or inspect private places or the role of housing except by judicial permission.

Article 36


Do not restrict individual freedom without a legal document.

Article 37


The right of self-defense is a sacred right, and can not be restricted. The law guarantees the right for all litigation.

Article 38


Everyone has the right to live within the ecological healthy society

Article 39


Groups cultural, ethnic and religious components of the right to nominate own departments, and to maintain their cultures, their organizations and the formation of democracy. Any one or a component is not entitled to impose beliefs on others coercion

Article 40


Free education in all its stages. Primary education is compulsory and the Mediterranean.

Article 41


Every citizen has the right to work, health care, mobility and access to housing.

Article 42


Ensure the rights of working people in work and social life and support their organizations and regulated by law.

Article 43


The law provides for freedom of the media and the press and publishing.

Article 44


Everyone has the right to access to information and access.

Article 45


Everyone has the right to the development and dissemination of artistic and cultural activities in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Article 46


Everyone shall have the right to request political asylum, humanitarian and refugee Ayaad for his country, without his consent.

Article 47


Natural resources and wealth General wealth of society regulates investment, management and disposal conditions in a just law.

Article 48


The right to invest in projects that take into account the ecological balance, and provide the necessary economic development services, designed to meet the social needs, and contribute to activating the economic and devote participatory activities.

Article 49


Private property rights are protected

Article 50


The participation of all citizens to defend the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava or Syria federal democratic right and duty to deter any attack.

Article 51


Ensure the rights of people with special needs.

Article 52


Children's rights are protected. And prevent the employment and exploitation.

Article 53


Securing decent and dignified life for the disabled and the elderly.

Section Three


Community System

Chapter I


Article 54


The peoples and groups in the "Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" to organize her community democracy and free based on the formation of communes, academia, cooperatives, unions and councils. And develop and take hold of the democratic system of society dependent on these institutions.

Article 55


Academies: the centers in which the links are held between science and philosophy, truth and lead an educational role in order to prime the development of society in the political, economic, social, cultural, scientific, artistic and intellectual fields in accordance with the democratic principles of the nation.

Article 56


Cooperatives: is the regulatory and economic forms of participatory groups, and one of the key economic regulation of the economy Alcolmunali Communion in a democratic society models, as an alternative to counter economic exploitation. And rely sharing and Alchatr and meet the needs of the community mainly to her, instead of the consumer society based model to the greatest profit. The cooperatives organize themselves according to social needs in all areas of economic life ( the environmental industry, agricultural production, consumption, transportation, trade, etc.).

Article 57



  1. Are the basic form of grassroots organization of direct democracy. It is the decision-making and management system within the scope of administrative and organizational. Alkmon works as a board stand-alone in all stages of decision-making.
  2. Life Alcolmunalih (participatory) is the human and moral function of every citizen. Every citizen is a member of and participate in the life Common at least one. Citizens can also become active in more than Common depending on their skills and their jobs.
  3. communes formed in the villages and neighborhoods as areas of social activities. And organizes schools and factories, cooperatives, agricultural, commercial and trade unions themselves according to the principles of the communes.
  4. Alkmon regulates itself according to the needs of life in the community; such as the economy, education and training, health, self-defense, justice, culture, and services and under that divide the work among themselves. Micharkin speaking on its behalf and costs on a regular basis, in order to conduct the daily affairs and monitoring their implementation.
  5. Each business unit in Alkmon governing its relations with the council and Kmonha at the local level on the one hand, and its activities are going on the other side in coordination with workspaces and institutions concerned.

Article 58



The community units that represent the people, which is trading affairs and decide on its affairs and sets its policies on them, starting with the villages and neighborhoods and suburbs. And managed to protect the community and ensure the sustainability of its existence, and believes in achieving its objectives in the political, social, cultural and economic fields. Society organizes enable direct democracy in its mechanisms, and set the rules and principles relevant to life free democracy.

Article 59


All councils are formed in accordance with the following principles:

Councils consist of a sufficient number of the members elected by the population density increased by sixty percent (60%) of representatives holders on the votes of the voter people directly to them, and forty percent (40%) of the representatives who are elected by the groups and social strata or communes Ooualemjals among them. He has no right to any in the councils and executive bodies member of the joint candidacy for the presidency after his occupation office for two consecutive terms. Hold councils and bodies meetings periodically.

Chapter II


Article 60


Borough councils: Borough councils goven towns in the "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" and are organizational social units composed of the confederation of neighborhoods or several villages or small residential areas characterized by common characteristics.

