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User:Jimregan/Kościuszko - A Biography - Annotated Index

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Alexander, I, of Russia, visits Kościuszko in prison, 168, 191; friendship with Czartoryski, 168, 191; relations with Poland, 168, 191-6; enters Paris in 1814, 191; Kościuszko's efforts for Poland with, 191-5, 197; promise to Kościuszko, 193; 201

Bartos, Wojtek, see Głowacki
Brandys, Tomasz, 106, 107

Catherine, II, of Russia, relations with Stanislas Augustus, 27, 33, 77, 80; intrigues in Poland, 31, 71, 72, 77, 81, 83, 87, 94; 92; 99; 130; attitude to Prussia at siege of Warsaw, 146; treats with Prussia for third partition, 149; sends Suvorov to Poland. ib.; relations with Kościuszko, 167; death, 168; 172; 191
Cosway, portrait of Kościuszko, 175, 176, 200
Czartoryska, Princess, Kościuszko's letters to, 79-81, 84, 121; 87
Czartoryski, Prince Adam, relations with Kościuszko, 27, 50; relations with School of Cadets, 27-29
Czartoryski, Prince Adam, meets Kościuszko in youth, 87; hostage in Catherine II's court, 87, 191; friendship with Alexander I, 168, 191; Russia's foreign minister of affairs, 191, 193; interview with Kościuszko, 194; Kościuszko's letter to, 195, 196; outlawed for share in Rising of 1830, 196

Dombrowski, leader of Polish legions, 143, 183, 189; the March of, 143, 183; at siege of Warsaw, 143; successes in Great Poland, 150; takes Bydgoszcz, 154; manifesto to Poles, 183; 184

Estko, Stanislas, 56, 85, 183
Estkowa, Anna, 30; affection between Kościuszko and, 33, 56; 54; 55; Kościuszko's letters to, 56, 57, 60, 61; Kościuszko's farewell letter to, 84, 85; 183

Fersen, Kościuszko marches against, 153; Kościuszko's captor, 159-162
Fouché, treats for Napoleon with Kościuszko, 188-190
Frederick William, II, of Prussia, 99; at Szczekociny, 132, 133; 138; at siege of Warsaw, 141; summons Stanislas Augustus to surrender, 145; treats with Catherine II for the third partition, 149

Gates, relations with Kościuszko, 38, 39, 43, 44, 178; at Saratoga, 38, 39; 41; defeat Camden, 45; 181

Greene, Mrs., 48
Greene, Nathaniel, relations with Kościuszko, 43-46; leads war in Carolina; 45-9, on Kościuszko, 48, 49
Grey, Lord, Kościuszko addresses him on restoration of Poland, 196; his answer, 196, 197
Grzywa, Jan, 106, 107

Jefferson, Thomas, 44; Kościuszko's friendship with, 178, 180, 181, 188; Kościuszko's portrait of, 180; on Kościuszko, 181; executor of Kościuszko's legacy to the negroes, 181, 182

