User:Dsp13/DNB/1904 errata
- Abbot, George (1562-1633)
- Abbot, George (1603-1649)
- Abbot, Sir Maurice
- Abbott, Edwin
- Abbott, Thomas Eastoe
- Abell, William
- Abercromby, Alexander, Lord Abercromby
- Abercromby, David
- Abercromby, James, first Baron Dunfermline
- Abercromby, Sir John
- Abercromby, Patrick
- Abercromby, Sir Ralph
- Abercromby, Robert (1534-1613)
- Abercromby, Sir Robert
- Abernethy, John (1680-1740)
- Abney, Sir Thomas (1640-1722)
- Acland, Sir John
- Acland, John Dyke
- Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke
- Acland, Sir Wroth Palmer
- Acontius, Jacobus, latinised from Aconzio, Aconcio, or Concio, Jacopo
- Acworth, George
- Adair, James (d. 1798)
- Adair, Patrick
- Adair, Sir Robert
- Adam, Sir Charles
- Adam, Sir Frederick
- Adam, Robert
- Adam, William (1751-1839)
- Adams, George (1698?-1768?)
- Adams, John (1662-1720)
- Adams, Sarah Flower
- Adams, Sir Thomas (1586-1668)
- Adams, Sir Thomas (1586-1668)
- Adams, William (1706-1789)
- Adams, William (1814-1848)
- Adams, William (1779-1851)
- Adamson, John (d. 1653)
- Adamson, Patrick
- Addington, Anthony
- Addington, Henry, first Viscount Sidmouth
- Addison, John (1766?-1844)
- Addison, Joseph
- Addison, Lancelot
- Adela
- Adelaide, Queen Dowager
- Adeliza, of Louvain (d. 1151)
- Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge
- Adolphus, John Leycester
- Ælfred (849-901)
- Ælfric, called Alfreic Bata
- Ælfric, called Grammaticus
- Ælfric (d. 1051)
- Affleck, Sir Edmund
- Aglionby, Edward
- Agnew, Sir Andrew (1793-1849)
- Agutter, William
- Aidan (d. 606)
- Aikin, Arthur
- Ainger, Thomas
- Ainslie, Geoerge Robert
- Ainslie, Robert (1660-1743)
- Ainslie, Sir Whitelaw
- Ainsworth, Henry
- Ainsworth, Robert
- Aio
- Airay, Henry
- Airey, Sir George
- Airey, Richard, Lord Airey
- Aitkin, John
- Akenside, Mark
- Alabaster, William
- Alan of Lynn
- Alan of Tewkesbury
- Aland, Sir John Fortescue, first Baron Fortescue of Credan
- Albany, Louisa Maximiliana Carolina Emanuel, Countess of Albany
- Albert Francis, Charles Augustus Emmanuel, Prince Consort of England
- Albini, William de, Earl of Arundel (d. 1221)
- Alchin, William Turner
- Alcock, John (1430-1500)
- Alcock, Nathan
- Alcock, Simon
- Alcock, Thomas (d. 1564)
- Alder, Joshua
- Alderson, Sir James
- Alderson, John
- Aldrich, Henry
- Aldrich, Robert
- Alesius, Alexander
- Alexander III
- Alexander of Hales
- Alford, Henry
- Alison, Archibald (1757-1839)
- Alison, Sir Archibald (1792-1867)
- Allan, George
- Alleine, Joseph
- Allen, Bennet
- Allen, John (1476-1534)
- Allen, John (1771-1843)
- Allen, Ralph
- Allen, Thomas (1542-1632)
- Alley, William
- Alleyn, Edward
- Allibond, John
- Allin, Sir Thomas
- Amherst, Jeffrey, Baron Amherst
- Amherst, William Pitt, Earl Amherst of Arracan
- Amos, Andrew
- Amyot, Thomas
- Anderson, John (fl. 1799)
- Andrewes, Lancelot
- Andrews, Eusebius
- Anne of Bohemia
- Anne (1446-1485)
- Anne (1507-1537)
- Anne of Denmark
- Anne (1665-1714)