The Borough council of a town is the legislative body and is composed of representatives elected by ethnic, ideological or cultural groups or social strata or communes among themselves democratically within the boundaries of the neighborhood or town. The election of a sufficient number of members of the coordinating body, and elected presidents subscribers him. And it regulates its activities through committees. The coordinating body in the neighborhood or town to the implementation of decisions of the Borough Council in conjunction with the spokesmen of committees and communes. It is responsible to the Borough Council of the neighborhood and the town, offering its periodic reports to the Council meetings.

Chapter III


Article 61


County Councils:

The County Council or the region is a legislative body and is composed of representatives elected by ethnic, ideological or cultural groups or social strata or communes among themselves democratically within the limits of the County. The Council shall draw key policies relevant aspect or area, and take the necessary decisions. The election of members of the executive body in the County or region concerned, and befriends the members of the administration of justice and internal security services. The Board oversees the justice organs and institutions of internal security in the district or region. The Board regulates its activities in accordance with the committees according to business needs.

Article 62


The Chief Executive or Executive Board of County and their functions

The Chief Executive or Executive Board of the County and joint-chaired by the Council. The Chief Executive or Executive Board of the County is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Council, and provide them with monthly reports of their activities. Regulate the executive body of County or the region by its activities committees. And be spokesmen committees of members of the executive body. The co-presidency to coordinate their activities and supervision. Executive bord or Chief Executive depending on the complexity of the region, provides monthly periodical meetings, or meets when necessary.

Chapter IV


district Councils

Article 63


Called the district name in the "Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava," the organic integrates cities with rural areas that fall within its borders areas.

The District Council is the legislature elected the free vote of the people and groups, and is formed according to the origins of the election laws. It consists of a sufficient number of members according to population density and the size of the district. Paints policies on the generality of the Canton, and take the necessary decisions in this regard. District Council regulates its activities in accordance with the dimensions of the democratic nation, and forms its committees according to those foundations. The district executive of the whole Council approves the members of the Court of Justice and Department of Homeland Security in the district shall be elected. Oversees justice, internal security and administrative devices in the district.

Article 64


The executive body of the District

It consists of a sufficient number of members and subscribers presidents are elected by the county council. Implements decisions and implement policies determined by the district Council. It is responsible to the district assembly, and give him periodic reports of their activities. The executive body of the county governing their activities and practiced according to the principles committees, which consist of a sufficient number of members. The speakers participating events and activities of each committee format. And be spokesmen subscribers committees of members of the executive body of the district.

Chapter V


Article 65


Canton system

The system of Regional management in the "Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" is the unit of self-management called a Canton that consists of one or more areas that has developed similar characteristics historically and demographically, economically and climatically or culturally, and is characterized by geographical integration and communication.

Article 66


The rights, powers and responsibilities of the Cantons

The regions of the democratic management of self in "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" to organize themselves and manage their affairs in accordance with the foundations of democratic self-governance in the political, economic, social and internal security, health, education, defense and culture fields. They have the rights and powers set out within the framework of the laws enacted by the "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava". Each province regulates itself according to the principles of self-sufficiency in the economic sector. And participate in the empowerment of overall well-being and social riches in the "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava", according to his strength and circumstances, and obtain a share of it. All regions equitable distribution of wealth depends mainly underground and surface in "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" and "federal democratic Syria" (oil, water, mineral reserves, forests). Regulates the equitable distribution of wealth laws. Each region the right to build and develop the justice system has, provided they do not conflict with the social contract of the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava, and with the international treaties and conventions of human rights each region is responsible for the organization and enable the internal security forces has. Each province has the right to legitimate defense against external attacks. And he sees himself in charge of the defense of a Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava, democracy and federalism Syria. Each region to develop and devote diplomatic, economic, social and cultural ties with neighboring peoples and countries can, provided they do not conflict with the social contract of the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava and a federal democratic Syria. Exercise and devote the components of each region's political, social and cultural life in their own languages ​​and cultures. Define the terms of the rules and mechanisms for each item of the rights, powers and responsibilities of the regions mentioned above, the terms of a separate and detailed regulations.

