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/* A.

Aboo, tomb of, vol. ii. 223.

Abrus precatorius, i. 315.

Acacia Arabica, i. 221; ii. 74.

Achibut chamber, i. 213.

, sacred, i. 214.

Adansonia digitata, i. 116-118. 225.

Æschynomene grandiflora, i. 316.

paludosa, i. 286.

[=A]gh[=a] Meer, i. 165.

Agra, great gun at, i. 276.

Akbar Sh[=a]h, tomb of, at Secundra, i. 374.

Albatross, i. 8, 9; ii. 354.

Ali Merdan Khan, palace of, ii. 218.

---- ----, his canal of paradise, ii. 194.

Allahabad, arrival at, i. 71.

, residence at, i. 77.

, s[=a]t[=i] at, i. 91.

, temple of Bhaw[=a]n[=i] at, i. 95.

, pillar in the fort at, i. 309; ii. 295. 468.

, city of, i. 309.

, garden, caravan-sar[=a]'e, and great well at, ii. 465-467.

Alligarh, fortress of, ii. 187.

Alligators, tame, ii. 88.

in their own wildernesses, i. 328.

Alms, necessity of giving, i. 465, 466.

Amaranthus Gangeticus, i. 314, 315.

Tricolor, i. 314.

Amazonian Mahratta lady, ii. 54, 55.

Amherst, Lord, i. 58.

Andaman Islands, i. 18; ii. 476.

Anna, Purna-Devi, ii. 179.

Ants, strange notion of the Muhammadans respecting, i. 314.

, white, 1. 145, 146. 312, 313.

Anwar[=i][** typo Arwar[=i]] fish, i. 393; ii. 182.[** ,?] 295.

Apathy of the natives, i. 296.

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Appa S[=a]hib, his six wives, ii. 9.

Archer, Lord, i. 58.

Architect of the gods, ii. 64.

Arrak, i. 147, 148.

Arrows, poisoned, ii. 73-76. 366.

, whistling, i. 235.

of the Coles, i. 236.

, Persian and Arabian, ii. 41.

Artocarpus integrifolia, i. 233.

Arzumund B[=a]n[=u], account of, i. 350, 351.

Asclepias gigantea, i. 275.

rosea, i. 311.

Asiatic Society of Calcutta, ii, 105.

Asoca, a shrub sacred to Mahad[=e]o, ii. 175.

Assam leaf insect, ii. 104.

Auckland, Lord, arrival of, at Allahabad, ii. 137.

, Lord, and the Misses Eden visit the ex-Queen of Gwalior, ii. 137, 138.

Avat[=a]rs[** Avatars in the text and below], the ten, ii. 153-168.

Ayha, revenge of an, i. 137.

and durw[=a]n, i. 142, 143.


Baboo Ramohun Roy, i. 29.

B[=a]ghmars[** typo Bhagmars], tiger-killers, ii. 130-133.

B[=a]gh-sira, i. 290.

B[=a]iza B[=a]'[=i], her Highness the, ii. 2-9. 22. 32-39. 43-52. 54-56. 61-63. 109-113. 116-118. 135-138. 291-293. 296. 342-344. 465.

Balaiy[=a] len[=a], ceremony of, ii. 110.

Bandarponch, the mountain, ii. 265-269.

Bangl[=a] of the pilgrim, view from the, ii. 237.

Bar[=a]h or Var[=a]ha, the third avatar, ii. 156.

Barkand[=a]z, i. 67. 135. 299.

Barrackp[=u]r, i. 38; ii. 101.

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Basil.--See Tuls[=i].

Bassia longifolia, i. 122.

Baths, steam, i. 86. 100. 368. 419.

Bauhinia scandens, ii. 77, 78.

Baz[=a]r, Bar[=a], i. 57.

Beauty, female, notions of, entertained by the natives of India, i. 385.

Beetle-wings used in embroidery, i. 67.

Beggars, river, ii. 102.

Ben Oge, ii. 244.

Benares, i. 66-68; ii. 61. 435. 470.

Beng[=a]l[=i] woman, i. 60; ii. 97.

Berhamp[=u]r, ii. 98, 99.

Bhadráj, expedition to the summit of, ii. 248.

Bhadrin[=a]th, great peak of, ii. 260, 261.

, town and temple of, ii. 262, 263.

Bhagw[=a]n, or Bhaw[=a]n[=i], the goddess, ii. 450.

, temple of, ii. 449.

, a form of D[=u]rg[=a], ii. 179.

, temple in Alopee Bagh, i. 95, 96.

Bhardoajmun, temples of, i. 216.

Bhoodder Ram, the dwarf, i. 224.

Bhora, a lucky mark, ii. 9.

Bh[)u]g[)u]v[)u]t[=e][=e], the cow, a form of D[=u]rg[=a], ii. 174.

Bhurtpore, i. 55.

Bihisht[=i], i. 299.

Biloa, or Malura, a shrub, ii. 175.

Bird-catchers, i. 338.

, Chiri-m[=a]rs, peculiar method of snaring their game, ii. 278.

Birds, worshipped by the Hind[=u]s, ii. 328.

, springes for, i. 338.

, Indian, ii. 232. 234.

Blundell, Major, death of, ii. 235.

Board of works, i. 111-114.

Bojesm[=a]ns, ii. 360. 362.

Bombax ceiba, i. 341.

Booteah Chharr[=a], used as shot, ii. 255.

, probable origin of, ii. 255, 256.

Borassus flabelliformis, ii. 69.

Bore, the, ii. 391.

Boundaries, how determined in the Hills, ii. 275.

