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Mfrihastanto or also well known as Muhamad Frihastanto was born February 18, 1992 in Palangkaraya City. He is student from University of Palangkaraya, located in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. He is now work as freelance worker in some websites which focuss on web develoment, online promotion, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and blogging. He also active on some online community like Kaskus, Adsense-id, Kompas forum, Detik forum, and offline community like Ketua Organisasi Perkumpulan WarNet Palangkaraya, Kampus UnPar. He also actively contributes in Huruf H, a blog that discuss about news today, computer knowledge, and young entrepreneur spirit.Now, he started contributing in proofreading Kamus bahasa Sunda-Inggris. Complete Name  : Muhamad Frihastanto Address  : Jl. Menteng 15 No.20 Palangkaraya, kalimatan tengah Contact  :

"Truth in Numbers"Pengguna ini adalah peserta kompetisi mendapatkan beasiswa perjalanan ke Jakarta untuk nonton bareng "Truth in Numbers?"