Article 67


Democratic Assembly of the Cantons

Is the board representative of peoples and groups in each Canton the role of legislation and oversight and policy-making, the duration of its election four years and regulates the mechanism of action by law consists of forty percent (40%) of the members of the House of Representatives in the Canton of the elected representatives democratically and directly within the ethnic, religious, ideological and cultural groups according to the density of the population, and sixty percent (60%) of people's representatives who are elected by all the people in a general election to be held in the first session of the sixteenth day after the announcement of the final results in all areas by the Electoral Commission. Calls on the co-presidency of the Executive Council to the first session of the Council of Peoples' team, in the absence of the first session of the compelling reasons, determine the co-presidency of the Executive Council deadline last to be held within fifteen days and is considered a quorum investigators in the presence of (50 +1) of the total, headed first session Council peoples, the oldest member, in which the co-presidency and the Court shall be elected, and its meetings are public unless it is necessary, according to stipulated in the rules of procedure. It may be extended by the House of Representatives session in exceptional cases and at the request of a quarter of members or at the request of the Office of the Presidency of the Council for a period of six months with the approval of two-thirds of the council members. A member of the Council for the duration of membership of immunity, and asks express any opinions, may not be prosecuted without the permission of the Council, except in the case of flagrante delicto and inform the Office of the Council paints policies and take decisions with regard to the social, economic and internal education, health, culture and security fields in the region. The election of the Bureau of five members, including the co-presidency of the organization and conduct of the Council's activities. The function of control and supervision through its committees. The election of the co-presidency of the Executive Council by a majority of Althelthein and assigned to provide the Executive Council for approval lineup. As it is entitled to withhold confidence from the Executive Board or one of its members. Ratified by the members of the justice agencies, and internal-security apparatus, and members of the media, publishing and queries Council, and oversees its activities. It regulates its activities according to the principles and run by committees. Hold periodic meetings and meet when necessary. It activates the constants according to its rules of procedure. The enactment of legislation and laws in the region. The adoption of the general budget of the province. The general political and approval of development plans for the region. Approving and granting a general amnesty in the region.

Article 68


Executive Councils of the Cantons

It consists of co-presidency and the deputies and a number of bodies and supports a fair representation of the people, groups and social strata mainly in the Executive Board. It is the executive branch in the region. It implements the decisions of the House of Peoples and judicial institutions and offers its activities report to it periodically. Organize itself on the basis of bodies in accordance with the dimensions of the democratic nation, and is the executive collective strength under it. The presidency of the Council commissioned bodies tasks. The representation of the body through the speakers of subscribers Akunan members of the Executive Board. Each of a sufficient number of members and representatives composed by the prospects for activity. The formation and organization of the work of the Executive Board and sets out the relationship between the departments and other institutions according to Nazim her law. After the formation of the Executive Council and give him the confidence to issue a statement outlining his agenda for the next phase, which is implemented through binding after its ratification by the House of Peoples.

