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Absorption, its extreme rapidity, Page[**F1: Retain word "Page?"] 15
-- action of poisons through, 17
-- effect of in removing poisons beyond the reach of analysis, 57
Acetatæ of lead, tests of, in its pure state, 398
-- -- -- process for detecting it in organic mixtures, 423
-- -- -- effects on the animal body.[** .] See Lead.
Acetates of copper, their tests, 350
-- -- morphia, its tests, 533
Acid, acetic, its tests in the pure and mixed state, 164
-- -- effects on man and animals, 165
Acid, arsenious, its chemical properties, 200
-- -- its taste, 200
-- -- its solubility in various menstrua, 201
-- -- its tests when in the solid state, 203
-- -- its tests when in solution, 206
-- -- its liquid tests give complete evidence conjunctly, not separately, 209
-- -- its tests when mixed with organic substances, 215
-- -- Marsh's process for, 211, 217
-- -- Reinsch's process for, 214, 216
-- -- process for by hydrosulphuric acid, 217
-- -- process for by Fresenius and Von Bab, 218
-- -- fallacies in the process for detecting, 219
-- -- its effects on the body. See Arsenic.
Acid, carbonic. See Gas.
-- carbazotic, a poison, 610
-- citric, not poisonous, 180
Acid, hydrochloric, tests for, in its pure and mixed state, 146
Acid, hydrocyanic, its action on the body, 582
-- -- rapidity of its action, 582, 590
-- -- acts in all its chemiical[**chemical] combinations[** .], 585
-- -- acts through every animal tissue, 584, 592
-- -- enters the blood and communicates its odour, 594
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/* Acid, hydrocyanic, why its odour is not always perceptible in the blood, Page[**Retain?] 594
-- -- contained in many plants, renders them poisonous, 600
-- -- its tests when pure, 578
-- -- process for detecting it in organic mixtures, 580
-- -- symptoms it induces in man, 587
-- -- may cause instant death, 582, 590
-- -- morbid appearances caused by it, 593
-- -- treatment of poisoning with, 596
Acid, meconic, its tests, 532
Acid, nitric, its tests in the pure and mixed state, 142, 143
-- -- process for stains produced by, 143
Acid, oxalic, its action on the animal body, 173
-- -- its morbid appearances, 177
-- -- symptoms caused by it in man, 173
-- -- its symptoms are occasionally of themselves complete proof of poisoning, 179
-- -- its tests when pure, 168
-- -- process for, in organic mixtures, 170
-- -- treatment of poisoning with, 178
Acid, phosphorous, a feeble poison, 152
-- -- sulpho-cyanic, not a poison, 587
Acid, sulphuric, its tests in the pure state, 123
-- -- process for it in the mixed state, 126
-- -- process for stains occasioned by, 125
-- -- action on animals, 128
-- -- morbid appearances, 135
-- -- the morbid appearances are at times of themselves complete proof of poisoning, 139
Acid, sulphuric, symptoms in man classified, 129
-- -- the symptoms are at times alone complete proof of poisoning, 135
-- -- throwing of, to disfigure or disable, is a capital crime, 122
-- -- treatment of poisoning with, 140
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/* Acid, sulphuric, effects of on the intestines after death, 139
Aconitina, the alkaloid of monkshood, 662
Aconitum, poisoning with, 662
Acrid poisons of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, 451
Action of poisons, 9
-- -- -- by absorption, 17
-- -- -- causes which modify the, 27
-- -- -- local, 9
-- -- -- remote, 11
-- -- -- organs acted on by the remote, 22
-- -- -- rapidity of the, 14, 582
-- -- -- through sympathy, 12
-- -- -- applied to the discovery of antidotes, 37
Administration of poison by prisoner, necessity of the proof of, on trials, 72
-- -- -- by prisoner, may be proved by pure medical evidence, 73
Æthusa, poisoning with, 662
Aggregation, state of, its effects on the action of poisons, 28
Alcohol, poisoning with, 725
-- morbid appearances induced by, 731
-- poisoning of with other poisons, 734
-- symptoms of poisoning with, in its several degrees, 725
-- treatment of poisoning with, 735
Alkalies and Alkaline salts, fixed, 180
-- -- -- -- their mode of action, 183
-- -- -- -- morbid appearances caused by them, 186
-- -- -- -- symptoms caused in man, several varieties of, 183
-- -- -- -- tests for, 181
-- -- -- -- treatment of poisoning with, 187
Alkaline sulphurets. See Sulphurets.
Almond. See Bitter-Almond.
Alum, effects of on man and animals, 509
Ammonia and its salts, tests of, 193
-- -- -- -- their effects on man and animals, 193
Ammoniacal gas, effects of, on man, 194
Amygdalus. See Bitter Almond.