Kilinski, takes part in Rising, 112, 140, 141, 143; on Polish National Council, 128
Kniaziewicz, in Polish legions, 64, 185; in Pan Tadeusz, 70; at Dubienka, 76; 81; at Maciejowice, 158; prisoner of war, 158-164; 185; 186
Kołłontaj, Hugo, member of Commission of Education, 53; collaboration in Rising, 53, 89, 92, 95, 121; as political reformer, 54, 61; friendship with Kościuszko, 61, 153; on Kościuszko, 89; member of National Council, 127
Kopeć, leads soldiers to Rising, 130; at Maciejowice, 157; prisoner of war, 157-164
Kościuszko, Józef, 30, 31, 33, 54, 55
Kościuszko, Ludwik, position of, 24; character and household, 24, 25; 26; 32; 34
Kościuszko, Tadeusz, type of national champion, 23; character, 23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 41, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 57, 62, 70, 80, 83, 93, 102, 105, 107, 111, 115, 122-124, 127, 131, 134, 138, 147, 148, 174, 175, 196; birth, 23; early life, 24-6; efforts for the serfs, 25, 55, 85, 116, 117, 190, 192; patriotism, 26, 32, 33, 43, 50, 58, 70, 83, 84, 93, 115, 122, 123, 144, 167, 175, 176, 182, 188, 191, 196, 200; relations with Adam Czartoryski, 27, 50; life as cadet, 27-30; relations with Stanislas Augustus, 27, 30-33, 35, 59, 60, 76, 79-81, 113, 119, 122; his appearance, 29, 144; financial difficulties, 30-33, 54, 55; studies in France, 31, 32, 35; in American War of Independence, 31, 32, 36-52, 57, 59, 82, 91, 132; returns to Poland in 1774, 32, 33; affection for Anna Estkowa, 33, 56; Ludwika Sosnowska (Lubomirska) and, 33-35, 51, 59, 163, 199; leaves Poland in 1775, 35; in Paris, 35, 36; relations with Washington, 37, 39-44, 49, 177, 178; relations with Gates, 38, 39, 43, 44, 178; meeting with Pułaski, 39, 40; relations with Greene, 43-46; sympathy for negroes, 45; Greene on, 48, 49; American testimonies to, 49; American honours for, 49, 50; friendship with Niemcewicz, 50, 51, 61, 105, 144, 160, 165, 170; leaves America, 51; democratic sympathies, 51, 58, 59, 90, 91, 128, 178; returns to Poland from America, 53; life in the country, 54-8; letters to Anna Estkowa, 56, 57, 60, 61, 84, 85; friendship with Zaleskis, 57; letter to Michał Zaleski's wife, 57, 58; letters to Michał Zaleski, 58, 72, 73, 82, 83; his ideas on peasant army, 58, 91-4, 108, 110, 116; command in Polish army, 59-62, 73; friendship with Ignacy Potocki and Kołłontaj, 61, 153; Orlowski's letter to, 62; love for Tekla Żurowska, 62-70; letters to Tekla Żurowska, 63-7, 69; in Pan Tadeusz, 70; part in Ukraine campaign, 74-6, 78; his MS. on Ukraine campaign, 75, 76, 78, 91, 92, 119; honours after Dubienka, 76, 77; resigns command, 79-81, 84; letters to Princess Czartoryska, 79-81, 84, 121; audience with King, 80, 81; last days in Warsaw, 81, 82; letter to Felix Potocki, 82; bequeathal of estate, 84, 85; goes into exile, 85, 86; in Galicia, 87, 88; friendship of Czartoryskis for, 87; in Leipzig, 88, 89; Kołłontaj on, 89; in Paris during Revolution, 89-92; relations with Lebrun, 90, 187; characteristics of his government of Poland, 91, 114, 115, 121, 124; returns to Leipzig, 92; chosen as national leader, 92, 93; preparations for Rising, 93, 94; in Italy, 94; in Dresden, 95; enters Poland as liberator, 95; enters Cracow, 96; his Act of the Rising, 96-102, 127; opens Rising in Cracow, 97, 98; made dictator, 100; character of his manifestos, 102, 123; manifesto to the Polish and Lithuanian armies, 103-5; to the clergy, 105; to women, 105, 106; receives offering of boatmen, 106, 107; organizes Rising, 107; his victory at Racławice, 108, 109, 132, 198; relations with peasant soldiers, 108, 109, 122, 144; his report on Racławice, 109; organizes Rising after Racławice, 110; enthusiasm for him, 110, 121-3, 144; manifesto to Sandomierz, 111, 112; appeal to Warsaw, 112; manifesto on Rising of Warsaw, 113; Provisional Council of Wilno on, 113, 114; difficulties of his task, 114, 115; letters to Mokronowski, 115, 122, 148; to prince Sapieha, 115, 116; manifesto to Volhymia, 116; mandate to churches, 118; conception of the war, 118, 130; manifesto regarding Ruthenes, 118, 119; to Ruthenian clergy, 119; letter to King, 120, 121; relations with his