Article 69


Executive Bodies of the Cantons

  1. Education Commission: responsible for based on the concept of democratic nation to the community at all levels of the educational system. And organizes elementary schools, junior high and high school each community according to his mother tongue. Train and organize teachers and teachers. And the evolution of "popular education projects" for all segments of society, particularly the women and the youth.
  2. Economic Commission: The planning of the economic system of environmental participatory democratic society, and organized and developed. Establish cooperatives as the basic units of the economy of the groups that will be activated Based on Alcolmunalih environmental principles in all fields, as needed. Formulate and implement projects in order to secure the necessary resources and investment and use. Provide the necessary infrastructure organizations in the sector of the economy, such as agriculture, water, energy, industry, trade, and transportation; and the division of labor among them accordingly.
  3. Financial Authority: organize and develop sources of funding within the framework of the powers granted to it. Arranges services related to exports and imports of Finance. And formulate aims to secure the initial social needs according to the law of the tax system.
  4. Municipal Authority: organizing and developing free municipal perspective of democracy. It relies mainly on local administrations Alcolmunalih democracy-based economic and environmental vision insured freely woman model. It organizes and consecration services, depending on the organization and force democracy groups and social strata. Organize and arrange their activities in accordance with the vision of community and environmental goals of democracy. Be on the cooperation and collaboration with local administrations and municipalities on the Syrian and regional and international levels.
  5. Environment Agency: The conduct necessary activities aimed at protecting and consecration of the ecosystem in the region, and to the order of social life where the ecological level. Organizing and carrying out administrative, social and educational activities and mobilization aimed at developing environmental awareness and to overcome the nature of control and foreclosure and Chiiha policies. Limit the actions that cause pollution of the environment and prevent acts that destroy it.
  6. Justice Commission: its members are assigned by the Social Justice Council in the province, while the cost Natqan-chairs on its behalf by the Executive Council of the province, are taking their place within the Council of justice in the region, and enable the mutual coordination between the Council of Justice and the Executive Council. Organize and dedicated service to the system of social justice institutions. Investigating cases of violation of human rights, war crimes, and struggling against it. Be in contact and collaboration and cooperation with human rights organizations and human rights organizations.
  7. Authority of Social Affairs: works by communicating with the trade unions, societies, associations and federations concerned in this regard. And supports organizations and institutions active within this framework. That is securing the necessary life needs of organizations are unable to secure it, and allocate the necessary budgets for that. Believes in ensuring the protection of children, the elderly and people with special needs rights. Develop cooperation and social solidarity necessary to resolve immigration problems. Take the necessary measures against natural disasters, and organizes social cooperation and collaboration.
  8. toilers body: safeguard the rights of laborers in labor and toil. We believe in ensuring social rights relating to employment. Formulates plans educational, regulatory and projects necessary for the hardworking people. Working to reduce the phenomenon of unemployment by providing jobs. Be on the synergy with the trade unions, organizations and associations involved in the field toil, and supports its activities.
  9. Authority of Internal Affairs: responsible for internal security in the society. And organizing internal security forces, and training and sorted, and enables System and Security. Regulating traffic rules and related activities. Establish organizations and institutions concerned with internal services, and is working to develop and supervision. Provide periodic reports against these activities to the Council, and their activities are open to the control board constantly.
  10. Authority martyrs and veterans: The conduct aimed at the adoption of the martyrs activities and their memory as a noble moral values ​​of our people, and to revive the values ​​that have sacrificed their lives in the process, and to make it the property of the people and history. Enable the families of martyrs and war veterans to take their place in society as a fundamental moral value, and formulate and implement efforts to support and assist needy families of action plans.
  11. Women's Freedom: are its leading role in the democratization of society body. And struggling effectively against male domination and sexism Zhniha. And play a key role in building the society Based on the unity of free life. Going to organize activities concerned with women in particular, and a semi-autonomous part of a democratic society system. Be in touch with the movements of democracy and women's organizations, and with the groups and civil society organizations, women's, and with the women's workshops; and active with it and support it, and take decisions in the light of their proposals and views. Formulate educational programs and projects to protect women in accordance with the principle of equal representation. Operating according to the principle that affirms that women make decisions concerned the privacy of women.
  12. Youth and Sports Authority: responsible for training to enable multi-organization trends for young people by social needs, so as young dynamic force the central moral and democratic society. Going activities aimed at making young people leading force in all areas of community life, according to democratization and liberation. Continues to be a relationship and collaboration with movements and organizations GC democracy. Organize and develop training activities, socially and culturally youth. Provide necessary support for particular semi-independent youth organization. It organizes and devote the development of sports activities aimed at the development of the individual in accordance with the ethical and aesthetic standards that go into the entire community service, so that is not based on commercial logic or cause social decadence.
  13. Health Authority: responsible for enabling and protecting the health of the community. Provide free health services to the community. And its primary function is embodied in the provision of health care for every citizen, and ensuring the healthy life of the individual and society. For this purpose, the activities aimed at the formulation and application of non-commercial projects. Working to establish health institutions, and supports the existing ones, and provide mutual coordination among them. Establish healthy schools aimed at developing and providing social and health services. Designed to enable health and social life, and to raise awareness of the health and development of the people insurance.
  14. Authority of culture, art and literature: developing cultural awareness of democracy to the nation. Aimed at ensuring visibility Kurdish, Arab and Assyrian Syriac, Armenian, Turkmen and Chechen cultures, cultures that are deep-rooted and authentic, natural and democracy, which is to enrich the human culture, despite its vector atrophy toward extinction activities going. It supports all efforts to develop all those cultures activities, and to support activities that will enable the exchange of experiences and relationships among them. Make the values ​​of the revolution and the struggle of the peoples of the region, and the federal democratic values ​​promoted by Ava - northern Syria belong to the community through cultural and artistic activities.
  15. Tourism and Antiquities Authority: protecting historical monuments of surface and underground movable and immovable property, and enables the exploration and disclosed and put it in the service of society. Provide support for the development of the historical and social consciousness, and organizes and supports the development of tourism activities and managed to institutionalize them.

Chapter VI


Article 70


Democratic Assembly of the Federation

Federal Democratic Assembly, is organized according to the Democratic Confederation, which represents all the people dwelling in a promoted "Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" which Rojava Kurdistan and Marbo Beth Nahrin also contain within them. Integration code to live fraternal joint and re-emission of all peoples of the historic Mesopotamia. It's Free Democratic Union, which Tassh ancient peoples of the region, to re-enable Takhaha and Tkacvha in the face of cultural nationalism and fascism and brutality of the nation-state and genocide. A recovery of the peoples of Mesopotamia and groups of their right to live in the joint full of peace and brotherhood, justice and freedom atmosphere code, after its steadfastness in the face of various types of barbaric and heinous attacks that outweigh the mind and perception.

The Assembly consists of representatives from all ethnic groups (Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Turkmen, Circassians, Chechens), as well as from ideological, religious and cultural groups (such as the Muslims, Christians and Yazidis, Alawites, Shiites) that inhabit the Democratic Federation Northern Syria – Rojava. It takes into account the structures of historical, demographic, geographic, religious, ideological, ethnic and cultural characteristics of all peoples and groups, composed mainly depending on their demands and their will.