Anemone, its effects as a poison, 463
Angustura-bark, false, its effects on man and animals, 692
Animal acrids, general observations on their effects, 470
Animal matter poisoned by disease, 487
-- -- poisonous from ordinary putrefaction, 490
-- -- poisonous from modified putrefaction, 492
Animals, evidence of poisoning from experiments on, 62
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/* Animals, effects of suspected articles of food on, 63
-- effects of suspected matters of vomiting or contents of stomach on, 67
-- experiments on, may illustrate physiological points disputed on trials, 71
-- various effects of poisons on different, 63
Antidotes, by what principles the search for them must be regulated, 37
Antimony, tests for its compounds, 367
-- tartrate of. See Tartar-emetic.
Apoplexy, distinction between it and narcotic poisoning, drawn from symptoms, 511
-- distinction between it and narcotic poisoning, drawn from morbid appearances, 514
-- congestive appearances of, 517
-- from extravasation, 517
-- serous, 517
-- simple, 515
Arseniate of potass, its tests, 224
Arsenic, tests for its compounds, 198
-- action of, illustrated by experiments on animals, 227
-- acts through all the animal tissues, 229
-- acts in all its chemical forms, except in the metallic state, 230
-- action of, is a little impaired by the effects of mixture--not by habit, 233
-- acts when applied to ulcers and eruptions, 251
-- acts when applied to the sound skin, 257
-- acts when introduced into the rectum, 253
-- acts when thrust into the vagina, 254
-- acts powerfully when inhaled, 254
-- does it exist in the blood of those poisoned with it?, 228
Arsenic, dose required to cause death, 232
-- morbid appearances caused by it, 262
-- morbid appearances sometimes not caused by it at all, 262
-- morbid appearances caused by it after death, 282
-- does it prevent the bodies of those poisoned with it from putrefying?, 273 273
-- symptoms it causes in man classified according to three varieties, 234
-- symptoms of, at times supply alone complete evidence of poisoning, 259
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/* Arsenic, symptoms of, occasionally very trifling, even where fatal, 286
-- symptoms of, how soon may they begin, and how long may they be delayed?, 234
-- symptoms of, how soon may they kill?, 239
-- symptoms of, how long may they last?, 248
-- treatment of poisoning with, 283
-- treatment of, no antidotes known, 285
-- changes it undergoes in the stomach after death, 268
-- metallic, not a poison, 230
-- oxide of. See Acid, arsenious.
-- sulphurets of. See Sulphurets.
Arsenite of copper, its tests, 223
-- -- -- seldom contained in mineral green, 223, 346
-- of potass, its tests, 223
Arseniuretted hydrogen, 227
-- -- its effects, 256
Arum maculatum, poisoning with, 465
Asagræa officinalis, 672
Atropa, poisoning with, 639
--- symptoms induced by it in man, 640
-- morbid appearances caused by it, 643
Atropia, alkaloid of belladonna, 639
Bacon, poisonous at times, 497
Baryta, poisoning with its compounds, 446
-- muriate of, tests for, 446
-- -- -- and carbonate, their effects on man and animals, 448
-- morbid appearances caused by, 450
-- treatment of poisoning with, 450
Bee, its poisonous sting, 487
Belladonna. See Atropa.
Bichloride of mercury. See Corrosive Sublimate.
Bicyanide of mercury, 303
Biliary ducts, rupture of, imitates irritant poisoning, 97
Bilious vomiting, imitates irritant poisoning, 100
Bismuth, poisoning with its compounds, 383
Bitartrate of potash, a poison in large doses, 507
Bitter-almond, its poisonous effects, 602
-- may cause death, 603
-- essential oil of, its effects as a poison, 604
-- essential oil of, its composition, 601
-- essential oil of, its formation, 602
Bitter-apple, poisoning with, 460
Bitter cassava, poisoning with, 457
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/* Bitter-sweet, a feeble poison, 576
Blood, discovery of poisons in the, 21
Boiling water, effects of, when swallowed, 505
-- -- causes cynanche laryngea, 506
Bombyx processionaria, its poisonous effects, 477
Brain, inflammation of its membranes, distinguished from narcotic poisoning, 523
-- inflammation of its substance, distinguished from narcotic poisoning, 524
-- hypertrophy of, distinguished from narcotic poisoning, 526
Bread, adulteration of, with the sulphate of copper, 354
-- effects of spoiled, 720
Bromine, tests for, 161
-- its effects on animals, 162
Brucea antidysenterica, not the False-Angustura tree, 692
Brucia, alkaloid of false angustura bark, 692
Bryony-root, effects of, on man and animals, 459
Calomel, its tests, 292
-- can it be considered an irritant poison?, 332
Calthapalustris[**,] its effects as a poison, 463
Camphor, its effects on animals, 694
-- morbid appearances caused by, 696
-- symptoms excited by, in man, 694
Cantharides, physical characters of, 471
-- action of, on animals, 471
-- morbid appearances caused by, 476
-- symptoms it excites in man, 472
-- treatment of poisoning with, 476
Carbonate of ammonia, 193
-- of baryta, tests of, 446
-- of lead, tests of, 398
-- of lead is formed on lead by the action of air and water,--and see Lead, 399
Carbonates of potass and soda, tests of, 181
Carbonic acid. See Gas.
