File: 327.png---------------------------------------------------------
FAMILY I.--<sc>Vultures</sc> (<sc>Vulturidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Bearded Vultures (Gypaetinæ).
" " 2.--The Condors (Sarcorhamphinæ). " " 3.--The Vultures Proper (Vulturinæ). " " 4.--The Eagle Vultures (Gypohieracinæ).
- /
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Falcons</sc> (<sc>Falconidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Caracaras (Polyborinæ).
" " 2.--The Buzzards (Buteoninæ). " " 3.--The Eagles (Aquilinæ). " " 4.--The Falcons Proper (Falconinæ). " " 5.--The Kites (Milvinæ). " " 6.--The Sparrow Hawks (Accipitrinæ). " " 7.--The Harriers (Circinæ).
- /
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Owls</sc> (<sc>Strigidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Hawk Owls (Surninæ).
" " 2.--The Horned Owls (Buboninæ). " " 3.--The Owlets (Syrninæ). " " 4.--The Owls Proper (Striginæ).
- /
SUB-TRIBE I.--<sc>Nocturnal Fissirostres</sc>
(<sc>Fissirostres Nocturni</sc>).
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Goat-suckers</sc> (<sc>Caprimulgidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Oil Birds (Steatorninæ).
" " 2.--The Goat-suckers Proper (Caprimulginæ). " " 3.--The Podagers (Podagerinæ)
- /
File: 328.png---------------------------------------------------------
SUB-TRIBE II.--<sc>Diurnal Fissirostres</sc>
(<sc>Fissirostres Diurni</sc>).
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Swallows</sc>
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Swifts (Cypselinæ).
" " 2.--The Swallows Proper (Hirundininæ).
- /
FAMILY III.--<sc>The Rollers</sc> (<sc>Coraciadæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Rollers (Coracianæ).
" " 2.--The Todies (Todinæ). " " 3.--The Broad-throats (Eurylaiminæ). " " 4.--The Mot-mots (Momotinæ).
- /
FAMILY IV.--<sc>The Trogons</sc> (<sc>Trogonidæ</sc>).
FAMILY V.--<sc>The Kingfishers</sc> (<sc>Alcedinidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Buccos (Bucconinæ).
" " 2.--The Halcyons (Halcyoninæ). " " 3.--The Kingfishers (Alcedininæ). " " 4.--The Jacamars (Galbulinæ).
- /
FAMILY VI.--<sc>The Bee Eaters</sc> (<sc>Meropidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Bee Eaters (Meropinæ).
- /
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Hoopoes</sc> (<sc>Upupidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Hoopoes Proper (Upupinæ).
" " 2.--The Plumed Birds (Epimachinæ).
- /
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Sun Birds</sc>
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Sun Birds Proper (Promeropinæ).
" " 2.--The Guit-Guits (Cærebinæ).
- /
FAMILY III.--<sc>The Humming Birds</sc>
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Wedge-tailed Humming Birds
(Grypinæ). " " 2.--The Curved-billed Humming Birds (Trochilinæ). " " 3.--The Straight-billed Humming Birds (Mellisuginæ).
- /
FAMILY IV.--<sc>The Honey-eaters</sc>
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Honey-creepers (Mezomelinæ).
" " 2.--The Honey-eaters Proper (Meliphaginæ). " " 3.--The Honey-feeders (Melithreptinæ).
- /
File: 329.png---------------------------------------------------------
FAMILY V.--<sc>The Creepers</sc> (<sc>Certhidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Oven Birds (Furnarinæ).
" " 2.--The Sharp-tails (Synallaxinæ). " " 3.--The Tree-creepers (Dendrocolaptinæ). " " 4.--The Creepers Proper (Certhinæ). " " 5.--The Nut-hatches (Sittinæ). " " 6.--The Mohouas (Orthonycinæ). " " 7.--The Wrens (Menurinæ).
- /
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Warblers</sc> (<sc>Luscinidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Soft-tailed Warblers (Malurinæ).
" " 2.--The Warblers Proper (Luscininæ). " " 3.--The Robins (Erythacinæ). " " 4.--The Accentors (Accentorinæ). " " 5.--The Titmice (Parinæ). " " 6.--The Bush-creepers (Mniotiltinæ). " " 7.--The Wagtails (Motacillinæ).
- /
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Thrushes</sc> (<sc>Turdidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Ant-thrushes (Formicarinæ).
" " 2.--The Thrushes Proper (Turdinæ). " " 3.--The Babblers (Timalinæ). " " 4.--The Orioles (Oriolinæ). " " 5.--The Bulbuls (Pycnonotinæ).
- /
FAMILY III.--<sc>The Flycatchers</sc> (<sc>Muscicapidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Mourners (Querulinæ).
" " 2.--The Alectrures (Alectrurinæ). " " 3.--The Tyrants (Tyranninæ). " " 4.--The Becards (Tityrinæ). " " 5.--The Flycatchers Proper (Muscicapinæ). " " 6.--The Greenlets (Vireoninæ).
- /
FAMILY IV.--<sc>The Chatterers</sc> (<sc>Ampelidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Thick-heads (Pachycephalinæ).
" " 2.--The Manakins (Piprinæ). " " 3.--The Chatterers Proper (Ampelinæ). " " 4.--The Cuckoo Shrikes (Campephaginæ). " " 5.--The Drongo Shrikes (Dicrurinæ).
- /
FAMILY V.--<sc>The Butcher Birds</sc> (<sc>Laniidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Butcher Birds Proper (Laniinæ).
" " 2.--The Bush Shrikes (Thamnophilinæ).
- /
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Crows</sc> (<sc>Corvidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Piping Crows (Phonegaminæ)[**P2 . missing in orig]
" " 2.--The Jays (Garrulinæ). " " 3.--The Tree Crows (Calleatinæ). " " 4.--The Crows Proper (Corvinæ). " " 5.--The Fruit Crows (Gymnoderinæ). " " 6.--The Choughs (Pyrrhocoracinæ).
- /
File: 330.png---------------------------------------------------------
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Birds of Paradise</sc>
FAMILY III.--<sc>The Starlings</sc> (<sc>Sturnidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Glossy Starlings (Ptilorhynchinæ).
" " 2.--The Grakles[**P2 typo for Grackles ?][** P3 correct as shown] (Graculinæ). " " 3.--The Ox-peckers (Buphaginæ). " " 4.--The Starlings Proper (Sturninæ). " " 5.--The Boat-tails (Quiscalinæ). " " 6.--The Hang-nests (Icterinæ). " " 7.--The Troop-birds (Agelainæ).
- /
FAMILY IV.--<sc>The Finches</sc> (<sc>Fringillidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Weavers (Ploceiæ).
" " 2.--The Hawfinches (Coccothraustinæ). " " 3.--The Tanagers (Tanagrinæ). " " 4.--The Finches Proper (Fringillinæ). " " 5.--The Buntings (Emberizinæ). " " 6.--The Larks (Alaudinæ). " " 7.--The Bullfinches (Pyrrhulinæ). " " 8.--The Crossbills (Loxianæ). " " 9.--The Plant Cutters (Phytotominæ).
- /
FAMILY V.--<sc>The Colies</sc> (<sc>Colidæ</sc>).
FAMILY VI.--<sc>The Plantain Eaters</sc> (<sc>Musophagidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Plantain Eaters Proper (Musophaginæ).
" " 2.--The Hoactzins (Opisthocominæ).
- /
FAMILY VII.--<sc>The Hornbills</sc> (<sc>Bucerotidæ</sc>).
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Toucans</sc> (<sc>Ramphastidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Toucans (Ramphastinæ).
- /
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Parrots</sc> (<sc>Psittacidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family I.--The Ground Parrots (Pezoporinæ).
" " 2.--The Macaws (Arainæ). " " 3.--The Lories (Lorinæ). " " 4.--The Parrots Proper (Psittacinæ). " " 5.--The Cockatoos (Cacatuinæ).
- /
FAMILY III.--<sc>The Woodpeckers</sc> (<sc>Picidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Barbets (Capitoninæ).
" " 2.--The Soft-tailed Woodpeckers (Picumninæ). " " 3.--The Woodpeckers Proper (Picinæ). " " 4.--The Green Woodpeckers (Gecininæ). " " 5.--The Black Woodpeckers (Melanerpinæ). " " 6.--The Cuckoo Woodpeckers (Colaptinæ). " " 7.--The Wry-necks (Yuncinæ).
- /
FAMILY IV.--<sc>The Cuckoos</sc> (<sc>Cuculidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Honey Guides (Indicatorinæ).
" " 2.--The Rain Cuckoos (Saurotherinæ). " " 3.--The Ground Cuckoos (Coccyzinæ). " " 4.--The Tick Eaters (Crotophaginæ). " " 5.--The Cuckoos Proper (Cuculinæ).
- /
File: 331.png---------------------------------------------------------
ORDER IV.[**thought break above?]
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Pigeons</sc> (<sc>Columbidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Fruit Pigeons (Treroninæ).
" " 2.--The Doves (Columbinæ). " " 3.--The Crowned Pigeons (Gourinæ). " " 4.--The Toothed Pigeons (Didunculinæ). " " 5.--The Dodos (Didinæ).
- /
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Curassows</sc> (<sc>Cracidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Guans (Penelopinæ).
" " 2.--The Curassows Proper (Cracinæ).
- /
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Megapodes</sc> (<sc>Megapodidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Tallegallas (Tallegallinæ).
" " 2.--The Mound Birds (Megapodinæ).
- /
FAMILY III.--<sc>The Pheasants</sc> (<sc>Phasianidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Peacocks (Pavoninæ).
" " 2.--The Pheasants Proper (Phasianinæ). " " 3.--The Jungle Fowls (Gallinæ). " " 4.--The Turkeys (Meleagrinæ). " " 5.--The Tufted Pheasants (Lophophorinæ).
- /
FAMILY IV.--<sc>The Grouse</sc> (<sc>Tetraonidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Partridges (Perdicinæ).
" " 2.--The Quails (Turnicinæ). " " 3.--The American Partridges (Odontophorinæ). " " 4.--The Grouse Proper (Tetraoninæ). " " 5.--The Sand Grouse (Pteroclinæ).
- /
FAMILY V.--<sc>The Sheathbills</sc> (<sc>Chionidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Shore Larks (Thinocorinæ).
" " 2.--The Sheathbills Proper (Chionidinæ).
- /
FAMILY VI.--<sc>The Tinamous</sc> (<sc>Tinamidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Tinamous (Tinaminæ).
- /
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Ostriches</sc> (<sc>Struthionidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Ostriches Proper (Struthioninæ).
" " 2.--The Kivis (Apteryginæ). " " 3.--The Bustards (Otidinæ).
- /
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Plovers</sc> (<sc>Charadriadæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Thick-knees ([OE]dicneminæ).
" " 2.--The Coursers (Cursorinæ). " " 3.--The Pratincoles (Glareoliæ). " " 4.--The Plovers Proper (Charadrinæ).
- /
File: 332.png---------------------------------------------------------
" " 5.--The Oyster Catchers (Hæmatopodinæ). " " 6.--The Turnstones (Cinclinæ).
- /
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Herons</sc> (<sc>Ardeidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Trumpeters (Psophinæ).
" " 2.--The Cranes (Gruinæ). " " 3.--The Herons Proper (Ardeinæ). " " 4.--The Storks (Ciconinæ). " " 5.--The Ibises (Tantalinæ).
- /
FAMILY III.--<sc>The Woodcocks</sc> (<sc>Scolopacidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Godwits (Limosinæ).
" " 2.--The Longshanks (Totaninæ). " " 3.--The Avocets (Recurvirostrinæ). " " 4.--The Sandpipers (Tringinæ). " " 5.--The Woodcocks Proper (Scolopacinæ). " " 6.--The Phaleropes (Phalaropodinæ).
- /
FAMILY IV.--<sc>The Screamers</sc> (<sc>Palamedeidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Jacanas (Parrinæ).
" " 2.--The Screamers Proper (Palamedeinæ).
- /
FAMILY V.--<sc>The Rails</sc> (<sc>Rallidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Rails Proper (Rallinæ).
