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User:DutchTreat/authors/The Founding of New England

From Wikisource
Author Chapters Comments on Works
Acton, Lord IV Lectures on Modern History
Adams, Henry I The Education of Henry Adams
Asher, Georg Michael III Henry Hudson the Navigator (external scan)
Aydelotte, Frank III Elizabethan Rogues and Vagabonds
Baxter, James Phinney III Sir Ferdinando Georges
Beazley, Raymond II John and Sebastian Cabot
Bradford, William V History of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647 (external scan)
Brevoort, J. Carson II Verrazano the navigator (external scan)
Brown, John IV Pilgrim Fathers Of New England
Brown, Alexander II, III Genesis of the United States, The First Republic in America
Burrage, Champlin 1874-1951 IV, V The early English dissenters in the light of recent research, 1550-1641 (1912) (external scan); A Tercentenary Memorial (external scan)
Burgess, W. H. V The pastor of the Pilgrims : a biography of John Robinson (external scan)
Campbell, D [1] V The Puritan in Holland, England, and America (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2)
Colenbrander, H. T. (enWP) V "The Dutch Element in American History," in Annual Report of the American Historical Association (external scan)
Channing, Edward IV History of the United States
Davis, O. S. V John Robinson, the Pilgrim Pastor (external scan)
Dexter, Henry Martyn V England and Holland of the Pilgrims (1905) (external scan)
Dexter, Henry Morton V see father Henry Martyn Dexter
Ellis, George II The Red Man
Gardiner, S. I History of England
Hakluyt, R II Voyages
Hazard, E. III Historical Collections
Hinds, A. 1870- IV The making of the England of Elizabeth (external scan)
Hunter, J V The Founders of New Plymouth
Huntington, E. I Civilization and Climate
Maitland, F. IV "The Anglican Settlement and the Scottish Reformation", in Cambridge Modern History (1918)
Mather, Cotton V Magnalia Christi Americana
Morgan, L. I Ancient Society, The League of the Iroquois
Murray, G. I The Rise of the Greek Epic
Osgood, H. III American Colonies
Parkman, F. III Pioneers of France in the New World
Powicke, F. J. V "John Robinson and the Beginnings of the Pilgrim Movement" Harvard Theological Review volume 13, July 1920 (external scan)
Purchas, S. II Purchas His Pilgrimes
Scott, W. III Constitutions and Finance of English and Irish Joint-Stock Companies to 1720
Stevens, H. II Historical and Geographical Notes
Tatham, G. IV The Puritans in power (external scan)
Thayer, H. III The Sagadahoc Colony
Usher, R. IV, V The Reconstruction of the English Church (external scan); The Pilgrims and their History (external scan)
Winthrop, J. IX History
Wissler, C. I The American Indian