Carbonic oxide gas, effects of, on man, 624
Carburetted-hydrogen gas, its effects on man, 622
Cassada, bitter, its effects, 457
Castor-oil-seeds, effects of, on man and animals, 456
Cerasus Lauro-cerasus. See Cherry-laurel.
Cevadilla, a poison, 672
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/* Cheese, occasionally poisonous without intentional adulteration, 494
Chemical analysis, evidence of general poisoning from, 54
-- -- may be rendered unavailing by vomiting and purging, 55
-- -- may be rendered useless by absorption, 57
-- -- may be fruitless[**typo (deleted third "s")], because the poison has been decomposed, 58
-- -- is often successful after long interment, 58
Chemical combination, its influence in modifying the operation of poisons, 28
Chemical decomposition, its effects in removing poisons beyond the reach of analysis, 58
Chemical evidence not always indispensable to the proof of poisoning, 59
Cherry-laurel water, a deadly poison, 605
-- essential oil of, is the same as the oil of bitter-almond, 605
-- effects of the distilled water and oil on animals and man, 605, 606
Chlorine, its effects on man and animals, 152, 616
Chloride of barium, 446
-- of iron, poisoning with, 392
Chlorides of soda, potassa and lime, their action as poisons, 191
Cholera imitates irritant poisons, and how to be distinguished, 100
-- its shortest duration, 101
-- supposed to have been caused by emanations from a cess-pool, 621
-- impairs the activity of some poisons, 35
-- malignant, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 102
Chrome, poisoning with the compounds of, 385
Cicuta, its effects on man and animals, 662
Cinnabar, its tests, 290
Citric acid, not a poison, 180
Classification of poisons, 90
Cluster-cherry, its distilled water and essential oil are active poisons, 608
Cocculus indicus, its effects on man and animals, 696
Colchicum autumnale, effects of, on man, 674
Colchina, alkaloid of colchicum, 674
Cold water, death from drinking it, imitating irritant poisoning, 98
Colic, how it is distinguished from irritant poisoning, 109
Colica pictonum, causes of, 426, 431, 437
-- -- trades which are subject to suffer, 436
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/* Colica pictonum, precautions for preventing it in workmen, 443
Colocynth, effects of, on man and animals, 460
Common salt, a poison in very large doses, 508
Compound poisoning, 740
Conduct of prisoner, illustrated by medical evidence, may prove his guilt, 73
Conia, alkaloid of hemlock, 653
Conium, effects of, on man and animals, 654
Copper, poisoning with, 345
-- action of its compounds, 358
-- adulteration of bread with, 354
-- corrosion of, by articles of food and drink, 350, 353
-- corroded by saline solutions, 350
-- corroded by wine and vegetable acids, 352
-- corroded by fatty matters, 352
-- metallic, not poisonous, 360
-- morbid appearances caused by, 364
-- process for detecting its salts when pure, 346
-- process for detecting it in organic mixtures, 355
-- sulphuret not poisonous, unless long exposed to the air, 361
-- symptoms of poisoning with in man, 361
-- treatment of poisoning with, 365
-- contained in most vegetable substances, 355
-- is it contained in the blood of animals poisoned with it?, 360
Coriaria myrtifolia, poisoning with, 698
Corrosion caused by poisons, examples of, 9
Corrosive sublimate, action on animals. See Mercury.
-- -- action on dead intestine, 341
-- -- chemical properties of, 291
-- -- is decomposed by organic principles, 297
-- -- process for, in the solid state, 292
-- -- process by reduction when it is dissolved, 292
-- -- process by liquid tests when it is dissolved, 293
-- -- process for it in organic mixtures, 296
-- -- additional tests for it in the pure state, 294
-- -- symptoms caused by it in man. See Mercury.
Cream of tartar, a poison in large doses, 507
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/* Creasote, a poison, 739
Croton oil and seed, effects of, 459
Cuckow-pint, poisoning with, 465
Cupping-glasses, in the treatment of external poisoning, 38
Cyanide of mercury, tests for, 303
-- its effects on man, 332
Cyanogen gas, its effects on animals, 636
Cyanous acid, a feeble poison, 587
Cytisus Laburnum, its poisonous effects, 723
Daffodil, its effects as a poison, 467
Daphne, effects of its different species on man and animals, 465
Darnel-grass, its effects on man, 721
Datura, poisoning with, 644
Daturia, alkaloid of thorn-apple, 645
Dead-tongue, poisoning with, 658
Death-bed, evidence in cases of poisoning, its importance, and hints for collecting it, 84
Delirium tremens, impair the activity of some poisons, 35
-- -- the effect of alcohol, 731
Delphinia, alkaloid of stavesacre, 464
Delphinium, poisoning with, 464
Digestion of poisons, tends to remove them beyond the reach of analysis, 58
Digitalis, poisoning with, 678
Dippel's oil, a poison, 737
Diseases, their influence on the operation of poisons, 35
Distension of stomach, death from, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 95
Dysentery impairs the activity of opium as a poison, 35
Eels sometimes poisonous, 484
Elaterium and elaterin, their poisonous properties, 461
Emeta, its poisonous properties, 682
Empyreumatic oils are active poisons, 737
Epilepsy, distinction between it and narcotic poisoning from the symptoms, 519
-- distinction of, from narcotic poisoning by morbid appearances, 521
Epsom salt, a poison in large doses, 506
Ergot. See Spurred-Rye.