" " 2.--The Gallinules (Gallinulinæ).
- /
FAMILY I.--<sc>The Ducks</sc> (<sc>Anatidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Flamingoes (Ph[oe]nicopterinæ).
" " 2. --The Spur-winged Geese (Plectropterinæ). " " 3.--The Geese Proper (Anserinæ). " " 4.--The Swans (Cygninæ). " " 5.--The Ducks Proper (Anatinæ). " " 6.--The Diving Ducks (Fuligulinæ). " " 7.--The Pin-tailed Ducks (Erismaturinæ). " " 8.--The Goosanders (Merginæ).
- /
FAMILY II.--<sc>The Divers</sc> (<sc>Colymbidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Divers Proper (Colymbinæ).
" " 2.--The Grebes (Podicipinæ). " " 3.--The Finfoots (Heliorninæ).
- /
FAMILY III.--<sc>The Auks</sc> (<sc>Alcidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Auks (Alcinæ).
" " 2.--The Crested Divers (Phaleridinæ). " " 3.--The Penguins (Spheniscinæ). " " 4.--The Loons (Urinæ).
- /
FAMILY IV.--<sc>The Petrels</sc> (<sc>Procellaridæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Petrels Proper (Procellarinæ).
" " 2.--The Albatrosses (Diomedeinæ).
- /
FAMILY V.--<sc>The Gulls</sc> (<sc>Laridæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Gulls Proper (Larinæ).
" " 2.--The Scissor-bills (Rhynchopinæ). " " 3.--The Terns (Sterninæ).
- /
FAMILY VI.--<sc>The Pelicans</sc> (<sc>Pelicanidæ</sc>).
/* Sub-Family 1.--The Tropic Birds (Phaetoninæ).[**P2 Phae or Phæ ?]
" " 2.--The Darters (Plotinæ). " " 3.--The Pelicans Proper (Pelicaninæ).
- /
File: 333.png---------------------------------------------------------
Abbagamba, iii., 138
Abu-Risch, iii., 6
Accentor, ii., 292
" Alpine, ii., 295
" Siberian, ii., 295
Adjutant, iv., 74
Agami, iv., 94
Alarm Bird, i., 287
Albatross, iv., 203
" Sooty, iv., 207
" Yellow-billed, iv., 206
" Wandering, iv., 205
Alcyon, iii., 91
" Blue, iii., 94
" Giant, iii., 94
" Paradise, iii., 95
" Red-breasted Tree, iii., 91
" Saw-beaked, iii., 95
" Tree, iii., 91
" True Paradise, iii., 95
" Wood, iii., 91
" Yellow-headed Wood, iii., 93
Amazon, iii., 67
" Royal, iii., 68
Anakan, i., 60
Anhinga, iv., 228
Ani, iii., 119
Aniuma, iv., 96
Ant-king, ii., 231
Apteryx, Mantell's, iii., 310
" Owen's, iii., 311
Aracuan, iii., 280
Aramides, iv., 100
Araponga, ii., 183
Arara, i., 58
" Hyacinth-coloured, i., 62
" Soldier, i., 60
Ararauna, i., 62
Arassari, iii., 128, 129
Argalas, iv., 74
Astrild, i., 164
" Grey, i., 164
" Pheasant, i., 164
Auk, iv., 250
" Great, iv., 258
" Little, iv., 254
" Proper, iv., 235
Avocet, Scooping, iv., 50
Babbler, ii., 218
" Hook-clawed, ii., 221
" Red-headed, ii., 220
" True, ii., 220
" White-rumped, ii., 221
Bacha, ii., 50
Banana-eater, i., 284
Band Bird, i., 156
Barbet, iii., 124
" Golden, iii., 126
" Toucan, iii., 127
Baya, i., 170
Bearded Cuckoo, iii., 98
Bee-eater, iii., 75
" Australian, iii., 78
" Bridled, iii., 78
" Swallow, iii., 78
" Common, iii., 76
" Nocturnal, iii., 79
Bee-king, ii., 155
Bee-wolf, iii., 77
Bell-bird, i., 271, 182
" Bare-necked, ii., 182
" True, ii., 183
" Three-wattled, ii., 183
Bent-beaks, iii., 7
Bentevi, ii., 159
Berigora, i., 307
Bettet, i., 68
Benteot, i., 281
Bittern, iv., 83
" Common, iv., 85
" Little, iv., 83
" Sun, iv., 86
Blackbird, Savanna, iii., 119
Black-cap, ii., 243
Blackcock, iii., 185
Blackhead, Sardinian Fire-eyed, ii., 249
Black Pheasant, iii., 238
Blossom Rifler, Australian, iii., 7
Blue Birds, iii., 2
Blue Caereba, iii., 3
Blue-throat, White-starred, ii., 189
" Swedish, ii., 189
Boat-bills, iv., 59, 62
Boat-tails, i., 222
" Great, i., 222
Boblink, i., 212
Bower Bird, Satin, i, 239
Broad-throat, iii., 84
" Java, iii., 85
" True, iii., 85
Bronze-wing, Partridge, iii., 166
" Common, iii., 164
" Crested, iii., 163
" True, iii., 164
Brush Wattle Bird, iii., 11
" True, iii., 11
Buccos, iii., 96
Bullfinch, i., 92, 102
" Carmine, i., 95
" Parrot, i., 92
" Rose, i., 95
" Siberian, i., 97
- /
File: 334.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Bundle-nest, iii., 16
" Red-fronted, iii., 17
Bunting, i., 185
" Black-headed, i., 190
" Crested, i., 185
" Garden, i., 188
" Golden, i., 187
" Grey, i., 186
" Lark, i., 191
" Meadow, i., 190
" Red, i., 190
" Reed, i., 191
" Snow, i., 194
" Spur, i., 191
Bustard, iv., 2
" African Ruffled, iv.[**P2 , missing in orig] 8
" Great, iv., 2
" Little, iv., 5
Butcher-bird, Sentinel, ii., 142
" Proper, ii., 146
" True, ii., 146
Buzzard, ii., 47
" Common, ii., 52
" Crested, ii., 50
" Crested Honey, ii., 52
" Grasshopper, ii., 54
" Honey, ii., 50
" Mouse, ii., 52
" Red-winged, ii., 54
" Rough-legged, ii., 52
" Snake, ii., 47, 48
Cadet, iii., 6
Calliope of Kamschatka, ii., 190
Calliste, i., 153
" Red-necked, i., 153
Canary, i., 107
Capercali, iii., 181
Capi, i., 148
Capirote, ii., 243
Capuchin Bird, ii., 100
Caracolero, ii., 55
Carancho, ii., 58
Cariama, Brazilian, iv., 91
Casmalos, i., 52
Cassican, i., 218
" Tufted, i., 219
Cassowary, iii., 302
" Australian, iii., 307
" Helmeted, iii., 302
Cat-bird, ii., 216
Catchers, i., 291
Caterpillar-eaters, ii., 164
Chaffinch, i., 115
Channel-bill, iii., 113
Chat, ii., 198
Chat[**duplicate], Black-throated Stone, ii., 198
" Eared Stone, ii., 198
" Fallow, ii., 198
Chatterer, Bohemian, ii., 172
" Umbrella, ii., 181
Chauna, iv., 97
Cherry-bird, i., 242
Chickadee, ii., 318
Chiff-chaff, ii., 255
Chimango, ii., 57
Chinquis, iii., 251
Chopper, Woodpecker Tree, iii., 26
Choroy, i., 66
" Alpine, i., 255
Choughs, i., 254
Chuckore, iii., 207
Clapper-bill, African, iv., 75
Climber, iii., 1
" Tree, iii., 24
Clipper, ii., 197
" Common Tree, iii., 25
" Wagtail, ii., 197
Cockatoo, i., 45
" Banks' Raven, i., 54
" Eagle, i., 51
" Helmet, i., 47
" Leadbeater's, i., 47
" Lemon-crested, i., 47
" Nestor, i., 50
" Nose, i., 48
Cock of the Rock, ii., 174
Collar-bird, i., 240
" Spotted, i., 240
Comet, iii., 71
" Sappho, iii., 71
Condor, ii., 70
" Californian, ii., 71
Coot, iv., 110
" Common, iv., 111
Coquette, iii., 66
" Splendid, iii., 66
Corella, i., 77
Cormorant, iv., 227
" Proper, iv., 230
" Common, iv., 234
Coroya, iii., 119
Coucal, iii., 122
" Egyptian, iii., 122
" Pheasant, iii., 123
Courser, iv., 9
" Cream-coloured, iv., 10
Coulterneb, iv., 262
Cow Bird, i., 215
Cracker, i., 23
Crake, Corn, iv., 101
Crane, iv., 87
" African Crowned, iv., 90
" Common, iv., 89
" Demoiselle, iv., 90
" Numidian, iv., 90
- /
File: 335.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Crane[**duplicate], Peacock, iv., 90
" Snake, iv., 91
Creeper, iii, 22
" Alpine Wall, iii., 23
" Black and Yellow, iii, 4
" Bonneted, iii., 22
" Red-winged Wall, iii., 23
" Tree, iii., 23
" True Tree, iii., 23
" Wall, iii., 23
Crocodile-watcher, iv., 11
Cross-bill, i., 85
" Banded, i., 86
" Large-beaked,[**P1 space missing d,i in orig] i., 86
" Pine-tree, i., 86
Crow, Bald-headed, i., 271;[**P1 why ;--different volume] ii., 179
" Carrion, i., 262
" Glossy, i., 267
" Hooded, i., 263
" Long-tailed, i., 280
" Mountain, i., 254
" Pheasants, iii., 122
" Piping, i., 270
Cuckoo, iii., 105
" Bush, iii., 114
" Common, iii., 106
" Giant, iii., 113
" Golden, iii., 111, 112
" Jay, iii., 110
" Long-tailed, iii., 118
" Proper, iii., 106
" Rain, iii., 115
" Spurred, iii., 122
Curassow, iii., 275
" Common, iii., 276
" Crested, iii., 276
" Galeated, iii., 278
" Mountain, iii., 278
" Red, iii., 278
" True, iii., 276
" Wattled, iii., 278
Curlew, iv., 51
" Great, iv., 51
Cushat, iii., 143
Darter, iv., 228
Dhobin, ii., 286
Diamond Bird, ii., 178
Didrik, iii., 112
Didunculus, iii., 170
Dipper, ii., 223
Diver, iv., 240
" Black-throated, iv., 248
" Great Northern, iv., 247
" Proper, iv., 245
" Red-throated, iv., 249
Djolan, iii., 137
Dollar-bird, iii., 82
" Australian, iii., 82
" Oriental, iii., 83
Dove, Carolina Turtle, iii., 148
" Greenland, iv., 250
" Ground, iii., 159
" Partridge, iii., 162
" Rock, iii., 147
" Singing, iii., 158
" Speckled Turtle, iii., 161
" Stock, iii., 146
" Turtle, iii., 154, 155
" Wedge-tailed Turtle, iii., 161
Dotterel, iv., 19
Dreamers, iii., 98
" Dark, iii., 98
Drongo, ii., 154
" Flag-bearing, ii, 155
" Singing, ii., 154
Duck, iv., 143
" Brahminy, iv., 145
" Diving, iv., 158
" Eider, iv., 159
" Fen, iv., 167
" King Eider, iv., 165
" Mandarin, iv., 155
" Musk, iv., 157
" Pin-tailed, iv., 169
" Red-headed, iv., 168
" Shoveler, iv., 156
" St. Cuthbert's, iv., 163
" Steller's Eider, iv., 166
" Summer, iv., 154
" Tree, iv., 148
" True Eider, iv., 163
" Western Eider, iv., 166
" White-headed Pin-*tailed, iv., 169
" Widow, iv., 148
" Wild, iv., 148
" Wood, iv., 154
Dunbird, iv., 168
Eagle, ii., 8
" African Screaming Sea, ii., 27
" Bold Wedge-tailed, ii., 17
" Booted, ii., 14
" Brazilian, ii., 21
" Crested Brazilian, ii., 21
" Destroying, ii., 19
" Dwarf, ii., 14, 15
" Golden, ii., 10
" Harpy, ii., 22