Bow, charmed, i. 237.

, pellet, i. 236, 237. 312.

of the Coles, i. 236.

, a, reversed, [** missing i. 297.]

of the Hill-men, ii. 76, 77.

, the spring, ii. 73.

Bower, of the pilgrim, i. 310-312.

Bracelet-bound brother and sister, ii. 117, 118.

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Brahma, the creator, ii. 149-151[**F1 "."]

, the first personage of the Hind[=u] triad, ii. 149.

Brahman[=i] bull, i. 66; ii. 427.

ducks (anas cæsarca), i. 341; ii. 80. 417.

Brahmanical thread, i. 304, 305.

Bricks, ancient, ii. 88.

Britons, ancient, resemblance between them and the Hind[=u]s, i. 218; ii. 259.

Br[)u]mh[=u], or Brahm, the one god without a second, ii. 148, 149.

Buddha, history of, the ninth avatar, ii. 162-168.

Buffaloes, curious manner of crossing rivers, i. 161.

Bulliah, the fair at, ii. 67. 413.

Bunce, little Jack, i. 118. 222.

Bundel[=a][** B[=u]ndel[=a] p. 327], children, sale of, ii. 294, 295.

Bungalow, or bangl[=a], i. 137.

Bur[=a]t, the day of, i. 437-446.

Burtreenath, the god, his residence, ii. 61.

Butea frondosa, i. 309.

superba, i. 310.

Buxar, the stud at, ii. 67.

By'[=a] birds, i. 220, 221; ii. 74.

Byragies, i. 256.


Cachnár, ii. 77, 78.

Cairip[=u]r, ruins of an ancient fort near, i. 38.

Calcutta, i. 20, 21.

Camel, how to dress a, ii. 36.

, curious method of stealing a, ii. 192.

battery, Major Pew's, ii. 299, 300.

camelus bactrianus, i. 224.

Cape hen, battle of one with a terrier, i. 10.

Car[=a]ites, hymn of the, i. 269, 270.

Carnicobar, i. 14-18.

Casowtee stone, ii. 88, 89.

Cassia fistula, i. 317.

Cawnpore, i. 121.

Chak-chakk[=i] w[=a]l[=a]s, i. 299.

Chakw[=a]. --See Brahman[=i] Ducks.

Champa, i. 274.

Chandar-nagar, ii. 100.

Ch[=a]otree, i. 447.

Chapel at Pennycross, ii. 341.

Ch[=a]rp[=a][=i], description of, i. 387.

Chaunr[=i]s, i. 239.

Cheet[=a] hunting, i. 398, 399.

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Chinsurah, ii. 100.

Chiraghdan[=i]s, ii. 62.

Chitpore, corn-mills at, ii. 101.

Cholera, dread of, entertained by the natives, ii. 253.

, insanity cured by the fear of, i. 202.

, remarkable method of frightening it away, i. 281.

Chounsah, its murda-gh[=a]t, or place for burning the dead, ii. 66, 67.

Chowringhee, i. 20.

Christians, native, i. 175; ii. 293-295. 288.

Christmas, presents at, i. 120. 171.

Chur[=i]s, or bracelets, i. 388; ii. 308.

Ch[)u]r[)u]k P[=u]ja, i. 26-28.

Cicalas, ii. 236, 237.

Cintra oranges, ii. 99.

Cloud-end, ii. 231.

Cocky-olli bird purchased by the pilgrim, ii. 142.

Coins, Assam, ii. 14, 15.

, ancient, found at Kanouj[** Kannouj p. 48 also Kanauj in this index]], ii. 29, 30.

----, of Sekunder-al-S[=a]ni, i. 133.

, Putl[=i], ii. 55, 56.

----, conjectured to be Venetian, ii. 55.

Coles, the bow and quiver of the, i. 236.

, war hatchet of the, ib.

Colgong, rocks of, ii. 71, 72.

Combermere, Lord, i. 75.

Commission, curious, given to the pilgrim by the B[=a]iza B[=a]'[=i], ii. 291, 292.

Constantia wine, why so expensive, ii. 312.

Conway, inscription on a tomb-stone in the church of, ii. 336.

Coodseah Begam, garden of, ii. 218.

Cornwallis, Marquis, his tomb, ii. 65.

Coronation of the king of Oude, anniversary of the, i. 87-90.

Corpses, Hind[=u], horrible appearance of, in the river, i. 167.

Corruption of words by the natives, i. 278.

Cotton plant, i. 341.

, Bourbon, ib.

tree, ib.

seed, i. 58.

Cow, the, a form of D[=u]rg[=a] or Bhaw[=a]n[=i], i. 157, 158.

tails, i. 238, 239.

Cows, manner of doing p[=u]ja to, i. 307.

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Cross, the Southern, ii. 375.

Crossing the line, i. 5.

Crows, whimsical mode of frightening, practised by the natives, i. 220.

Cummer-o'-deen, Cawn, palace of, ii. 218.

Curamnassa river, i. 65.

Cusu or koosh[)u] grass, i. 307; ii. 425.


D[=a]kait, adventures of one at Gaur, ii. 82, 83.

Darah Shekoah, palace of, ii. 218.

Darz[=i], native tailor, i. 141.

Dastur[=i], what, i. 22.

Datura, species of, i. 148.

Dead, burning the, i. 167; ii. 424.[** ,] 432.

Death, indifference of the Hindoos concerning, i. 331.

Debts, interest on, i. 37.

Deer, mouse, i. 40.

, spotted, ib.

Delhi, first view of, very imposing, ii. 192, 193.

, plan of the fort and palace of, ii. 193.

