User:Inductiveload/Sandbox/long-s hypercorrections
This is a list of all words where a naive replacement of /s\B/f/
could result in a "hyper-correction" (i.e. the f might be correct). There are under 1000 from an English word list.
Mostly, they are either commonly correct either way ("four"/"sour") or the f is likely correct and the s-word being rare "forefinger"/"foresinger"). Other times, you might judge the hypercorrection more likely to be correct than the word with the 'f' (e.g. "coft" and "blufter").
[edit]Wordlist merged, because the long list has, e.g. "Four" and not "four", and the comparison is case-sensitive to allow proper nouns to remain separate (e.g. "Afar" could be a hypercorrection, but "afar" is not).
- (82k list)
- (500k+ words)
- Hypercorrections in this list: 992
Afar, Affer, Afton, Buffy, Chaffin, Dorfman, Effie, Effy, Elfie, Gefell, Geffner, Giffer, Grofe, Hanafi, Hefter, Hoffmann, Jeffie, Jeffy, Kaffia, Kafka, Keefe, Keifer, Leifer, Life, Maffa, Refton, Riffian, Rufe, Ruffi, Ruffo, Sufi, Sufu, Urfa, afft, aft, after, afters, afterwort, aloofe, archwife, backflap, baffing, baffy, baft, bafta, befan, befetter, befit, beflap, befoul, blufter, broadwife, buffed, buffer, buffing, cafe, cafes, cafh, chafe, chafed, chafer, chafers, chafes, chaffed, chafing, chefs, cofounding, coft, confider, confiders, confort, confound, confute, croft, cuffed, cuffer, cuffing, daffy, defecate, defray, defs, dfc, dfm, diffame, diffidence, diffidences, diffident, diffidently, difform, difformity, doffed, doffer, doffers, doffing, dufter, eft, elfin, enchafe, enfile, enfiled, enfoul, evil-favored, fabes, fable, fables, fabulous, fac, fack, fackings, facks, fad, faddle, fades, fado, faecula, faffy, fag, fage, fager, fagged, fagger, fagging, faggy, fags, fail, failed, failing, failingly, failings, fails, fain, fains, faint, fainted, fainting, faintling, faintly, faints, fairly, fairy, faith, fake, faker, fakers, fakes, fala, fallow, fallowed, fallowing, fallows, fally, falter, falus, fame, fan, fand, fane, fanes, fang, fanga, fangas, fanit, fans, fant, fardel, fards, fare, farfet, farrow, fat, fata, fate, fated, fates, fating, fauces, faugh, fauld, faulter, faults, fauna, faunas, faut, faute, favor, favored, favorer, favorers, favoring, favoringly, favors, favour, favoured, favourer, favourers, favouring, favouringly, favours, fawn, fawny, fax, faxes, fay, faying, fays, fe, feaberry, feak, feal, fear, feared, fearer, fearing, fearingly, fears, feat, feater, feats, fec., feck, fecund, fecundate, fecundation, fed, fee, feeable, feed, feedbox, feeded, feeders, feeding, feedings, feeds, feedy, feeing, feeling, feels, fees, fegs, feign, feis, fele, fell, fellable, fellate, feller, fellers, felling, fells, felly, fels, felt, feme, femes, femic, feminal, feminality, feminate, fence, fend, fendable, fended, fender, fenders, fending, fends, fent, fer, feral, fere, ferial, feriation, ferine, ferment, ferments, ferous, ferrate, ferrated, ferrates, ferri-, ferried, ferries, ferriferous, ferring, ferry, ferrying, ferule, ferv, feta, fetal, fetation, feti-, fetiferous, fetiparous, fets, fetter, fetters, fetting, fettle, fettled, fettler, fettles, fettling, fettlings, fever, fevered, fevering, fevers, few, fewer, fey, fib, fibbed, fibber, fibbing, fibs, fic, fice, fickle, fickler, fickly, fid, fide, fides, fie, fife, fife, fife, fifes, fight, fightable, fighter, fighters, fighting, fightings, fights, figs, fike, fikh, filicic, filicide, filicides, fill, filler, fillers, fillies, fillock