Federal Democratic Assembly apply the right of peoples and groups to self-determination embodied in the Democratic administrations resume. And it guarantees the freedoms of ideological, ethnic and cultural law. Confederate adopts a democratic system in the organization of society. He can live within the economic environmental balance.

Federal Democratic Assembly looks to organize democratic management regions and groups and local units of self as a Confederate pillar of the democratic system. It aims to unite all affiliated groups under the under Northern Syria – Rojava from self their desires.

Article 71


The formation and organization of the Democratic Assembly of the Federation

The election of the members of the Federal Democratic Assembly once every four years by the people in accordance with the electoral law and according to the population density of each region. Federal Democratic Assembly on the role of legislation and public representation of the people and groups that fall under the "Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava." Members of the Federal Democratic Assembly elected according to the following: Forty percent (40%) of whom were elected representatives directly and democracy among the ethnic, religious, ideological and cultural groups according to population densities, and within the social strata by organizational prospects; and sixty percent (60%) of the representatives of the people who determine the general election, which the general public participates. The Federal Democratic Assembly is managed by the "Office of the President," which consists of the main participants and five deputies. The proposal of candidates for the Presidential Office and the Joint Presidential Assembly after representatives of groups and social strata located consensus in the General Assembly. The election of the co-presidency with the consent of the absolute majority of the total number of members of the Assembly. While members of the Office of the President elected by vote of half plus one of the participants in the General Assembly session. Elect the co-presidency and deputies with each renewal of the members of the General Assembly. Federal Democratic Assembly works through committees. It gives the final wording of the decisions and projects before the meeting of the General Assembly. They can form the necessary committees when needed. It runs its activities in accordance with the principles of the rules of procedure.

Article 72


Tasks and Duties of the Democratic Assembly of the Federation

The election of the co-presidency and the Presidium of the Assembly. The election of the co-presidency of the Executive Council by a majority of Althelthein and assigned to provide the Executive Council lineup during the month for approval. As it is entitled to withhold confidence from the Executive Board or one of its members. Paints policy defines strategic objectives in all areas of community life. Prepare or modify the social contract at the request of a quarter of the members of Congress and the approval of two-thirds of its members. Declare a state of war and peace. Prescribed for all concerned with its "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" of laws. The control over the bodies through committees. Conference held periodic meetings and, when necessary, and assesses its activities and plans for future activities. And discusses the project at hand, and outstanding. Ratified by the members of the Council of Justice, the Internal Security Agency, and members of the media, publishing and queries Council, the Supreme Commission for Elections and oversees its activities. Ratified the appointment raises the General Command of the Military Council, watching the events. Looking and decide on the covenants and agreements on behalf of the existing Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava with transnational or States or various groups of institutions and befriends them. It may extend the cycle of the Democratic Representative Assembly in exceptional cases and at the request of a quarter or a member of the Presidium of the conference for a period of six months with the approval of two-thirds of the members of the Assembly. The ratification of the accession of the province or region to democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava after the acceptance of the social contract. Approval of the general budget for Northern Syria – Rojava. Approving and granting a general amnesty in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava.

Article 73


The Presidium of the functions of the Assembly

It represents a "conference of democratic peoples in the democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava." It is responsible for arranging and coordinating the implementation of all conference activities and supervision. It organizes meetings of the General Conference, and supervises them. Activate the committees, monitoring and supervision.

Article 74


Executive Council of the Federation

It consists of a sufficient number of members. The sexes are equally represented. And it supports a fair representation of the people, groups and social strata in the provinces. The membership of the Executive Board can be awarded to twenty percent (20%) who are not members of the conference. Executive Board members are elected from among the candidates proposed by the provincial councils of the members of the Conference. It is not endorsed by Congress, the new proposal instead of them. Taking into account equitable representation for the regions. Co-Chairs of the Executive Boards of the regions are entitled to attend the Executive Council of the Federation meetings when necessary. Not entitled to the heads of the participants of the Executive Boards of the regions that stand for the presidency of the Joint Executive Council of the Federation. The co-presidency representing the Executive Board and the conduct of its activities.

Article 75


Tasks and responsibilities of the Executive Council of the Federation

It implements decisions and apply the policies formulated by the determined and democratic peoples of the Conference of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava. Diplomatic activities on behalf of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava exercised. Believes in coordination and collaboration between regions in the political, economic, social and cultural fields. It supervises and follows the work of bodies. Reports to the Conference of the democratic peoples of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava.