, church at, ib.

, the throne of the padsh[=a]h, i. 368.

D[=e]odar oil, ii. 253.

Devi, the goddess, an appellation applied particularly to D[=u]rga, ii. 177.

Devotee, Indian, singular vow of one, i. 227.

Dew[=a]l[=i], festival of the, i. 162.

Dewtas, or deot[=a]s, the mountain spirits of the Himalaya, ii. 268.

Dhrums[=a]l[=a], description of a, i. 116.

Dhul Dhul, i. 298.

Dil-Kush[=a], park of, i. 181.

Diseases, native, method of transmitting through flowers, i. 223.

Dishes, ready dressed, i. 65.

Dispute, theological, between a Musalm[=a]n and a Hind[=u], ii. 287, 288.

Dividend, satisfactory, i. 273.

D[=i]w[=a]n-i-am, ii. 217.

[** hyphenated]i-kh[=a]ss, ib.

Dol[=i]s, for carrying women, ii. 227.

Domn[=i], i. 426, 427.

D[=u]b-grass, i. 232.

Ducks, wild, curious method of catching, i. 228.

D[)u]kshina-ray[)u], the god, ii. 107.

D[=u]rga[** ,] the goddess, i. 34; ii. 178.

-p[=u]ja[** hyphenated], i. 34, 35.

Durw[=a]n, door-keeper, i. 142.

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Earthquake at Pr[=a]g, i. 222.[** ,] 285.

in the Hills, ii. 240.[** ,] 244.[** ,] 248.

in Assam, ii. 132.

Eating the air, i. 140.

Eclipse of the moon, horror of the natives at, ii. 112.

Eed, festival of the, i. 353.

Egg, mundane, of the Hindoos, ii. 180.

Ektara, musical instrument so called, i. 251.

Elephant Min[=a]r, i. 407.

-fights[** hyphenated], i. 176.

, -swimming[** hyphenated], an, i. 159; ii. 68.

Elephantiasis, i. 26.

Etmad-od-Doulah, tomb of, i. 372.


Fak[=i]r near Barrackpore, i. 38.

at Pr[=a]g, his cruel treatment by thieves, i. 306.

's rock at Janghira, ii. 71.

Fak[=i]rs, their character of dishonesty, i. 64.

[** ,] libertinism of, i. 258.

Famine at Kanauj, ii. 144, 145.

Fan palm, ii. 69.

Fane, Sir Henry, arrival of at Allahabad, ii. 60.

Fath[=i]ghar, ii. 1.

Fath[=i]poor Sicri, i. 401.

----[** two words], pilgrimage of Akbar Sh[=a]h to, i. 402.

Fevers, Indian, i. 82, 83.

Ficus Indica, i. 214.

Fights, buffalo,l i. 178.

, elephant, i. 176.

, horse and tiger, i. 178.

, quail, i. 74, 75.

, ram, i. 178.

, rhinoceros, i. 177.

, tiger, i. 178.

Fish, flying, i. 4; ii. 491.

, order of the, i. 458, 459.

Foot of a Chinese lady, model of the, ii. 105.

Forgery, i. 145.

Fortune-tellers, precepts of Muhammad concerning, i. 282.

Fox, flying, i. 307.

France, Isle of, i. 138.

----, visionary old man at, i. 139.

Frazer, murder of Mr. Wm., ii. 50. 51.

, Wm. tomb of, at Delhi, ii. 193.

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Frontispiece, description of the, i. 263-266.

Fulbertus Sagittarius, i. 59.


Gaja R[=a]j[=a] S[=a]hib, ii. 3, 4. 6.

---- ---- performs p[=u]ja at the shrine of Mahad[=e]o, ii. 111.

Ganesh, history of, in the Introduction to Vol. I.

, description of plate of, i. 263.

gigantic image of, on the banks of the Ganges, i. 68.

, his battle with Parashu-Rama, ii. 176.

Ganges, happiness of dying in sight of the, ii. 392.

Gangoutr[=i], Captain Hodgson's description of, ii. 264, 265.

, peak of, ii. 244.

Gardner, Colonel, i. 90. 181. 183. 229-231. 251. 408. 418. 420-428.

----, death of, and of his begam, i. 458.

---- and his begam, their tombs, ii. 185.

Garuda, the Man-Eagle, or Bird-God, see [**F1 see ?] G[)u]roor[)u], ii. 174.

Gaur, the ruins of, ii. 84-87.

---- ----, Chambers' description of, ii. 89-96.

Gazooddeen Cawn, madrasa, or college of, ii. 219, 220.

Gh[=a]z[=i]p[=u]r, palace of the Naw[=a]b of, ii. 65. 418.

Ghirgit, the, why held accursed by the Muhammedans, i. 300, 301.

Ghur[=i], description of the, i. 250.

Ghuznee, remains of the ancient city of, ii. 325, 326.

Gillespie, Gen., death of, ii. 242, 248.

Goat, balancing, i. 273.

Goats, Beng[=a]l[=i], i. 77.

, Jumnapar, ib.

Goblin, address of a Hind[=u] to a, ii. 12.

Gods, 330,000,000 in the Hind[=u] Pantheon, ii. 147.

, pedigree of the, ii. 148-181.

Gooltura, i. 317.

Goorz, Goorzmar, i. 465.

Gopal[)u], ii. 122.

Gop[=i] Nat'h[)u], ib.

Gosain, detection of theft by a, i. 102, 103.

, his temple, i. 104, 105.

Gosseina, i. 193, 194.

Gossypium herbaceum, i. 341.

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Govinda, songs of, ii. 116, 117.

