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Swahili tale with interlinear English translation


Kisa cha punda wa dobi
Story of the Washerman's Donkey

Aliondokea kima akafanya urafiki na papa.
There was once a monkey which made friends with a shark.

Pana mti mkubwa, jina lake mkuyu,
There was a great tree, of the sort called mkuyu,

umeota katika kilindi,
which grew near the deep water;

matawi yake nussu yako mjini, na nussu yako baharini.
half its branches were over the town and half over the sea.

Yule kima kulla siku kwenda akila kuyu,
The monkey used to go every day and eat the kuyu fruit,

na yule rafiki yake papa huwapo chini ya mti.
and his friend the shark was there under the tree.

He used to say,

utupie nami rafiki yangu vyakula;
"Throw me some food, my friend;"

humtupia siku nyingi na miezi mingi.
and he used to throw to him, many days and many months.

Hatta siku hiyo papa akamwambia kima,
Till one day the shark said to the monkey,

fathili zako nyingi,
"You have done me many kindnesses,

nataka twende kwetu
I should like for us to go to my home,

nikakulipe fathili.
that I may repay you for your kindness."

Kima akamjibu,
The monkey answered him,

"How shall I go?

nasi hatuingii majini, nyama wa barra.
We don't go into the water, we beasts of the land."

And he said,

"I will carry you;

tone la maji lisikupate.
not a drop of water shall get to you."

Akamwambia, twende.
And he said, "Let us go."