Ervum Ervilia is a poison, 722
Ether, effects of, on man and animals, 736
Euphorbium, its effects on man and animals, 454
Evidence of poisoning. See Symptoms. Morbid Appearances. Chemical Evidence. Animals.
-- of general poisoning from symptoms, 43
-- -- -- -- from morbid appearances, 51
-- -- -- -- from chemical analysis, 54
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/* Evidence of general poisoning from experiments on animals, 62
-- -- -- -- from moral circumstances, 71
Evidence, medical, of the administration in charges of poisoning, 72
-- -- may prove the prisoner's intent, 78
-- -- on death-bed, 83
Fainting, mortal, distinction between it and narcotic poisoning, 527
Feigned poisoning, 86
Ferrocyanate of potass not poisonous, 586
Fever impairs the activity of some poisons, 35
Fish-poison, 477
Fly-powder, tests for, 199
Fool's-parsley, effects on man and animals, 661
Foxglove, its effects on man and animals, 678
Fowler's solution, tests of, 223
Fungi, list of the wholesome, 700
-- list of the deleterious, 701
-- circumstances which modify their qualities, 702
-- rules for knowing poisonous, 703
-- active principles of, 704
-- symptoms of poisoning with, 704
-- morbid appearances caused by, 708
-- treatment of poisoning with, 709
-- poisoning of wholesome kinds with other poisons, 709
Gamboge, poisoning with, 466
Gas, carbonic acid, morbid appearances caused by, 632
-- -- -- is poisonous positively, not negatively, 614, 624
-- -- -- symptoms caused by, when pure, 625
-- -- -- symptoms it causes when diluted with air, 625
-- -- -- symptoms, when from burning charcoal, 626
-- -- -- symptoms, when from burning coal, 631
-- -- -- symptoms, when from burning tallow, 630
-- -- -- symptoms when formed by respiration, 632
-- -- -- treatment of poisoning with, 634
Gas, carbonic oxide, its effects on man, 634
-- carbureted-hydrogen, effects on man, 622
-- coal and oil, effects on man, 622
-- chlorine, its effects on man, 616
-- cyanogen, its effects on animals and plants, 636
-- hydrosulphuric acid, effects when injected into the veins, 613
-- -- -- effects when breathed by man, 618
-- -- -- effects on vegetables, 618
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/* Gas, hydrosulphuric acid, morbid appearances caused by, 619
-- -- -- proves fatal though applied to the skin only, 614, 617
-- muriatic acid, very poisonous to plants, 617
-- nitric oxide and nitrous acid, effects when injected into the veins, 614
-- nitrous acid, effects on man, 615
-- nitrous oxide, its effects on man and plants, 635
-- oxygen, a positive poison, 636
-- sulphurous acid, extremely poisonous to plants, 631
Gases, poisonous, medico-legal importance of, 611
-- which of them are negatively, and which positively poisonous, 612
Gastritis. See Stomach.
General poisoning, evidence of, 39
and see Evidence.
Glass-powder, is it a poison?, 503
Gold, poisoning with its compounds, 383
Goulard's extract, tests for, 399
Grain, sometimes poisonous, 710
-- unripe, its supposed effects on man, 719
Green vitriol. See Sulphate of Iron.
Gullet, perforation of, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 108, 119
Habit, its effect in modifying the action of poisons, 34
Hæmatemesis, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 109
Heart, organic diseases of, may imitate narcotic poisoning, 528
Hellebore, effects of its different species on man and animals, 672
Hellebore, white. See Veratrum.
Hemlock, its effects on man and animals, 653
-- dropwort, its effects as a poison, 660
Henbane. See Hyoscyamus.
Hippomane Mancinella, its poisonous effects, 458
Hot liquids cause symptoms of irritant poisoning, 505
Hydrochlorate of ammonia. See Ammonia.
Also, 193
Hydrochlorates. See Muriates.
Hydrochloric acid. See Acids.
Hydrocyanic acid. See Acid.
Hyoscyamus, its effects on man and animals, 573
Hydrophobia impairs the activity of some poisons, 35
Hypertrophy of brain. See Brain.
Hysteria lessens the effect of opium, 35
Idiosyncrasy, its influence in modifying the action of poisons, 32
-- sometimes renders wholesome articles deleterious to individuals, 33, 68
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/* Iliac-passion imitates irritant poisoning, 109
Imaginary poisoning, 85
Imputed poisoning, 88
Inflammation of brain. See Brain.
