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UTF-8 Encoding HTML description
U+0020 0x20 space
U+0021 ! 0x21 exclamation mark
U+0022 " 0x22 quotation mark
U+0023 # 0x23 number sign
U+0024 $ 0x24 dollar sign
U+0025 % 0x25 percent sign
U+0026 & 0x26 ampersand
U+0027 ' 0x27 apostrophe
U+0028 ( 0x28 left parenthesis
U+0029 ) 0x29 right parenthesis
U+002A * 0x2a asterisk
U+002B + 0x2b plus sign
U+002C , 0x2c comma
u+002D - 0x2d hyphen-minus
U+002E . 0x2e full stop
U+002F / 0x2f solidus
U+0030 0 0x30 digit zero
U+0031 1 0x31 digit one
U+0032 2 0x32 digit two
U+0033 3 0x33 digit three
U+0034 4 0x34 digit four
U+0035 5 0x35 digit five
U+0036 6 0x36 digit six
U+0037 7 0x37 digit seven
U+0038 8 0x38 digit eight
U+0039 9 0x39 digit nine
U+003A : 0x3a colon
U+003B ; 0x3b semicolon
U+003C < 0x3c less-than sign
U+003D = 0x3d equals sign
U+003E > 0x3e greater-than sign
U+003F ? 0x3f question mark
U+0040 @ 0x40 commercial at
U+0041 A 0x41 latin capital letter a
U+0042 B 0x42 latin capital letter b
U+0043 C 0x43 latin capital letter c
U+0044 D 0x44 latin capital letter d
U+0045 E 0x45 latin capital letter e
U+0046 F 0x46 latin capital letter f
U+0047 G 0x47 latin capital letter g
U+0048 H 0x48 latin capital letter h
U+0049 I 0x49 latin capital letter i
U+004A J 0x4a latin capital letter j
U+004B K 0x4b latin capital letter k
U+004C L 0x4c latin capital letter l
U+004D M 0x4d latin capital letter m
U+004E N 0x4e latin capital letter n
U+004F O 0x4f latin capital letter o
U+0050 P 0x50 latin capital letter p
U+0051 Q 0x51 latin capital letter q
U+0052 R 0x52 latin capital letter r
U+0053 S 0x53 latin capital letter s
U+0054 T 0x54 latin capital letter t
U+0055 U 0x55 latin capital letter u
U+0056 V 0x56 latin capital letter v
U+0057 W 0x57 latin capital letter w
U+0058 X 0x58 latin capital letter x
U+0059 Y 0x59 latin capital letter y
U+005A Z 0x5a latin capital letter z
U+005B [ 0x5b left square bracket
U+005C \ 0x5c reverse solidus
U+005D ] 0x5d right square bracket
U+005E ^ 0x5e circumflex accent
U+005F _ 0x5f &UnderBar under bar
U+0060 ` 0x60 grave accent
U+0061 a 0x61 latin small letter a
U+0062 b 0x62 latin small letter b
U+0063 c 0x63 latin small letter c
U+0064 d 0x64 latin small letter d
U+0065 e 0x65 latin small letter e
U+0066 f 0x66 latin small letter f
U+0067 g 0x67 latin small letter g
U+0068 h 0x68 latin small letter h
U+0069 i 0x69 latin small letter i
U+006A j 0x6a latin small letter j
U+006B k 0x6b latin small letter k
U+006C l 0x6c latin small letter l
U+006D m 0x6d latin small letter m
U+006E n 0x6e latin small letter n
U+006F o 0x6f latin small letter o
U+0070 p 0x70 latin small letter p
U+0071 q 0x71 latin small letter q
U+0072 r 0x72 latin small letter r
U+0073 s 0x73 latin small letter s
