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User:Peter Isotalo/Glasse

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and cupboard doors, all your drawers and boxes, hang the rest of your bedding on the chairbacks, lay the feather-bed on the table, then set a large broad earthen pan in the middle of the room, and in that set a chaffing dish that stands on feet, full of charcoal well lighted. If your room is very bad, a pound of rolled brinstone; if only a few, half a pound. Lay it on the charcoal, and get out of the room as quick as possibly you can, or it will take away your breath. Shut your door close, with the blanket over it, and be sure to set it so as nothing can catch fire. If you have any India pepper, throw it in with the brimstone. You must take care to have the door open whilst you lay in the brimstone, that you may get out as soon as possible. Don't open the door under six hours, and then you must be very careful how you go in to open the windows; therefore let the doors stand open an hour before you open the windows. The nbrush and sweep your room very clean, wash it well with boiling lee, or boiling water, with a little unslacked lime in it, get a pint of spirits of wine, a pint of spirits of turpentine, and an ounce of camphire; shake all well together, and with a bunch of feathers wash your bedstead very well, and sprinkle the rest over the feather-bed, and about the wainscot and room. If you find great swarms about the room, and some not dead, do this over again; and you will be quite clear. Every spring and fall, wash your bedstead with half a pint, and you will never have a bugg; but if you find any come in with new goods, or boxes, &c. only wash your bedstead, and sprinkle all over your bedding and bed, and you will be clear; but be sure to do it as soon as you find one. If your room is very bad, it will be well to paint the room after the brimstone is burnt in it. This never fails, if rightly done. An effectual way to clear the bedstead of buggs. TAKE quicksilver, and mix it well in a mortar with the white of an egg till the quicksilver is all well mixt, and there is no blubbers; then beat up some white of an egg very fine, and mix with the quicksilver till it is like a fine ointment, then with a feather anoint the bedstead all over in every creek and corner, and about the lacing and binding, where you think there is any. Do this two or three times: it is a certain cure, and will not spoil any thing. Directions to the house-maid. ALWAYS when you sweep a room, throw a little wet sand all over it, and that will gather up all the stew and dust, prevent it from rising, clean the boards, and save the bedding, pictures, and all other furniture from dust and dirt.

ADDITIONS, As printed in the FIFTH EDITION. To dress a turtle the West Indian way. TAKE the turtle out of water the night before you intend to dress it, and lay it on its back, in the morning cut its throat or the head off, and let it bleed well; the ncut off the fins, sald, scale and trim them with the head, then raise the callepy (which is the belly or under-shell) clean off, leaving to it as much meat as you conveniently can; then take from the back shell all the meat and intrails, except the monsieur, which is the fat, and looks green, that must be baked to and with the shell; wash all clean with salt and water, and cut it into pieces of a moderate size, taking from it the bones, and put them with the fins and head in a soop-pot, with a gallon of water, some salt, and two blades of mace. When it boils, skim it clean, then put in a bunch of thyme parsley, savory, and young onions, and your veal part, except about one pound and a half, which must be made force-mat of, as for Scotch collops, adding a little Cayam pepper; when the veal has boiled in the soop about an hour, take it out and cut it in pieces, and put to the other part. The guts (which is reckoned the best part) must be split open, scraped and made clean, and cut in pieces about two inches long. The paunch or maw must be scalded and skinned, and cut as the other parts, the size your think proper; then put them with the guts and other parts, except the liver, with half a pound of good fresh butter, a few shallots, a bunch of thyme, parsley, and a little savoury, seasoned with salt, white pepper, mace, three or four cloves beaten, a little Cayan pepper, and take care not to put too much; then let it stew about half an hour over a good charcoal-fire, and put in a pint and a half of Madeira wine, and as much of the broth as will cover it, and let it stew till tender. It will take four or five hours doing. When almost enough, skim it, and thicken it with flour, mixe with some veal broth, about the thickness of a fricasay. Let your force meat balls be fried about the size of a walnut, and be stewed about half an hour with the rest; if any eggs, let them be boiled and cleaned as you do knots of pullets eggs; and if none, get twelve or fourteen yolks of hard eggs: then put the sew (which is the calepash) into the back-shell, with the eggs all over, and put it into the oven to brown, or do it with a salamander.

The callepy must be flashed in several places, and moderately seasoned, with pieces of butter mixt with chopped thyme, parsley and young onions, with salt, white pepper and mace beaten, and a little Cayan pepper; put a piece on each slash, and then some over, and a dust of flour; then bake it in a tin or iron dripping-pan, in a brisk oven. The back shell (which is called the callepash) must be sasoned as the callepy, and baked in a dripping-pan, set upright with four brickbats, or any thing else. An hour and a half will bake it, which must be done before the stew is put in. The fins, when boiled very tender, to be taken out of the soop, and put into a stew-pan, with some good veal gravy, not high coloured, a litle Madeira wine, seasoned and thickened as the callepash, and served in a dish by itself. The lights, heart and liver, may be done the same way, only a little higher seasoned; or the lights and heart may be stewed with the callepash, and taken out before you put it in the shell, with a little of the sauce, adding a little more seasoning, and dish it by itself. The veal part may be made friandos, or Scotch collops of. The liver should never be stewed wit hthe callepash, but always dressed by itself, after any manner you like; except your separate the lights and heart from the callepash, and then always serve them together in one dish. Take care to strain the soop, and serve it in a turreen, or clean china bowl. Dishes. A Callepy. Lights, &c.—Soop—Fins. Callepash. N. B. In the West Indies they generally souse the fins, and eat them cold; omit the liver, and only send to table the callepy, callepash, and soop. This is for a turtle about sixty pounds weight. To make ice-cream. TAKE two pewter-basons, one larger than the other; the inward one must have a close cover, into which you are to put your cream, and mix it with raspberries, or whatever you like best, to give it a flavour and a colour. Sweeten it to your palate; then cover it close, and set it into the larger bason. Fill it with ice, and a handful of salt: let it stand in this ice three quarters of an hour, then uncover it, and stir the cream well together; cover it close again, and let it stand half an hour longer, after that turn it into your plate. These things are made at the pewterers. To make ice-cream. A turkey, &c, in jelly. BOIL a turkey or a fowl as white as you can, let it stand till cold, and have ready a jelly made thus: take a fowl, skim it, take off all the fat, don't cut it to pieces, nor break the bones; take four pounds of a leg of veal, without any fat or skin, put it into a well-tinned sacue pan, put to it full three quarts of water, set it on a very clear fire till it begins to simmer; be sure to skim it well, but take great care it don't boil. When it is well skimmed, set it so as it wil but just seem to simer, put to it two large blades of mace, half a nutmeg, and twenty corns of white pepper, a little bit of lemon-peel as big as a six-pence. This will take six or seven hours doing. When you think it is a stiff jelly, which you will know by taking a little out to cool, be sure to skim off all the fat, if any, and be sure not to stir the meat in the sauce-pan. A quarter of an hour before it is done, throw in a large tea spoonful of salt, squeeze in the juice of half a Seville orange or lemon; when you think it is enough, strain it off through a clean sieve, but don't pour it off quite to the bottom, for fear of settlings. LAy the turkey or fowl in the dish you intend to send it to the table in, then pour this liquor over it, let it stand till quite cold, and send it to table. A few nastertian flowers stuck here and there looks pretty, if you can get them; but lemon, and all those things are entirely fancy. This is a very pretty dish for a cold collation, or a supper. All sorts of birds or fowls may be done this way. To make citron. QUARTER your melon and take out all the inside, then put into the syrup as much as will cover the coat; let it boil in the syrup till the coat is tender as the inward part, then put them in the pot with as much syrup as will cover them. Let them stand for two or three days, that the syrup may penetrate thro' them, and boil your syrup, clarify it, and then boil it to a candy height; then dip in the quarters, and lay them on a sieve to dry, and set them before the slow fire, or put them in a slow oven till dry. Observe that your melon is but half ripe, and when they are dry put them in deal boxes in paper. To candy cherries or green gages. DIP the stalks and leaves in white-wine vinegar boiling, then scald them in syrup; take them out and boil them to a candy height; dip in the cherries, and hang them to dry wit hthe cherries downwards. Dry them before the fire, or in the sun. Then take the plumbs, after boiling them in a thin syrup, peel off the skin and candy them, and so hang them up to dry. To take ironmolds out of linen. TAKE sorrel, bruise it well in a mortar, squeeze it through a cloth, bottle it an keep it for use. TAke a little of the above juice, in a silver or tin sauce-pan, boil it over a lamp, as it boils dip in the ironmold is out, throw it into cold water. To make India pickle. TO A gallon of vinegar one pound of garlick, and three quarters of a pound of long pepper, a pint of mustard seed, one pound of ginger, and two ounces of turmerick; the garlick must be laid in salt three days, then wip;d clean and dry'd in the sum; the long pepper broke, and the mustard seed bruised: mix all together in the vinegar, then take two large hard cabbages, and two cauliflowers, cut them in quarters, and salt them well; let them lie three days, and dry them well in the sun. N. B. The ginger must lie twenty four hours in salt and water, then cut small and laid in salt three days. To make India pickle. To make English catchup. TAKE the largest flaps of mushrooms, wipe them dry, but don't peel them, break them to pieces, and salt them very well; let them stand so in an earthern pan for nine days, stirring them once or twice a day, then put them into a jug close stopp'd set into water over a fire for three hours; then strain it through a sieve, and to every quart of the juice put a pint of strong stale munny beer, not bitter, a quarter of a pound of anchovies, a quarter of an ounce of mace, the same of cloves, half an ounce of pepper, a race of ginger, half a pound of shalots: then boil them altogether over a slow fire till half the liquid is washed, keeping the pot close covered; then strain it through a flannel bag. If the anchovies don't make it salt enough, add a little salt. To make English catchup. To prevent the infection among horned cattle. MAKE an issue in the dewlap, put in a peg of black hellebore, and rub all the vents both behind and before with tar.