" Hawk, ii., 17
" Hooded, ii., 18
" Imperial, ii., 10
" Martial Hooded, ii., 18
" Sea, ii., 23
" Spotted, ii., 13
" Tawny, ii., 10
" True, ii., 10
" Tufted, ii., 19
" Wedge-tailed, ii., 15
" White-headed Sea, ii., 23
Earth-eater, ii., 134
Egret, Lesser, iv., 82
Elves, iii., 66
Emu, iii., 300, 301
" Spotted, iii., 301
Epimachi, i, 251
Epimachus, Collared, i., 252
" Resplendent, i., 251
- /
File: 336.png---------------------------------------------------------
Fairy, iii., 60
" Brazilian, iii., 60
Falcinels, iv., 55
Falcon, i., 294
" Dwarf, i., 312
" Evening, i., 310
" Hunting, i., 299
" Night, ii., 126[**reference out of step with others P1]
" Noble, i., 294
" Peregrine, i., 301
" Red-footed, i., 310
" Red-necked, i., 303
" Sparrow, i., 311
" Tree, i., 306
" Wandering, i., 300
Fantail, ii., 166
" Wagtail, ii., 167
Feather-beaks, i., 283
Fieldfare, ii., 207
Finch, i., 114
" Admirable Chaff, i., 159
" American, i., 181
" Blood, i., 162
" Bright-coated, i., 155
" Butterfly, i., 163
" Chaff, i., 159
" Chestnut Reed, i, 158
" Collared, i., 156
" Dominican, i., 146
" Fire, i., 174
" Flame-coloured Fire, i., 175
" Hooded, i., 157
" Magpie, i., 158
" Morning, i., 181, 182
" Mountain, i., 118
" Prairie Bunting, i., 184
" Reed, i., 158
" Shore, i., 184
" Sea Bunting, i., 184
" Snow, i., 119
" Steel, i., 163
" Tiny, i., 146
" Tree Bunting, i., 183
" Variegated, i., 162
" Winter, i., 119
Finfoot, iv., 112
" Surinam, iv., 112
Finga, ii., 154
Fireback, Siamese, iii., 238
Fire-eye, ii., 230
Fire Tangara, i., 151, 152
Flamingo, iv., 115
Flat-bill, Green, iii., 86
Flax Bird, i., 151
Florikin, iv., 8
Flower Bird iii., 2
" Nymph, iii., 59
" Sucker, iii., 60
Flute Bird, i., 270
" Player, ii., 273
Fly-catcher, ii., 158
" Black-capped, ii., 170
" Cock-tailed, ii., 163
" Collared, ii., 170
" Dwarf, ii., 171
" Grey, ii., 168
" Mourning, ii., 169
" Pied, ii., 170
" Spotted, ii., 168
" Stilted, ii., 162
" True, ii., 167[**heading repeated for new column in original P1][* No its a different sub-order]
" White-necked, ii., 170
Fly-snapper, ii., 164
" Paradise, ii., 166
" Royal, ii., 166
Four-wings, ii., 131
Francolin, iii., 212
Friar Bird, iii., 12
Frigate Bird, iv., 224
Frog-mouth, ii., 140
" Plumed, ii., 140
Gallinaceous Birds, iii., 141
" True, iii., 172
Gallinazo, ii., 82
Gallinule, iv., 105
" Common, iv., 107
" Purple, iv., 106
" True, iv., 106
Ganga, ii., 60; iii., 174
Gannet, iv., 221
" Common, iv., 223
Gapers, ii., 104
Gar-cock, iii., 200
Garuba, i., 63
Geese, iv., 129
" Dwarf, iv., 139
" Foxy, iv., 136
" Sea, iv., 135
Girlitz, i., 106
Gnome, iii., 50
" Giant, iii., 47
Goatsucker, ii., 124
" Common, ii., 127
" Giant, ii., 134
" Resplendent, ii., 127
Godwit, iv., 47
" Bar-tailed, iv., 48
" Gold-breast, Little, i., 161
" Red, iv., 48
Goldfinch, i., 129
Gomarita, ii., 291
Goosander, iv., 170
" Green-headed, iv., 172
" White-headed, iv., 170
Goose, Spur-winged, iv., 131
" Brent, iv., 135
" Canada, iv., 131
" Cereopsis, iv., 142
" Grey, iv., 131
" Nile, iv., 138
" Snow, iv., 135
" Teal, White-bodied, iv., 140
" Wild, iv., 131
Goshawk, ii., 4
Govinda, ii., 39
Grakle, i., 230
" Musical, i., 230
Grebe, iv., 240
" Crested, iv., 242
" Little, iv., 244
Greenfinch, i., 139
Greenshank, iv., 46
Grey Bird, ii., 218
" Le Vaillant's, ii., 219
Grosbeak, Cardinal, i., 145
" Carmine, i., 95
" Diadem, i., 147
" Green, i., 139
" Pine, i., 93
- /
File: 337.png---------------------------------------------------------
" Vinous, i., 98
Ground Singers, ii., 184
Grouse, Common Sand, iii., 176
" Hazel, iii., 190
" Hybrid, iii., 187
" Large Pin-tailed, iii., 175
" Large Sand, iii., 174
" Pallas's Sand, iii., 178
" Pinnated, iii., 191
" Proper, iii., 179
" Red, iii., 200
" Sand, iii., 173
" Striped Sand, iii., 178
" Tribe, iii., 179
Guachero, ii., 135
Guan, iii., 279
" Lord Derby's, iii., 278
" Pigmy, iii., 280
" Piping, iii., 280
" Supercilious, iii., 280
Guillemot, iv., 254
" Black, iv., 250
" Common, iv., 253
" Foolish, iv., 253
" True, iv., 251
Guinea-fowls, iii., 256
" Common, iii., 258
" Pucheran's Tufted, iii., 257
" Royal, iii., 256
" Royal Vulturine, iii., 256
" Tufted, iii., 257
Gull, iv., 186
" Black-headed, iv., 195
" Fishing, iv., 187
" Great Black-backed, iv., 188
" Great Black-headed, iv., 197
" Herring, iv., 190
" Large White-winged, iv., 191
" Laughing, iv., 195
" Lesser Black-backed, iv., 190
" Lesser Black-headed, iv., 198
" Yellow-legged,iv.,[*P1 space missing in orig] 190
" Glaucous White-winged,[**P1 hyphenated below] iv., 191
" Ice, iv., 193
" Ivory, iv., 193
" Lesser White-winged, iv., 192
Guttarama,[**P1 looked this up - it's an r] i., 155
Habias, i., 148
Half-bill, iii., 8
" Brilliant, iii., 8
Hammer Head, iv., 62
Hanging Bird, iii., 8
" True, iii., 8
Harrier, ii., 43
" Ash-coloured, ii., 44
" Marsh. ii., 45
" Pallid, ii., 43
Hawfinch, i., 139, 141
" Evening Cherry, i., 142
" Large-beaked, i., 143
" Rose-breasted, The, i., 143
Hawk, ii., 1
" Double-toothed, ii., 2
" Laughing, ii., 1
" Serpent, ii., 7
" Singing, ii., 6
" Sparrow, ii., 2
" True, ii., 4
" True Singing, ii., 6
Heathcock, iii., 183
Hedge Crow, iii., 123
Hedge Singer, ii., 187
Helmet Bird, i., 285
" White-cheeked, The, i., 285
Helmet-crest, iii., 75
" Linden's, iii., 75
Hen Harrier, ii., 43
Hermit, Cayenne, iii., 51
Heron, iv., 76
" Cattle, iv., 82
" Common, iv., 78
" Giant, iv., 80
" Great White, iv., 81
" Night, iv., 82
" White, iv., 81
Hill Star, Chimborazean, iii., 52
Himalaya Snow Cock, iii., 204
Hoactzin, iii., 281
Hoccos, iii., 275
Homray, iii., 135
Honey Guide, iii., 105
" White-beaked, The, iii., 105
Honey-eater iii., 9
" Red-headed, iii., 10
" True, iii., 10
" Tufted, iii., 10
" Yellow-throated Tufted, iii., 10
Honeysucker, iii., 5
" Fire, iii., 6
Hoopoe, iii., 14
" Red-beaked Tree, iii., 15
" Tree, iii., 15
Hornbill, iii., 127
" Abyssinian, iii., 138
" Proper, iii., 132
" Smooth-beaked, iii., 134
" Two-horned, iii., 135
Houbara, iv., 6
" Indian, iv., 6
Humming-bird, iii., 45
" Amethyst, iii., 64
" Black-capped, iii., 56
" Crimson Topaz, iii., 55
" Giant, iii., 47
" Jewel, iii., 55
" Mango, iii., 58
" Masked, iii., 74
" Ruby-throated Fairy, iii., 61
" Saw-bill, iii., 50
" Sharp-bearded Masked, iii., 74
" Sickle-billed, iii., 51
" Swordbill, iii., 47
- /
File: 338.png---------------------------------------------------------
Ibijau, ii., 134
Ibis, iv., 54
" Egyptian, iv., 56
" Glossy, iv., 55
" Sacred, iv., 56
" Scarlet, iv., 56
" White, iv., 56
Inambu, iii., 284
Jabiru, iv., 71
" Senegal, iv., 71
Jacamar, iii., 96
" Green, iii., 96
" True, iii., 96
Jacana, iv., 102
" Chilian, iv., 102
" Chinese, iv., 103
Jackdaw, i., 266
" Green, i., 283
Jacobin, Pied, iii., 60
Jako, i., 35
Japu, i., 219
Jay, i., 272
" Common, i., 278
" Unlucky, i., 279
Jewar, iii., 233
Jungle-fowl, iii., 235
" Australian, iii., 265
" Javanese, iii., 236
" of Ceylon, iii., 236
" Red, iii., 235
" Sonnerat, iii., 237
Kakapo, i., 55
Karna, iii., 100
Kasintu, iii., 235
Katakoli, iii., 237
Kellitsch, iii., 239
Kestrel, i., 307, 308
" Lark, i., 308
Khata, iii., 175
King Crow, ii., 154
Kingfisher, iii., 86
" European, iii., 88
" Grey, iii., 90
" Purple, iii., 89, 90
Kinglet, ii., 297
Kirima, iii., 131
Kirrik, iii., 238
Kite, ii., 31
" Black, ii., 37
" Blue, ii., 43
" Buzzard, ii., 36
" Crooked-billed, ii., 36
" Dwarf Swallow-tailed, ii., 43
" Field, ii., 43
" Gliding, ii., 34
" Hovering, ii., 35
" Jardine's Spotted, ii., 46
" Meadow, ii., 43, 44
" Mississippi, ii., 35
" of the Steppes, ii., 43
" Parasite, ii., 39
" Red, ii., 40
" Reed, ii., 45
" Royal, ii., 40
" Short-tailed, ii., 32
" Spotted, ii., 46
" Swallow-tailed, ii., 41
" True, ii., 37
" True Gliding, ii., 34
Kitta, i., 282
" Long-tailed, i., 282
Kittiwake, iv., 194
Kivis, iii., 309
Kivi-Kivi, iii., 309
Klecho, ii., 118
Koel, iii., 111
Koels, iii., 110
Kuil, iii., 111
Kokil, iii., 114
Kuau, iii., 250
Kukuli, iii., 158
Kusappi, ii., 119
Lapwings, iv., 21, 22
" Spur-winged, iv., 23
Lark, i., 195
" Alpine, i., 201
" Black, i., 199
" Black-headed Bunting, i., 201
" Bunting, i., 200
" Calandra, i., 196, 197
" Courser, i., 209
" Desert, i., 199
" Desert Courser, i., 209
" Field, i., 206
" Proper, i., 203
" Sand, i., 199
" Sentry, i., 208
" Short-toed, i., 198
" Sky, i., 206
" Spur, i., 208
" Stilted, i., 208
" Tufted, i., 203
" Wood, i., 204
Laughing Jackass, iii., 94
Leatherhead, iii., 12
Leipoa, Ocellated, iii., 270
Light Beak, iii., 75
Linnet, i., 122
" Brown, i., 122
" Grey, i., 124
" Mountain, i., 124
Longshanks, iv., 44
Loons, iv., 250
Lorikeet, Dappled, i., 79
" Maiden, i., 81
" Swainson's, i., 80
Lory, i., 79
" Blue-striped, i., 82
" Papuan, i., 82
" Purple-capped, i., 79
Love-bird, Swinder's, i., 43