U+0074 t 0x74 latin small letter t
U+0075 u 0x75 latin small letter u
U+0076 v 0x76 latin small letter v
U+0077 w 0x77 latin small letter w
U+0078 x 0x78 latin small letter x
U+0079 y 0x79 latin small letter y
U+007A z 0x7a latin small letter z
U+007B { 0x7b left curly bracket
U+007C | 0x7c vertical line
U+007D } 0x7d right curly bracket
U+007E ~ 0x7e tilde
U+00A0   0xc2 0xa0 &nbsp no-break space
U+00A1 ¡ 0xc2 0xa1 &iexcl inverted exclamation mark
U+00A2 ¢ 0xc2 0xa2 &cent cent sign
U+00A3 £ 0xc2 0xa3 &pound pound sign
U+00A4 ¤ 0xc2 0xa4 &curren currency sign
U+00A5 ¥ 0xc2 0xa5 &yen yen sign
U+00A6 ¦ 0xc2 0xa6 &brvbar broken bar
U+00A7 § 0xc2 0xa7 &sect section sign
U+00A8 ¨ 0xc2 0xa8 &uml diaeresis
U+00A9 © 0xc2 0xa9 &copy copyright sign
U+00AA ª 0xc2 0xaa &ordf feminine ordinal indicator
U+00AB « 0xc2 0xab &laquo left chevron
U+00AC ¬ 0xc2 0xac &not not sign
U+00AD ­­ 0xc2 0xad &shy soft hyphen
U+00AE ® 0xc2 0xae &reg registered sign
U+00AF ¯ 0xc2 0xaf &macr macron
U+00B0 ° 0xc2 0xb0 &deg degree sign
U+00B1 ± 0xc2 0xb1 &plusmn plus-minus sign
U+00B2 ² 0xc2 0xb2 &sup2 superscript two
U+00B3 ³ 0xc2 0xb3 &sup3 superscript three
U+00B4 ´ 0xB4 &DiacriticalAcute acute diacritical
U+00B5 µ 0xc2 0xb5 &micro micro sign
U+00B6 0xc2 0xb6 &para pilcrow sign
U+00B7 · 0xc2 0xb7 &middot middle dot
U+00B8 ¸ 0xc2 0xb8 &cedil cedilla
U+00B9 ¹ 0xc2 0xb9 &sup1 superscript one
U+00BA º 0xc2 0xba &ordm masculine ordinal indicator
U+00BB » 0xc2 0xbb &raquo right-pointing double angle quotation mark
U+00BC ¼ 0xc2 0xbc &frac14 vulgar fraction one quarter
U+00BD ½ 0xc2 0xbd &frac12 vulgar fraction one half
U+00BE ¾ 0xc2 0xbe &frac34 vulgar fraction three quarters
U+00BF ¿ 0xc2 0xbf &iquest inverted question mark
U+00C0 À 0xc3 0x80 &Agrave latin capital letter a with grave
U+00C1 Á 0xc3 0x81 &Aacute latin capital letter a with acute
U+00C2 Â 0xc3 0x82 &Acirc latin capital letter a with circumflex
U+00C3 Ã 0xc3 0x83 &Atilde latin capital letter a with tilde
U+00C4 Ä 0xc3 0x84 &Auml latin capital letter a with diaeresis
U+00C5 Å 0xc3 0x85 &Aring latin capital letter a with ring above
U+00C6 Æ 0xc3 0x86 &AElig latin capital letter ae
U+00C7 Ç 0xc3 0x87 &Ccedil latin capital letter c with cedilla
U+00C8 È 0xc3 0x88 &Egrave latin capital letter e with grave
U+00C9 É 0xc3 0x89 &Eacute latin capital letter e with acute
U+00CA Ê 0xc3 0x8a &Ecirc latin capital letter e with circumflex
U+00CB Ë 0xc3 0x8b &Euml latin capital letter e with diaeresis
U+00CC Ì 0xc3 0x8c &Igrave latin capital letter i with grave
U+00CD Í 0xc3 0x8d &Iacute latin capital letter i with acute
U+00CE Î 0xc3 0x8e &Icirc latin capital letter i with circumflex
U+00CF Ï 0xc3 0x8f &Iuml latin capital letter i with diaeresis
U+00D0 Ð 0xc3 0x90 &ETH latin capital letter eth