Gram-grinder, description of a, i. 232, 233.

Grass-cutter, i. 231.

Grasshoppers, enamelled, i. 275.

Great gun at Agra, account of the, i. 276-278.

Gumuki, i. 267.

Gunduc river, the rapidity of its stream, ii. 68.

G[=u]nth, or Hill pony, description and character of one, ii. 226.

G[)u]roor[)u], the vahan of Vishn[)u], description of, ii. 328.

invoked by the Hindoos to obtain protection from snakes, ii. 328.

Gynee club, i. 251.


Hæmanthus toxicaria, ii. 366.

Hanasa, the swan, the vahan of Brahma, ii. 174.

Hail, tremendous storm of, i. 291.

Hair, washing the, i. 136.

Hanging one's self for spite, i. 249.

Harrow boys, i. 53.

Hastings, Lord, death of, i. 71.

Heat, prickly, i. 5.

Heber, Bishop, death of, i. 60.

Hebrew hymn, i. 270.

Hessing, Colonel, tomb of, i. 418.

Hibiscus cannabinus, i. 316.

Indica, ib.

longifolius, i. 315.

mutabilis, ib.

sabdariffa, i. 316.

Hill people, ii. 75-77.

Hills on fire, ii. 246.

Himalaya mountains, elevation of, ii. 260-270.

Hindostan[=i] song, i. 133, 134.

Hind[=u] triad, ii. 147.

Hind[=u]s will neither make converts or be converted, ii. 288.

Hoogly river, ii. 102.

----, introduction of steam boats on the, i. 32.

Hooq[)u] cakes, ii. 8.

Horrors, bottle of, i. 243.

Horseradish tree, i. 314.

Horse, Skinner's, i. 76.

Horses, lucky and unlucky marks on, ii. 9-11.

, native, extremely vicious, ii. 279.

, poisoning of, by the natives, i. 138.

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Horses, stud of, marks on, i. 161.

House, pakka, what, i. 137.

Houses, Indian, style of, i. 21.

Huk[=a]k, i. 113.

Humaioon, mausoleum of, at Delhi, ii. 197, 198.

Humming birds, i. 311.

H[)u]noom[=a]n, the Monkey-god, account of, i. 109.

, temple of, i. 115.

, his fiery tail, ii. 269.

Hurdwar, ii. 265.

Hyatt[** Hyat p. 242]-ool-Nissa Begam, the pilgrim's visit to, ii. 213, 214.

Hymn, Hebrew, i. 270.

I. J.

Jagana'th, a form of Krishna, ii. 172.

made of the vertebra of an animal, i. 262.

, temple of, ii. 381.

, the idol, ii. 384.

, the swing of, ii. 382.

. --See Krishna.

Jah[=a]n[=a]r[=a] Begam, tomb of, i. 371, 372.

Jah[=a]ng[=i]r[=i] Mahul, i. 361.

Jama Kh[=a]nas, i. 354.

Jamh O Deen Muhammad, visit from, i. 33.

Jamp[=a]n, description of a, ii. 227.

Janao, or sacred thread, i. 304, 305; ii. 62.

Jasmine, double Arabian, i. 274.

Jasminum sambac pleno, ib.

Ice, consumption of American, i. 287.

pits at Allahabad, i. 78. 222.

Ichneumon, i. 314.

Idiot son of a Brahman, i. 225.

Jellinghy flat, vessel so called, ii. 105.

Jerr[=i]p[=a]n[=i], ii. 236.

Jhod[** Jodh p. 518] B[=a]'[=i], tomb of, i. 407; ii. 465.

Illness, singular mode of getting rid of, believed in by the natives, i. 223.

, feigned, punishment of, ii. 303.

Im[=a]m-B[=a]r[=a], i. 179.

Im[=a]ms, leaders of the faithful, i. 293-295.

John Strong, the drummer, presents his wife to a comrade, and desires to contract a second matrimonial alliance, ii. 293.

Ipomæa quamoclit, i. 310.

speciosa, i. 311.

Ishk-pech[=a], i. 310.

Jumna, storm on the, ii. 53, 54.

Jumnotr[=i], peaks of, ii. 265.

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Jungip[=u]r, toll at, ii. 97.

J[)u]tayoo, a bird worshipped by the Hindoos, ii. 328.


Kadam-i-ras[=u]l, history of the, ii. 86, 87.

Kadam Shar[=i]f, footprints of the prophet, at Gaur, ii. 86.

Kafir warrior, ii. 369.

Kail[=a]s[** Kyl[=a]s p. 299], the mountain, ii. 266.

Kaldung, the mountain, ii. 269.

Kal[=i], a name of D[=u]rga, ii. 178.

Kal[=i] M[=a]'[=i], temple of, at Kal[=i] Gh[=a]t, ii. 104.

Kal[=i] Nad[=i] river, ii. 28.

Kalk[=i], or the horse, the tenth and final avatar yet to come, ii. 168.

Kaloo-ray[)u], a form of Shiv[)u], ii. 106, 107.

Kalsas[** Kals[=a]s p. 462], i. 96; ii. 417-421.

Kalunga, brave defence of, by the Ghoorkas, ii. 242, 243.

Kam-dhem[=u][** dhen[=u] p. 186], the cow of plenty, ii. 159.

Kama-Deva, the god of love, ii. 171, 172.

Kanauj, ruins of, ii. 29, 30.

, legend of, ii. 146.

, ancient Hind[=u] ruin at, ii. 143.

Kanwar W[=a]l[=a], i. 260.

Kartikeya, the god of war, ii. 176.

Kas[=i]m baz[=a]r, ii. 98.

