User:James500/Index to Government Orders
Index to Government Orders
in force on 31st December 1991
Subordinate Legislation
The Powers and their Exercise
A - K
Published by Authority
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Table of Statutes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i
Table of Abbreviations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. cclx
INDEX TO GOVERNMENT ORDERS (A-K) .. .. .. .. .. .. 1
INDEX TO GOVERNMENT ORDERS (L-Z) .. .. .. .. .. .. 945
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1. Thirty-fifth edition of a work that was first published in 1891 under the title Index to the Statutory Rules and Orders in Force, and was between 1951 and 1960 called Guide to Government Orders. It records the powers given by Act of Parliament to the Executive to make orders, rules, regulations and other subordinate legislation in force on 31st December 1991, and shows whether those powers have been exercised by general instrument and, if so, by what instrument or instruments. It is prepared under the direction of the Statute Law Committee.
The Tables
2. In the preliminary green pages there are two Tables. The Table of Statutes lists the Acts and Measures and their sections that confer powers to make subordinate legislation, and shows the subject headings under which those powers or other relevant statutory provisions are indexed. In the few cases where an item of subordinate legislation confers power to make further subordinate legislation, that item is entered after the year's Acts and Measures. Next comes the Table of Abbreviations.
The body of the Index
3. The body of the Index (the white pages) records the powers and their exercise. Under the main subject-headings (which appear in alphabetical order) there are brief summaries of all powers to make subordinate legislation which have been conferred by Public General Acts, or by Church Assembly or General Synod Measures, or (in a few cases) by subordinate legislation. Powers conferred by local Acts, and in force on that date, are also included in many cases. Particulars are given of the enactment conferring the power and of the effect of any subsequent enactment which has extended or modified it. Particulars of the authorities (e.g. Ministers, etc.) responsible for subordinate legislation, of the relevant parliamentary control, and of the commencement of Acts by order can be found under a preliminary sub-heading of many headings. Where any such particulars do not appear in this way they will be found, as appropriate, under the entries for each individual power. With a view to facilitating the preparation of the Index, and limiting its bulk, the policy is now to keep the summaries of powers as short as practicable.
4. Under each power there is a list of the general statutory instruments made in exercise of it and in force on 31st December 1991, or else a statement that-
- (a) instruments under it, being classified as local, are not indexed✻
- (b) instruments under it, not being statutory instruments, are not indexed, or
- (c) the power has not yet been exercised, or no exercise is in operation.
There are also some instruments made under the royal prerogative.
✻A classified list of the local instruments appears at the back of each Annual Edition of Statutory Instruments
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General instruments are published annually in the bound edition of Statutory Instruments.
Copies of instruments, both general and local, issued recently by HMSO may be obtained from that office (see addresses on reverse of title page). Copies of local instruments unobtainable from HMSO (from 1922 onwards✻) may be obtained at prevailing prices either from the Statutory Publications Office, America House, 6 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BP, or (up to 1957) from the Head of Search Department, Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1LR, or the British Library, Official Publications and Social Sciences Service, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG.
5. Where a power has been repealed and re-enacted, with a saving for existing instruments, the particulars given for the power are those of the later enactment only. Instruments so saved are shown under that power as if made in exercise of it, notwithstanding that they are of an earlier date than the power.
6. Correspondence about the work may be addressed to the Editor, Statutory Publications Office, America House, 6 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BP.
✻There are, unfortunately, gaps in these collections, notably for the years 1942, 1950, 1951 and up to no. 940 of 1952
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