NECESSARY DIRECTIONS, Whereby the reader may easily attain the useful ART of CARVING. To cut up a turkey. RAISE the leg, open the joint, but be sure not to take of the leg; lace down both sides of the breast, and open the pinion of the breast, but do not take it off; raise the merry-thought between the breast-bone and the top, raise the brawn, and turn it outward on both sides, but be careful not to cut it off, nor break it; divide the wing-pinions from the joint next the body, and stick each pinion where the brawn was turned out; cut off the sharp end of the pinion, and the middle-piece will fit the place exactly. A bustard, capon, or pheasant, is cut up in the same manner. To rear a goose. CUT off both legs in the manner of shouders of lamb; take off the belly-piece close to the extremity of the breast; lace the goose down both sides of the breast, about half an inch from the sharp bone: divide the pinions and the flesh first laced with your knife, which must be raised from the bone, and taken off with the pinion from the body; then cut off the merry-thought, and cut another slice from the breast-bone, quite through; lastley, turn up the carcase, cutting it asunder, the back above the loin-bones. To unbrace a mallard or duck. FIRST, raise the pinions and legs but cut them not off; then raise the merrythought from the breast, and lace it down both sides with your knife. To unlace a coney. THE back must be turned downward, and the apron divided from the belly; this done, slip in your knife between the kidneys, loosening the flesh on each side; then turn the belly, cut the back cross-ways between the wings, draw your knife down both sides of the back bone, dividing the sides and leg from the back. Observe not to pull the leg too violently from the bone, when you poen the side, but with great exactness lay open the sides from the scut to the shoulder; and then put the legs together. To wing a partridge or quail. AFTER having raised the legs and wings, use salt and powdered ginger for sauce. To allay a pheasant or teal. THIS differs in nothing from the foregoing, but that you must use salt only for sauce. To dismember a hern. CUT off he legs, lace the breast down each side, and open the breast-pinion, without cutting it off; raise the merry-thought between the breast-bone and the top of it: then raise the brawn, turning it outward on both sides; but break it not, nor cut it off; sever the wing-pinion from the joint nearest the body, sticking the pinions in the place where the brawn was, remember to cut off he sharp end of the pinion, and supply the place with the middle-piece. In this manner some people cut up a capon or pheasant, and likewise a bittern, using no sauce but salt. To thigh a woodcock. THE legs and wings must be raised in the manner of a fowl, only open the head for the brains. And so you thigh curlews, plover, or snipe, using no sauce but salt. To display a crane. AFTER his legs are unfolded, cut off the wings; take them up, and sauce them with powdered ginger, vinegar, salt, and mustard. To lift a swan. SLIT it fairly down the middle of the breast, clean through the back, from the neck to the rump; divide it in two parts, neither breaking or tearing the flesh; then lay the halves in a charger, the slit sides downwards; throw salt upon it, and set it up again on the table. The sauce must be chaldron, served up in saucers.

APPENDIX. Observations on preserving Salt Meat, so as to keep it mellow and fine for three or four Months; and to preserve potted Butter. TAKE care when you salt your meat in the summer, that it be quite cool after it comes from the butchers; that way is, to lay it on cold bricks for a few hours, and when you salt it, lay it up on an inclining board, to drain off the blood; then salt it a-fresh, add to every pound of salt half a pound of Lisbon sugar, and turn it in the pickle every day; at the month's end it will be fine: the salt which is cmmonly used, hardens and spoils all the meat; the right sort it that called Lownde's salt; it comes from Nantich in Cheshire: there is a very fine sort that comes from Malden in Essex, and from Suffolk, which is the reason of that butter being finer than any other; and if every body would make use of that salt in potting butter, we should not have so much bad come to markey; observing all the general rules of a dairy. If you keep your meat long in salt, half the quantity of sugar will do; and then bestow loaf sugar, it will eat much finer. This pickle cannot be called extravagant, because it will keep great while; at three or four months end, boil if up; if you have no meat in the pickle, skim it, and when cold, only add a little more salt and sugar to the next meat you put in, and it will be good a twelvemonth longer. Take a leg of mutton piece, veiny or thick flank-piece, without any bone, pickled as above, only add to every pound of salt and ounce of salt-petre; after being a month or two in the pickle, take it out, and lay it in soft water a few hours, then roast it; it eats fine. A leg of mutton, or shoulder of veal does the same. It is a good thing where a market is at a great distance, and a large family obliged to provide a gread deal of meat. As to the pickling of hams and tongues, you have the receipt in the foregoing chapters; but use either of these fine salts, and they will be equal to any Bayonne hams, prvided your porkling is fine an well fed. To dress a mock turtle. TAKE a calf's head, and scald off the hair, as you would do off a pig; then clean it, cut of he horny part in thin slices, with as little of the lean as possible; put in a few chopp'd oysters, and the brains; have ready between a quart and three pints of strong mutton or veal gravy, with a quart of Madeira wine, a large tea spoonful of Cayan butter, a large onion chopped very small; peel off an half of a large lemon, shred as fine as possible, a little salt, the juice of four lemons, and some sweet-herbs cut small; stew all these together till the meat is very tender, which will be in about an hour and a half; and then have ready the back shell of a turtle, lined with a paste of flour and water, which you must first set into the oven to harden; then put in the ingredients, and xet into the oven to brown on top; and when that is done, suit your garnish at the top with the yolks of eggs boiled hard, and force-meat balls. N. B. This recipt is for a large head; if you cannot get the sell of a turtle, a china-soop-dish will do as well; and if no oven is at hand, the setting may be omitted, and if no oysters are to be had, it is very good without. It has been dressed with but a pint of wine, and the juice of two lemons. When the horny part is boiled a little tender, then put in your white meat. It will do without the oven, and take a fine knuckle of veal, cut off the skin, and cut some o the fine firm lean into small pieces, as you do the white meat of a turtle, and stew it with the other white meat above. Take the firm hard fat which grows between the meat, and lay that into the sauce of spinage or sorrel, till half an hour before the above is ready; then take it out, and aly it on a sieve to drain; and put in juice to stew with the above. The remainder of the knuckle will help the gravy. To stew a buttock of beef. TAKE the beef that is soaked, wash it clean from salt, and let it lie an hour in soft water; then take it out, and put it into your pot, as you would to do boil, but put no water in, cover it close with the lid, and let it stand over a middling fire, not fierce, but rather slow: it will take just the same time to do, as if it was to be boiled; when it is about half done, throw in an onion, a little bundle of sweet-herbs, a little mace and whole pepper; cover it down quick again; boil roots and herbs as usual to tat with it. Send it to table with the gravy in the dish. To stew green pease the Jews way. TO two full quarts of pease put in a full quarter of a pint o oil and water, not so much water as oil; a little different sort of spices, as mace, clove, pepper, and nutmeg, and beat fine; a little Cayan pepper, a little salt; let all this stew in a board, flat pipkin; when they are half done, with a spon make two or three holes; into each of these holes break and egg, yolk and white; take one egg and beat it, and throw over the whole when enough, which you will know by tasting them; and the egg being quite hard, send them to table. If they are not done in a very broad, open thing, it will be a great difficulty to get them out to lay in a dish. They would be better done in a silver or tin dish, on a stew-hole, and go to table in the same dish: it is much better than putting them out into another dish. To dress haddocks after the Spanish way. TAKE a haddock, washed very clean and dried, and broil it nicely; then take a quarter of a pint of oil in a stew pan, season it with mace, cloves, and nutmeg, pepper and salt, two cloves of garlick, some love apples, when in season, a little vinegar; put in the fish, cover it close, and let it stew half an hour over a slow fire. Flounders done in the same way, are very good. Minced haddocks after the Dutch way. BOIL them, and take out all the bones, mince them very fine with parsley and onions; season with nutmeg, pepper and salt, and stew them in butter, just enough to keep moist squeeze the juice of a lemon, and when cold, mix them up with eggs, and put into a puff-paste. To dress haddocks the Jews way. TAKE two large fine haddocks, wash them very clean, cut them in slices about three inches thick, and dry them in a cloth; take a gill either of oil or butter in a stew-pan, a middling onion cut small, a handful of parsley washed and cut small; let it just boil up in either butter or oil, then put in the fish; season it with beaten mace, pepper and salt, half a pint of soft water; let it stew softly, till it is thoroughly done; then take the yolks of two eggs, beat up with the juice of a lemon, and just as it is done enough, throw