Kedarnath[** Kedern[=a]th p. 296], peak of, ii. 263.

, temple of, ib.

Keeree pass, ii. 276, 277.

Khar[=i]ta of her Highness the Ba[=i]za B[=a]'[=i], ii. 250.

Khud, a narrow valley between two hills, so called, ii. 240.

Kh[)u]nj[)u]n[)u], the wag-tail, a form of Vishn[)u], ii. 329.

Kimkhw[=a]b, manufactory of, ii. 62.

Kodalee, the Thugs' pickaxe, i. 153.

Kookree of the Ghoorkas, description of, ii. 243.

Korah, or bughalee, of the Ghoorka officers, ii. 243.

Kos Min[=a]r, i. 377; ii. 188.

Kot[=i]la of Feroze Sh[=a]h, ii. 198.

Krishn, or Kaniya[** Kaniy[=a] p. 139]-jee, history of, ii. 118-24.

and the 16,000 gop[=i]s, sporting as elephants, horses, &c.. ii. 121.

as gopalu[** gopal[=u] p. 145] and gop[=i] nat'h[)u], ii. 122.

Radha, i. 263, 264; ii. 116. 122.

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Krishn, descent of Vishnu as, ii. 168-171.

the bones of, and history, ii. 381-385.

Kurma, the tortoise, the second avatar, ii. 155.

Kutab Kí L[=a]t, ii. 205, 206.

Kutab Min[=a]r, ii. 202-205.

Kutcherry, a, i. 122.

Kywan Jah, Prince, i. 73.


Lachhm[=i], the goddess of beauty, i. 42. 206, 207.

, the wife of Vishn[)u], ii. 176, 177.

Ladies, native, their amusements in the zen[=a]na, i. 230, 231.

La Martinière, i. 179.

Landowr, ii. 229.

L[=a]th[=i], what, i. 132.

Leaf-grasshopper, i. 242.

Leprosy, Arabian, i. 204-206.

Line, ceremonies of crossing the, i. 5-7.

Light, phosphoric, of the waves; description of the animal causing, ii. 353.

Lights, festival of, i. 162, 163.

Locusts, i. 288, 289.

Lucnow, visit to, i. 73.

, second visit to, i. 175.


Mach, Machchha, the Fish, or first avatar, ii. 153-155.

Magellan clouds, ii. 353. 375.

Magic, temple of, i. 404.

Mahabarat, a poem composed by Vyasa, ii. 179.

Mahad[=e]o, or Mah[=a]-D[=e]va, a form of Shiv[)u], ii. 175, 176.

Mahratta Camp, ii. 32, 33.

Map of Delhi, ii. 222.

"Marchioness of Ely," voyage in the, i. 2.

Marriage of a n[=i]m to a peepul, i. 72.

of Susan Gardner to Unjun Sheko, i. 420-448.

Martine, General Claude, i. 179.

, his magnificent tomb, ib.

Martynia, proboscidea, i. 319.

Masjid J[=a]ma, the great mosque at Delhi, ii. 220, 221.

, K[=a]la[** Kala p. 250], or black mosque, ii. 221, 222.

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Masjid, Akb[=a]r[=a]b[=a]d[=i][** Akb[=a]r[=a]b[=a]dee p. 229], ii. 200.

of the Princess of China, i. 373, 374.

, the Golden, ii. 84.

, Mot[=i], the mosque of pearl, i. 360.

Mats, Calcutta, i. 313.

Meerunkee[** Meerunke p. 168] Sar[=a]'e, ii. 143.

Melaleuca K[=y]'a-pootie, i. 317.

Mem S[=a]hiba, speech of the, i. 334.

Menagerie at Lucnow, i. 182.

at Barrackp[=u]r, i. 39.

Mendicants, religious, i. 39.

, account of, i. 256-260.

Menhd[=i], day of, i. 430-435.

Metcalfe, Sir Charles, arrival of, at Allahabad, ii. 49.

Mher-ul-Nissa, or Noormahul, or Noorjah[=a]n, history of, i. 361-364.

Michelia champaca, i. 274.

Milton, descendants of, ii. 380.

Mint at Gwalior, ii. 56.

Miriam Zuman[=i], tomb of, i. 377.

Monghir, ii. 69.

Monkey, holy, ii. 125.

, one kept in or near a stable, and why, ii. 13.

Moorshadabad, palace of the Naw[=a]b at, ii. 98.

Mor-pankh[=i], a kind of pleasure-boat so called, ib.

Mountain storm, ii. 251.

Moustache, to dye the, i. 320.

Muhammad, the prophet, i. 107. 293-301. 453, 454. 459-466.

, anecdotes concerning, i. 248. 282.

Muharram, account of the, i. 295-300; ii. 17-21. 374.

Mulka Begam, i. 381.

----, divorce of, from Mirza Sel[=i]m, and marriage to Mr. James. Gardner, i. 382.

Mulka Zuman[=i], i. 192, 193.

M[)u]ndod[)u]r[=e][=e], the wife of the giant Ravuna, i. 110.

Murder of two ladies in a zen[=a]na, ii. 56.


N[=a]ch girls, i. 29, 30. 391. 427-429. 431.

N[=a]g-pancham[=i], i. 308.

Nal[=a]pan[=i], ii. 269.

Nara-Singha, or the Man-Lion, the fourth avatar, ii. 157.

Native servants, ludicrous quarrels of, i. 146, 147.

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Nauclea gambir, i. 318.

Orientalis, ib.

Naw[=a]b, the, the Merchant, and the Palk[=i], ii. 306, 307.

