User:Languageseeker/Small-boat sailing
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[*em dash instead of "ditto"? below.]
Admiralty warrants, to fly blue ensign, 259;
advantages of, 260.
Age of a boat, 11, 13.
Agreement between master and crew, 263.
Alerte, 56 tons, age of, 12;[**,] 116;
removal of ballast from, 178.
Almanac (nautical), 195.
Amateur experiences, 119.
Anchor, dangers of fouling, 148;
parts of an, 150, 151; floating, 153; necessity of two, 179.
Arab, crew, 271;
skipper, 269.
[*Arab,as above]---- dhow, 267;
before the wind, 273.
[*Arab,as above]---- fantasia, 278.
Azimuth compass, 225.
Bahia, courtesy of officials at, 260.
Balance of sails, 138.
reef, 76.
Ballast, 45;
iron and water, 46; sand, 47; in an open boat, 158; in a cruiser, 178.
Barometer, 208;
trustworthiness of, 209; appreciated at last by Dutchmen, 216; use of thermometer in conjunction with, 217; Admiral Fitzroy's rules, 218.
Battens in sails, 84.
Beaching a boat, 166, 167.
Beam sea, dangers of, 163.
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Bearings, observations by cross, 224;
obtaining distances by means of cross, 233.
Bends; see Knots.
Berthon folding boats, 190.
Bilge pieces, 48.
Blocks, 39;
swivel, 40.
Board of Trade Rules, 238 et seq.
Bobstay, 105.
Boom, advantages and disadvantages of, 64;
lacing mainsail to, 86, 95; of a cutter, 95.
Bowline; see Knots.
Bowsprit of a cutter, 94;
shrouds, 95; whiskers, 106.
Bridges, dangers of, 171;
advice in passing, 172.
Bringing up, 146, 147.
Buoys, explanation of chart abbreviations, 201.
Cabin Fittings, 186.
Cable-laid rope, 27.
Capsizing halyards, 122.
Carvel-built boats, 44.
Cat boat, 73.
Cataracts of the Nile, skill of Arab reis in passing, 288.
Centre-board, 47, 50, 51.
Centre of effort, 20, 21.
Centre of lateral resistance, 17.
Chain, stowing of, 187.
Chainplates, wear and tear of, 11.
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Charts, plane, 195;
Mercator's, 196; measuring distances on, 198; explanation of signs on, 200.
Clew of a sail, 97.
Clinker-built boats, 44.
Cliphooks, 41.
Coasting cruises, 194.
Coble, 49.
Coir cable, 180.
Comb cleat, 122.
Compass, 181;
deviation of, 182; variation of, 197.
Cooking-stove, 185.
Cranse iron (on bowsprit), 105.
Cruiser, best type of, 176.
Cuban blockade, experiences in, 57-63.
Currents in a river, 170.
Customs regulations, 258.
Cutter, 91 et seq.
Deadeyes, 103.
Deviation of a compass, 182, 183.
Dinghy, how to tow a, 189;
mast and sails for, 191; how to prevent a dinghy coming alongside, 193.
Dongola to Kosheh, 281 et seq.
Dredging in getting under way, 130.
Drogue, 153, 154.
Eddies in the Nile Cataracts, 290.
Effort, centre of, 20.
El Hamdi arab dhow, 268.
Estuary navigation, 235.
Examination of a yacht, 9.
Falcon (lifeboat), description of, 53;
cruise of, 53.
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Falcon (yawl), 107, 119, 143, 144, 168;
dimensions of, 177.
Florida Keys, cruise along, 54, 55.
Fog signals, 248, 249.
Foresail sheets, 111.
Forestay, fitting of, 104.
Full and bye sailing, 131.
Gaff of a cutter, 96.
Galvanic action on bolts, 10.
Gammon iron, 94.
Gayassa, a Sudanese, 282;
negotiating rapids, 284; leeway of, 285; wearing, 285.
Getting under way, 127 et seq.
Grommet, 31.
Half-decked boat, 42;
advantages of, 43, 89.
Handy Billy, 38.
Hawser-laid rope, 26.
Hitches; see Knots.
'In irons,' 135.
Insurance of yachts, 264;
£20 clause, 265.
Jackyard topsail, 100.
James' folding boat, 190.
Jib, used as spinnaker, 87, 88;
number of, 97; cut of, 98; traveller, 112; setting a, 124; taking in a, 125.
sheet, 41.
topsail, 104.
Jibing, 137.
Kedge, 180.
Keel, false, 47;
bilge, 48.
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Keeping at sea, 236.
Ketch, 116.
Knots, overhand, 32;
reef, 32; granny, 33; common bend, 33; half hitch, 33; clove hitch, 33; timber hitch, 33; Blackwall hitch, 34; rolling hitch, 34; bowline, 34; running bowline, 34; bowline on a bight, 35; fisherman's bend, 35; topsail halyard bend, 35; topsail sheet bend, 35; sheepshank, 35; reef pennant bend, 123.