it over, and send it to table. A Spanish pease soop TAKE one pound of Spanish pease, and lay them in water the night before you use them; then take a gallon of water, one quart of fine sweet oil, a head of garlick; cover the pot close, and let it boil till the pease are soft; then season with pepper and salt; then beat up the yolk of an egg, and vinegar to your palate; poach some eggs, lay in the dish on sippets, and pour the soop on them. Sent it to table. To make onion soop the Spanish way. TAKE two large Spanish onions, peel and slice them; let them boil very softly in half a pint of sweet oil till the onions are very soft; then pour on them tree pints of boiling water; season with beaten pepper, salt, a little beaten clove and mace, two spoonfuls of vinegar, a handful of parsley washed clean, and chopped fine: let it boil fast a quarter of an hour; in the mean time, get some sippets to cover the bottom of the dish, fried quick, not hard; lay them in the dish, and cover each sippet with a poached egg; beat up the yolks of two eggs, and throw over them; pour in your soop, and send it to table Garlick and sorrel done the same way, eats well. Milk soop the Dutch way. TAKE a quart of milk, boil it with cinnamon and moist sugar; put sippets in the dish, pour the milk over it, and set it over a charcoal fire to simmer, till the bread is soft. Take the yolks of two eggs, beat them up, and mix it with a little of the milk, and throw it in; mix it all together, and send it up to table. Fish pasties the Italian way. TAKE some flour, and knead it with oil; take a slice of salmon; season it with pepper and salt, and dip into sweet oil, chop onion and parsley fine, and strew over it; lay it in the paste, and double it up in the shape of a slice of salmon: take a piece of white paper, oil it, and lay under the pasty, and bake it; it is best cold, and will keep a month. Mackrel done the same way; head and tail together folded in a pasty, eats fine. Asparagus dressed the Spanish way. TAKE the asparagus, break them in pieces, then boil them soft, and drain the water from them: take a little oil, water and vinegar, let it boi, season it with pepper and salt, throw in the asparagus, and thicken with yolks of eggs. Endive done this way, is good; the Spaniards add sugar, but that spoils them. Green pease done as above, are very good; only add a lettuce cut small, and two or three onions, and leave out the eggs. Red cabbage dressed after the Dutch way, good for a cold in the breast. TAKE the cabbage, cut it small, and boil it soft, then drain it, and put it in a stew-pan, with a sufficient quantity of oil and butter, a little water and vinegar, and an onion cut small; season it with pepper and salt, and let it simmer on a slow fire, till all the liquor is wasted. Cauliflowers dressed the Spanish way. BOIL them, but not too much; then drain them, and put them into a stew-pan; to a large cauliflower put a quarter of a pint of sweet oil, and two or three cloves of garlick; let them fry till brown; then season them with pepper and salt, two or three spoonfuls of vinegar; cover the pan very close, and let them simmer over a very slow fire an hour. Carrots and French beans dressed the Dutch way. SLICE the carrots very thin, and just cover them with water; season them with pepper and salt, cut a good many onions and parsley small, a piece of butter; let them simmer over a very slow fire till done. Do French beans the same way. Beans dressed the German way. TAKE a large bunch of onions, peel and slice them, a great quantity of parsley washed and cut small, throw them into a stew-pan, with a pound of butter; season them well with pepper and salt, put in two quarts of beans; cover them close, and let them do till the beans are brown, shaking the pan often. Do pease the same way. Artichoke suckers dressed the Spanishway. CLEAN and wash them, and cut them in half; then boil them in water, drain them from the water, and put them into a stew-pan, with a little oil, a little water, and a little vinegar; season them with pepper and salt; stew them a little while, and then thicken them with yolks of eggs. They make a pretty garnish done thus; clean them and half boil them; then dry them, flour them, and dip them in yolks of eggs, and fry them brown. To dry pears without sugar. TAKE the Norwich pears, pare them with a knife, and put them in an earthen pot, and bake them not too soft; put them into a white plate pan, and put dry straw under them, and lay them in an oven after bread is drawn, and every day warm the oven to the degree of heat as when the bread is newly drawn. Within one week they must be dry. To dry lettuce-stalks, artichoke-stalks, or cabbage-stalks. TAKE the stalks, peel them to the pith, and put the pith in a strong brine three or four days; then take them out of the brine, boil them in fair water very tender, then dry them with a loth, and put them into as much clarified sugar as will cover them, and so preserve them as you do oranges; then take them and set them to drain; then take fresh sugar, and boil it to the jeight; take them out and dry them. Artichokes preserved the Spanish way. TAKE the largest you can get, cut the tops of the leaves off, wash them well and drain them; to every artichoke pour in a large spoonful of oil; seasoned with pepper and salt. Send them to the oven, and bake them, they will keep a year. N. B. The Italians, French, Portuguese, and Spaniards, have variety of ways of dressing of fish, which we have not, viz. As making fish-soops, ragos, pies, &c. For their soops, they use no gravy, nor in their sauces, thinking it improper to mix flesh and fish together; but make their fish-soops with fish, viz. either of craw-fish, lobsters, &c. taking only the juice of them. For EXAMPLE. TAKE your craw-fish, tie them up in a muslin rag, and boil them; then press out their juice for the abovesaid use. For their pies. THEY make some of carp; others of different fish: and some they make like our minced pies, viz. They take a carp, and cur the flesh from the bones, and mince it; adding currants, &c. Almond rice. BLANCH the almonds, and pound them in a marble or wooden mortar; and mix them in a little boiling water, press them as long as there is any milk in the almonds; adding fresh water every time; to every quart of almond juice, a quarter of a pound of rice, and two or three spoonfuls of orange-flower water; mix them altogether, and simmer it over a very slow charcoal fire, keep stirring it often; when done, sweeten it to your palate; put it into plates, and throw beaten cinnamon over it. Sham chocolate. TAKE a pint of milk, boil it over a slow fire, with some whole cinnamon, and sweeten it with Lisbon sugar, beat up the yolks of three eggs, throw all together into a chocolate pot, and mill it one way, or it will turn. Serve it up in chocolate cups. Marmalade of eggs the Jews way. TAKE the yolks of twenty-flour eggs, beat them for an hour: clarify one pound of the best moist sugar, four spoonfuls of orange-flower water, one ounce of blanched and pounded almonds; stir all together over a very slow charcoal fire, keeping stirring it all the while one way, till it comes to a consistence; then put it into coffee-cups, and throw a little beaten cinnamon on the top of the cups. This marmalade, mixed with pounded almonds, with orange-peel, and citron, are made in cakes of all shapes, such as birds, fish, and fruit. A cake the Spanish way. TAKE twelve eggs, three quarters of a pound of best moist sugar, mill them in a chocolate-mill, till they are all of a slither; then mix in one pound of flour, half a pound of pounded almonds, two ounces of candied orange-peel, two ounces of citron, four large spoonfuls of orange-water, half an ounce of cinnamon, and a glass of sack. It is better when baked in a slow oven. Another way. TAKE one pound of flour, one pound of butter, eight eggs, one pint of boiling milk, two or three spoonfuls of ale yeast, or a glass o French brandy; beat all well together; then set it before the fire in a pan, where there is room for it to rise; cover it close with a cloth and flannel, that no air comes to it; when you think it is raised sufficiently, mix half a pound of the best moist sugar, an ounce of cinnamon beat fine: four spoonfuls of orange-flower water, one ounce of candied orange-peel, one ounce of citron, mix all well together, and bake it. To dry plumbs. TAKE pear-plumbs, fair and clear coloured, weight them and slit them up the sides; put them into a broad pan, and fill it full of water, set them over a very slow fire; take care teat the skin does not come off; when they are tender take them up, and to every pound of plumbs put a pound of sugar; strew a little on the bottom of a large silver bason; then lay your plumbs in, one by one, and strew the remainder of your sugar over them; set them into your stove all night, with a good warm fire the next day; beat them, and set them into your stove again, and let them stand two days more, turning them every day; then take them out of the syrup, and lay them on on glass plates to dry. To make sugar of pearl. TAKE damask rose water half a pint, one pound of fine sugar, half an ounce of prepared pearl beat to a powder, eight leaves of beaten gold; boil them together according to art; add the pearl and gold leaves when just done, then cast them on a marble. To make fruit wafers of codlings, plumbs, &c. TAKE the pulp of any fruit rubb'd through a hair-sieve, and to every three ounces of fruit take six ounces of sugar finely sifted. Dry the sugar very well till it be very hot; heat the pulp also till it be very hot; then mix it and set over a slow charcoal fire, till it be almonst a-boiling, then pour it in glasses or trenchers, and set it in a stove till you see ut wukk keave tge gkasses; but before it begins to candy, turn them on papers in what form you please. You may colour them red with clove gilly-flowers steeped in the juice of lemon. To make white wafers. BEAT