Article 76


Executive Bodies oF the Federation

Executive Board regulates in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava itself through bodies. The collective strength of the Executive in accordance with the dimensions of the democratic nation.

Each of the seven members comprising at least including Almstrkyin Alrisien who oversee and coordinate their work and they shall be members of the Executive Board.

The bodies of the Executive Council of the Federation to oversee the work of the bodies in the regions and backed up and coordinate among themselves.

  1. The Commission on Foreign Relations: diplomatic activities exercised based on external political approach that you draw the conference devices.
  2. the defense of democracy: expensive and responsible for organizing and preparing the preparation of the defense forces in the "Democratic Federation Northern Syria – Rojava" under the "defense forces in a federal Syria." As a result, relations between the defense forces of democratic society and other organizations and institutions.
  3. Education and Training Authority: responsible for the formulation and consolidation of the document to the mentality of the nation's democracy in the society's education system at all levels. Universities and academies and schools organize programs. Formulate the terms and methods of teaching in the schools, taking into account the proposals and the characteristics of the regions and all peoples and groups. The training and rehabilitation and the organization of teaching and learning teams.
  4. Municipal Authority: Evolution vision municipal Alcolmunalih participatory democracy-based environmental and economic perspective insured levellevel women to freely "Democratic federation Syria – Rojava". Ensure coordination among the municipalities in the regions. And the evolution of collaboration and solidarity on a global level among municipalities, and local administrations.
  5. Environment Agency: The necessary activities on the "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" in order to devote environmentally social life, and the protection and promotion of eco-system among regions and neighboring countries within the atmosphere of integration and interdependence. Enable the mutual coordination among the provinces regarding policies on the environment.
  6. Justice Commission: presidents are assigned to subscribers by the Executive Council of the Federation of democracy promoted by Northern Syria – Rojava. While the other members elected by the Board of justice in the federal. Ensure coordination among the regions about the field of work. And going activities of mutual coordination with the Justice Council of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava.
  7. Authority of Social Affairs: works by communicating with the trade unions, societies, associations and federations concerned in this regard. And supports organizations and institutions active within this framework. That is securing the basic needs of the organizations are unable to secure it, and allocate the necessary budgets for that. Believes in ensuring the protection of children, the elderly and people with special needs rights. Develop cooperation and social solidarity necessary to resolve immigration problems. Take the necessary measures against natural disasters, and organizes cooperation and social solidarity. The necessary supervision and enable mutual coordination among the regions in the field of work.
  8. Authority toilers: formulate plans educational and organizational projects necessary in order to protect the rights of working people. Necessary activities aimed at securing their rights and ensure social paces. Enable coordination among the regions in the field of work.
  9. Economic Commission: the plan and devote environmental economic system of participatory democratic society, believes coordination among groups and regions in terms of completing each other economically.
  10. Securities Commission: organize and develop the financial resources within the framework of the powers granted to it. Arranges exports and imports of financial resources among the regions in a fair and coordinate among themselves.
  11. Authority's internal affairs: responsible for the restoration of internal peace and security in the society. Ensure coordination among the internal security forces in the regions, and oversees its activities. It shall be exercised by the internal affairs body's activities so that they are always open to the supervision of the Conference.
  12. Authority martyrs and veterans: The conduct aimed at the adoption of the martyrs activities and their memory as a noble moral values ​​of our people, and to revive the values ​​and make it the property of the history and the people. War veterans were able to take their place in society as a fundamental moral value. The coordination between the regions in terms of their work.
  13. Women's Freedom Commission: Women's performance depends a leading role in the democratization of society basis. And struggling effectively against the domination of male sexism. And play an active role in building the society Based on the unity of free life. And take decisions on Women's Affairs and applied based on the suggestions and views of women's organizations and movements. Also, women in particular, and the semi-autonomous movements within the regular system of a democratic society, events are going to communicate with organizations and workshops Democratic women. Formulate educational programs and projects to protect women in accordance with the principle of equal representation. Operating according to the principle that affirms that women make decisions concerned the privacy of women. And ensure coordination among the provinces with regard to its work.
  14. Youth and Sports Commission: The leadership for the development and consolidation of the youth free. And the evolution of regulatory GC activities in all fields. And rely on the private and semi-autonomous organization Shabibi. And ensure coordination among the structures and GC groups and organizations in the regions. It organizes and devote the development of sports activities aimed at the development of the individual in accordance with the ethical and aesthetic standards that go into the entire community service, so that is not based on commercial logic or cause social decadence.
  15. Health Authority: responsible for enabling and protecting the health of the community. The activities aimed at formulating and implementing non-commercial projects. Establish health institutes aimed at developing and providing social and health services. And enable coordination between the regions in terms of field work.
  16. Authority of culture, art and literature: working with organizations and institutions for the development of a democratic culture of the nation. Accordingly, it provides a variety of possibilities, and provide various kinds of support in order to develop the art and culture of the nation's democracy, and the development of cultural consciousness. Formulate plans and projects concerned with culture, art and literature. And enables collaboration and cooperation between the regions in terms of their work.
  17. creeds and religions Authority: working to get rid of the contradictions that appear between groups and peoples, and entrenched in lieu thereof the spirit of friendship, cooperation and union solidarity. Struggling against intolerance and extremism in all its forms. And going awareness and enlightenment necessary for community activities in this regard.
  18. body of science and enlightenment: believe in the formation of institutions concerned with science and enlightenment. Scientific activities and support for the development of the nation's awareness of democracy among the community, in the forefront among women and youth. Based on these institutions, they are concerned with scientific research and academic history, philosophy and sociology of science and natural science, and offered to serve the education and sensitization of the youth and the community. The institutions and committees at the local level also when necessary.

