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a - express an adjectivese; e.g. hom' - man  , hom'a - human

acid' - sour, acid

aĉet' - to buy

ad - indicates the duration of an action; e.g. ir' - go , ir'ad' - to walk , danc' - a dance , danc'ad' - dancing

adiaŭ - good-bye

aer - the air

afer' - affair, business

agl' - the eagle

agrabl' - agreeable

aĝ' - the age

ajn - ever;e.g. kiu - who , kiu ajn - whoever

aĵ' - indicates a thing,
having some quality or peculiarity, or made of some particular thing; e.g.
mal'nov' - old , mal'nov'aĵ' - old things , frukt' - fruit , frukt'aĵ' - made of fruits

akompan' - to accompany

akr' - sharp

akv' - water

al - to; e.g. al li - to him (indicates also the dative)

ali' - other

almenaŭ - at least

alt' - high, tall

alumet' - a match

am' - to love, like

amas' - crowd, mass

amik' - friend

an' - a member an inhabitant, an adherent; e.g. regn' - state, kingdom, empire , regn'an' - inhabitant of an empire etc. , Paris'an' - a Parisian

angul' - an angle, a corner

anĝel' - an angel

anim' - the soul

ankaŭ - also, too

ankoraŭ - still, yet

anstataŭ - instead of

ant' - indicates the present participle (active)

antaŭ - before

apart' - separate

aparten' - to belong

apenaŭ - scarcely, hardly

apud - near, nigh to

ar' - indicates a collection of objects; e.g. arb' - a tree , arb'ar' - a forest , ŝtup' - step, stair , ŝtup'ar' - staircase,stairs,ladder

arb' - a tree

arĝent' - silver

as - indicates the present in verbs

at' - indicates the present participle (passive)

atend' - to wait for, expect

ating' - attain, reach

- or, either

aŭd' - to hear

aŭskult' - listen to

aŭtun' - autumn

av' - grandfather

avar' - avaricious

azen' - an ass, a donkey


babil' - to prate, to chatter, to prattle

bak' - to bake

bala' - to sweep

balanc' - to nod, swing, sway

baldaŭ - soon

ban' - to bathe

bapt' - to baptise

bar' - to bar (a door), to stop (a passage)

barb' - the beard

barel' - barrel, cask

baston' - stick

bat' - to beat, to flog

batal' - to fight, to struggle

bedaŭr' - to pity, to regret, to repent

bel - beautiful, handsome

ben' - to bless, consecrate, hallow

benk' - a bench

best' - an animal, a beast

bezon' - to want

bier' - beer

bind' - to bind

bird' - a bird

blank' - white

blov' - to blow

blu' - blue

bo' - relation by marriage (own or other people’s) e.g. patr' - father , bo'patr' - father in law , frat' - brother , bo'frat' - brother in law

boj' - to bark

bol' - to boil

bon' - good

bord' - shore (of the sea), the bank or side (of a river)

bot' - a boot

botel' - a bottle

bov' - an ox

branĉ' - a branch

brand' - brandy

bril' - to shine, to sparkle, to glitter

bros' - a brush

bru' - to make a noise, to bawl

brul' - to burn one’s self

brust' - the breast, bosom

brut' - brute

buŝ' - the mouth

buter' - butter

buton' - a button