the yolk of an egg and mix it with a quarter of a pint of fair water; then mix half a pound of best flour, and thin it with damask rose-water till you think it of a proper thickness to bake. Sweeten it to your palate with fine sugar finely sifted. To make brown wafers. TAKE a quart of ordinary cream, then take the yolks of three or four eggs, and as much fine flour as will make it into a thin batter; sweeten it with three quarters of a pound of fine sugar finely sierced, and as much pounded cinnamon as will make it taste. Do not mix them till the cream be cold; butter your pans, and make them very hot before you bake them. How to dry peaches. TAKE the fairest and ripest peaches, pare them into fair water; take their weight in double-refined sugar, of one half make a very thin syrup; then put in your peaches, boiling them till they look clear, then split and stone them. Boil them till they are very tender, lay them a-draining, take the other half of the sugar, and boil it almonst to a candy; then put in your peaches, and let them lie all night, then lay them on a glass, and set them in a stove till they are dry. If they are sugar'd too much, wipe them with a wet cloth a little: let the first syrup be very thin, a quart of water to a pound of sugar. How to make almond knots. TAKE two pounds of almonds, and blanch them in hot water; beat them in a mortar, to a very fine paste, with rose-water; to what you can to keep them from oiling. Take a pound of double-refined sugar, sifted through a lawn sieve, leave out some to make up your knots, put the rest into a pan upon the fire, till it is scalding hot, and at the same time have your almonds scalding hot in another pan; then mix them together with the whites of three eggs beaten to froth, and let it stand till it is cold, then roll it with some of the sugar you left out, and lay them in platters of paper. They will not roll into any shape, but lay them as well as you can, and bake them in a cool oven; it must not be hot, neither must they be coloured. To preserve apricots. TAKE your apricots and pare them, then stone what you can, whole; then give them a light boiling in a pint of water, or according to your quantity of fruit; then take the weight of your apricots in sugar, and take the liquor which you boil them in and your sugar, and boil it till it comes to syrup, and tive them a light boiling, taking off the scum as it rises. Wehn the syrup jellies, it is enough; then take up the apricots, and cover them with the jelly, and put cut paper over them, and lay them down when cold. How to make almond milk for a wash. TAKE five ounces of bitter almonds, blanch them and beat them in a marble mortar very fine. You may put in a spoonful of sack when you beat them; then take the whites of three new-laid eggs, three pints of spring-water, and one pint of sack. Mix them all very well together; then strain it through a fine cloth, and put it into a bottle, and keep it for use. You may put in lemon, or powder of pearl, when you make use of it. How to make gooseberry wafers. TAKE gooseberries beffore they are ready for preserving; cut off the black heads, and boil them with as much water as will cover them, all to mash; then pash the liquor and all, as it will run, through a hair-sieve, and put some pulp thro' with a spoon, but not too near. It is to be pulp'd neither too thick nor too thin; measure it, and to a gill of it take half a pound of double-refined sugar; dry it, put it to your pulp, and let it scald on a slow fire, not to boil at all. Stir it very well, and then will rise on a slow fire, not to boil at all. Stir it very well, and then will rise a frothy white scum, which take clear off as it rises; you must scald and skim it till no scum rises, and it comes clean from the pan side; then take it off, and let it cool a litte. Have ready sheets of glass very smooth, about the thickness of parchment, which is not very thick. You must spread it on the glasses with a knife, very thin, even, and smooth; then set it on the stove with a slow fire: if you do it in the morning, at night you must cut it into long pieces with a broad case-knife, and put your knife clear under it, and fold it two or three times over, and lay them in a stove, turning them sometimes till they are pretty dry; but do not keep them too long, for they will lose their colour. If they do not come clean off your glasses at night, keep them till next morning. How to make thin apricot chips. TAKE your apricots or peaches, pare them and cut them very thin in chips, and take three quarters of their weight in sugar, it being finely sierced; then put the sugar and the apricots into a pewter dish, and set them upon coals; and when the sugar is all dissolved, thurn them upon the edge of the dish out of the syrup, and so set them by. Keep them turning till they have drank up the syrup; be sugre they never biol. They must be warmed in the syrup once every day, and so laid out upon the edge of the dish till the syrup be drank. How to make little French biscuits. TAKE nine new-laid eggs, take the yolks of two out, and take out the treddles, beat them a quarter of an hour, and put in a pound of sierced sugar, and beat them together tree quarters of an hour, then put in three quarters of a pound of flour, very fine and well dried. When it is cold, mix all well together, and beat them about haf a quarter of an hour, first and last. If you please put in a little orange-flower water, and a little grated lemon-peel; then drop them about the bigness of a half crown, (but rather long than round) upon doubled paper a little buttered, sierce some sugar on them, and bake them in an oven, after manchet. How to preserve pippins in jelly. TAKE pippins, pare, core, and quarter them; throw them into fair water, and boil them till the strength of the pippins be boiled out, then strain them through a jelly bag, and to a pound of pippins take two pounds of double-refined sugar, and a pint of this pippin liquor, and a quart of spring-water; then pare the pippins very neatly, cut them into halves slightly cored, throw then into fair water. When your sugar is melted, and your syrup boiled a little, and clean-skimmed, dry your pippins with a clean cloth, throw them into your syrup; take them off the fire a little, and then set them on again, let them boil as fast as you possibly can, having a clear fire under them, till they jelly; you must take them off sometimes and shake them, but stir them not with a spoon; a little before you take them off the fire, squeeze the juice of a lemon and orange into them, which must be first passed a tiffany; give them a boil or two after, so take them up, else they will turn red. At the first puttin of your sugar in, allow a little more for this juice; you may boil orange or lemon peel very tender in spring-water, and cut them in long thin pieces, and boil them in a little sugar and water, and put them in the bottom of your glasses; turn your pippins often, even in the boiling. How to make blackberry wine. TAKE your berries when full ripe, put then into a large vessel of wood or stone, with a spicket in it, and pour upon them as much boiling water as will just appear at the top of them: as soon as you can endure your hand in them, bruise them very well, till all the berries are broke; then let them stand close covered till all the berries be broke; then let then stand close covered till the berries be well wrough up to the top, which usually is three or four days; then draw off the clear juice into another vessel; and add to every ten quarts of this liquor one pound of sugar, stir it well in, and let it stand to work in another vessel like the first, a week or ten days; then draw it off at the spicket throug a jelly-bag, into a large vessel; take four ounces of isinglass, lay it in steep twelve hours in a pint of white wine: the next morning boil it till it be all dissolved, upon a slow fire; then take a gallon of your blackberry juice, put in the dissolved isinglass, give it a boil together, and put it in hot. The best way to make raisin wine. TAKE a clean wine or brandy hogshead; take care it is very sweet and clean, put in two hundred of raisins, stalks and all, and then fill the vessel with fine clear spring-water: let it stand till you think it has done hissing; then throw in two quarts of fine French brandy; put in the bung slightly, and in about three weeks or a month, if you are sure it has done fretting, stop it down close: let it stand six months, peg it near the top, and if you find it is very fine and good, fit for drinking, bottle it off, or else stop it up again, and let it stand six months longer. It should stand six months in the bottle: this is by much the best way of making it, as I have seen by experience, as the wine will be much stronger, but less of it: the different sorts of raisins make quite a different wine; and after you have drawn off all the wine, throw on ten gallons of spring-water; take off the head of the barrel, and stir it well twice a day, pressing the raisins as well as you can; let it stand a fortnight or three weeks, then draw it off into a proper vessel to hold it, and squeeze the raisins well; add two quarts of brandy, and two quarts of syrup of elderberries, stop it close when it has done working; and in about three months it will be fit for drinking. If you don't chuse to make this second wine, fill your hogshead with spring-water, and set it in the sun for three or four months, and it will make excellent vinegar. How to preserve white quinces whole. TAKE the weight of your quinces in sugar, and put a pint of water to a pound of sugar, make it into a syrup, and clarify it; then core your quince and pare it, and put it into your syrup, and let it boil till it be clear; then put in three spoonfuls of jelly, which must be made thus: over night, lay your quince-kernels in water, then strain them, and put them into your quinces, and let them have but one boil afterward. 