[** ,] a Muhammadan title of honour, singularly bestowed also on the ladies of the family of the Emperor of Delhi, i. 394.[** ,] 415.[** ,] 458.

Hak[=i]m Menhd[=i], his house and zen[=a]na, ii. 17-20.

---- ----, reappointed minister in Oude, ii. 135.

---- ----, his death, ii. 139.

---- ----, suspension-bridge of, ii. 182.

Newlands, ii. 235.[** ,] 371.

Nicobar, islands of, i. 14; ii. 476.

Nicumbha the fiend, i. 35.

N[=i]m tree, i. 71, 72. 112.

Nobutpoor, i. 65.

Noor-jah[=a]n, history of, i. 361-364.

, turret of, i. 364.

Nose-ring, i. 385.

"Not at home," Indian expression equivalent to, i. 388.

Nulgoon Pass, ii. 269.

Nusseer-ood-Deen-Hydur, death of, ii. 114.

Nut Log, or wandering gipsies, account of, i. 272.

Nyctanthes the sorrowful, i. 312.

Nymphæa, the, i. 311.


Oats, i. 223.

Obelisk at Gaur, ii. 92-94.

Observatory near Delhi, ii. 209-212.

Ocymum album, i. 217.

pilosum, ib.

Oleander, i. 78.

Omens, bad, during the march of the Naw[=a]b Hak[=i]m Menhd[=i], ii. 135.

One-eyed men supposed to be more knowing than others, ii. 13.

Oomeid Thug, narrative of, i. 243-246.

Orange, H.R.H. Prince Henry of, and the Hon. the Misses Eden visit Lucnow, ii. 140.

Oude, heir apparent of, ii. 139.

, King of, Ghazee-Ood-Deen Hyder, i. 173.

---- ----, his meeting with the Governor-General, i. 174.

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Pach[=i]s[=i]-board, i. 405, 406.

Padshah B[=a]gh, the, i. 180.

Paganini of the East, i. 251.

Pahar[=i]s, or Hill-men, description of, ii. 227.

, curious customs of the, relating to marriage, ii. 259.

Palanquins, i. 24.

Palia Gadh, glen of, ii. 267.

---- ---- ----, wild legends connected with the, ii. 268.

Palma, island of, i. 3, 4; ii. 350.

P[=a]n and Atr, ii. 4, 5.[** ,] 445.

Gardens, ii. 86.

Panch[=a]y[=a]t, or native court of justice, ii. 305.

Pandanus odoratissimus, i. 318.

Pankh[=a], i. 25.

Paper, sheets of, immense, ii. 201, 202.

Paradise, canal of, ii. 195.

Parda of the Mahrattas, ii. 45.

, procession in, ii. 46, 47.

Parisn[=a]th, temple of, i. 324; ii. 166.

Parkyal, ii. 269.

Parswanáth, the god, Budhist or Jain, i. 325; ii. 166.

P[=a]rvut[=i], ii. 145.[** ,] 175.

Pathan, barbarous treatment of a, i. 284.

Peacock, goose, and owl, the, worshipped by the Hindoos, ii. 329.

Pebbles from the Soane and Cane rivers, i. 113, 114.

Pedigree of the gods, ii. 147, 148.

of Col. Wm. L. Gardner, i. 420.

of the kings of Oude, i. 186.

Peepul tree, i. 217. 221, 222.

----, remarkable quality of its seeds, ii. 295.

----, its skeleton leaves, i. 218.

Pheasant, red, ii. 232.

, blue, of the Himalaya, ii. 232.

Ph[)u]l[)u]--H[)u]r[=e][=e], i. 164, 165.

Pico, the island of, ii. 494.

Pigeon, Cape, i. 8.

Pilgrim, the, and another lady, are mistaken for cadets, ii. 302, 303.

the, taken for a foreigner; also for a lancer, ii. 329.

Pintado, i. 8.

P[=i]r Sh[=a]h, tomb of, ii. 223.

Plague, alleged appearance of, at Palee, ii. 110.

Poinciana pulcherrima, i. 317.

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Poison, African, and poison-bulb, ii. 366, 367.

Polyanthus tuberosa, i. 318.

Porto Santo, island of, i. 3.

Powder works and rocket manufactory, i. 225, 226.

Punica granatum, i. 317.

Punishment, brutal, inflicted by the King of Oude, i. 169.

Punishments of the grave, Muhammadan notions concerning the, i. 464-466.

Pur[=a]nas, the sacred, ii. 179.


Quail shooting, i. 229.

, pitched battle of, i. 74, 75.

Quarrel, laughable, between an ayha and an abd[=a]r, i. 140, 141.

Qui hys, old Indians why so called, i. 145.

Quicksand, accident in a, i. 247.


Radha Krishn, ii. 122.

R[=a]j[=a], a Hind[=u] sovereign; a title bestowed also most singularly upon the ladies of Scindia's family, ii. 342.[**,] 465.

R[=a]j gh[=a]t, Allahabad, i. 114.

R[=a]kh[=i], or bracelet, festival of the, ii. 117, 118.

R[=a]ma, or R[=a]m, descriptions of, i. 263.

Parashu, the sixth avatar, ii. 159.

Chandra, the seventh avatar, ii. 160, 161.

Bala, the eighth avatar, ii. 161.

S[=i]ta, i. 342; ii. 161.

Leela festival, i. 108.

Ranayana, an epic poem, ii. 179.

R[=a]s, sacred dance so called, ii. 116.

Rat, the vahan of Ganesh, ii. 174.

Rat's granary, ii. 241.

, Bandicote, i. 51.