officers, 122, 123; manifesto to Lithuania, 124, 125; manifesto on his government of state, 126, 127; regularizes civil government, 127, 128; reception of Poniatowski, 127; against Denisov, 129; description of his camp and person, 130, 131; 131; defeat at Szczekociny, 132-4; Austria orders arrest of, 134; summons to peasant war, 134, 135; his desperate position, 135; letter to citizens of Warsaw, 135, 136; manifesto after Szczekociny, 136; march to Warsaw, 136, 138; manifesto on loss of Cracow, 137; letter to Warsaw on street murders, 138-140; tact in dealing with men and affairs, 140; his defence of Warsaw, 141-6; conduct of affairs from Warsaw, 144, 145; attitude on Rising in Great Poland, 145; letter to Zakrzewski, 145, 146; letter of National Council to, 146, 147; reply to National Council, 147; religious tolerance, 148; conduct to Jews, ib.; and to prisoners of war, 148, 149; position after deliverance of Warsaw, 149, 150; journey to Lithuania, 150; manifesto to Lithuanian army, 150-152; his last manifesto, 152, 153; last night in Warsaw, 153; ride from Warsaw to Sierakowski's camp, 153, 154; last march, 154, 155; attitude on Dombrowski's victory, 154; on eve of Maciejowice, 155, 156; at Maciejowice, 156-158, 197, 202; wounded and taken prisoner, 158; prisoner in the Zamojski manor, 159, 160; journey to Russia, 160-165; message and gift from National Council to, 161; grief in Warsaw for, 161; Warsaw offers to exchange Russian prisoners for, 161, 162; Niemcewicz on indignity shown to, 162; failure and moral effect of his Rising, 163; imprisonment in Petersburg, 165-168, 170, 171, 173; subjected to inquisition, 166, 167; relations with Catherine II, 167; Rogerson on, 167; visited by Paul I in prison and freed, 168; visited by Alexander I in prison, 168, 191; colloquy with Paul, 168-170; subsequent interviews with Tsar, 170; interview with Niemcewicz, 170, 171; takes oath of allegiance, 171; farewell audience with Imperial family, 171 172; leaves Russia, 172; journey through Finland, 173, 174; in Sweden, 174, 175; Swedish portrait of, 174, 175; Cosway's portrait of, 175, 176, 200; leaves Sweden for England, 175; life in London, 175, 176; effect on Savage Landor, 175; letter to Russian ambassador, 176; in Bath and Bristol, ib.; departure from Bristol, 176, 177; journey to United States, 177; in Philadelphia, 177, 178; Adams' letter to, 177; friendship with Jefferson, 178, 180, 181, 188; friendship with White family, 178-180; letter to Mrs. White, 179; returns to Philadelphia, 179; Paul I's gift of money to, 180, 184, 185, 201; financial dealings with Congress, 180; visited by Orleans princes, 180; his portrait of Jefferson, ib.; Jefferson on, 181; returns to Europe, 181-183; will for the negroes, 181, 182; nephews join legions, 183; honours paid him in Bayonne, 183, 184; in Paris, 184, 185; repudiates oath to Paul I, 184, 185; measures taken by partitioning powers against, 185; presented with Sobieski's sword, 185, 186; relations with legions, 186, 187; relations with Napoleon I, 186-190; withdraws from relations with French government, 187; furthers interests of disbanded legionaries, 188; his textbook on artillery, ib.; friendship with Zeltners, 188, 190-192, 198, 199, 201; his conditions for Poland's restoration, 190, 192; life in France until Napoleon's fall, 190, 191; Emilia Zeltner and, 190, 191, 198, 199, 201; relations with Alexander I, 191, 201; pleads for Poland with Alexander, 191-195, 197; promise of Alexander to, 193; sent for by Czartoryski, 193; journey to Austria, 193, 194; interview with Czartoryski, 194; letter to Czartoryski, 195, 196; fulfilment of his predictions regarding Poland, 196; writes to Grey, ib.; Grey's answer to, 196, 197; retires from public life, 197; last years, 197-201; love of children and youth, 198; love of poor, 198, 199, 201; corresponds with Princess di Carignano, 199, 200; correspondence with Jane Porter, 200; interest in education, 200, 201; death, 201; last resting place, ib.; the hill of, 201, 202; Polish cult of, 202; his refutation of Finis Poloniæ, 202, 203.
Kościuszko, Tekla, relations with husband, 25; character, 26; death, 30
Krushtzov, 162