Lyre-bird, ii., 232
Macaw, Scarlet, i., 58
Macuca, iii., 285
Macrodipteryx, Long-winged, ii., 13
- /
File: 339.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Magpie, i., 272
" Bell, i., 271
" Blue, i., 274
" Brazen Glossy, i., 236
" Glossy, i., 236
" Tree, i., 280
" Wandering, i., 280
Maltakka, i., 41
Malkoha,[**space added] Large Green-billed, iii., 114
Maleo, iii., 268
Manakin, ii., 174
" Black-cap, ii., 178
" Long-tailed, ii., 177
" True, ii., 176
Marabou, iv., 74
" African, iv., 74
Martin, ii., 110
" Sand, ii., 112
Megapode, iii., 273
" Australian, iii., 273
Meninting, ii., 292
Mergansers, iv., 170
Mimic Thrush, ii., 214
Mina Bird, i., 228
Mocking-bird, ii., 214
" Ferruginous, ii., 216
Monaul, iii., 229
Moor-hen, Common, iv., 107
Mooruk, iii., 302
Mot-mot, iii., 83
Mountain Nymphs, iii., 52
Mouse Bird, White-cheeked, i., 289
Muti, i., 312
Naburup, i., 238
Nacunda, ii., 125
Nandu, iii., 291
" Dwarf, iii., 299
" Long-billed, iii., 299
" True, iii., 291
Narina, iii., 100
Night Jar, ii., 124
" African, ii., 129
" Bristled, ii., 128
" Lyre-tailed, ii., 130
" Streamer-bearing, ii., 131
" Twilight, ii., 126
Nightingale, ii., 186
" Ruby, ii., 190
Noddy, iv., 184
Nurang, ii., 228
Nutcracker, i., 268
Nuthatch, iii., 20
" Common, iii., 21
" Syrian, iii., 22
Oak Jackdaw, i., 278
Oil Bird, ii., 135
Oriole, i., 238
" Golden, i., 242
" Golden-crested, i., 243
Organist, Violet, i., 155
Ortolan, i., 188
Osprey, ii., 30
Ostrich, iii., 287
" American, iii., 291
Ouzel, American Water, ii., 228
" Water, ii., 223
Oven-bird, iii., 18
" Red, iii., 18
Owl, ii., 84
" Barn, ii., 102
" Brazilian, ii., 90
" Brown Fish, ii., 95
" Burrowing, ii., 89
" Day, ii., 84
" Dwarf Eared, ii., 98
" Eared, ii., 91
" European Sparrow, ii., 91
" Hairy-footed, ii., 100
" Kirchhoff's Veiled, ii., 102
" Marsh, ii., 98
" Nocturnal, ii., 99
" Prairie, ii., 90
" Proper, Stone, ii., 87
" Rabbit, ii., 90
" Snow, ii., 86
" Sparrow, ii., 91
" Sparrow-hawk, ii., 85
" Stone, ii., 87
" Tree, ii., 99
" Woodland, ii., 97
Owl-Swallow, ii., 136
" Dwarf, ii., 136
" Giant, ii., 138
" True Dwarf, ii., 137
Ox-biter, i., 231
" African, i., 231
" Red-beaked, i., 231
Oyster-catcher, Pied, iv., 27
Panther Birds, ii., 178
Papacolo, ii., 231
Paradise Bird, i., 245
" Birds, King of, i., 250
" Collared, i., 251
" Footless, i., 246
" Magpie, i., 252
" Red, i., 247
" Ruby, i., 247
" Six-feathered, i., 251
Parrakeet, i., 63
" Carolina, i., 64
" Ground, i., 78
Parrot, i., 24
" Amazon, i., 39
" Black--tailed Superb, i., 70
" Blunt-tailed, i., 40
" Crested Hawk, i., 42
" Dwarf, i., 43
" Grass, i., 70
" Green, i., 39
" Long-billed, i., 51
" Long-tailed, i., 57
" Night, i., 55
" Rose-ringed, i., 67
" Scarlet-crested Superb, i., 69
" Siskin, i., 45
" Superb, i., 69
" Sparrow, i., 44
" True, i., 34
" Variegated, i., 71
" Waved, i., 72
- /
File: 340.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Parrot-finch, i., 143
" Ashy Blue, i., 147
" Masked, i., 147
Partridge, iii., 202
" American, iii., 214, 216[**P1 no space in orig]
" Barbary, iii., 209
" Black, iii., 212
" Californian, iii., 219
" Caspian Snow, iii., 203
" Capueira, iii., 214
" Common, iii., 210
" Gambel's, iii., 220
" Red-legged, iii., 206, 208
" Snow, iii, 203
" Virginian, iii., 216
Passerine Birds, i., 83
Peacock, iii., 253
" Black-winged, iii., 254
" Common, iii., 254
" Japan, iii., 255
Pearl Bird, iii., 125
Peckers, Tree, iii., 24
Peewit, iv., 21, 22
" Lappeted, iv., 24
Pelican, iv., 235
" Great Tufted, iv., 239
" White, iv., 237
Penguin, iv., 265
" Cape, iv., 267
" Crested, iv., 268
" Golden, iv., 268
" King, iv., 266
" Leaping, iv., 268
" Spectacled, iv., 267
" True, iv., 267
Petrel, iv., 203
" Cape, iv., 211
" Common Storm, iv., 215
" Duck, iv., 213
" Fulmar, iv., 209
" Giant, iv., 208
" Storm, iv., 214
" True, iv., 207
Pettichaps, The Greater, ii., 240
Phalarope, iv., 42
" Hyperborean, iv., 43
" Red, iv., 43
Pheasant, Assam Peacock, iii., 251
" Argus, iii., 250
" Bare-necked, iii., 213
" Chinese Eared, iii., 250
" Chinese Ring-necked, iii., 243
" Common, iii., 242
" Eared, iii., 250
" Golden, iii., 247, 248[**P1 typo ' in orig - corrected]
" Horned, iii., 232
" Impeyan, iii., 229
" Japanese, iii., 244
" Lady Amherst's, iii., 248
" Lhuys', iii., 232
" Macartney, iii., 238
" Peacock, iii., 251
" Proper, iii., 242
" Red-necked, iii., 213
" Reeves', iii., 246
" Soemmerring's, iii., 245[** out of order]
" Sikkim Horned, iii., 232
" Silver, iii., 240
" Snow, iii., 204
" Tufted, iii., 228
" Western Horned, iii., 233
" White-crested Kaleege, iii., 239
Picapare, iv., 112
Pie, Sea, iv., 27
Pigeon, iii., 141
" American Ground, iii., 158
" Bronze-winged, iii., 163
" Crowned, iii., 168
" Cuckoo, iii., 148
" Dwarf, iii., 157
" Fruit, iii., 142
" Ground, iii., 158
" Hackled Ground, iii., 167
" Parrot, iii., 142
" Passenger, iii., 148
" Quail, iii., 166
" Running, iii., 162
" Sparrow, iii., 159
" Striped Sparrow-hawk, iii., 160
" Toothed, iii., 170
" Victoria Crowned, iii., 170
" White-fleshed, iii., 167
" Wonga-Wonga, iii., 167
" Wood, iii., 143
Pinc-Pinc, ii., 263
Pintado, Mitred, iii., 258
" Tuft-beaked, iii., 259
Pitpit, iii., 4
Pipit, ii., 274[** misplaced]
" Fallow-land, ii., 279
" Meadow, ii., 274
" Richard's Spurred, ii., 282
" Rock, ii., 278
" Stone, ii., 279
" Spurred, ii., 281
" Tree, ii., 275
Pirol, i., 242
Pitta, ii., 228
" Noisy, ii., 229
Plain-wanderer, Collared, iii., 227
Plantain-eaters, i., 283
Plant-cutters, i., 149
Plover, iv., 15
" Dotted, iv., 19
" Golden, iv., 16
" Little Ringed, iv., 20
" Little Shore, iv., 20
" Ringed, iv., 18
" Shore, iv., 20
Plover-crest, De Laland's, iii., 66
Pochard, iv., 168
Poditti, iii., 96
Poe, iii., 12
Pompeo, iii., 101
Porphyrio, Hyacinthine, iv., 105
Prairie Hen, iii., 191
Pratincole, iv., 12
" Collared, iv., 13
Prey, Birds of, i., 291
Prion, Broad-billed, iv., 213
- /
File: 341.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Ptarmigan, iii., 195
" Alpine, iii., 196
" Brown, iii., 200
" Grey, iii., 196
" Willow, iii., 196
Puffin, Arctic, iv., 262
" Manx, iv., 218
Pulih, ii., 229
Puter, iii., 259
Quail, iii., 222
" African Bush, iii., 227
" American, iii., 284
" Black-breasted Bustard, iii., 226
" Bush, iii., 225
" Chinese, iii., 224
" Common, iii., 222
" Dwarf, iii., 224
" Lesser Mexican, iii., 284
Quesal, iii., 103
Quit, Banana, iii., 4
Rail, iv., 98
" Golden, iv., 99
" Land, iv., 101
" Snipe, iv., 98
" Water, iv., 99
Rain Bird, iii., 117
Rara, i., 150
Rarita, i., 150
Raven, i., 210, 257
" Blue, i., 275
" Crested Blue, i., 275
" Proper, i., 254
" Scapulated, i., 260
" Thick-billed Vulture, i., 259
" Vulture, i., 257
" White-necked Vulture, i., 259
Raya, iii., 86
Razor Bill, iv., 236
Red Bird, ii., 164
Redstart, ii., 194
" Black-capped, ii., 194
" Garden, ii., 195
Rice-bird, i., 160
" (Boblink[** Bobolink?]), i., 212
Ringdove, iii., 143
" Indian, iii., 155
Robin Redbreast, ii., 191
Rock Bird, ii., 174
Roller, iii., 79
" Blue, iii., 80
" Saw-bill, iii., 83
Rook, i., 264
Ruff, iv., 39
Sabre-bill, iii., 26
Sabre-wing, iii., 54
" De Lattrei's, iii., 54
" Fawn-coloured, iii., 55
" True, iii., 55
Sai, iii., 2
Salangane, ii., 118
" Proper, ii., 113
Sanderling, iv., 36
Sandpiper, iv., 35
" Common, iv., 45
" Curlew, iv., 36
" Dwarf, iv., 38
" Mud, iv., 38
" Pigmy Curlew, iv., 36
" True, iv., 45
Sangrok, iii., 79
Savaku, iv., 62
Saw-tail, i., 282
Scissor-bill, iv., 185
" Indian, iv., 185
Scissor-bird, ii., 161
Scoter, iv., 166
" Velvet, iv., 166
Screamer, iv., 95
" Crested, iv., 91
" Horned, iv., 96
Sea-fliers, iv., 175
" Oar-footed, iv., 219
Searchers, iii., 1
Secretary, ii., 62
Serrakura, iv., 101
Settler's Clock, iii., 94
Shadow Bird, iv., 62
Shearwater, iv., 218
Sheldrake, iv., 146
" Common, iv., 146
" Ruddy, iv., 145
Shell-eater, iv., 75
Short-winged Cursorial Birds, iii., 287
Shrike, ii., 141
" Black-browed, ii., 143
" Bush, ii., 148
" Crow, ii., 151
" Drongo, ii., 154, 155
" Falcon, ii., 147
" Flute, ii., 150
" Flute-voiced, ii., 149
" Grey, ii., 143
" Helmet, ii., 151
" Hooded, ii., 150
" King, ii., 158
" Magpie, ii., 151
" Masked, ii., 147
" Raven, ii., 151, 152
" Red-backed, ii., 146
" Red-headed, ii., 146
" Scarlet, ii., 149
" Swallow, ii., 156
" Tyrant, ii., 158
" Thick-headed, ii., 147
" Vigors' Raven, ii., 153
" Wood Swallow, ii., 150
" Southern, ii., 143[** out of order]
Sieve-beak, iv., 114
Sikkim Kaleege, iii., 238
Silk-tail, ii., 171
" European, ii., 172
Simbil, iv., 70
Singing Birds, ii., 141
" Tooth-beaked, ii., 141
Sirgang, i., 283
Siskin, Common, i., 127
" Birch tree, i., 124
" True, i., 127
Skua, Common, iv., 199
" Buffon's, iv., 202
" Parasite, iv., 202
- /
File: 342.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Sleeper, iii., 97