U+00D1 Ñ 0xc3 0x91 &Ntilde latin capital letter n with tilde
U+00D2 Ò 0xc3 0x92 &Ograve latin capital letter o with grave
U+00D3 Ó 0xc3 0x93 &Oacute latin capital letter o with acute
U+00D4 Ô 0xc3 0x94 &Ocirc latin capital letter o with circumflex
U+00D5 Õ 0xc3 0x95 &Otilde latin capital letter o with tilde
U+00D6 Ö 0xc3 0x96 &Ouml latin capital letter o with diaeresis
U+00D7 × 0xc3 0x97 &times multiplication sign
U+00D8 Ø 0xc3 0x98 &Oslash latin capital letter o with stroke
U+00D9 Ù 0xc3 0x99 &Ugrave latin capital letter u with grave
U+00DA Ú 0xc3 0x9a &Uacute latin capital letter u with acute
U+00DB Û 0xc3 0x9b &Ucirc latin capital letter u with circumflex
U+00DC Ü 0xc3 0x9c &Uuml latin capital letter u with diaeresis
U+00DD Ý 0xc3 0x9d &Yacute latin capital letter y with acute
U+00DE Þ 0xc3 0x9e &THORN latin capital letter thorn
U+00DF ß 0xc3 0x9f &szlig latin small letter sharp s
U+00E0 à 0xc3 0xa0 &agrave latin small letter a with grave
U+00E1 á 0xc3 0xa1 &aacute latin small letter a with acute
U+00E2 â 0xc3 0xa2 &acirc latin small letter a with circumflex
U+00E3 ã 0xc3 0xa3 &atilde latin small letter a with tilde
U+00E4 ä 0xc3 0xa4 &auml latin small letter a with diaeresis
U+00E5 å 0xc3 0xa5 &aring latin small letter a with ring above
U+00E6 æ 0xc3 0xa6 &aelig latin small letter ae
U+00E7 ç 0xc3 0xa7 &ccedil latin small letter c with cedilla
U+00E8 è 0xc3 0xa8 &egrave latin small letter e with grave
U+00E9 é 0xc3 0xa9 &eacute latin small letter e with acute
U+00EA ê 0xc3 0xaa &ecirc latin small letter e with circumflex
U+00EB ë 0xc3 0xab &euml latin small letter e with diaeresis
U+00EC ì 0xc3 0xac &igrave latin small letter i with grave
U+00ED í 0xc3 0xad &iacute latin small letter i with acute
U+00EE î 0xc3 0xae &icirc latin small letter i with circumflex
U+00EF ï 0xc3 0xaf &iuml latin small letter i with diaeresis
U+00F0 ð 0xc3 0xb0 &eth latin small letter eth
U+00F1 ñ 0xc3 0xb1 &ntilde latin small letter n with tilde
U+00F2 ò 0xc3 0xb2 &ograve latin small letter o with grave
U+00F3 ó 0xc3 0xb3 &oacute latin small letter o with acute
U+00F4 ô 0xc3 0xb4 &ocirc latin small letter o with circumflex
U+00F5 õ 0xc3 0xb5 &otilde latin small letter o with tilde
U+00F6 ö 0xc3 0xb6 &ouml latin small letter o with diaeresis
U+00F7 ÷ 0xc3 0xb7 &divide division sign
U+00F8 ø 0xc3 0xb8 &oslash latin small letter o with stroke
U+00F9 ù 0xc3 0xb9 &ugrave latin small letter u with grave
U+00FA ú 0xc3 0xba &uacute latin small letter u with acute
U+00FB û 0xc3 0xbb &ucirc latin small letter u with circumflex
U+00FC ü 0xc3 0xbc &uuml latin small letter u with diaeresis
U+00FD ý 0xc3 0xbd &yacute latin small letter y with acute
U+00FE þ 0xc3 0xbe &thorn latin small letter thorn
U+00FF ÿ 0xc3 0xbf &yuml latin small letter y with diaeresis