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Partridge v. Strange & Croker (1553)
3596352Partridge v. Strange & Croker1553


Declaration . — John Strange , late of the City of Oxford , in the county of Oxford , gentleman , and John Croker , of Hucknorton , in the county of Oxford , Esquire , were summoned to answer as well * the lord the King as William Partridge , of a plea , that they render to them £ 80 , which they owe the same lord the King , and the afore said William, and unjustly detain by reason of a certain attempt contrary to the form of a statute made in the Parliament of the Lord Henry the Eighth , late King of England , father of the lord the King now , holden at Westminster , in the thirty - second year of his reign , against those , who shall bargain , buy , or sell , or by any ways or means obtained, get , or have any pretenced rights or titles , or take promise , grant , or covenant to have any right or title , of any person or persons , in or to any manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, ( except such person or persons , as shall so bargain , sell , give , grant , covenant , or promise the same , their ancestors , or they by whom he or they claim the same , have been in possession of the same , or of the reversion or remainder thereof , or taken the rents or profits thereof , by the space of one whole year next before the said bargain , covenant , grant , or promise made ) upon pain that he , who shall make any such bargain , sale , promise , covenant , or grant , shall forfeit the whole value of the lands , tenements , or hereditaments , so bargained , sold , promised , covenanted , or granted , contrary to the form of the statute aforesaid , amongst other things made and provided , & c . And whereupon the same William , who prosecutes as well for the lord the King as for himself , by John Stocks , his attorney , says , that whereas by the aforesaid Act made in the aforesaid Parliament of the aforesaid late King , bolden at Westminster aforesaid , the twenty - eighth day of April , in the aforesaid thirty - second year of his reign , amongst other things it was enacted by authority of the same Parliament , that no person or persons , of what estate , degree , or condition soever he or they be , should from thenceforth bargain , buy , or sell , or by any ways or means obtain , get , or have any pretenced rights or titles , or take promise , grant , or covenant , to have any right or title , of any person or persons , in or to any manors , lands , tenements , or hereditaments , ( except such person or persons , who should so bargain , sell , give , grant , covenant , or promise the same , their ancestors , or they by whom he or they claim the same , had been in possession of the same , or of the reversion or remainder thereof , or taken the rents or profits thereof , by the space of one whole year next before the said bargain , covenant , grant or promise made ) upon pain that [ 78 ] he , who should make any such bargain , sale , promise , covenant or grant , should forfeit the whole value of the lands , tenements or hereditaments so bargained , sold , promised , covenanted , or granted , contrary to the form of the same Act . And the buyer or taker thereof , knowing the same , should forfeit also the value of the said lands , tenements , or hereditaments , so by him bought or taken , as is abovesaid ; whereof one half of the said forfeitures should be to the lord the King , and the other half to the party that would sue for the same in any of the King's Courts