Sluggard, iii., 96
Snake-bird, Le Vaillant's, iv., 230
Snake-neck, iv., 228
Snipe, iv., 29
" Common, iv., 34
" Jack, iv., 35
" Marsh, iv., 33
" Moor, iv., 35
" Painted Cape, iv., 99
" True, iv., 29
Sparrow, Common, i., 131
" Field, i., 136
" Golden, i., 137
" Hedge, ii., 294
" Marsh, i., 135
" Plain, i., 137
" Proper, i., 131
" Rock, i., 138
" Song, i., 182
" Spanish, i., 135
" Tree, i., 136
" White-throated, i., 181, 182
Spider-eater, iii., 7
Split-beak, i., 287
Spoon-bill, iv., 58
" Common, iv., 58
Spur-fowl, iii., 266
" Painted, iii., 286
Stair-beak, iii., 19
" Hairy-cheeked, iii., 20
Starika, iv., 255
Starling, i., 211
" Baltimore Golden, i., 218
" Bronze-coloured Glossy, i., 234
" Common, i., 223
" Cow, i., 215
" Glossy, i., 232
" Golden, i., 215
" Golden-breasted Glossy, i., 234
" Mountain Glossy, i., 238
" Proper, i., 223
" Rock Glossy, i., 237
" Rose, i., 227
" Sardinian, i., 227
" Scaly Glossy, i., 235
" Superb Glossy, i., 234
" True Glossy, i., 234
" White-headed Glossy, i., 237
" Yellow, i., 211, 215
Stilt, Black-winged, iv., 49
Stilt-walkers, iv., 1
Stink Bird, iii., 281
Stock-dove, iii., 146
Stone Curlew, iv., 14
Stork, iv., 63
" Clapper-billed, iv., 75
" Field, iv., 91
" Giant, iv., 71
" House, iv., 69
" Shoe-beak, iv., 59
" True, iv., 67
" White, iv., 69
" White headed, iv., 59
Storm Bird, iv., 203
Sun Bird, iii., 51
Sun-Gem, iii., 68
" Horned, iii., 68
Surukua, iii., 101
Swallow, ii., 104
" American Sailor, ii., 114
" Ariel, ii., 113
" Chimney, ii., 106
" Mountain, ii., 111
" Purple, ii., 114
" Rock, ii., 111
" Shore, ii., 111
" Sea, iv., 176
" Striped Wood, ii., 114
" Senegal, ii., 109
" Thread-tailed, ii., 110
" True, ii., 105
" Water, iv., 181
" Wood, ii., 114
Swan, iv., 119
" Bewick's, iv., 126
" Black, iv., 127
" Black-necked, iv., 126
" Mute, iv., 121
" Whistling, iv., 123
Swift, ii., 115
" Alpine, ii., 123
" Dwarf, ii., 122
" Palm-tree, ii., 122
" Prickly-tailed, ii., 121
" Steeple, ii., 122
" Tree, ii., 118
" White-throated Prickly-tailed, ii., 122
Swimmers, iv., 114
Syama, ii., 37
Sylph, iii., 69
" Racket-tailed, iii., 70
" White-footed Racket-tailed, iii., 70
Taha i., 174
Tailor-bird, ii., 264
" Long-tailed, ii., 265
Tallegallus, iii., 265
" Wattled, iii., 266
Tangara, i., 150
" Black-headed Butcher-bird, i., 154
" Butcher-bird, i., 154
" Callous-beaked, i., 153
" Organist, i., 154
" Ornata, i., 151
Tantalus, iv., 65
" Ibis-like, iv., 66
Tapiranga, i., 154
Tataupa, iii., 283
Teal, Chinese, iv., 155
Tern, iv., 176
" Black Marsh, iv., 182
" Caspian, iv., 178
" Common, iv., 179
" Lesser, iv., 181
" Rapacious, iv., 177
" River, iv., 178
" Silky, iv., 183
" White, iv., 183
" White-bearded, iv., 183
" White-winged, iv., 183
Tesa, ii., 54
Tody, iii., 86
- /
File: 343.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Thick-knee, iv., 14
" Common, iv., 14
Thistlefinch, Golden, i., 130
Thornbill, Columbian, iii., 74
Thrasher, ii., 216
Thrush, ii., 184
" Ant, ii., 230
" Climbing, iii., 17
" Juniper, ii., 207
" Laughing, ii., 222
" Missel, ii., 206
" Mocking, ii., 213
" Noisy, ii., 218
" Painted, ii., 228
" Song, ii., 207
" True, ii., 205
" White-tufted Laughing, ii., 223
Tick-eater, iii., 118
" True, iii., 118
" Wrinkled, iii., 121
Tije, ii., 177
Tinamou, iii., 282
Tiriba, i., 63
Tit, ii., 296
" Azure, ii., 316
" Blue, ii., 313, 314
" Cole, ii., 311
" Crested, ii., 307
" Great, ii., 309
" Long-tailed, ii., 306
" Marsh, ii., 317
" Siberian, ii., 316
" Sombre, ii., 311
" Toupet, ii., 309
" Wood, ii., 309
Titling, Meadow, ii., 274
Titmouse, Bearded, ii., 303
" Black-cap, ii., 318
" Carolina, ii., 318
" Long-tailed, ii., 306
" Penduline, ii., 302
" Reed, ii., 303
" True Penduline, ii., 302
Tocoloro, iii., 101
Tody, iii., 86
Tok, iii., 134
Toucan, iii., 127
" Proper, iii., 130
" Toco, iii., 130
" Red-billed, iii., 131
Touraco, iii., 99, 101
" Fire, iii., 100
" Flower, iii., 100
Tragopan, iii., 232
Trappist, iii., 98
" Dusky, iii., 98
Traro, ii., 60
Tree-climber, iii., 15
Tree Nightingale, ii., 187
Trochilus, iv., 11
Trogon, iii., 99
" Beautiful, iii., 103
" Beautiful-tailed, iii.,
" Malabar, iii., 100
" Peacock, iii., 103
" Proper, iii., 101
" Resplendent, iii., 103
Troopial, i., 212
" Marsh, i., 214
" Red-winged, i., 214
Tropic-bird, iv., 219
" Red-tailed, iv., 220
" White-tailed, iv., 220
Trowel--beaked Sumatran, iii., 84
Trumpeter, iv., 94
" Golden-breasted, iv., 94
Tschagra, ii., 150
Tschaja, iv., 97
Tschakuru, iii., 97
Tui, iii., 12
Tukana, iii., 132
Turaku, i., 285
Turkey, iii., 259
" Brush, iii., 266
" Buzzard, ii., 82
" Wild, iii., 259
Turnstone, iv., 24
Turumdi, i., 303
Tyrant, Fork-tailed, ii., 161
" Royal, ii., 162
Uhu, ii., 91, 93
Umbrella Bird, ii., 181
Urubitinga, ii., 55
Urubu, 11., 82
Urutaurana, ii., 20
Vulture, ii., 64
" Bearded, ii., 67
" Buzzard, ii., 58
" Cowled, ii., 75
" Crane, ii., 62
" Crested, ii., 75
" Eared, ii., 76
" Egyptian Raven, ii., 78
" Falcons, ii., 56
" Goose, ii., 73
" Monk, ii., 79
" Raven, ii., 77
" Scavenger, ii., 78
" Sparrow-hawk Goose, ii., 74
" Tawny Goose, ii., 74
" True, ii., 69
" Wattled, ii., 70
Vultures, Goose, King of the, ii., 71
Wader, Hard-billed, iv., 54
" Marsh, iv., 87
" Swallow-winged, iv., 12
- /
File: 344.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Wagtail, ii., 282
" Cow, ii., 289
" Garden, ii., 291
" Meadow, ii., 289
" Mountain, ii., 287
" Pied, ii., 285
" Ray's, ii., 289
" Rock, ii., 286
" Sheep, ii., 288, 290
" Swallow, ii., 292
" Velvet-headed, ii., 290
" White, ii., 283
" Yellow-headed, ii., 291
Warbler, ii., 193
" Ashy Garden, ii., 256
" Black-headed Fire-eyed, ii., 248
" Black-throated Meadow, ii., 196
" Blue-throated, ii., 187
" Brown-throated Meadow, ii., 195
" Bush, ii., 204, 262
" Field Tree, ii., 252
" Fire-eyed, ii., 247
" Garden, ii., 240, 254
" Grasshopper, ii., 261
" Hedge, ii., 294
" Marsh, ii., 257
" Meadow, ii, 195
" Orpheus, ii., 239
" Provence Fire-eyed, ii., 249
" Reed, ii., 258
" Running, ii., 199
" Rüppell's, ii., 247
" Sedge ii., 250
" Song, ii., 237
" Sparrow-hawk, ii., 238
" Spectacled, ii., 246
" Tree, ii., 252
" True Reed, ii., 258
" White-bearded, ii., 247
Water-hen, iv., 103
Wax-wing, Bohemian, ii., 172
Weaver-bird, i, 166
" Alecto Buffalo, i., 177
" Buffalo, i., 176
" Crimson-beaked, i., 171
" Dinamelli Buffalo, i., 177
" Golden, i., 168
" Red-beaked Buffalo, i., 176
" Social, i., 167
Whaap, iv., 51
Wheat-ear, ii., 198
" White-tailed, ii., 200
Whip-poor-Will, ii., 128
White-throat, ii., 245
" The Lesser, ii., 242
Whydah Birds, i., 178
Widow-bird, i., 178
" Cock-tailed, i., 180
" Long-tailed, i., 179
" Paradise, i., 180
Widow, Mourning, i., 179
" Mourning Yellow-shouldered, i., 179
Wiriwa, i., 289
Wood Chat, ii., 146
Woodcock, iv., 30
Wood-nymph, iii., 58
" Ruby and Topaz, iii, 59
Woodpecker, iii., 26
" Ant-eating Black, iii., 36
" Black (Dryocopus), iii., 27
" Black (Melanerpes), iii., 34
" Burrowing Ground, iii., 19
" Copper, iii., 42
" Cuckoo, iii., 41
" Dwarf, iii., 43
" European Black, iii., 27
" Field, iii., 43
" Giant, iii., 28
" Golden-winged; iii., 41
" Great Spotted, iii., 36
" Green, iii., 39
" Ground, iii., 19
" Harlequin, iii., 37
" Imperial, iii., 30
" Ivory-billed, iii., 30
" Red-headed Black, iii., 34
" Red-shafted, iii., 42
" Soft-tailed, iii., 43
" Three-toed, iii., 38
" Variegated, iii., 36
Wood Star, iii., 65
" Mulsant's, iii., 65
Wren, ii., 269
" Carolina, ii., 272
" Common, ii., 270
" Crested, ii., 297
" Dalmatian, ii., 298
" Firm, ii., 266
" Fire-crested, ii., 299
" Golden-crested, ii., 298
" House, ii., 273
" Leaf, ii.. 254
" Marsh, ii, 271
" Melodious Willow, ii., 254
" Ruby-crowned, ii., 301
" Satrap, ii., 299
" Willow, ii., 252
Wryneck, iii., 43
Wumbi, i., 246
Year Bird, iii., 137
Yellow Bird, Jamaica, i., 216
Yetapa, ii., 163
Yiperu, ii., 163
- /
File: 345.png---------------------------------------------------------
Acanthylis caudacuta, ii., 122
Accentor Alpinus, ii., 295
" modularis, ii., 294
Acridotheres tristis, i., 228
Acrocephalus turdoides, ii., 258
Acryllium vulturinum, iii., 256
Actitis hypoleucos, iv., 45
Aëdon galactodes, ii., 187
Agapornis Swinderiana, i., 43
Agelaius ph[oe]niceus, i., 214
Agrodroma campestris, ii., 279
Aithurus polytmus, iii., 56
Aix galericulata, iv., 155
" sponsa, iv., 154
Alæmon desertorum, i., 209
Alauda arborea, i., 204
" arvensis, i., 206
Alca pinguinus, iv., 258
" torda, iv., 256
Alcedo ispida, iii., 88
Alectrurus tricolor, ii., 163
Amadina fasciata, i., 156
Ammodromus maritimus, i., 184
Ammomanes deserti, i., 199
Amydrius Naburup, i., 238
Anas boschas, iv., 150
Anastomus lamelligerus, iv., 75
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, i., 62
