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User:Orlando the Cat

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This user has a page on English Wikipedia.

Hello - I am an editor who joined on 30th May 2019. Previously, I was generally on Wikipedia editing and citing pages on children's books, dogs and postage stamps; now, if I edit there, it's about the Grosvenor School. The first complete book I added to the database was The Veil and other poems by Walter de la Mare.

I am usually to be found hovering around the decadent/symbolist poetry section, proofreading interesting pieces here and there for later completion, or wondering about the copyright status on certain works.

I am named after a fictional anthropomorphic tabby cat (as opposed to the book by Virginia Woolf, or the place), in case anybody's wondering.

My bookish interests include Victorian/Edwardian short stories, Yeats' poetry, and Oscar Wilde.

Feel free to leave a message on my talk page, though I may take time to respond.

Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Users by language

To-do List and Records


(For a complete list of records, see User:Orlando the Cat/Records)

To-Do List & Future Projects


Proofreading To-Do List & Current Projects


Note to self - no more than three indexes to proofread at a time!

To Proofread


To Create

Proofread Pages
Book Itself
  • Collected poems, 1901-1918
Note for "Plays"

When arriving at "Music for Plays", use something like this:

{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 2/1 d''1( d') } \addlyrics { O—h! }


{ \override Score.Clef #'stencil = ##f \time 4/4 a''^"." a'^"U." a'^"A." a'^"U." |   d''^"A." d''^"U." d''^"A." d''^"U." |   c''^"A." c''^"U." c''^"A." c''^"U." }

In the examples, A. stands for Accented, U. for Unaccented.


{ \override Score.Clef #'stencil = ##f \time 4/4 c''^"" { s1 } |   d''^"" { s1 } |   c''^"" { s1 } |   c''^"A." c''^"U." c''^"A." c''^"U." } \addlyrics { The four rivers that run there, Through well-mown river ground }

A remarkable fail.

{See Help:Sheet music.)

(Examples from Complete Encyclopaedia of Music/A/Accent; edit by Beeswaxcandle)

Random poetry fragments


Below are some fragments for which I need to find the copyright status or am storing until I find a title for them; if free, or if I have found a suitable title, I will move them to mainspace.

None collected so far.