How to make orange wafers. TAKE the best oranges, and boil them in three or fur waters, till they are tender, then take out the kernels and the juice, and beat them to pulp, in a clean marble mortar, and rub them through a hair-sieve; to a pound of this pulp take a pound and a half of double-refined sugar, beaten and sierced; take half of your sugar, and put it into your oranges, and boil it till it ropes; then take it from the fire, and when it is cold ,make it up in paste with the other half of your sugar; make but a little at a time, for it will dry too fast; then with a little rolling-pin roll them out as thin as a tiffany upon papers; cut them round with a little drinking glass, and let them dry, and they wil look very clear. How to make oragne cakes. TAKE the peels of four oranges, being first pared, and the meat taken out, boil them tender, and beat them small in a marble mortar; then take the meat of them, and two more oranges, your seeds and skins being picked out, and mix it with the peelings that are beaten; set them on the fire, with a spoonful or two of orange-flower water, keeping it stirring till that moisture be pretty well dried up; then have ready to every pound of that pulp, four pounds and a quarter of double-refined sugar, finely sierced: make your sugar very hot, and dry it upon the fire, and them mix it and the pulp together, and set it on the fire again, till the sugar be very well melted, but be sure it does not boil; you may put in a little peel, small shred or grated, and when it is cold, draw it up in double papers; dry them before the fire, and when you turn them, put two together; or you may keep them in deep glasses or pots, and dry them as you have occasion. How to make white cakes like china dishes. TAKE the yolks of two eggs, and two spoonfuls of sack, and as much rose-water, some carraway seeds, and as much flour as will make it a paste stiff enough to roll very thin: if you would have them like dishes, you must bake them upon dishes buttered. Cut them out into what work your please to candy them; take a pound of fine sierced sugar perfumed, and the white of an egg, and three or four spoonfuls of rose-water, stir it till it looks white; and when that paste is cold, do it with a feather on the side. This candied, let it dry, and do the other side so. and dry it also. To make a lemoned honey-comb. TAKE the juice of one lemon, and sweeten it with fine sugar to your palate; then take a pint of cream, and the white of an egg, and put in some sugar, and beat it up; and as the froth rises, take it off, and put it on the juice of the lemon, till you have taken all the cream off upon the lemon: make it the day before you want it, in a dish that is proper. How to dry cherries. TAKE eight pounds of cherries, one pound of the best powdered sugar, stone the cherries over a great deep bason or glass, and lay them one by one in rows, and strew a little sugar: thus do till your bason is full to the top, and let them stand till the next day; then pour them out into a great posnip, set them on the fire; let them boil very fast a quarter of an hour, or more; then pour them again into your bason, and let them stand two or three days; then take them out, and lay them one by one on hair-sieves, and set them in the sun, or an oven, till they are dry, turning them every day upon dry sieves: if in the oven it must be as little warm as you can just feel it, when you hold your hand in it. How to make fine almond cakes. TAKE a pound of Jordan almonds, blanch them, beat them very fine with a pound of orange flower water, to keep them from oiling; then take a pound and a quarter of fine sugar, boil it to a light candy height: then put in your almonds; then take two fresh lemons, grate off the rind very thin, and put as much juice as to make it of a quick taste; then put it into your glasses, and set it into your stove, stirring them often, that they do not candy: so when it is a little dry, put it into little cakes upon sheets of glass to dry. How to make Uxbridge-cakes. TAKE a pound of wheat flour, seven pounds of currants, half a nutmeg, four pounds of butter, rub your butter cold very well amongst the veal, dress your currants very well in the flour, butter, and seasoning, and knead it with so much good new yeast as will make it into a pretty high paste: usually two pennyworth of yeast to that quantity; after it is kneaded well together, let it stand an hour to rise; you may put half a pound of paste in a cake. How to make mead. TAKE ten gallons of water, and two gallons of honey, a handful of raced ginger; then take two lemons, cut them in pieces, and put them into it, boil it very well, keep it skimming; let it stand all night in the same vessel you boil it in, the next morning barrel it up, with two or three spoonfuls of good yeast. About three weeks or a month after, you may bottle it. Marmalade of cherries. TAKE five pounds of cherries, stoned, and two pounds of hard sugar, shred your cherries, wet your sugar with the juice that runneth from then; then put the cherries into the sugar, and boil them pretty fast till it be a marmalade; when it is cold, put it up in glasses for use. To dry damosins. TAKE four pounds of damosins; take one pound of fine sugar, make a syrup of it, with about a pint of fair water; then put in your damosins, stir it into your hot syrup, so let them stand on a little fire, to keep them warm for half an hour; then put all into a bason, and cover them, let them stand till the next day; then put the syrup from them, and set it on the fire, and when it is very hot, put it on your damosins: this do twice a day for three days together; then draw the syrup from the damosins, and lay them in an earthen dish, and set them in an oven after bread is drawn; when the oven is cold, take them and turn them, and lay them upon clean dishes; set them in the sun, or in another oven, till they are dry. Marmalade of quince white. TAKE the quinces, pare hem and core them, put them into water as you pare them, to be kept from blacking, then boil them so tender that a quarter of straw will go through them; then take their weight of sugar, and beat them, break the quinces with the back of a spoon; and then put in the sugar, and let them boil fast uncovered, till they slide from the bottom of the pan: you may make paste of the same, only dry it in a stove, drawing it out into what form your please. To preserve apricots or plumbs green. TAKE your plumbs before they have stones in them, which you may know by putting a pin through them; then coddle them in many waters, till they are as green as grass: peel them and coddle again; you must take the weight of them in sugar, and make syrup; put to your sugar a jack of water: then put them in, set them on the fire to boil slowly, till they be clear, skimming them often, and they will be very green. Put them up in glasses, and keep them for use. To preserve cherries. Take two pounds of cherries, one pound and a half of sugar, half a pint of fair water, melt your sugar in it; when it is melted, put in your other sugar and your cherries; then boil them softly, till all the sugar be melted; then boil them fast, and skim them; take them off two or three times and shake them, and put them on again, and let them boil fast; and when they are of a good colour, and the syrup will stand, they are enough. To preserve barberries. TAKE the ripest and best barberries you can find: take the weight of them in sugar; then pick out the seeds and tops, wet your sugar with the juice of them, and make a syrup; then put in your barberries, and when they boil, take them off and shake them, and set them on again, and let them boil, and repeat the same, till they are clean enough to put into glasses. Wiggs. TAKE three pounds of well-dried flour, one nutmeg, a little mace and salt, and almost half a pound of carraway comfits; mix these well together, and melt half a pound of butter in a pint of sweet thick cream, six spoonfuls of good sack, four yolks and three whites of eggs, and near a pint of good light yeast; work these well together, and cover it, and set it down to the fire to rise: then let them rest, and lay the remainder, the half pound of carraways on the top of the wiggs, and put them upon papers well floured and dried, and let them have as quick an oven as for tarts. To make fruit wafers; codlings or plumbs do best. TAKE the pulp of fruit, rubbed through a hair-sieve, and to three ounces of pulp take six ounces of sugar, finely sierced; dry your sugar very well, till it be very hot, heat the pulp also very hot, and put it to your sugar, and heat it on the fire, till it be almost at boiling; then pour it on the glasses or trenchers, and set it on the stove, till you see it will leave the glasses, (but before it begins to candy) take them off, and turn them upon papers in what form you please; you may colour them red with clove gilliflowers steeped in the juice of lemon. How to make marmalade of oranges. TAKE the oranges and weigh them; to a pound of oranges rake half a pound of pippins, and almost half a pint of water; a pound and a hlaf of sugar; pare your oranges very thin, and save the peelings, then take off the skins, and boil them till they are very tender, and the bitterness is gone out of them. In the mean time pare your pippins, and slice them into water, and boil them till they are clear, pick out the meat from the skins of your oranges, before you boil them; and add to that meat the meat of one lemon; then take the peels you have boiled tender, and shred them, or cut them into very thick slices, what length you