Anomalocorax splendens, i., 267
Anous stolidus, iv., 184
Anser cinereus, iv., 131
" hyperboreus, iv., 135
Anthropoides virgo, iv., 90
Anthus aquaticus, ii., 279
" arboreus, ii., 275
" petrosus, ii., 278
" pratensis, ii., 274
Antrostomus vociferus, ii., 128
Aptenodytes demersus, iv., 267
" Patagonica, iv., 266
" Pennantii, iv., 266
Apternus tridactylus, iii., 38
Apteryx Australis, iii., 309
" Mantellii, iii., 310
" Owenii, iii., 311
Aquila chrysaëtos, ii., 10
" fulva, ii., 10
" imperialis, ii., 10
" nævia, ii., 13
Aræ, i., 58
Ara Ararauna, i., 62
" Macao, i., 58
" militaris, i., 60
" severa, i., 60
Arachnocestra longirostris, iii., 8
Aramides gigas, iv., 101
Archibuteo lagopus, ii., 52
Arctica Alle, iv., 254
Ardea cinerea, iv., 78
" Goliath, iv., 80
Ardetta minuta, iv., 83
Argus giganteus, iii., 250
Artamus sordidus, ii., 156
Astragalinus tristis, i., 130
Astur palumbarius, ii., 4
Athene noctua, ii., 87
Atticora fasciata, ii., 114
Aythya ferina, iv., 168
Balæniceps rex, iv., 59
Balearica pavonina, iv., 90
Batrachostomus cornutus, ii., 140
" Javanensis, ii., 140
Baza lophotes, ii., 37
Bellatrix regina, iii., 68
Bernicla torquata, iv., 136
Bombycilla garrula, ii., 172
Bonasia sylvestris, iii., 190
Botaurus stellaris, iv., 85
Bubo maximus, ii., 93
Bubulcus ibis, iv., 82
Bucanetes githagineus, i., 98
Buceros cristatus, iii., 133
Bucorax Abyssinicus, iii., 138
Budytes citreolus, ii., 291
" flavus, ii., 289
" melanocephalus, ii., 290
" Rayii, ii., 289
Buphaga Africana, i., 231
" erythrorhyncha, i., 231
Butalis grisola, ii., 168
Buteo vulgaris, ii., 52
Cacatua galerita, i., 47
" Leadbeateri, i., 47
Caccabis Chukor, iii., 207
" Græca, iii., 206
" petrosa, iii., 209
" rubra, iii., 208
" saxatilis, iii., 206
Cæreba cyanea, iii., 3
Cairina moschata, iv., 157
Calamodus phragmitis, ii., 259
Calandritis brachydactyla, i., 198
Calidris arenaria, iv., 36
- /
File: 346.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Callænas Nicobarica, iii., 167
Callicephalus galeatus, i., 47
Calliope Camtschatcensis, ii., 190
Calliphlox amethystina, iii., 64
Calliste festiva, i., 153
Calobates sulphurea, ii., 287
Calothorax Mulsanti, iii., 65
Calurus Antisianus, iii., 103
" paradiseus, iii., 103
" Pharomacrus, iii., 103
" resplendens, iii., 103
Calyptorhynchus, i., 54
" Banksii, i., 54
Campephilus imperialis, iii., 30
" principalis, iii., 30
Campylopterus De Lattrei, iii., 54
" hemileucurus, iii., 54
Cancroma cochlearia, iv., 62
Cannabinæ, i., 122
Cannabina linota, i., 122
" montium, i., 124
Caprimulgus Europæus, ii., 127
" eximius, ii., 128
Cardinalis Virginianus, i., 145
Carduelis elegans, i., 129
Caryothraustes Brasiliensis, i., 147
Cassicus cristatus, i., 219
Casarca rutila, iv., 145
Casuarius Australis, iii., 307
" Bennettii, iii., 302
" galeatus, iii., 302
Catamblyrhynchus diadematus, i., 147
Cathartes aura, ii., 82
Catheturus Lathamii, iii., 266
Cecropis filifera, ii., 110
" rustica, ii., 106
" Senegalensis, ii., 109
Centrophanes Lapponicus, i., 192
Cephalolepis Delalandii, iii., 66
Cephalopterus ornatus, ii., 181
Cephus grylle, iv., 250
Cereopsis Novæ-Hollandiæ, iv., 142
Ceriornis melanocephalus, iii., 233
" Satyra, iii., 232
Certhia familiaris, iii., 25
Certhiola flaveola, iii., 4
Ceryle rudis, iii., 91
Ceyx tridactyla, iii., 90
Chalcopeleia Afra, iii., 157
Chaptia musica, ii., 154
Charadrius auratus, iv., 16
" hiaticula, iv., 18
" pluvialis, iv., 16
Chasmarhynchus carunculatus, ii., 183
" nudicollis, ii., 182
" variegatus, ii., 183
Chauna Chavaria, iv., 97
Chelidon Ariel, ii., 113
" urbica, ii., 110
Chelidopterix Riocouri, ii., 43
Chen hyperboreus, iv., 135
Chenalopex Ægyptiacus, iv., 138
Chenopsis atratus, iv., 127
Chera caffra, i., 179
Chiroxiphia caudata, ii., 177
Chlamydera maculata, i., 240
Chloëbia mirabilis, i., 159
Chloris hortensis, i., 139
Chordeiles Virginianus, ii., 126
Chroicocephala minuta, iv., 198
Chroicocephalus ichthyaëtus, iv., 197
" melanocephalus, iv., 198
" ridibundus, iv., 195
Chrysococcyx auratus, iii., 112
Chrysocome catarractes, iv., 268
Chrysolampis moschata, iii., 59
Chrysospiza lutea, i[**missing period? P1], 137
Chrysotis Amazonicus, i., 39
Ciconia alba, iv., 69
Cincinnurus regius, i., 250
Cinclus Americanus, ii., 228
" aquaticus, ii., 223
Circaëtus brachydactylus, ii., 48
" Gallicus, ii., 48
Circus rufus, ii., 45
Cissa Sinensis, i., 283
Cisticola Sch[oe]nicola, ii., 263
Coccoborus Ludovicianus, i., 143
Coccolarynx frenatus, iii., 78
Coccothraustæ, i., 139
Coccothraustes vulgaris, i., 141
Coccygus Americanus, iii., 115
Coccystes glandarius, iii., 110
Colaptes Mexicanus, iii., 42
" auratus, iii., 41
Colius leucotis, i., 289
" Senegalensis, i., 289
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File: 347.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Coliuspasser flaviscapulatus, i., 179
Collocalia fuciphaga, ii., 119
" nidifica, ii., 118
Columba ænas, iii., 146
" livida, iii., 147
Colymbus arcticus, iv., 248
" glacialis, iv., 247
" septentrionalis, iv., 249
Conuri, i., 63
Conurus Carolinensis, i., 63
" leucotis, i., 63
" luteus, i., 63
Coracias garrulus, iii., 80
Coragyps atratus, ii., 82
Corax nobilis, i., 257
Corvus cornix, i., 262
" corona, i., 262
" frugilegus, i., 264
Corvultur albicollis, i., 259
Corydalla Richardii, ii., 282
Corydon Sumatranus, iii., 84
Coryphilus Tahitianus, i., 81
Corys arborea, i., 204
Corythacula cristata, i., 286
Corythaix leucotis, i., 285
Cosmaërops ornatus, iii., 78
Cosmetornis vexillarius, ii., 131
Coturnix communis, iii., 222
Cotyle riparia, ii., 112
" rupestris, ii., 111
Cracticus destructor, ii., 151
Crateropus leucopygius, ii., 221
Crax alector, iii., 276
" carunculata, iii., 278
" rubra, iii., 278
Crex pratensis, iv., 101
Crossoptilon auritum, iii., 250
Crotophaga ani, iii., 119
" major, iii., 119
" rugirostris, iii., 121
Crypsirhina varians, i., 281
Crypturus Tataupa, iii., 283
Cuculus canorus, iii., 106
Cupidonia Americana, iii., 191
Curruca atricapilla, ii., 243
" cinerea, ii., 245
" conspicillata, ii., 246
" garrula, ii., 242
" hortensis, ii., 240
" leucopogon, ii., 247
" nisoria, ii., 238
" Orphæa, ii., 239
" Rüppellii, ii., 247
Cyanalcyon Macleayii, iii., 94
Cyanecula Suecica, ii., 189
Cyanocitta cristata, i., 275
Cyanocorax pileatus, i., 275
Cyanopica cyanea, i., 274
" Cookii, i., 274
Cygnopsis Canadensis, iv., 131
Cygnus atratus, iv., 127
" Bewickii, iv., 126
" mansuetus, iv., 121
" musicus, iv., 123
" olor, iv., 121
Cymindis uncinatus, ii., 36
Cynchramus Sch[oe]niclus, i., 191
Cyphorhinus cantans, ii., 273
Cypselus apus, ii., 122
" Melba, ii[**missing period? P1], 123
" palmarum, ii., 122
" parvus, ii., 122
Cyrtostomus Australis, iii., 7
Dacelo giganteus, iii., 94
Daption Capensis, iv., 211
Dasyptilus Pequetii i., 51
Dendrochelidon Klecho, ii., 118
Dendrocitta vagabunda, i., 280
Dendrocygna viduata, iv., 148
Dendroplex picus, iii., 26
Deroptyus, i., 42
Diardigallus prælatus, iii., 238
Dichoceros bicornis, iii., 135
Dicholophus cristatus, iv., 91
Dicrourus macrocercus, ii., 154
Didunculus strigirostris, iii., 170
Diomedea chlororhynchus, iv., 206
" exulans, iv., 205
" fuliginosa, iv., 207
Docimastes ensifer, iii., 49
Dolichonyx oryzivorus, i., 212
Donacula castaneothorax, i., 158
Dromæus irroratus, iii., 301
" Novæ-Hollandiæ, iii., 301
Dromolæa leucura, ii., 200
Dryocopus martius, iii., 27
Dryospiza Canaria, i., 158
Ectopistes migratorius, iii., 148
Edolius paradiseus, ii., 155
Elanus melanopterus, ii., 34
Emberiza citrinella, i., 187
Emblema picta, i., 162
Enicognathis leptorhynchus, i., 66
Enicurus coronatus, ii., 292
" Leschenhaultii, ii., 292
Enneoctonus collurio, ii., 146
" personatus, ii., 147
" rufus, ii., 146
Enucleatores, i., 23
Ephialtes scops, ii., 98
Ephthianura albifrons, ii., 197
Epimachus magnus, i., 252
Erismatura leucocephala, iv., 169
Erythaca rubecola, ii., 191
Erythropus vespertinus, i., 310
Erythrosterna parva, ii., 171
Erythrothorax, i., 95
" erythrinus, i., 95
- /
File: 348.png---------------------------------------------------------
" roseus, i., 95
Eudromias Morinellus, iv., 19
Eudynamys Orientalis, iii., 111
Euphone violacea, i., 155
Euplectes ignicolor, i., 175
Euplocamus melanotus, iii., 238
" Nycthemerus, iii., 240
" prælatus, iii., 238
Eurylaimus Javanicus, iii., 85
Eurypyga helias, iv., 86
Eurystomus Australis, iii., 82
" Orientalis, iii., 83
" Pacificus, iii., 82
Euspiza melanocephala, i., 190
Eutoxeres aquila, iii., 51
Excalfactoria Chinensis, iii., 224
Falcinellus igneus, iv., 55
Falco chiquera, i., 303
" peregrinator, i., 299
" peregrinus, i., 301
" ruficollis, i., 303
Falcunculus frontatus, ii., 147
Florisuga atra, iii., 60
Francolinus vulgaris, iii., 212
Fregilus graculus, i., 254
