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A Portal:Romanes Lecture Creating graphic for Featured text in May 2014 w:Romanes Lecture
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ZE Oxford University Press Created 20 Aug 2013 Wikipedia
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ZE Yale University Press Created 3 Nov 2013 Wikipedia

In May 2014, the Portal:Romanes Lecture will be the featured text. The design challenge is the presentation of twenty-six different text on the main page. One of my proposed designs is to use a table that links the last name of each author to their text. See an example illustrated on the right.

Romanes Lecture Series
1892 to 1922

NOTE: Lord Acton was not included in the list above since his lecture was not given and text not transcribed on WS.


My second proposed design incorporates a quote from selected text. Each quote could be used as a banner. On the main page, a LUA script could randomly select one of the files. See nine of the quotes shown below.

"The Renaissance, had its central inspiration in the belief that the classical literatures were the supreme products of the human mind."
Humanism in Education (1899) by Jebb




See Portal:Romanes_Lecture/frontispiece for template used on main page during feature month May 2014.

  • "Both after the extinction of the Roman Empire in the West, and during its senility, it may be affirmed, with some approach to historic truth, that there existed, throughout the range of the ancient civilisation, but one conspicuous instance of a standing attempt at systematic and orderly self-government, together with adjustment of disputes by the word rather than the sword. This example was to be found in the ordered fabric of the Christian Church; which, amidst surrounding decay, the living among the dead, steadily developed its organisation, and constructed its theology." - An Academic Sketch (1892) Gladstone
  • "Charlemagne added to his other glories the honour of having founded the University of Paris, and that our own Alfred nursed the infancy of Oxford." - An Academic Sketch (1892) Gladstone
  • "I beg you to accompany me in an attempt to reach a world which, to many, is probably strange, by the help of a bean. It is, as you know, a simple, inert-looking thing. Yet, if planted under proper conditions, of which sufficient warmth is one of the most important, it manifests active powers of a very remarkable kind." - Evolution and Ethics (1893) Huxley
  • "Neither the poetic nor the scientific imagination is put to much strain in the search after analogies with this process of going forth and, as it were, returning to the starting point. It may be likened to the ascent and descent of a slung stone, or to the course of an arrow along its trajectory. Or we may say that the living energy takes first an upward and then a downward road. Or it may seem preferable to compare the expansion of the germ into the full-grown plant, to the unfolding of a fan, or to the rolling forth and widening of a stream; and thus arrive at the conception of 'development,' or 'evolution.'" - Evolution and Ethics (1893) Huxley
  • "we are now quite justified in denying that evolution has taken place owing to purely internal causes, it can by no means be said that we are yet quite clear as to the way in which external influences have formed and transformed organisms. There is still a conflict between rival theories, and important points, though often apparently clear, are in reality not so." - The Effect of External Influences upon Development (1894) Weissmann
  • "It is often assumed, without much proof that a certain variation of a living being is the direct consequence of an external influence simply because the variation in question is, in fact, in some causal connexion with a definite external influence: such an assumption is, however, founded on a totally false idea as to the interconnexion of the phenomena. In many cases this will readily be granted." - The Effect of External Influences upon Development (1894) Weissmann
  • "William Sewell, the founder of Radley, on one occasion, lecturing on a general subject—when I attended with Mr. and Mrs. Combe—took occasion to refer, in terms of dignified laudation, to the active and courageous taste which they had shown, in bringing to the city, at their own initiative, works of art of a disputed but obviously conscientious character. In doing so, he expressed the conviction that Art is a necessary attainment for a refined Nation." - The Obligations of the Universities Towards Art (1895) Hunt
  • "Many of my compeers in the profession have lately spoken to me with the greatest anxiety of the influences in operation, of a kind injurious to wholesome taste, and to the future of English Art, and they have deplored the increasing assumption on the part of perfectly untrained and self-elected guides who trifle with the honest dictates of reason in the young devoting themselves to the career." - The Obligations of the Universities Towards Art (1895) Hunt
  • "Modernity has certainly the merit of freshness, and since every new generation has the right—and is even bound in some sort—to judge the past, there is an initial wisdom in its activity, but there must be great care taken that inexperience does not misunderstand the old questions and overlook the seriousness of any rejection it decides upon." - The Obligations of the Universities Towards Art (1895) Hunt
  • "Men impatient for personal éclat, pecuniary profit, or immediate honour, more than for the advancement of a great purpose, have their minds entangled by the delusive surroundings of the art of the past; they take the baser conditions of life which are chronicled in the histories of the eminent, not as the survivals of barbarism or the accidents of the epoch, but as the mark of the divine afflatus." - The Obligations of the Universities Towards Art (1895) Hunt
  • "The Renaissance, had its central inspiration in the belief that the classical literatures were the supreme products of the human mind" and "they were the best means of self-culture; that there alone one could see the human reason moving freely, the moral nature clearly expressed, in a word, the dignity of man, as a rational being, fully displayed." Humanism in Education (1899) by Jebb
  • "For, the English Dictionary, like the English Constitution, is the creation of no one man, and of no one age; it is a growth that has slowly developed itself adown the ages." - The Evolution of English Lexicography (1900) by Murray
  • "As the mists rise, the outlines of the landscape begin to appear, and we may venture to ask in what direction the movement of humanity will tend, and by what paths the obstacles that seem to bar or encumber its advance will be surmounted." -- The Relations of the Advanced and the Backward Races of Mankind (1902) by Bryce
  • "Professor Rutherford and Mr. Soddy, who in Canada during the present year have worked hard and admirably at the subject, have adduced facts which point clearly in this direction; and they initially describe what appear to be the first links of a chain of substances, all produced in hopelessly minute quantities reckoned by ordinary tests, but which yet by electrical means can easily be detected, and their boiling-points and other properties investigated." -- Modern Views on Matter (1903) by Lodge
  • "Montesquieu belonged to the class of men whom one approaches with apprehension on account of the respect which they inspire, and of the kind of religious halo which has gathered round their names." -- Montesquieu (1904) by Courtenay Ilbert
  • "Oxford has been said to be the home of lost causes. ... her splendid distinction, when corrupting greed and glorified ignorance are so largely dominant in the national life, still to be the birth-place of high aspirations, still the shelter and sanctuary of noble ideals." -- Nature and Man (1905) by Lankester
  • "The history of Iceland often reads like a contradiction and refutation of a number of historical prejudices. It would require only a very slight touch of fancy or of travesty to make it into a kind of Utopian romance." -- Sturla the Historian (1906) by Ker
  • "we shall be thinking of Oratory partly as an art, partly as a branch of literature, partly as a power of making history." -- Lord Chatham as an Orator (1912) by Butler
  • "Peace is not the mere absence of war: it is the power that maintains order and makes moral law effective. It is the administrative force of Justice, and it is the necessary condition of freedom." -- The Imperial Peace (1913) by Ramsay
  • "No fact discovered about the atom can be trivial, nor fail to accelerate the progress of physical science, for the greater part of natural philosophy is the outcome of the structure and mechanism of the atom." -- The Atomic Theory (1914) by Thompson