plaese; then set the sugar on the fire, with seven or eight spoonfuls of water, skim it clean, then put in the peel, and the meat of the oranges and lemons, and the pippins, and so boil them; put in as much of the outward rind of the oranges as you think fit, and so boil them till they are enough. Cracknels. TAKE half a pound of the whitest flour, and a pound of sugar beaten small, two ounces of butter cold, one spoonful of carraway-seeds, steeped all night in vinegar; then put in three yolks of eggs, and a little rose-water, work your paste altogether; and after that beat it with a rolling-pin, till it be light; then roll it out thin, and cut it with a glass, lat it thin on plates buttered, and prick them with a pin; then take the yolks of two eggs, beaten with rose-water, and rub them over with it; then set tem into a pretty quick oven, and when they are brown take them out and lay them in a dry place. To make orange loaves. TAKE your orange, and cut a round hole in the top, take out all them eat, and as much of the white as you can without breaking the skin: then boil them in water till tender, shifting the water till it is not bitter; then take them up and wipe them dry: then take a pound of fine sugar, a quart of water, or in proportion to the oranges; boil it, and take off the scum as it riseth: then put in your oranges, and let them boil a little, and let them lie a day or two in the syrup; then take the yolks of two eggs, a quarter of a pint of cream (or more), beat them well together; then grate in two Naples biscuits, (or white bread) a quarter of a pound of butter, and four spoonfuls of sack; mix it all together till your butter is melted; then fill the oranges with it, and bake them in a slow oven as long as you would a custard, then stick-in some cut citron, and fill them up with sack, butter, and sugar grated over. To make a lemon tower or pudding. GRATE the outward rind of three lemons; take three quarters of a pound of sugar, and the same of butter, the yolks of eight eggs, beat them in a marble mortar, at least an hour; then lay a thin rich crust in the bottom of the dish you bake it in, as you may something also over it: three quarters of an hour will bake it. Make an orange-pudding the same way, but pare the rinds and boil them first in several waters, till the bitterness is boiled out. How to make the clear lemon cream. TAKE a gill of clear water, infuse in it the rind of a lemon, till it tastes of it; then take the whites of six eggs, the juice of four lemons; beat them all well together, and run them through a hair sieve, sweeten them with double-refined sugar, and set them on the fire, not too hot, keeping stirring; and when it is thick enough, take it off. How to make chocolate. TAKE six pounds of cocoa-nuts, one pound of aniseeds, four ounces of long pepper, one of cinnamon, a quarter of a pound of almonds, one pound of pistachios, as much achiote as will make it the colour of a brick; three grains of musk, and as much ambergrease, six pounds of sugar, one ounce of nutmegs, dry and beat them, and sierce them through a fine sieve: your almonds must be beat to a paste, and mixed with the other ingredients; then dip your sugar in orange-flower or rose-water, and put it in a skillet, on a very gentle charcoal-fire; then put in the spice, and strew it well together; then the musk and ambergrease; then put in the cocoa-nuts last of all; then achiote, wetting it with the water the sugar was dipt in; stew all these very well together over a hotter fire than before; then take it up, and put it into boxes, or what form you like, and set it to dry in a warm plate. The pistachios and almonds must be little beat in a mortar, then ground upon a stone. Another way to make chocolate. TAHE six pounds of the best Spanish nuts, when parched, and cleaned from the hulls; take take three pounds of sugar, two ounces of the best cinnamon, beaten and sifted very fine; to every pound of nuts put in three good vaelas, or more or less as you please; to every pound of nuts half a dram of cardamum seeds, very finely beaten and sierced. Cheesecakes without currants. TAKE two quarts of new milk, set it as it comes from the cow, with as little runnet as you can; when it is come, break it as gently as you can, and whey it well; then pass it through a hair-sieve, and put it into a marble morter, and beat it into a pound of new butter, washed in rose-water; when that is well mingled in the curd, take the yolks of six eggs, and the whites of three, beat them very well with a little thick cream and salt; and after you have made the coffins, just as you put them into the crust (which must not be till you are ready to set them into the oven) then put in your eggs and sugar, and a whole nutmeg finely grated; stir them all well together, and so fill your crusts; and if you put a little fine sugar sierced into the crust, it will roll the thinner and cleaner; three spoonfuls of thick sweet cream will be enough to beat up your eggs with. How to preserve white pear plumbs. TAKE the finest and clearest from speck you can get; to a pound of plumbs take a pound and a quarter of sugar, the finest you can get, a pint and a quarter of water; slit the plumbs and stone them, and prick them full of holes, saving some sugar beat fine laid in a bason; as you do them, lay them in, and strew sugar over them; when you have thus done, have half a pound of sugar, and your water ready made into a thin syrup, and a little cold; put in your plumbs with the slit side downwards, set them on the fire, keep them continually boiling, neither too slow nor too fast; take them often off, shake them round, and skin them well, keep them down into the syrup continually, for fear they lose their colour; when they are thoroughly scalded, strew on the rest of your sugar, and keep doing so till they are enough, which you may know by their glasing towards the latter end; boil them up quickly. To preserve currants. TAKE the weight of the currants in sugar, prick out the xcseeds; take to a pound of sugar half a jack of water, let it melt, then put in your berries and let them do very leisurely, skim them, and take them up, let the syrup boil, then put them on again, and when they are clear, and the syrup thick enough, take them off, and when they are cold put them up in glasses. To preserve raspberries. TAKE of the raspberries that are not too prpe, and take the weight of them in sugar, wet your sugar with a little water, and put in your berries, and let them boil softly, take heed of breaking them; when they are clear, take them up, and boil the syrup till it be thick enough, then put them in again, and when they are cold put them up in glasses. To make biscuit bread. TAKE half a pound of very fine wheat flour, and as much sugar finely sierced, and dry them very well before the fire, dry the flour more than the sugar; then take four new laid eggs, take out the strains, then swing them very well, then put the sugar in, and swing it well with the eggs, then put the flour in it, and beat all together half an hour at the least; put in some anniseeds, or carraway seeds, and rub the plates with butter, and set them into the oven. To candy angelica. TAKE it in April, boil it in water till it be tender; then take it up and drain it from the water very well, then scrape the outside of it, and dry it in a clean cloth, and lay it in the syrup, and let it lie in three or four days, and cover it close: the syrup must be strong of sugar, and keep it hot a good while, and let it not boil; after it is heated a good while, lay it upon a pye-plate, and so let it dry, keep it near to the fire lest it dissolve. To preserve cherries. TAKE their weight in sugar before you stone them; when stoned, make your syrup, then put in your cherries, let them boil slowly at the first, till they be thoroughly warmed, then boil them as fast as you can; when they are boiled clear, put in the jelly, with almost the weight of sugar; strew the sugar on the cherries, for the colouring you must be ruled by your eye; to a pound of sugar put a jack of water, strew your sugar on them before they boil, and put in the juice of currants soon after they boil. To dry pear plumbs. TAKE two pounds of pear plumbs to one pound of sugar; stone them, and fill them every one with sugar; lay them in an earthen pot, put to them as much water as will prevent burning them; then set them in an oven after bread is drawn, let them stand till they be tender, then put them into a sieve to drain well from the syrup, then set them in an oven again until they be a little dry; then smooth the skins as well as you can, and so fill them, then set them in the oven again to harden; then wash them in water scalding hot, and dry them very well, then put them in the oven again very cool to blue them, put them between two pewter dishes, and set them in the oven. A filling for the aforesaid plumbs. TAKE the plumbs, wipe them, prick them in the seams, put them in a pitcher, and set them in a little boiling water, let them boil very tender, then pour most of the liquor from them, then take off the skins and the stones; to a pint of the pulp a pound of sugar well dried in the oven; then let it boil till the scum rise, which take off very clean, and put into earthen plates, and dry it in an oven, and so fill the plumbs. To cand cassia. TAKE as much of the powder of brown cassia as will lie upon two broad shillings, with what musk and ambergrease you think fitting: the cassia and perfume must be powdered together; then take a quarter of a pound of sugar, and boil it to a candy height; then put in your