- Do first pass on the first volume
- Check for common scannos
- Check both ae and se instead of æ
- Check oe (and ce) instead of œ
- Check ao instead of ꜵ̈
- Check ii instead of ú
- Check that b shouldn't be lɔ
- Check ] instead of ᶅ
- Faer., Peer, Pser, Fser, etc., should be Fær.
- feel may be Icel.
- pi. should be pl.
- dial, should be dial.
- Shell. might be Shetl.
- l might be 1
- or vice versa
- Piet. might be Pict.
- -. or .- might be ;
- Check all em-dashes
- Check all hyphens
- Check all equals signs
- Get rid of all straight apostrophes and quotation marks
- Check for mistakes I may have introduced:
- Check no comments have been formatted incorrectly
- Check for <, >, --.
- Check for { and {{, } and }}, |.
- Check no names of templates appear in the text
- Check all ᶇ and all ŋ to make sure correct one is selected.
- Check all i inside square brackets shouldn't be ɩ
- Check for j adjacent to a palatalised character, j probably shouldn't be there
- Check that if a phonetics word has ꞏꞏ, it should have another singular ꞏ elsewhere.
- Check for numerals directly adjacent to letters (without any templates)
- Check capitalisation of roman numerals in footers for each signature (should be capitalised)
- Check all running headers have a ditto template to account for width of page number
- Make sure the ditto has the last pipe so it doesn't display ditto marks
- Template:nobr used for any words that start with a hyphen
- Also any that end with a hyphen and then punctuation marks
- Also any words that contain superscript hyphens
- Also any words that contain superscript spaces(?)
- Decide whether nobr should be used in words with brackets that are formatted like this: (prefix-)root
- nobr around whole thing, or a zero-width space after the closing bracket so it can break, just not between the hyphen and the bracket?
- Check spacing around ellipsis
- Check no comments have been formatted incorrectly
- Check spacing of pages, e.g. rules between paragraphs
- Check for mistakes introduced through transclusion
- Go through all comments and check for:
- Links to add
- "see"
- "cf."
- "in Dictionary"
- Hyphenation
- place-names, not placenames
- to-day, not today
- Mistakes to be marked with Template:SIC
- All other comments
- Decide spelling of Quarff (one or two fs; keep in mind nornabr as well)
- Links to add
- Search for any abbreviations that have missed being placed into Template:Nornabr or Template:Nornabrn using the lists in their switch subtemplates.
- Make explicit versions of abbreviations in nornabr with following question marks included.
- Search for words that have full stops at the end that are not wrapped with Template:Nornabr to check they aren't abbreviations as well.
- Search for characters by frequency; see if there are mistakes for chars used only a small number of times.
- Mark any abbreviations without full stops with Template:SIC
- Check phonetics for any doubled-up letters, which as far as I understand it should not occur except for åå.
- Check all the errata have been accounted for in the text.
- Specifically spellcheck all the bold entries in the dictionary
- Set up wikipages for each entry in the dictionary.
- Try adding automatic linking to Template:Nornsp, with another parameter to turn off the link?
- Go through all red links and fix or remove the links.
- Add Template:Lang to all appropriate places.
- Determine where all those places are - any word in another language?
- Determine which Norwegian words are Bokmål or Nynorsk.
- Add Template:Shy to all appropriate places.
- Is it appropriate anywhere?
- Insert Template:Shy in the following context:
, as these are guaranteed syllable boundaries. Note there must be letters after the · as it would be problematic if only punctuation came afterward
- See if a Jakobsen phonetics -> IPA template would work
- If so, put all phonetics in templates.
- Categorise individual words
- by lexical category
- by geography
- by asterisk or dagger
- by stress pattern
- by cognate language
- Consider adding links to Wiktionary & Wikipedia?
- Speak to Project Gutenberg / Distributed Proofreaders and see if they'd like a copy
- Ask about CC-BY.
- Ask about Unicode i̇̄
- Ask about Unicode ꬶ
- Ask about Template:Sup vs Unicode superscript
- Should phonetics be formatted differently compared to other uses?
- Ask about Unicode Roman numerals
- Ask about Greek chars
- Ask about italicisation of punctuation (this transcription for the most part matched the book which itself is inconsistent, however hopefully a few regexes can fix any issues)
Repeat all the above for 2nd volume.