-- of intestine. See Intestines.
-- of stomach. See Stomach.
Insects, poisonous, 486
Intent in the administration of poison may be sometimes proved by medical evidence, 78
Interment for years may not prevent the detection of poisons, 58
Intestines, inflammation of, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 99
-- obstruction of, may imitate irritant poisoning, 109
-- perforation of, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 108, 119
Iodide of potassium, effects, 157
-- -- -- tests of, 158
Iodine, its effects on man and animals, 154
-- its tests in the pure and mixed state, 152
Ipecacuan, poisoning with, 682
Ipomæa Purga, a poison, 467
Iron, poisoning with the salts of, 391
Irritant poisons, general observations on, 92
-- -- distribution of into orders, 121
-- -- morbid appearances of, contrasted with those of various natural diseases, 110
-- -- symptoms of, contrasted with those of various natural diseases, 93
Irritation, examples of, caused by poisons, 9
Jalap, its effects as a poison, 467
Jatropha, its effects on man and animals, 457
Juniperus Sabina, its poisonous effects, 468
King's-yellow, its tests and composition, 225
Laburnum seeds poisonous, 723
Lacluca, poisoning with, 575
Lathyrus Cicera is a poison, 722
Lead, tests for its compounds, 396
-- action of air and water on, 399
-- adulteration of wines with, 420
-- adulteration of spirits with, 422
-- adulteration of a mechanical nature, 422
-- corrosion of, by distilled water, 401
-- corrosion of, by water prevented by salts in solution, 403
-- corrosion of, prevented by excessively minute proportions of some salts, 403
-- corrosion of, by natural waters, 406
-- corrosion of, by rain and snow water, 406
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/* Lead, corrosion of, by spring waters, how prevented, 414
-- corrosion of, not caused by some spring waters, 408
-- dissolved by many acidulous fluids, 415
-- dissolved by these fluids much more rapidly if it is oxidated, 419
-- metallic, is not poisonous, 427
-- mode of action on the animal body, 424
-- does it exist in the blood or organs of animals poisoned with it?, 426
-- morbid appearances caused by, 439
-- process for detecting its compounds, 396
-- process for detecting it in organic mixtures, 422
-- sulphuret of, not poisonous, 427
-- symptoms caused by, in man, classified according to two varieties, 429
-- symptoms caused by, as an irritant, 429
-- symptoms of, constituting the disease colica pictonum, 431
-- tradesmen who are subject to suffer from poisoning with, 436
Lead, treatment of poisoning with, 441
Lead-glazing is rapidly acted on by acidulous fluids in some circumstances, not in others, 419
Lettuce-opium, effect of, on animals, 575
Lime, poisoning with, 192
Liver of sulphur. See Sulphurets.
Litharge, tests for, 396
Lividity is no evidence of poisoning, 51
Local action of poisons, 9
Lolium temulentum, its effects on man, 721
Maize, spurred, 718
Manchineel, its effects on man and animals, 458
Mania impairs the activity of some poisons, 35
Marsh-marigold, its effects on man and animals, 464
Meadow-saffron, its effects on man, 674
Mechanical irritants produce the same effects as irritant poisons, 501
Meconic acid, its tests, 53
-- -- is not poisonous, 562
Meloe proscarabæus, its poisonous effects, 477
Melanosis of stomach imitates the effects of irritant poisons, 112
Melæna, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 109
Meningitis, how distinguished from narcotic poisoning, 523
Menispermum Cocculus, poisoning with, 696
Mercurial salivation in cases of poisoning, when does it begin?, 314
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/* Mercurial salivation, phenomena of, 316
-- -- can it be confounded with any other disorder?, 319
-- -- may it return after a long intermission?, 322
-- -- its duration, 322
-- -- in what modes it may prove fatal, 324
Mercurial tremor, 324
Mercury, action of its soluble compounds on the animal body, 303
-- acts through all animal tissues, 327[**F1: Format ambiguous; separate entries or subentries without the leading -- ?]
-- acts in all soluble chemical compounds, 329
-- acts not, when in the metallic state, 330
-- acts not, in the form of sulphuret, 331
-- acts not, when its soluble compounds are decomposed by organic principles, 336
-- existence in the blood of those who have taken it is extremely probable, 306
-- morbid appearances caused by, 337
Mercury, processes for its compounds when pure, 289
-- process for detecting it in organic mixtures, 299[**F1: Format ambiguous; separate entries or subentries without the leading -- ?]
-- symptoms of poisoning with, classified according to three varieties, 310
-- symptoms of corrosive poisoning with, their longest duration, 312
-- symptoms of, their shortest duration in fatal cases, 313
-- symptoms of, sometimes furnish of themselves decisive evidence of poisoning, 337
-- treatment of poisoning with an antidote, 342
Metals, not poisonous unless oxidated, 230, 329, 360, 427
Mezereon, its effects on man and animals, 465
Milk at times poisonous without intentional adulteration, 496
Mineral-green, tests of, 347
-- See Arsenite of Copper.