powder, and mix it well together, and pour it in pewter saucers or plates, which must be buttered very thin, and when it is cold it will slip out: the cassia is to be bought at London, sometimes it is in powder, and sometimes in a hard lump. To make carraway cakes. TAKE two pounds of white flour, and two pounds of coarse loaf sugar well dried, and fine sifted; after the flour and sugar is sifted and weighed, then mingle them together, sift the flour and sugar together, throw a hair-sieve into the bowl you use it in; to them you must have two pounds of good butter, eighteen eggs, leaving out eight of the whites; to these you must have four ounces of candied orange, five or six ounces of carraway comfits: you must first work the butter with rose-water, till you can see none of the water, and your butter must be very soft; then put in flour and sugar, a little at a time, and likewise your eggs; but you must beat your eggs very well, with ten spoonfuls of sack , so you must put in each as you think fit, keeping it constantly beating with your hand, till you have put it into the hoop for the oven; do not put in your sweetmeats and seeds, till you are ready to put into your hoops: you must have three or four doubles of cap-paper under the cakes, and butter the paper and hoop: you must sift some sugar upon your cake, when it goes into the oven. To preserve pippins in slices. WHEN your pippins are prepared, but not cored, cut them in slices, and take the weight of them in sugar, put to your sugar a pretty quantity of water, let it melt, and skim it, let it boil again very high; then put them into the syrup when they are clear; lay them in shallow glasses, in which you mean to serve them up; then put into the syrup a candied orange-peel cut in little slices very thin, and lay about the pippin; cover them with syrup, and keep them about the pippin. Sack cream like butter. TAKE a quart of cream, boil it with mace, put to it six egg-yolks well beatn, so let it boil up; then take it off the fire, and put in a little sack, and turn it; then put in a cloth, and let the whey run from it; then take it out of the cloth, and season it with rose-water and sugar, being very well broken with a spoon; serve it up in the dish, and pink it as you would do a dish of butter, so send it in with cream and sugar. Barley cream. TAKE a quart of French barley, boil it in three or four waters, till it be pretty tender; then set a quart of cream on the fire with some mace and nutmeg; when it begins to boil, drain out the barley from the water, put in the cream, and let it boil till it be pretty thick and tender; then season it with sugar and salt. When it is cold serve it up. Almond butter. TAKE a quart of cream, put in some mace whole, and a quartered nutmeg, the yolks of eight eggs well beaten and three-quarters of a pound of almonds well blanched, and beaten extremely small, with a little rose-water and sugar; put all these together, set them on the fire, and stir them till they begin to boil; then take it off, and you will find it a little cracked; so lay a strainer in a cullender, and pour it into it, and let it drain a day or two, till you see it is firm like butter; then run it through a cullender, then it will be like little comfits, and so serve it up. Sugar cakes. TAKE a pound and a half of very fine flour, one pound of cold butter, half a pound of sugar, work all these well together into a paste, then roll it with the palms of your hands into balls, and cut them with a glass into cakes; lay them in a sheet of paper, with some flour under them; to beat them small, and lay them in the midst of a long piece of paste, and roll it round with your fingers, and cast them into knots, in what fashion you please; prick them and bake them. Sugar cakes another way. TAKE half a pound of fine sugar sierced, and as much flour, two eggs beaten with a little rose-water, a piece of butter about the bigness of an egg, work them well together till they be a smooth paste; then make them into cakes, working every one with the palms of your hands; then lay them in plates, rubbed over with a little butter; so bake them in an oven little more than warm. You may make knots of the same the cakes are made of, but in the mingling you must put in a few carraway seeds; when they are wrought to paste, roll them with the ends of your finger into small rolls, and make it into knots; lay them upon pye-plates rubbed with butter, and bake them. Clouted cream. TAKE a gill of new milk, and set it on the fire, and take sis spoonfuls of rose-water, four or five pieces of large mace, put the mace on a thread; when it boils, put to them the yolks of two eggs very well beaten; stir these very well together; then take a quart of very good cream, put it to the rest, and stir it together, but let it not boil after the cream is in. Pour it out of the pan you boil it in, and let it stand all night; the next day take the top off it, and serve it up. Quince cream. TAKE your quinces, and put them in boiling water unpared, boil them apace uncovered, lest they discolour when they are boiled, pare them, beat them very tender with sugar; then take cream, and mix it till it be pretty thick: if you boil your cream with a little cinnamon, it will be better, but let it be cold before you put it to your quince. Citron cream. TAKE a quart of cream, and boil it with tree pennyworth of good clear isinglass, which must be tied up in a piece of thin tiffany; put in a blade or tow of mace strongly boiled in your cream and isinglass, till the cream be pretty thick; sweeten it to your taste, with perfumed hard sugar; when it is taken off the fire, put in a little rose-water to your taste; then take a piece of your green freshest citron, and cut it into little bits, the breadth of point-dales, and about half as long; and the cream being first put into dishes, when it is half cold, put in your citron, so as it may but sink from the top, that it may not be seen, and may lie before it be at the bottom; if you wash your citron before in rose-water, it will make the colour better and fresher; so let it stand till the next day, where it may get no water, and where it may not be shaken. Cream of apples, quince, gooseberries, prunes, or raspberries. TAKE to every quart of cream four eggs, being first well beat and strained, and mix them with a little cold cream, and put it to your cream, being first boiled with whole mace; keep it stirring, till you find it begin to thicken at the bottom and sides; your apples, quinces, and berries must be tenderly boiled, so as they will crush in the pulp; then season it with rose-water and sugar to your taste, putting it up into dishes; and when they are cold, if there be any rose-water and sugar, which lies waterish at the top, let it be drained out with a spoon: this pulp must be made ready before you boil your cream; and when it is boiled, cover over your pulp a pretty thickness with your egg cream, which must have a little rose-water and sugar put to it. Sugar loaf cream. TAKE a quarter of a pound of hartshorn, and put it to a potle of water, and set on the fire in a pipkin, covered till it be ready to seeth; then pour off the water, and put a pottle of water more to it, and let it stand simmering on the fire till it be consumed to a pin, and with it two ounces of isinglass washed in rose-water, which must be put in with the second water; then strain it, and let it cool; then take three pints of cream, and boil it very well with a bag of nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, and mace; then take a quarter of a pound of Jordan almonds, and lay them one night in cold water to blanch; and when they are blanched, let them lie two hours in cold water; then take them forth, and dry them in a clean linen cloth, and beat them in a marble mortar, with fair water or rose-water, beat them to a very fine pulp, then take some of the aforesaid cream well warmed, and put the pulp by degrees into it, straining it through a cloth with the back of a spoon, till all the goodness of the almonds be strained out into the cream; then season the cream with rose-water and sugar; then take the aforesaid jelly, warm it till it dissolves, and season it with rose-water and sugar, and a grain of ambergrease or musk, if you please; then mix your cream and jelly together very well, and put it into glasses well warmed (like sugar-loaves) and let it stand all night; then put them forth upon a plate or two, or a white china dish, and stick the cream with piony kernels, or serve them in glasses, one on every trencher. Conserve of roses boiled. TAKE red roses, take off all the whites at the bottom, or elsewhere, take three times the weight of them in sugar; put to a pint of roses a pint of water, skim it well, shred your roses a little before you put them into water, cover them, and boil the leaves tender in water; and when they are tender, put in your sugar; keep stirring, lest they burn when they are tender, and the syrup be consumed. Put them up, and so keep them for your use. How to make orange biscuits. PARE your oranges, not very thick, put them into water, but first weigh your peels, let it stand over the fire, and let it boil till it be very tender; then beat it in a marble mortar, till it be a very fine smooth paste; to every ounce of peels put two ounces and a half of double-refined sugar well sierced, mix them well together with a spoon in the mortar; then spread it with a knife upon pye-plates, and set it in an oven a little warm, or before the fire; when it feels dry upon the top, cut in into what fashion you please, and turn them into