Lanterns necessary on a cruiser, 181.
Lateral resistance, centre of, 17.
Leach of a sail, 97.
Lead-lines, 202;
method of casting, 202, 203; arming the lead, 203[**P2:203?//F2: Yes].
Lee-boards, 52, 53, 54, 55.
Lee helm, 22.
Leg-o'-mutton sail, 70.
Lights, explanation of chart abbreviations, 291[** 214 (& 215)];
on small boats, 242; on fishing-boats, 245; on ships at anchor, 247.
Log and line, 204;
heaving the log, 205; patent logs, 205; ground-logs, 234.
Luff of a sail, 96.
Lug-sail, dipping, 65;
standing, 66; balance, 79, 80, 81.
Madeira surf boats, 167.
Main and mizzen rig, 83.
Mainsail, stowing a, 121;
setting a, 121; reefing a, 122; bunt of a, 127.
Mainsheet fitting, 109.
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Mariner's compass, 181;
deviation of, 182; variation of, 197.
Masthead gear, 92.
Meteorological office, excellence of, 211.
Mizzen bumpkin fitting, 83.
Mooring a yacht, 149.
National Lifeboat Institution Rules, 165.
Navigation of small boats, give and take necessary, 255.
Oars, necessity of, 164;
use of in beaching an open boat, 166.
Oil on water, 155.
Open boat sailing, 158, 159 et seq.
Parcelled rope, 27.
Parrals, 96.
Peak (of a mainsail), 97;
halyards, 108; downhaul, 110.
Pearson's Almanac, 195.
Picking up moorings, 146, 147.
Pilot signals, 257.
Pointed sterns, 63.
Pooped, danger of being, 141, 143, 144.
Preventer backstays, 104.
Pumps, 178.
Purchases, single whip, 36;
whip-upon-whip, 37; gun-tackle, 37; luff-tackle, 37; watch-tackle, 38; Handy Billy, 38; luff-upon-luff, 38.
Racking a purchase, 39.
Rashness of amateurs, 210.
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Reef pennant or earring, 122.
Reefing a mainsail, 122.
Registration of yachts, 261.
Riding out a gale, 143, 156.
Rig of a boat, 64 et seq.
Rigging screws, 103.
River sailing, rules of, 173.
Roller foresail, 90.
Rudder, action of, 23, 24.
Rules of the road at sea, 261.
Runners and runner tackle, 104.
Running before a gale, 142.
before the wind, 136, 137, 138, 140.
by the lee, 136.
rigging (of a cutter), 106 et seq.
Sailing dinghy, advantage of, 191.
punt, 56.
Scowing an anchor, 151.
Seamanship, 118 et seq.
Seine, bore in the, 170.
Selection of a yacht, 4, 5.
Selvagee strop, 39.
Served rope, 27.
Serving mallet, 27.
Sheet, belaying-pin, 161.
Shrouds, fitting of, 103.
Single-handed cruising, 2.
Sky forecasts, 220.
Slant, waiting for a, 222.
Sliding gunter, 77, 78.
Sloop rig, 85.
Snotter, 68.
Sound signals, 252.
Spinnaker, 101;
setting a, 126.
Splices, short, 28;
long, 29, 30; eye, 31; cut splice, 31.
Spritsail, 67;
barge, 69.
Squaresail on cutter, 142.
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Stability of boats, 15.
Steamer lights, 240.
Stores necessary in cruising, 185.
Storm warnings, 215.
Stowing sails, 149.
Stropped blocks, 39, 40.
Suakin to Massowah cruise, 266 et seq.
Surf, boats in, 166, 167;
method of landing through, 169.
Tabernacle for mast, 82.
Tack (of a sail), 97;
tricing line, 108.
Tacking, principle of, 20;
practice of, 133.
Tackle; see Purchase.
Thermometer, use of at sea, 217.
Throat (of a mainsail), 97.
Tides, 200, 206;
speed of, 208; variations in set of, 230.
Timber in boat construction, 45.
Topmast of cutter, 93.
Topping lifts, 109.
Topsail, jibheaded[**P1:jib-headed?], 99;
yard, 100; setting a, 100, 126.
jib, 104.
gear, 115.
Towing a dinghy, 189.
lights, 241.
Trysail, 102, 151.
Una boat, 73, 74, 75.
Underbowing the tide, 227.
Variation of the compass, 197.
Voyage, description of a, 222.
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Water ballast, 46.
Weather helm, 22.
Weather wisdom of sailors, untrust-*worthiness of, 211, 212, 213, 220, 221.
Whipped rope, 28.
Wind, action of, on sails, 18, 19.
Windermere yachts, 16.
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Wormed rope, 27.
Yacht, selection of, 4, 5;
examination of, 9; best type of cruising, 176.
Yawing of a yacht when running, 137, 140, 141.
Yawl, 113;
advantages of, 115.
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Printed by T. and A. <sc>Constable</sc>, (late) Printers to Her Majesty
at the Edinburgh University Press