Lafayette, acquaintance with Kościuszko and Pulaski, 40
Landor, Walter Savage, Kościuszko and, 175
Lebrun, relations with Kościuszko, 90, 187
Lee, Harry, on Kościuszko, 49
Libiszewski, 173-175, 177
Louis Philippe, visits Kościuszko, 180
Louis XVI, recognizes United States, 38; execution, 89, 90, 119

Lubomirska, Ludwika, and Kościuszko, 33-35, 51, 59, 163, 199

McDougall, on Kościuszko, 41
Mickiewicz, Adam, on patriotism, 23; his poetry, 60; his Pan Tadeusz, 70, 202
Mokronowski, in Rising, 113, 150; Kościuszko's letters to, 115, 122, 148

Napoleon I, Polish legions and, 182, 183, 186, 187, 189; betrays Poland, 183, 187; enthusiasm of Poles for, 183, 189; relations with Kościuszko, 186-190; becomes first consul, 187; becomes emperor, 188; victory at Jena, ib.; summons Poles to banner, 188, 189; on Kościuszko, 190; his victories, ib.; marches on Paris, 193.
Niemcewicz, Julian, friendship with Kościuszko, 50, 51, 61, 105, 144, 160, 165, 170; patriot and poet, 51, 61; in Florence, 94; Kościuszko's companion in Rising, 105, 143, 144, 150, 153-156; at Maciejowice, 156, 157; description of battle, 156-8; taken prisoner, 157, 158; Kościuszko's companion as prisoner of war, 159-165; on indignity paid to Kościuszko, 162; imprisonment in Petersburg, 165, 167; 168; interview with Kościuszko, 170, 171; leaves Russia, 172, 173; journey through Finland, 174; journey to England, 175; 176; journey to United States, 177; 180; 181

Oginska, Princess, 150
Orlewska, Tekla, 64

Paul, I, of Russia, visits Kościuszko in prison and frees him, 168; colloquy with Kościuszko, 168-170; subsequent interviews with Kościuszko, 170; exacts oath of allegiance from Kościuszko, 171; farewell audience with Kościuszko, 172; 179; gift of money to Kościuszko, 180, 184, 185, 201; Kościuszko repudiates oath to, 184, 185
Poniatowski, Józef, Polish leader in Napoleonic wars, 74, 189; in Ukraine campaign, 74-6, 78, 91; in Rising, 122, 127; 143; Kościuszko's reception of, 127
Poniatowski, Stanislas Augustus, see S.
Potocki, Felix, 71, 72, 75, 79, 81; Kościuszko's letter to, 82; 83
Potocki, Ignacy, member of Commission of Education, 53; collaboration in Rising, 53. 89, 92, 93, 95, 121; friendship with Kościuszko, 61, 153; patriotic reformer, 61, 89; member of National Council, 127; consulted by Kościuszko regarding oath, 171

Radière, 41
Rogerson, on Kościuszko, 167; 171, 172, 176

Sosnowska, Ludwika, see Lubomirska
Sroki, Wojciech, 106, 107

Stanislas, Augustus, succeeds to throne of Poland, 27; relations with Catherine II, 27, 33, 77, 80; relations with Kościuszko, 27, 30-33, 35, 59, 60, 76, 79-81, 113, 119, 122; character, 30, 32, 80; patron of art and letters, 53; speech to Diet, 73, 74; conduct in Ukraine campaign, 75; adheres to Targowica, 77, 78; Kościuszko on, 78, 91, 92; 81; adheres to Rising, 112, 113; Kościuszko's letter to, 120, 121; in siege of Warsaw, 145
Suvorov, marches against Kościuszko, 149, 153; beats Sierakowski, 150; his massacre at Praga, 153, 163; his siege of Warsaw, 161

Washington, George, relations with Kościuszko, 37, 39-44, 49, 177, 178; 43; 45; 50; 180
White, Eliza, 179
White, Mrs., 179, 180

Zakrzewski, 113; summons to citizens of Warsaw, 140, 141; 143; letter of Kościuszko to, 145, 146; Kościuszko's last evening with, 153
Zaleski, Michal, Kościuszko's friendship for, 57; Kościuszko's letter to his wife, 57, 58; Kościuszko's letters to, 58, 72, 73, 82, 83
Zeltner, Emilia, and Kościuszko, 190, 191, 198, 199, 201
Zeltner, family of, 188, 190-192, 198, 199, 201.
Zurowska, Tekla, Kościuszko's love for, 62-70; Kościuszko's letters to, 63-67, 69; marries Kniaziewicz, 70