Chapter VII


Article 77


Media Foundation, publishing and information

Regulate the media and publishing institution itself and the information independently according to the free and democratic media and publishing bases. Help on the evolution of media and publishing organizations, and backed by, and believes in free media activities within the legal framework. Do not allow a monopoly in the field of media and publishing, but also monitor and supervise the verification of freedom of information under the Freedom of society to receive news and information. They are also expensive to secure financial support for all media and publishing fairly and equally in accordance with legal frameworks. Foundation is made up of a sufficient number of members, elected by the Congress or the provincial councils. Made up of representatives of groups and social strata. It organizes its activities under the foundations and principles of media and publishing law. Organize themselves according to their areas of work, and form committees, and moving their activities in accordance with the foundations and principles of its rules of procedure. The supervision of their activities by the Council of Peoples in the provinces and the democratic peoples.

Chapter IIX


Article 78


The legitimate defense force

The “Syrian Democratic Forces” are the armed defense forces in the “Democratic Federalism of Northern Syria”. It depends on voluntary recruits of the people on one hand, and self-defense duty on the other. It is assigned to defend and protect the Democratic Federalism of Northern Syria and the Democratic Federal Syria from any attack or possible foreign threat. It ensures protecting citizens’ lives and properties. It organizes itself in a semi-independent way according to the recruitment system law. Its activities are supervised by the democratic peoples’ conference and defense board.

Chapter IX


Social Contract Council

Article 79


The social contract of the Board of a number of judges and lawyers who know the law and composed, determines the number and manner of selection and the work of the Council law passed by two-thirds of the members of the Democratic Peoples' Conference of the majority.

Take into account the peoples conference at the choice of the members of the Board of the social contract to represent all components.

Social Contract Council tasks

Article 80


Interpreting the provisions of the social contract.

Considering the lack of laws of the Conference of the peoples and the decisions of the Executive Board and the laws and decisions of the provincial councils conflict with the social contract. Settling disputes concerning the application of this contract between the Democratic Peoples' Conference and the Executive Council and the Council of Justice. Chapter in the differences between the federal and provincial or inter-regional. If he paid one of the litigants in the gallery not to appeal against the verdicts of the contested legal provision applied by the court of its decision unconstitutional and felt headmistress court to challenge the payment serious and necessary to decide the appeal, he suspended the consideration of the case and referred to the payment of the social contract Council. The ratification of the results of the general elections and public referenda. Ratify and issue the social contract, the Board of laws passed by the Democratic Peoples' Conference.

Chapter X


Justice System

Article 81


Democracy is a system of justice that are solving problems concerned with justice and social rights through the participation of the people and self-organization. The vision is justice here to the moral principles of a democratic society. It aims to build a community approach and vision of democracy and freedom of environmental insured women depends mainly take Alcolmunalih participatory life a springboard for him, and regulates its ranks on the moral and political basis. The management of the justice services through social participation and organization of local units formed democratically.

Article 82


The principles of justice

Social justice as a basis for organizing society and protect it self is. It depends on solving social problems on Justice in communes and villages, neighborhoods and towns. And take of dialogue, negotiation and reconciliation mainly in solving the problems that are in dispute and conflict. Considered acts that damage the environment and social life offense. In the case of the offense, it gives affected parties the opportunity to defend their rights, and creates the possibility of a society is the evaluation and criticism and floated his proposals and participation in the context of decision-making. It aimed at sanctions to enable offenders to avoid damage caused by them, and educate them, and re-engage them in social life properly. With regard to the problems involved people and groups and social strata, it is entitled to form the Justice and develop their own methods of solution mechanisms, provided they do not conflict with the social contract, with fundamental human rights. With respect to matters relating to public interests and public security for all peoples and groups, it is resolved in the justice systems representing the whole community. Special and equal representation for women Women's organization depends mainly in the field of justice and institutional activities. The decision concerned the privacy of women in which women decide justice agencies.