Fringillæ, i., 114
Fringilla cælebs, i., 115
" montifringilla, i., 118
Frugilegus segetum, i., 264
Fulica atra, iv., 111
Furnarius rufus, iii., 18
Galbula viridis, iii., 96
Galeoscoptes Carolinensis, ii., 216
Galerita cristata, i., 203
Gallinago scolopacinus, iv., 34
Gallinula chloropus, iv., 107
Galloperdix lunulosa, iii., 286
Gallophasis albocristatus, iii., 239
" melanotus, iii., 238
Gallus Bankiva, iii., 235
" furcatus, iii., 236
" Sonnerati, iii., 237
" Stanleyii, iii., 236
Garrulax leucolophus, ii., 223
Garrulus glandarius, i., 278
Gecinus viridis, iii., 39
Geocolaptes campestris, iii., 43
Geopeleia striata, iii., 160
Geophaps scripta, iii., 166
Geositta cunicularia, iii., 19
Geospiza magnirostris, i., 143
Geronticus Æthiopicus, iv., 56
Glareola pratincola, iv., 13
Glottis chloropus, iv., 46
Glycispina cia, i., 190
" hortulana, i., 188
Goura coronata, iii., 169
" Victoriæ, iii., 170
Gracula musica, i., 230
" religiosa, i., 230
Grallaria rex, ii., 231
Graphephasianus Soemmerringii, iii., 245
Grus cinereus, iv., 89
Grypus nævius, iii., 50
Gubernates Yiperu, ii., 163
Gubernatrix cristatella, i., 185
Guttera Pucheranii, iii., 257
Gygis candida, iv[**missing period? P1], 183
Gymnocephalus calvus, ii., 180
Gymnorhina tibicen, i., 270
Gypaëtos barbatus, ii., 67
Gypogeranus serpentarius, ii., 62
Gyps Rüppellii, ii., 74
" fulvus, ii., 74
Gyrinorhyncha minuta, i., 146
Hæmatopus ostralegus, iv., 27
Halcyon rufiventris, iii., 91
Haliaëtos albicilla, ii., 23
" leucocephalus, ii., 23
" vocifer, ii., 27
Hapaloderma narina, iii., 100
Harpactes fasciatus, iii., 100
Harpagus bidentatus, ii., 2
Harpyia destructor, ii., 22
Hedydipna metallica, iii., 6
Heliactinus cornutus, iii., 68
Heliornis Surinamensis, iv., 112
Heliothryx auriculata, iii., 60
Helotarsus ecaudatus, ii., 32
Hemignathus lucidus, iii., 8
Heniconetta Stellerii, iv., 166
Herodias alba, iv., 81
" garzetta, iv., 82
Herpetotheres cachinnans, ii., 1
Hesperiphona vespertina, i., 142
Hieraëtos minuta, ii., 15
" pennata, ii., 14
Hierax c[oe]rulescens, i., 312
Hierofalco Arcticus, i., 299
" candicans, i., 299
Himantopus melanopterus, iv., 49
Hirundo rustica, ii., 106
Hoplopterus spinosus, iv., 23
Hubara Macquenii, iv., 6
" undulata, iv., 8
Hyas Ægyptiacus, iv., 11
Hydrochelidon leucopareja, iv., 183
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File: 349.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Hydrochelidon[**repeated?] leucoptera, iv., 183
" nigra, iv., 182
Hydroictinia atra, ii., 37
" Govinda, ii., 39
" parasitica, ii., 39
Hydrophasianus Sinensis, iv., 103
Hydropsalis forcipata, ii., 130
Hyphantes Baltimore, i., 218
Hypochera ultramarina, i., 163
Hypolais cinerescens, ii., 256
" hortensis, ii., 254
" rufa, ii., 255
Hypomorphnus urubitinga, ii., 55
Hypotriorchis subbuteo, i., 306
Hypsibates himantopus, iv., 49
Ibicter Americanus, ii., 60
" nudicollis, ii., 60
Ibis rubra, iv., 56
Icterus Jamacaii, i., 216
Ictinia Mississippensis, ii., 35
Indicator albirostris, iii., 105
Irrisor erythrorhynchus, iii., 15
Jeracidea Berigora, i., 307
Ketupa Ceylonensis, ii., 95
Lagonosticta minima, i., 162
Lagopus albus, iii., 196
" alpinus, iii., 198
" mutus, iii., 198
" Scoticus, iii., 200
Lampornis mango, iii., 58
Lamprocolius chalybeus, i., 234
Lamprotornis aënea, i., 237
Laniarius Æthiopicus, ii., 150
" erythrogaster, ii., 149
Lanius collurio, ii., 146
" minor, ii., 143
" excubitor, ii., 142
" meridionalis, ii., 143
Larus argentatus, iv., 190
" fuscus, iv., 190
" glaucus, iv., 191
" leucopterus, iv., 192
" marinus, iv., 188
Leipoa ocellata, iii., 270
Leptoptilus argala, iv., 74
" crumenifer, iv., 74
Lestris catarractes, iv., 199
" parasiticus, iv., 202
Leucosarcia plicata, iii., 167
Licmetis nasicus, i., 48
Limicola pygmæa, iv., 36
Limosa rufa, iv., 48
Linaria rubra, i., 124
Lobipes hyperboreus, iv., 43
Locustella certhida, ii., 261
" Rayii, ii., 261
Lophophorus Impeyanus, iii., 229
" Lhuysii, iii., 232
" refulgens, iii., 229
" resplendens, iii., 229
Lophortyx Californianus, iii., 219
" Gambelii, iii., 220
Lophorhina superba, i., 251
Lophophanes cristatus, ii., 307
Lophoaëtos occipitalis, ii., 19
Lophornis ornata, iii., 66
Lorii, i., 79
Lorius domicella, i., 79
" cyanostriatus, i., 82
Loxiæ, i., 85
Loxia tænioptera, i., 86
" curvirostra, i., 86
" pityopsittacus, i., 86
Luscinia Philomela, ii., 186
Lyrurus tetrix, iii., 185
Macrodipteryx longipennis, ii., 131
Macronyx Capensis, i., 209
Mariposa ph[oe]nicotis, i., 163
Megacephalon Maleo, iii., 268
Megalophus regius, ii., 162
Megapodius tumulus, iii., 273
Melanocorypha Calandra, i., 197
Meleagris gallopavo, iii., 259
Melopeleia meloda, iii., 158
Melanerpes formicivorus, iii., 36
" erythrocephalus, iii., 34
Melichæra mellivora, iii., 11
Melierax musicus, ii., 6
Melittophagus hirundinaceus, iii., 78
Melittotheres nubicus, iii., 77
Melopsittacus undulatus, i., 72
Menura superba, ii., 232
Mergellus albellus, iv., 170
Mergulus Alle, iv., 254
Mergus merganser, iv., 172
" serrator, iv., 173
Merops apiaster, iii., 76
Mettapus Coromandelianus, iv., 140
Microglossus, i., 51
" aterrimus, i., 52
Microptynx passerina, ii., 91
Microrhamphus oxypogon, iii., 74
Miliaria valida, i., 186
Milvago Australis, ii., 58
" Chimachima, ii., 57
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/* Milvulus tricarunculatus, ii., 183
" tyrannus, ii., 161
Milvus regalis, ii., 40
Molothrus pecoris, i., 215
Monedula turrium, i., 266
Montifringilla nivalis, i., 119
Mormon fratercula, iv., 262
Morphnus Guianensis, ii., 21
Motacilla alba, ii., 283
" Dukhunensis, ii., 286
" Lichtensteinii, ii., 286
" Rayii, ii., 289
" Yarrellii, ii., 285
Muscicapa albicollis, ii., 170
" atricapilla, ii., 170
Musophaga violacea, i., 284
Mycteria Australis, iv., 71
" Senegalensis, iv., 71
Myzomela erythrocephala, iii., 10
Nasiterna pygmæa, i., 45
Nauclerus furcatus, ii., 41
Nelicurvius Baya, i., 170
Nemoricola Indica, ii., 291
Neophron pileatus, ii., 79
Nestor productus, i., 50
Nettapus Coromandelianus, iv., 140
Nimus polyglottus, ii., 214
Nisus communis, ii., 2
Notauges chrysogaster, i., 234
" superbus, i., 234
Nothura nana, iii., 285
Nucifraga caryocatactes, i., 269
Numenius arquatus, iv., 51
Numida meleagris, iii., 258
" mitrata, iii., 258
" ptilorhyncha, iii., 259
Nyctale dasypus, ii., 100
Nyctea nivea, ii., 86
Nycthemerus argentatus, iii., 240
Nyctibius grandis, ii., 134
Nycticorax Europæus, iv., 82
Nyctiornis Athertonii, iii., 79
Nymphæa hyemalis, i., 119
Nymphicus Novæ-Hollandiæ, i., 77
Nystalus Chacuru, iii., 97
Oceanodroma Leachii, iv., 217
Ocyphaps lophotes, iii., 163
Odontophorus dentatus, iii., 214
[OE]dicnemus crepitans, iv., 14
[OE]gialites minor, iv., 20
[OE]githalus pendulinus, ii., 302
[OE]gotheles Novæ-Hollandiæ, ii., 137
[OE]thopyga miles, iii., 6
Oidemia fusca, iv., 166
Opisthocomus cristatus, iii., 281
Oreophasis Derbyanus, iii., 278
Oreotrochilus Chimborazo, iii., 52
Oriolus galbula, i., 242
Orites caudatus, ii., 306
Ortalida Aracuan, iii., 280
Orthotomus longicauda, ii., 265
Ortyx Virginianus, iii[**.], 216
Ossifragus giganteus, iv., 208
Otis tarda, iv., 2
" tetrax, iv., 5
Otogyps calvus, ii., 77
Otus brachyotus, ii., 98
" sylvestris, ii., 97
Oxypogon Lindenii, iii., 75
Padda oryzivora, i., 160
Pagophila eburnea, iv., 193
Palæornis Pondicerianus, i., 67
" torquatus, i., 67
Palæornithes, i., 66
Palamedea cornuta, iv., 96
Palumbus torquatus, iii., 143
Pandion Haliaëtos, ii., 30
Panurus biarmicus, ii., 303
Paradisea apoda, i., 246
" Papuana, i., 246
" rubra, i., 247
Paradoxornis flavirostra, i., 92
Paralcyon gigas, iii., 94
Pardalotus punctatus, ii., 178
Parotia sex-pennis, i., 251
Parra jacana, iv., 102
Parus ater, ii., 311
" atricapillus, ii., 318
" bicolor, ii., 309
" c[oe]ruleus, ii., 314
" Carolinensis, ii., 318
" cyaneus, ii., 316
" lugubris, ii., 311
" major, ii., 309
" palustris, ii., 317
" Sibericus, ii., 316
Paroaria dominicana, i., 146
Passer domesticus, i., 131
" Hispanicus, i., 135
" montanus, i., 136
Passerculus Savannus, i., 184
Passeres, i., 83
Pastor roseus, i., 227
Patagona gigas, iii., 47
Pavo cristatus, iii., 254
" muticus, iii., 255
" nigripennis, iii., 255
" spicifer, iii., 255
Pedionomus torquatus, iii., 227
Pelecanus crispus, iv., 237
" onocrotalus, iv., 237
Pelidna subarquata, iv., 38
Penelope superciliaris, iii., 280
Perdix cinerea, iii., 210
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/* Pericrocotus speciosus, ii., 164
Perisoreus infaustus, i., 279
Pernis apivorus, ii., 50
" cristatus, ii., 52
Petrocincla cyana, ii., 203
" saxatilis, ii., 202
Petronia rupestris, i., 138
Pezoporinus formosus, i., 78
Phacellodomus rufifrons, iii., 17
Phaëton æthereus, iv., 220