Ravuna, the giant, i. 109, 110.

Reeçee Khoond, warm spring at, ii. 71.

Reflection of distant objects, extraordinary power of seeing the, i. 139.

Rhododendron, white, ii. 232.

----, juice of the petals of the, alleged to have an intoxicating quality, ii. 232.

Rice, trial by, i. 40.

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Riding, style of, practised by the Mahratta ladies, ii. 5, 6.

Roasting a sirdar-bearer, charge for, ii. 30.

Rockets, i. 225.

Roomal, or handkerchief of the Thugs, i. 156.

Roomee Durw[=a]za, i. 179.

Rosaries, i. 258-260.[**,] 267.

Runjeet Singh, meeting of Lord Auckland with, ii. 297.

Rupees, recovery of the stolen, i. 102.


Saadut Ulee Khan, tomb of, i. 182.

---- ----, baths of, ii. 218, 219.

---- ----, palace of, ii. 218.

S[=a]chak, day of, i. 428.

Saharanp[=u]r, botanical garden at, ii. 224.

S[=a]'[=i]s, whimsical complaint of a, i. 234.

Salt-box, peculiar kind of, used by the Hill-men, ii. 89.

Salvia Bengalensis, i. 315.

Saraswat[=i], the goddess of learning, science, and the fine arts, ii. 177, 178.

, picture of, riding on a peacock, on the cover of Vol. I.

the river, i. 213.

Sarson, a species of mustard plant, ii. 88.

S[=a]ti without a head, stolen and brought on board the pinnace, ii. 25.

at Allahabad, i. 91.

at Nobutpoor, i. 65.

at Ghaz[=i]p[=u]r, ii. 419.

abolished, i. 161.

mounds in Alopee Bagh, i. 95.

---- at Beerp[=u]r, ii. 66.

School, experimental, fecundity of the young ladies in, ii. 293-295.

Scorpion, the fact of its self-destruction when tormented by fire, ii. 238, 239.

"Seagull," the pinnace, description of, i. 322.

, loss of the, ii. 59.

Sefder Jung, palace of, ii. 218.

Sekunder al S[=a]n[=i], ii. 25.

, inscriptions on coins of, i. 133.

Sel[=i]m Ghar, i. 364.

, Shaik, of Cheestie, tomb of, i. 403.

Sensitive plant, i. 315.

Seramp[=u]r, ii. 101.

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Servants, list of, i. 209.

Shah'[=a]lam, tomb of, ii. 208.

Shah Burj, the royal tower, ii. 218.

Kubbeer-oo-deen Ahmud, i. 65.

Shahjahan, i. 349.

Sh[=a]hjah[=a]nabad, modern city of, ii. 193.

Shalgram[)u], description of the, i. 43-45.

Shalimar, gardens of, ii. 218.

Shark, blue, i. 8.

Shawl, looking-glass, i. 239, 240.

Sheep, Doomba, i. 78.

, Karral, ii. 239.

Sher Afgan, i. 361.

Shield, silver, presented to Mr. Blood by the 16th Lancers, ii. 188.

Sh[=i]sha-mahal, or house of glass, i. 365, 366.

Shiv[)u], the destroyer, the third personage of the Hind[=u] triad, ii. 172, 173.

Shol[=a] floats (com. sola), ii. 100.

Shooting season on the ocean, i. 9, 10.

Shubbeah Begam, i. 422.

Sikr[=i] G[=a]l[=i], ii. 72.[**,] 397.

Simundee Begam, tomb of, i. 358.

Sircar, or Sarcar, i. 21, 22.

S[=i]ta Kh[=u]nd, boiling spring of, ii. 69, 70.

Sitar, description of a, i. 250.

Sitee Kh[=a]nam, i. 359.

Skip-jacks, i. 5.

Slang, essay on, ii. 283, 284.

Slavery at the Cape, extraordinary story relative to, ii. 357.

Sling, peculiar, used by the Hill-men, ii. 243.

Small pox, ravages of, ii. 110.

Snake-boats, ii. 98.

charmers, ii. 436.

----, imposture of a, i. 108.

sea, i. 12.

Snakes, directions of Mohummud relative to, i. 107, 108.

, dread of, not innate in man, i. 302.

Sneezing, Hind[=u] superstitions relative to, ii. 289.

Snowy ranges of the Himalaya, first view of the, ii. 224.

Soane, blue waters of the, ii. 67.

Soap stone, i. 343.

Sola, hats and other articles made of, i. 286; ii. 100.

Sonahl[=a] Mahal, or chamber of gold, i. 375.[**,] 377.

Song, Hindostan[=i], i. 134.

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Sorcery, practised with a charmed bow, i. 237.

Spider, the, why held sacred by the Muhammedans, i. 300, 301.

Spirit of a man destroyed by a tiger, superstition relating to the, ii. 13, 14.

Sporting in Assam, ii. 125-133.

Spring bow, ii. 73, 74.[**,] 131.

Squirrel, Jack Bunce the, i. 18.

Sr[=i]phul, or the flower of Sr[=i], the poetic name of the biloa, ii. 175.

Stars, falling, Mahomedan philosophy of i. 248.

St. Helena, ii. 316-320.

Stone, flexible, ii. 256.

Stones, those used in the Mosaic of the T[=a]j, i. 357.

Storm, the spirit of the, ii. 349.

Strelitzia regina, ii. 365.

Sugar mills, ii. 457-460.

Sunderbands, ii. 106.

Superstitions of the natives, ii. 9.

Surya-Kund, hot spring of, ii. 262.

Sutherland, Major, Resident of Gwalior, ii. 183, 184.[**,] 186-188.