, fills, filly, filos, filt, fin, fin's, final, finder, findon, fine, fines, finew, finewed, finger, fingers, finical, fink, finked, finking, finks, finky, finlike, finn, finned, finner, finning, fins, fir, fire, fired, fires, firing, firs, fit, fitch, fits, fitten, fitter, fitter's, fitters, fitting, fittings, five, fiver, fivers, fix, fixer, fixes, fixing, fizz, fizzing, fizzle, fizzled, fizzles, fizzling, flab, flabby, flabs, flack, flacked, flacker, flacking, flacks, flag, flagged, flagger, flaggier, flagging, flaggy, flagman, flags, flain, flake, flaked, flaker, flakers, flakes, flakier, flaking, flaky, flammed, flamming, flams, flanders, flane, flang, flanged, flanging, flank, flap, flapjack, flapjacks, flapped, flapper, flappers, flapping, flappy, flaps, flare, flat, flated, flats, flatted, flatter, flattered, flattering, flattery, flatting, flaughter, flav, flavic, flavo-, flaw, flaws, flay, flayed, flayer, flayers, flaying, flays, fld, fld., fleck, fled, fledge, fledged, fledges, fledging, flee, fleech, fleer, fleet, fleeted, fleeting, fleets, flew, flewed, flews, fley, fleyed, fleying, fleys, flick, flicked, flicker, flickered, flickers, flickery, flicking, flicks, flidder, flier, flight, flighted, flighter, flightier, flightily, flighting, flights, flighty, flimmer, fling, flingers, flinging, flings, flip, flip-flop, flip-up, flipe, fliped, flipflop, fliping, flipped, flipper, flippers, flippery, flipping, flips, flirt, flit, flitch, flite, fliting, flits, flitted, flitter, flitters, flitting, flitty, float, flob, flobby, flock, flocker, flodge, floe, floes, flog, flogged, flogger, floggers, flogging, floggingly, flogs, flop, flopped, floppier, floppily, flopping, floppy, flops, flot, flote, flots, flotten, flotter, flour, flow, flowed, flower, flowing, flows, flub, flubbed, flubber, flubbers, flubbing, flubs, flue, flued, fluer, flues, fluff, fluffed, fluffing, fluffs, fluing, flummer, flump, flumped, flumping, flumps, flung, flunk, flurried, flurries, flurry, flurrying, fluther, flutter, fluttered, fluttering, fluttery, fly, flyer, flype, fo, foam, fob, fobbed, fobbing, fobs, fod, foe, fog, fogged, foggier, foggily, fogging, foggy, foil, foiled, foiling, foils, folate, folates, fold, folder, folders, fole, foller, fomite, fomites, fond, fonder, fone, fonly, fool, fooner, foot, footed, footer, footier, footing, footlike, foots, footy, fop, fopped, fopping, foppy, fops, fora, forage, forb, forbite, forbs, forcer, ford, fordid, fordo, fords, fore, forefend, forefin, forefinger, forefoot, forehead, foreheaded, foreheads, fores, forfar, forgo, fori, forra, forrel, fort, fortes, forties, forts, forty, foud, fought, foul, fouled, fouls, found, founded, founder, founders, founding, founds, four, four-eyed, four-faced, four-headed, fourball, fourer, fourling, fours, fouter, fouth, fow, fowl, fox, foy, foys, ft, fub, fubbed, fubbing, fubs, fuci, fuck, fucked, fucker, fuckers, fucking, fucks, fuddle, fuds, fuerte, fuffle, fuffy, fuffy, fuji, fulciform, fulk, full, fullage, fully, fum, fumage, fun, fun-filled, fun-loving, funder, funders, funk, funned, funnier, funnily, funning, funny, funs, funt, fur, fural, futile, futural, future, futures, fwelling, fy, fyce, fyces, fyke, fykes, gaffed, gaffer, gaffers, gaffes, gaffing, gift, gifts, goldfinny, goofed, goofier, goofing, goofy, graffer, griffons, grift, grifter, grifts, haffle, haft, hafted, hafter, hafting, halfen, halfer, heft, hefts, henwife, huffy, ill-favored, infame, infect, infected, infection, infects, infeft, infefting, infeftment, infight, infights, infula, infulae, infume, interfector, jufts, khafs, kifs, laft, leafed, leafer, leafing, left, lefter, lift, liftable, lifted, lifter, lifters, lifting, lifts, loft, midwife, miffed, miffing, miffy, mofette, muffed, muffing, muffy, mufty, nondiffidence, nondiffident, offal, outfight, outfights, outfit, outfits, outfitting, outfling, outfold, outfought, outfound, overchafe, overchafed, overchafing, overfee, overfeed, overfeeding, overfeeds, overfell, overfew, overfile, overflight, overflow, overfold, overfoul, overrife, pfft, plurify, pouffe, prefer, prefet, profection, profer, profit, puffier, puffy, raffe, raffle, raffled, raffles, raffling, rafter, rafters, rafty, rechafe, refect, refected, refecting, refection, refects, refeed, refeeding, refeeds, refell, refelling, refight, refights, refile, refiled, refiles, refiling, refined, refiner, refining, refit, refits, refitting, reflate, reflated, reflates, refold, refought, refound, refounded, refounder, refounding, refounds, reft, relift, rife, rifer, riffle, roofed, roofer, roofers, roofing, ruffe, ruffian, ruffians, taffies, thrift, toffing, toffy, torfel, truffes, twice-fought, ufer, unchafed, uncoft, underfill, underfold, underfong, unfabled, unfailable, unfailed, unfaint, unfaintly, unfaked, unfated, unfavored, unfavoured, unfeared, unfeeding, unfeeing, unfeel, unferried, unfettled, unfevered, unfew, unfight, unfightable, unfighting, unfitting, unfittingly, unflagged, unflaked, unflated, unflatted, unfoggy, unfoiled, unfold, unfolder, unfolders, unfought, unfoul, unfound, unfounded, unfunny, unhafted, unleafed, unlifted, unwafted, unwifely, waffie, waftage, waftages, wafted, wafter, wafters, wafting, wafts, wafty, weft, wefts, wefty, whiffle, whift, whuffle, wife, wifed, wifelier, wifelike, wifeling, wifely, wifes, wifing, woft
Scots Gaelic
[edit]- Word list: (~15k words)
- Hyper-corrections only among this list: 78
fa, fabhd, fac, fad, fafan, faigh, fail, failm, falach, falaich, famh, fan, faobh, faod, faoilidh, fath, feachd, feadh, feagal, feall, feaman, feann, fear, fearg, feirm, feud, feum, feun, feàrr, fhac, fhad, fhalach, fhaod, fheachd, fheadh, fheall, fhearg, fheud, fhiar, fhine, fhinne, fhochair, fhuath, fhàth, fhìon, fhìor, fiach, fiar, file, fine, finne, fionn, fir, flapraich, flod, fo, fochair, fodar, fois, fonn, fraigh, fraon, fruan, fuath, fuidh, fuinn, fàil, fàile, fàir, fàl, fàs, fàth, fè, féis, fìon, fìor, fòghail, fòlach
[edit]- Word list: (~8k words)
- Hypercorrections only among this list: 56
fae, faim, fain, fair, fairin, fang, fat, fauch, faur, faut, feat, feck, fee, feem, feg, fell, fen', fend, fent, fer, fey, fift, fike, file, fimmer, fin, fine, fit, flae, flait, flate, flauchter, flee, flid, flipe, flitter, flung, flype, focht, fock, foo, foond, foor, footh, fou, fouter, fowk, fowl, fud, fute, fyke, fyle, fyre, left, rufe, whiffle
- Hypercorrections including to English, but which aren't already in the English list: 83:
buffle, defer, efter, fae, fae, faim, faim, fair, fairin, fait, fall, fallie, fank, farin, fauch, fauch, faught, faur, faur, fawe, feel, feem, feem, feer, feg, feg, feit, fen, fen', ferk, ferr, fidder, fier, fift, fift, fift, fift, file, fimmer, fimmer, finny, flae, flae, flair, flait, flait, flate, flate, flauchter, flees, flid, flid, flunge, focht, focht, fock, fock, foke, foo, foond, foor, footh, footh, fou, fower, fowk, fud, fud, fude, funge, fute, fyle, fyre, fyre, hufe, leefer, loafs, poofs, poufs, refer, rufe, rufe, waft