Mixture, its effect in modifying the action of poisons, 29
Momordica Elaterium, its poisonous properties, 461
Monkshood, its effects on man and animals, 662
Moral evidence of poisoning, 71
Morbid appearances, evidence of general poisoning from, 51
-- -- sometimes supply alone full proof of poisoning, 139
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/* Morphia, its tests, 532
-- its effects on man and animals, 557
Mosses, poisonous, 710
Mountain-ash is poisonous, as containing hydrocyanic acid, 609
Muriate of baryta. See Baryta.
Muriate of morphia, its tests, 533
Muriate of mercury. See Calomel--Corrosive Sublimate.
Muriate of soda, a poison in large quantity, 508
Muriatic acid, 146
Muriatic acid gas, 617
Muscles are occasionally poisonous, 479
-- causes why they become poisonous, 481[**F1: The leading dash in this index normally represents leading word of new entry, but these 6 lines read more like sub-entries]
-- copper cannot account for their effects, 481
-- decay, does it render them poisonous?, 481
-- disease, will this explain their effects?, 482
-- idiosyncrasy sometimes makes them poisonous, 482
-- insects of a poisonous nature entering their shell, will this explain their effects?, 483
Muscles, principle of a poisonous nature not yet discovered in them, 482
-- symptoms and morbid appearances caused by the poisonous, 479[**F1: Format ambiguous; separate entry or subentry without the leading -- ?]
Mushrooms. See Fungi.
Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus, a poison, 467
Narcotico-acrid poisons, general remarks on, 637
Narcotic poisoning, its symptoms and morbid appearances, contrasted with those of natural disease, 510
Narcotics, their active principles, 529
Narcotine, its tests, 534
-- its effects on animals, 560
Nervous local impressions, examples of, caused by poisons, 10
Nicotiana Tabacum. See Tobacco[**. ]
Nicotianin, poisonous principle of tobacco, 647
Nightshade. See Solanum--Atropa.
Nitrates of mercury, their tests, 303
Nitre, its tests, 187
-- its action and symptoms in man, 188
-- morbid appearances caused by, 191
Nitric acid. See Acids, Mineral.
Nitric oxide gas, its effects on animals, 614
Nitrous acid vapour, its effects on man, 615
Nitrous oxide gas, its effects on man, 635
Nux-vomica, action of, on animals, 688
-- morbid appearances caused by, 689
-- symptoms it excites in man, 686
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/* Nux-vomica, symptoms of, sometimes alone are complete evidence of poisoning, 690
-- its tests, 686
-- treatment, 690
[OE]nanthe, poisoning with, 653
Oil of Dippel, 737
Oil of tar, 738
Oil of turpentine, 738
Oils, empyreumatic, are poisonous, 737
Opium, frequently used for the purpose of poisoning, 530
-- action of, illustrated by experiments, 539
-- acts as a poison through every animal tissue, even the skin, 556
-- chemical history of, 530
-- chemical analysis cannot detect it in the blood, 541
-- morbid appearances caused by, 562
-- process for detecting it in organic mixtures, 534
-- may cause death and not be discoverable in the stomach why?, 537
Opium, symptoms of, in man, 539
-- symptoms of, how soon may they begin, and how long may they be delayed?, 543
Opium, ordinary, shortest, and longest duration of fatal poisoning with, 547
-- smallest fatal dose of, in adults, 549
-- fatal dose in infants extremely small, 549
-- principles contained in, 531
-- tests for the principles of, when pure, 532
-- treatment of poisoning with, 566
Opium eaters, are they short lived?, 551
Orpiment, 224, 230
Osmium, 395
Oxygen, a poison, 636
Oysters, sometimes poisonous, 483
Peach flowers may cause fatal poisoning, 608
Pepper, a poison in very large doses, 506
Perforation. See Stomach--Intestines--Gullet.
Peritonæum, inflammation of, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 105
Phosphorus, its effects on man and animals, 149
Phosphorous acid, a feeble poison, 152
Picrotoxin, active principle of Cocculus Indicus, 696
Pretended poisoning, 85
Protochloride of Mercury, See Calomel.
Prunus Lauro-cerasus. See Cherry Laurel.
Prunus Padus. See Cluster-Cherry.
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/* Prussiate. See Ferrocyanate.
Prussic acid. See Hydrocyanic.
Putrefaction of the body, not a proof of poisoning when premature, 51
-- does not always prevent the detection of poisons, 59
-- does arsenic preserve the body from?, 273
Putrefied animal matter, its effects as a poison on man and animals, 492
Quantity or dose, its influence in modifying the action of poisons, 27
Ramollissement. See Brain[**F1: Typo? - not italicized?].
Ranunculaceæ, their effects on man and animals, 462, 662
Ranunculus, its poisonous effects, 462
Realgar, its tests, 224
Remote action of poisons, through what channel is it carried on?, 12
Red-lead, tests for, 397
Red precipitate, tests for, 290
Redness of Stomach. See Stomach.
Ricinus. See Castor oil[**F1: Typo? - not italicized?].
Rue, poisoning with, 681
Rupture of stomach, death from, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 97
Rupture of duodenum, death from, how distinguished from irritant poitant poisoning, 97
Rupture of biliary ducts, 97
-- of uterus, 98
Rust of wheat is not poisonous, 719
Rye. See Spurred-rye[**F2 - added, barely discernible in TIA].
Sal-ammoniac, its tests, 193
-- its action on animals, 196
Salivation may be caused by various poisons, 319
-- may be caused by ulcerated sore throat, 319
-- sometimes an idiopathic disease, 319
-- sometimes arises from the influence of the imagination, 321
Salivation, mercurial. See Mercurial.
Salmon, pickled or kippered, sometimes injurious, 499
Salt, common, a poison in very large quantity, 508
Savin, its effects on man and animals, 468
Sausages, occasionally poisonous, 492
Scilla maritima, effects on man and animals, 671
Secale cornutum. See Spur.
Secret poisoning, 39, 249
Serpents, venomous, 484
Silver, poisoning with its compounds, 380
Simultaneous illness of several persons, important proof of general poisoning, 80
Skin, poisons act slowly or not at all through the sound, 30
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/* Skin, poisons act through it sometimes when long applied or rubbed in, or in the gaseous state, 257, 328, 435, 556, 614, 618, 625
Snakes, venomous, 484
Solanum, effects of its species on man and animals, 576
Sorbus aucuparia. See Mountain-ash.
Spinal cord, diseases of, distinguished from narcotic poisoning, 527
Spirituous liquors. See Alcohol.
Sprats smoked, sometimes poisonous, 499
Spur, what kinds of grain are attacked by, 711
Spurred-maize, 718
Spurred-rye, its causes, 711
-- chemical analysis of, 713
-- effects on man and animals, 714
-- miscarriage supposed to be induced by, 717
Squill, poisoning with, 670
Stavesacre, its effects on man and animals, 464
St. Ignatius' bean, effects of, on man and animals, 691
Stomach, distension of, death from, contrasted with irritant poisoning, 95
-- fibrinous and mucous effusion in, imitates the effects of irritant poisoning, 113
-- gelatinization of, a cause of perforation, 107
-- inflammation of, how distinguished from irritant poisoning, 102
-- inflammation of, is it in its acute state ever a natural disease?, 102
-- partial laceration of, contrasted with irritant poisoning, 97
-- redness of, from natural causes, imitates the effects of irritant poisons, 110
-- rupture of, contrasted with the effects of irritant poisons, 96
-- spontaneous perforation of, distinguished from irritant poisoning, 105
-- spontaneous perforation of, its symptoms and varieties, 105
-- spontaneous perforation of, its morbid appearances, nature and causes, 113
-- ulceration of, how distinguished from the effects of irritant poisons, 113
Stomach-pump, discovery of, 567
Stramonium, its effects on man and animals, 645
Strontia, its salts not poisonous, 451
Strychnia, alkaloid of the Strychni, effects of, on animals, 683
Strychnos, which of its species are poisonous, 683
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/* Sugar of Lead. See Acetate.
Sulphate of copper, tests for, 348
-- -- -- adulteration of bread with, 354
-- -- iron occasionally poisonous, 392
-- -- magnesia, poisonous in very large doses, 506
-- -- mercury, its tests, 290
-- -- potash, poisonous in large doses, 507
-- -- zinc, tests of when pure, 386
-- -- -- effects on animals, 387
-- -- -- effects on man, 388
-- -- -- morbid appearances by, 391
-- -- -- process for detecting it in organic mixtures, 386
Sulpho-cyanic acid a feeble poison, 586
Sulphur, its effects on man and animals, 152
Sulphurets of the alkalis, effects on man, morbid appearances, and treatment of poisoning with, 196
Sulphurets of antimony, tests of, 367
-- -- arsenic, tests of, 224
-- -- arsenic, its effects as a poison, 230
Sulphuret of copper, not poisonous unless long exposed to the air, 360
-- -- lead not poisonous, 428
-- -- mercury its tests, 290
-- -- mercury, not poisonous, 331
Sulphuretted hydrogen. See Gas.
Sulphuric acid. See Acids, Mineral.