Tailors not allowed to make clothes for Hind[=u] ladies, ii. 113.

T[=a]j Mahul, i. 348-359.

----, ground plan of the, i. 356.

Taziya, what, i. 296.

Temple of the Gosain, i. 104.

Theatre, Artillery, at Meerut, ii. 190.

Theodore, Mrs., her collection of stuffed birds and beasts, ii. 225.

Thermantidote, i. 199.[**,] 208.

Thief detected by a Gos[=a]'[=i]n, i. 102, 103.

Thieves, domestic, i. 101-104.

Thug, confessions of a, i. 123-131.

, escape of a gentleman from a, i. 168.

Thugs, execution of eleven, i. 151, 152.

[**,] ---- ---- twenty-five, i. 201, 202.

, customs of the, i. 153-158.

, dice, i. 151.

, slang terms used by the, i. 130.

Tiger, au naturel, ii. 225.

hunting on foot, ii. 128-130.

tracks, ii. 72, 73.

claws, charms made of, ii. 12, 13.

T[=i]ka, ornament so called, description of the, i. 254.

Timber rafts, ii. 99, 100.

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Title conferred on the pilgrim by her Highness the ex-Queen of Gwalior, ii. 7.

Toddy, injurious, i. 147, 148.

Tongue, protrusion of the, an expression of shame among the Hind[=u] women, i. 165.

Tooth-brushes regarded with horror, i. 462.

Travati the Elephant, the vahan of Indra, ii. 174.

Treasures, hidden, ii. 41, 42.

Triveni, what, i. 213.

, pilgrimage to the, i. 212, 213.

, the G[=a]ja R[=a]j[=a] and all her ladies bathe at the, ii. 48.

Tuls[=i], p[=u]ja of the, i. 42.

, sweet, ib.

, various sorts of, i. 217.

Turban, arrangement of a, i. 234.


Ubruk (talc) applied to many uses, i. 219.

Unicorn, alleged existence of the, in the Himalaya, i. 239.

Up-Country men, their hatred of the Bengal[=i]s curiously exemplified, ii. 309, 310.

Ussuf-ood-Dowla, his tomb, i. 179.


Vaccine department done away with, evils resulting therefrom, ii. 110.

Valmiki, the first Indian poet, ii. 179.

Vamana, or the Dwarf, the seventh avatar, ii. 157-159.

Vase, silver, a prize gained by the pilgrim in a lottery, ii. 112.

Vedas, the, ii. 180, 181.

Vessel, spirit of a, i. 345.

Viasa, an Indian poet, compiler of the Vedas, ii. 179.

Vishn[)u] the Preserver, the second personage of the Hind[=u] triad, i. 27.[**,] 42-45; ii. 151, 152.

Visionary old man, the, i. 139.

Voyage on the Ganges, vessels for, i. 31.


Waterspouts, ii. 475.[** ,] 493.

Wax of the human ear, i. 177.

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Wax, sealing, i. 309.

Widows, Hind[=u], the privations to which they are subjected, ii. 7, 8.

Wind raised by a s[=a]ti, ii. 25.

Wolff, the Rev. Joseph, i. 268-272.

Women, Beng[=a]l[=i], ii. 97, 98.

, their great influence over men in India, i. 140.

Wood-cutters of Bengal, their peculiar mode of worshipping Kuloo-ray[)u], ii. 107.


Y[=a]k, or cow of Thibet, tail of, i. 238, 239.

Yam, rut aloe, (dioscorea sativa,) i. 316.


Zamia horrida, ii. 365, 366.

longifolia, ib.

Zeenut-al-Masjid, ii. 200.

Zen[=a]na or zan[=a]na of a Calcutta baboo, i. 60.

of the king of Oude, i. 87-90.[** ,] 192-195.

, revelations of life in the zen[=a]na of a Timoorian princess, i. 379.

, life in the, and ch[=i]ta hunting, i. 391.

, marriage in the zen[=a]na, i. 421

of the N[=a]wab Hakim Menhdi, ii. 19, 20.

of N[=a]wab of Fath[=i]garh, ii. 16.

Zen[=a]na-ghar, ii. 208.

Zoffani, picture painted by, i. 181.

Zuman[=i] Miriam, tomb of, i. 377.

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<sc>Gilbert & Rivington</sc>, Printers, St. John's Square, London.

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[Illustration: [**F1 text contained within illus. and is spread over 4 pages - orig. probably in pull-out form]

/* KALDUNG 21,411.

PARKYAL 22,300.[** 23,500 ?]


Mount Blanc Lower Limit of Perpetual Snow

Peak of Teneriffe Mount Perdu

Quito Canigon[**Canigou ?]

Face of S^t[**.] Bernard

S^t[**.] Gothard Pass Simplon Pass


Plain of Madrid

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  • [Illustration: [**F1 text contained - 2nd pg. of illus.]

/* THE CONE 21,178[**unclear] ft

JUMNOTREE PEAKS BUNDER POOCH 20,120 feet 23,916[**typo: 20,916 ?] feet

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  • [Illustration: [F1 3rd page of illus. Text contained]

/* SIR KANTA 20,296 feet

JAUNTI PEAK 21,910 feet

MOIRA PEAK 22,132[** 22,182?] feet above the sea

KEDARN[=A]TH PEAK 23,062 feet above the Sea

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  • [Illustration: [**F1 4th & final page of illus.]

/* THE GREAT PEAK OF BHADRINATH 23,441 feet above the Sea

<f>Elevation of the Him[=a]l[=a]y[=a][** diacritical marks correct?] Mountains.</f>

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