Article 83


How to organize and foundations work

Devices justice system: consisting of: committees Solh, collections of justice, commissions of inquiry, the Council of Justice. A major institutions are active to achieve social justice and dedication, and its members are elected by the councils.

  1. Jean-Solh: working to enable peace and social harmony. And organize themselves in every place and at all levels, as needed, from the start of the communes and even regions and whose members are volunteers and socially accepted. It aims to overcome the contradictions and injustices that appear among the people.
  2. collections of justice: justice are devices that regulate itself in the regions and districts and in all the necessary places, in order to overcome the situations of social injustice and achieve justice. Its members elect a proposal from the boards of justice in the regions, and the vote of the people's councils in the provinces. They are formed collections of justice in the areas and regions as needed.
  3. commissions of inquiry: is distinct justice systems significantly the level of specialization in its field, and is working to investigate cases of offense committed, and disclosed, in order to achieve justice. The members their duties after the vote of the Council located in the whereabouts and authenticated.
  4. justice councils in the regions: organizes justice institutions in the regions, and supervises. It defines its members, by the House of Peoples in the region. Ensure fair representation and democratic peoples and groups and social strata, based on the share of quota allocated to the institutions of justice.
  5. Justice Council in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava: Responsible for the supervision and control of the justice system. Reports, projects and drafts of decisions concerning justice activities to the Democratic Peoples' Conference. It believes in mutual coordination between regions. Determines its members a proposal from the boards of justice in the regions, and the vote of the Democratic Peoples' Conference.

Chapter XI


Article 84


Electoral Commission

One-third of its members formed a proposal from the Council of Justice in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava, and the other two-thirds proposal of the groups and social strata; and befriends them all democratic peoples conference. Consist of a sufficient number of members specialists. It is responsible for planning, organizing and conducting referenda specified by law, and the election of members of the General Council of the Conference of the democratic peoples, and members of boards of elections the people in the regions, and all legal and democratic elections; this is the law. Electoral Commission shall decide in cases of veto and to object to the election, and its decisions can not be challenged. And it operates according to its rules of procedure. The organization and the formation of the election commission in the provinces. Formed one-third of the members of the election commission in the province a proposal from the Board of justice in the region, and the other two-thirds proposal of the groups and social strata; and befriends them the House of Peoples in the region. The election commission in the provinces to organize and form committees in the provinces in accordance with the rules of procedure. Its members can send observers to the political parties and official institutions in the federal election meeting and regions.

Section Four


General Provisions

Article 85


It determines the shape of the relationship between the "democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava" and "federal democratic Syria" at all levels in accordance with the Charter of the community formed by consensus among peoples. Each elected administrations are controlled by devices that elected. And the right hardware electorate to withdraw confidence from their representatives when necessary, and is regulated by law. About the referendum is to go in all crucial topics relevant to the interests of the general community, such as: the formulation of the social contract, participation in international conventions or out, modify the order form. Local components of the right to object to public agencies that are inconsistent with the interests decisions not in line with the will and decisions, if the objection is not resolved by being displayed on the people and rely on the result. In case of conflict between the decisions of the provincial or local ingredients with public interests or contradictory social contract with the public can be revoked for devices and if there is no solution to the problem in line is displayed on all the people in Northern Syria – Rojava. Preserve the environmental and ecological balance of life. Natural resources are the wealth of the society and are invested and used according to the needs of the regions and regulated through a law allowing foreign capital investment within the legal framework, and endorsed by the Democratic Peoples' Conference and the peoples in the region concerned. Martyrs and veterans are the basic moral values ​​of society maintained their dignity and Omjadhm. And it is considered a role model for the community. Founded political parties and movements and organize themselves and carry out their activities freely within the framework of the law. Institutions and social organizations Kaljmaaat, associations, unions, associations, chambers and others, organize themselves freely within the framework of the laws of the "Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava". And the development and support of democratic organizations and social segments in all fields. A Member shall not be entitled at a conference of democratic nations and peoples in the region, the Council of candidacy for membership after his occupation for more than two consecutive terms. The age of the voter and the candidate for at least eighteen years old for all institutions and boards of the federal system, and defines the conditions to run and be elected in accordance with the special law. Require amendment of the general principles of this contract agreement with the boards of the people in the regions and the approval of 75% of the members of the conference.