" ph[oe]nicurus, iv., 220
Phaëtornis superciliosus, iii., 51
Phalacrocorax carbo, iv., 234
Phalacroteron Abyssinica, iii., 142
Phalaropus hyperboreus, iv., 43
" rufus, iv., 43
Phaleris cristatella, iv., 255
Phaps chalcoptera, iii., 164
Phasianus Colchicus, iii., 242
" Reevesii, iii., 246
" Soemmerringii, iii., 245
" torquatus, iii., 243
" veneratus, iii., 246
" versicolor, iii., 244
Phileremos Alpestris, i., 201
Philetaërus socius, i, 167
Philolimnos gallinula, iv., 35
Philomachus pugnax, iv., 39
Ph[oe]betria fuliginosa, iv., 207
Ph[oe]nicopterus roseus, iv., 115
Ph[oe]nicura ruticilla, ii., 195
Pholeoptynx cunicularia, ii., 90
" hypogæa, ii., 90
Pholidauges leucogaster, i., 235
Phoneus rufus, ii., 146
Phyllopneuste Trochilus, ii., 252
Phytotoma rara, i., 150
Pica caudata, i., 272
Picathartes gymnocephalus, i., 271
Piculus minor, iii., 37
Picumnus minutus, iii., 43
Picus major, iii., 36
Pinicola enucleator, i., 93
Pioni, i., 40
Pipile leucolophos, iii., 280
Pipra caudata, ii., 177
" manacus, ii., 178
" pareola, ii., 177
Pitta Angolensis, ii., 229
" Bengalensis, ii[**.], 228
" strepitans, ii., 229
Pityli, i., 143
Pitylus c[oe]rulescens, i., 147
Platalea leucorodia, iv., 58
Platycerci, i., 70
Platycercus eximius, i., 70
Platystylopterus rufus, iii., 55
Plautus impennis, iv., 258
Plectrophanes nivalis, i., 194
Plectropterus Gambensis, iv., 131
Ploceus galbula, i., 168
Plotus Anhinga, iv., 228
" Levaillantii, iv., 230
Plyctylophus, i., 45
Podager nacunda, ii., 125
Podargus humeralis, ii., 138
Podiceps cristatus, iv., 242
" minor, iv., 244
Poliornis rufipennis, ii., 54
" Tesa, ii., 54
Polyboroides typicus, ii., 7
Polyborus Brasiliensis, ii., 58
" vulgaris, ii., 58
Polyplectron chinquis, iii., 251
Polytelis, i., 69
" Barrabandi, i., 69
Porphyrio hyacinthinus, iv., 105
" chloronotus, iv., 106
Pratincola rubetra, ii., 195
" rubicola, ii., 196
Prion vittatus, iv., 213
Prionites momota, iii., 83
Prionops cristatus, ii., 151
" poliocephalus, ii., 151
Priontelus temnurus, iii., 102
Procellaria Capensis, iv., 211
" gigantea, iv., 208
" glacialis, iv., 209
Progne purpurea, ii., 115
Prosthemadera circinata, iii., 12
Psarisomus Dalhousiæ, iii., 86
Psephotus multicolor, i., 71
Pseudaëtos Bonellii, ii., 17
Psittacini, i., 24
Psittacula, i. 43
" passerina, i., 44
Psitteuteles Swainsonii, i., 80
" versicolor, i., 79
Psittirostra psittacea, i., 91
Psophia crepitans, iv., 94
Pternistes rubricollis, iii., 213
Pternura tyrannus, ii., 20
Pterocles alchata, iii., 175
" arenarius, iii., 174
" exustus, iii., 176
" Lichtensteinii, iii., 178
Pterocorax scapulatus, i., 260
Pteroglossus Aracari, iii., 129
Pteroptochus megapodius, ii., 231
Ptilonorhynchus albirostris, i., 237
" holosericus, i., 239
Ptilotis flavigula, iii., 10
Puffinus Anglorum, iv., 218
Pycnonotus arsinoë, ii., 218
" Vaillantii, ii., 219
Pyranga æstiva, i., 152
" rubra, i., 151
Pyrgitænas passerina, iii., 159
Pyrgitopsis simplex, i., 137
Pyriglena domicella, ii., 230
Pyrophthalma melanocephala, ii., 248
" Provincialis, ii., 249
" Sarda, ii., 249
Pyrrhococcyx Cayanus, iii., 118
Pyrrhocorax alpinus, i., 255
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File: 352.png---------------------------------------------------------
/* Pyrrhodes Papuensis, i., 82
Pyrrhula vulgaris, i., 102
Pyrrhulauda leucotis, i., 201
Pyrrhulæ, i., 92
Pytelia subflava, i., 161
Quelea sanguinirostris, i., 171
Quiscalus major, i., 222
Rallus aquaticus, iv., 99
Ramphastus erythrorhynchus, iii., 131
" Temminckii, iii., 132
" toco, iii., 130
Ramphocelus Brasilianus, i., 154
Ramphomicron heteropogon, iii., 74
Recurvirostra avocetta, iv., 50
Reguloides Proregulus, ii., 254
Regulus auricapillus, ii., 298
" calendulus, ii., 301
" cristatus, ii., 298
" flavicapillus, ii., 298
" ignicapillus, ii., 299
" modestus, ii., 298
" pyrocephalus, ii., 299
" satrapa, ii., 299
" tricolor, ii., 299
Rhea Americana, iii., 291
" Darwinii, iii., 299
" macrorhyncha, iii., 299
Rhipidura motacilloides, ii., 167
Rhodostethia rosea, iv., 203
" Rossii, iv., 203
Rhynchæa Capensis, iv., 99
Rhynchaceros erythrorhynchus, iii., 134
Rhynchodon sparverius, i., 311
Rhynchops orientalis, iv., 185
Rhyncotus rufescens, iii., 284
Rhyticeros plicatus, iii., 137
Rissa tridactyla, iv., 194
Rostrhamus hamatus, ii., 55
Rubecula sylvestris, ii., 191
Rupicola crocea, ii., 174
Ruticilla atra, ii., 194
" ph[oe]nicura, ii., 195
" titys, ii., 194
Saltator c[oe]rulescens, i., 148
Sarciophorus pileatus, iv., 24
Sarcorhamphus Californianus, ii., 71
" condor, ii., 70
" Gryphus, ii., 70
" papa, ii., 71
Saurophagus sulphuratus, ii., 159
Saurothera vetula, iii., 117
Saxicola aurita, ii., 198
" [OE]nanthe, ii., 198
" leucura, ii., 200
" stapazina, ii., 198
Saxilauda Tatarica, i., 199
Schizorhis zonurus, i., 287
Scolopax rusticola, iv., 30
Scopus umbretta, iv., 62
Scotornis climacurus, ii., 129
Scythrops Novæ-Hollandiæ, iii., 113
Seleucides alba, i., 251
" resplendens, i., 251
Sericulus chrysocephalus, i., 243
Serinus hortulanus, i., 106
Sitella pileata, iii., 22
Sitta cæsia, iii., 21
" Syriaca, iii., 22
Somateria mollissima, iv., 163
" spectabilis, iv., 165
" Stellerii, iv., 166
Sparganura Sappho, iii., 71
Spathura Underwoodii, iii., 70
Spatula clypeata, iv., 156
Spenorhynchus Abdimii, iv., 70
Spermestes cucullata, i., 158
Spheniscus demersus, iv., 267
Spilocircus Jardinii, ii., 46
Spilornis Bacha, ii., 50
Spinus viridis, i., 127
Spizaëtos bellicosus, ii., 18
Spizella Canadensis, i., 183
Stagnicola chloropus, iv., 107
Starna cinerea, iii., 210
Starn[oe]nas cyanocephala, iii., 162
Steatornis Caripensis, ii., 135
Steganurus Underwoodii, iii., 70
Stercorarius parasiticus, iv., 202
Sterna hirundo, iv., 179
Sternula minuta, iv., 181
Stictopeleia cuneata, iii., 161
Stipiturus malachurus, ii., 266
Strepsilas interpres, iv., 24
Struthio camelus, iii., 287
Sturnus unicolor, i., 227
" vulgaris, i., 223
Strepera graculina, i., 271
Streptopeleia risoria, iii., 155
Strigiceps cyaneus, ii., 43
" cineraceus, ii., 44
" pallidus, ii., 43
Strigops habroptilus, i., 55
Strix flammea, ii., 102
" Kirchhoflii, ii., 102
Sula alba, iv., 223
Surnia nisoria, ii., 85
" funerea, ii., 85
" ulula, ii., 85
Sylochelidon Caspia, iv., 178
Sylvia hortensis, ii., 240
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" rufa, ii., 255
Syma flavirostris, iii., 96
Sypheotidis Bengalensis, iv., 8
Syrnium aluco, ii., 99
Syrrhaptes paradoxus, iii., 178
Tachypetes aquila, iv., 224
Taha dubia, i., 174
Tallegallus Lathamii, iii., 266
Tangara ornata, i., 151
Tantalus ibis, iv., 66
Tanysiptera dea, iii., 95
" nympha, iii., 95
" sylvia, iii., 95
Taxostoma rufum, ii., 216
Telephonus erythropterus, ii., 150
Temnurus truncatus, i., 282
Terpsiphone paradisea, ii., 166
Tetragonops ramphastinus, iii., 127
Tetrao Cupido, iii., 191
" urogallus, iii., 181
Tetraogallus Caspius, iii., 203
" Himalayensis, iii., 304
Tetrax campestris, iv., 5
Textor Alecto, i., 177
" Dinemellii, i., 177
" erythrorhynchus, i., 176
Thalassidroma pelagica, iv., 215
Thamnolæa albiscapulata, ii., 204
Thamnophilus undulatus, ii., 153
" Vigorsii, ii., 153
Tharralcus montanellus, ii., 295
" modularis, ii., 294
Thaumalea Amherstiæ, iii., 248
" picta, iii., 247
Threskiornis religiosa, iv., 56
Thryothorus Ludovicianus, ii., 272
" platensis, ii., 273
Tichodroma muraria, iii., 23
Timalia pileata, ii., 220
Tinnunculus alaudarius, i., 308
" Cenchris, i., 308
Todirhamphus chlorocephalus, iii., 93
Todus viridis, iii., 87
Topaza pella, iii., 55
Trachypelmus Brasiliensis, iii., 285
Trachyphonus margaritatus, iii., 125
Trochilus colubris, iii., 61
Troglodytes parvulus, ii., 271
Trogon calurus, iii., 103
" Surucua, iii., 101
" viridis, iii., 102
Tropidorhynchus corniculatus, iii., 12
Turdus merula, ii., 211
" musicus, ii[**P1 .?], 207
" saxatilis, ii., 202
" pilaris, ii., 207
" torquatus, ii., 211
" viscivorus, ii., 206
Turnix Africanus, iii., 227
" Gibraltariensis, iii., 227
" pugnax, iii., 226
Turtur auritus, iii., 155
Tyrannus intrepidus, ii., 158
Upupa epops, iii., 14
Uragus Sibericus, i., 97
Urax pauxi, iii., 278
Uria troile, iv., 253
Uroaëtos audax, ii., 17
Urocissa Sinensis, i., 282
Uromitus filifera, ii., 110
Vanellus cristatus, iv., 22
Vidua paradisea, i., 180
Vulpanser tadorna, iv., 146
Vultur cinereus, ii, 75
" occipitalis, ii., 76
Xantholema Indica, iii., 126
Xenops genibarbis, iii., 20
Xiphorhynchus trochilrostris, iii., 26
Yunx torquilla, iii., 43
Zanclostomus tristis, iii., 114
Zonotrichia albicollis, i., 182
" matutina, i., 182
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<sc>Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.</sc>
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