Sympathetic effects of poisons, 12
Symptoms of poisoning, evidence from, 42
-- -- -- general character of, contrasted with those of the symptoms of natural disease, 42, 46
-- -- -- suddenness of the invasion of, 43, 46
-- -- -- commence after a meal, 45, 47
-- -- -- commence during health, 49
-- -- -- regularity of their increase, 44, 47
-- -- -- uniformity of their nature, 45, 47
-- -- -- may sometimes of themselves be complete evidence of poisoning, 179, 259, 337, 691
Syncopal asphyxia, how distingished[**P1 misspelled distinguished?] from narcotic poisoning, 527
Tartar-emetic, action of, on animals, 371
-- action on the skin, 375
-- morbid appearances caused by, 376
-- process for detecting it in a pure solution, 368
-- process for detecting it in organic mixtures, 369
-- symptoms excited in man by, 372
-- sometimes not poisonous in large doses, 373
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/* Tartar-emetic, treatment of poisoning with, 377
Tartaric acid, not a poison, 180
Tetanus lessens the activity of some poisons, 35
Thorn-apple effects on man and animals, 645
Ticunas, an American poison, 693
Tin, poisoning with its compounds, 378
Tissues, influence of different, in modifying the action of poisons, 30
Tobacco, effects on man and animals, 649
-- effects of, by the way of injection, 650
-- not injurious to workmen who manufacture it, 652
Toffana, alleged effects of the Aqua Toffana, 249
Trachinus has poisonous spines, 478
Tremblement metallique, its nature and causes, 325
Treatment of poisoning, general inferences as to, drawn from the physiological action of poisons, 36
Turbith-mineral, its tests, 290
Unripe grain, its supposed deleterious effects, 719
Upas antiar, 698
-- tieuté, 691
Uterus, rupture of, imitates irritant poisoning, 97
Vegetable acrids, general remarks on their effects, 451
Venomous insects, 486
-- venomous serpents, 484 [** Venomous serpents - 484]
Veratria, alkaloid of veratrum, 673
Veratrum, poisoning with the different species of, 672
Verdigris, artificial, tests of, 349
Verdigris, natural, tests of, 348
Verditer, tests of, 347
Vermilion, tests of, 290
Vitriol, blue. See Sulphate of Copper.
Vomiting, effects of, in removing poisons beyond the reach of analysis, 55
Wasp, its poisonous effects, 480
Water-hemlock, effects of, on man and animals, 658
Weever, poisonous spines of, 478
Wheat, rust of, is hardly poisonous,[**P2 missing PAGE NUMBER]
White-lead, tests for, 397
White-vitriol. See Sulphate of Zinc.
White precipitate, 332
Worms perforating the intestines may imitate irritant poisoning, 108
-- producing epilepsy may imitate narcotic poisoning, 521
Woorara, an American poison, 693
Yew, poisoning with, 699
Zinc, poisoning with its compounds, 386
-- sulphate of. See Sulphate.
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1. Small funnel-shaped tube for testing minute portions of liquids.
2. Apparatus for the distillation of fluids suspected to contain acids, one-seventh the natural size.
3. Tube for reducing very small portions of arsenic or mercury. The figure is of half the natural size. The ball may be blown larger, if the material to be reduced is bulky.
4. A small glass funnel for introducing the material into the tube Fig. 1, without soiling its inside.
5. The ordinary apparatus for disengaging sulphuretted-hydrogen. The funnel must be a little longer than the emerging tube. The fluid should not be at any time much higher than in the figure, in order to secure the operator against its effervescing up into the emerging tube. The figure is a fourth of the natural size.
6. Instrument for washing down scanty precipitates on filters. It is a thin bottle capable of standing heat--half-filled with water, which may be boiled on occasion,--and having its cork pierced with a small tube drawn at its outer end to a very fine bore. The breath is impelled into the bottle, and, the bottle being then reversed, a very fine stream issues with great force.
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[Illustration: Fig. 1.]
[Illustration: Fig. 2.]
[Illustration: Fig. 3.]
[Illustration: Fig. 4.]
[Illustration: Fig. 5.]
[Illustration: Fig. 6.]
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/# 7. Tubes of natural size for collecting small portions of mercury by the process, p. 300.
8. Pipette, one-fourth the natural size, for removing by suction fluids lying over precipitates. Some have a rectangular bend in the upper part, by means of which the operator sees better the point of the instrument when in action; but such pipettes are difficult to clean. That represented in the figure is easily cleaned with a feather.
9. Apparatus for reducing the sulphurets of some metals by a stream of hydrogen. A, the vessel with zinc and diluted sulphuric acid, the latter of which may be renewed by the funnel B. C, a ball on the emerging tube to prevent the liquid thrown up by the effervescence from passing forward. D, E, corks by which C and G are fitted into F, the tube which contains the sulphuret at F. G, the exit-tube for the sulphuretted-hydrogen, plying into a vessel containing acetate of lead. When the hydrogen has passed long enough to expel all the air, the spirit-lamp flame is applied at F; and when sulphuretted-hydrogen is formed, the lead solution is blackened. The figure is one-third the size of the apparatus.
For Description of Figures 10 and 11, see p. 212.
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[Illustration: Fig. 7.]
[Illustration: Fig. 8.]
[Illustration: Fig. 9.]
[Illustration: Fig. 10.]
[Illustration: Fig. 11.]