another plate, and set them in the stove till they be dry; where the edges look rough, when it is dry, they must be cut with a pair of scissors. How to make yellow Varnish. TAKE a quart of spirit of wine, and put to it eight ounces of seed-cake, shake it half an hour; next day it will be fit for use, but strain it first; take lamp-black, and put in your varnish about the thickness of a pancake; mix it well, but stir it not too fast; then take some burnt ivory, and oil of turpentine as fine as butter; then mix it with some of your varnish, till you have varnished it fit for polishing; then polish it with tripola in fine flour; then lay it on the wood smooth, with one of the brushes; then let it dry, and do it so eight times at the least: when it is very dry lay on your varnish that is mixed, and when it is dry, polish it with a wet cloth dipped in tripola, and rub it as hard as you would do platters. How to make a pretty varnish to colour little baskets, bowls, or any board where nothing hot is set on. TAKE either red, black or white wax, which colour you want to make: to every two ounces of sealing-wax one ounce of spirit of wine, pound the wax fine, then sift it through a fine lawn sieve, till you have made it extremely fine: put it into a large phial with the spirits of wine, shake it often; then with a little brush rub your baskets all over with it: let it dry, and do it over a second time, and it makes them look very pretty. How to clean gold or silver lace. TAKE alabaster finely beaten and sierced, and put it into an earthen pipkin, and set it upon a chaffing-dish of coals, and let it boil for some time, stirring it often with a stick first; when it begins to boil, it will be very heavy; when it is enough, you will find it in the stirring very light; then take it off the fire, lay your lace upon a piece of flannel, and strew your powder upon it; knock it well in with a hard cloth brush: when you think it is enough, brush the powder out with a clean brush. How to make sweet powder for cloaths. TAKE orris roots two pounds and a half, of lignum rodicum six ounces, of scraped cypress roots three ounces, of damask roses carefully dried a pound and a half, of Benjamin four ounces and a half, of storax two ounces and a half, of sweet-marjoram three ounces, of labdanum one ounce, and of dram of calamus aromaticus, and one dram of musk cods, six drams of lavender and flowers, and mellilot flowers, if your please. To clean white sattins, flowered silks with gold and silver in them. TAKE stale bread crumbled very fine, mixed with powder blue, rub it very well over the silk or sattin; then shake it well, and with clean soft cloths dust it well: if any gold or silver flowers, afterwards take a piece of crimson in grain velvet, and rub the flowers with it. To keep arms, iron, or steel from rusting. TAKE the filings of lead, or dust of lead, finely beaten in an iron mortar, putting to it oil of spice, which will make the iron smell well: and if you oil your arms, or any thing that is made of iron or steel, you may keep them in moist airs from rusting. The Jews way to pickle beef, which will go good to the West-Indes, and keep a year good in the pickle, and with care will go to the East-Indes. TAKE any piece of beef without bones, or take the bones out, if you intend to keep it above a month; take mace, cloves, nutmeg, and pepper, and juniper-berries beat fine, and rub the beef well, mixt salt and Jamaica pepper, and bay leaves; let it be seasoned, let it lay in this seasoning a week or ten days, throw in a good dal of garlick and shalot; boil some of the best wine vinegar, lay your meat in a pan or good vessel for the purpose, with the pickle; and when the vinegar is quite cold, pout it over, cover it close. If it is for a voyage, cover it with oil, and let the cooper hop up the barrel very well: this is a good way in a hot country, where meat will not keep: then it must be put into the vinegar directly with the seasoning; then you may either roast or stew it, but it is best stewed, and add a good deal of onion and parsley chopped fine, some white wine, a little catchup, truffles and morels, a little good gravy, a piece of butter rolled in flour, or a little oil, in which the meat and onions ought to stew a quarter of an hour before the other ingredients are put in: then put all in and stir it together, and let it stew till you think it enough. This is a good pickle in a hot country, to keep beef or veal that is dressed, to eat cold. How to make cyder. AFTER all your apples are bruised, take half of your quantity and squeeze them, and the juice your press from them pour upon the others half bruised, but not squeezed, in a tub for the purpose, having a tap at the bottom; let the juice remain upon the apples three or four days, then pull out your tap, and let your juice run into some other vessel set under the tup to receive it; and if it runs thick, as at the first it will, pour it upon the apples again, till you see it run clear; and as you have a quantity, put it into your vessel, but do not force the cyder, but let it drop as long as it will of its own accord: having done this, after you perceive that the sides begin to work, take a quantity of isinglass, an ounce will serve forty gallons, infuse this into some of the cyder till it be dissolved; put to an ounce o isinglass a quart of cyder, and when it is so dissolved, pour it into the vessel, and stop it close for two days, or something more; then draw off the cyder into another vessel: this do so often till you perceive your cyder to be free from all manner of sediment, that may make it ferment and fret itself: after Christmas you may boil it. You may, by pouring water on the apples, and pressing them, make a pretty small cyder: if it be thick and muddy, by using isinglass you may make it as clear as the rest; you must dissolve the isinglass over the fire, till it be jelly. For fining cyder. TAKE two quarts of skim-milk, four ounces of isinglass, cut the isinglass in pieces, and work it luke-warm in the milk over the fire; and when it is dissolved, then put it in cold into the hogshead of cyder, and take a long stick, and stir it well from top to bottom, for half a quarter of an hour. After it has fined. TAKE ten pounds of raisins of the sun, two ounces of turmerick, half an ounce of ginger beaten; then take a quantity of raisins, and grind them as you do mustard seed in a bowl, with a little cyder, and so the rest of the raisins: then sprinkle the turmerick and ginger amongst it: then put all into a fine canvass bag, and hang it in the middle of the hogshead close, and let it lie. After the cyder has stood thus a fortnight or a month, then you may bottle it at your pleasure. To make chouder, a sea dish. TAKE a belly-piece of pickle pork, slice off the fatter parts, and lay them at the bottom of the kettle, strew over it onions, and such sweet-herbs as you can procure. TAke a midling large cod, bone and slice it as for crimping, pepper, salt, all-spice, and flour it a little, make a layer with part of the slices; upon that a slight layer of pork again, and on that a layer of biscuit, and so on, pursuing the like rule, until the kettle is filled to about four inches: cover it with a nice paste, pour in about a pint of water, lute down the cover of the kettle, and let the top be supplied with live wood embers. Keep it over a slow fire about four hours. When you take it up, lay it in the dish, pour in a glass of hot Madeira wine, and a very little India pepper: if you have oysters, or truffles and morels, it is still better; thicken it with butter. Observe, before you put this sauce in, to skim the stew, and then lay on the crust, and send it to table reverse as in the kettle; cover it close with the paste, which should be brown. To clarify sugar after the Spanish way. TAKE one pound of the best Lisbon sugar, nineteen pounds of water, mix the white and shell of an egg, then beat it up to a lather; then let it boil, and strain it off: you must let it simmer over a charcoal fire, till it diminish to half a pint; then put in a large spoonful of orange-flower water. To make Spanish fritters. TAKE the inside of a roll, and slice it in three; then soak it in milk; then pass it through a batter of eggs, fry them in oil; when almost done, draw them off the oil, and lay them in a dish; over every pair of fritters you must throw cinnamon, small coloured sugar-plumbs, and clarified sugar. To fricasey pigeons the Italian way. QUARTER them, and fry them in oil; take some green pease, and let them fry in the oil till they are almost ready to burst; then put some boiling water to them; season it with salt, pepper, onions, garlick, parsley, and vinegar. Veal and lamb do the same way, and thicken with yolks of eggs. Pickled beef for present use. TAKE the rib of beef, stick it with garlick and cloves; season it with salt, Jamaica pepper, mace, and some garlick pounded; cover the meat with white wine vinegar, and Spanish thyme: you must take care to turn the meat every day, and add more vinegar, if required, for a fortnight; then put it in a stew-pan, and cover it close, and let it simmer on a slow fire for six hours, adding vinegar and white wine: if you chuse, you may stew a good quantity of onions, and it will be more palatable. Beef steaks after the French way. TAKE some beef steaks, broil them till they are half done; while the steaks are doing, have ready in a stew-pan some red wine, a spoonful or two of gravy; season it with salt, pepper, some shalots; then take the steaks, and cut in squares, and put in the sauce: you must put some vinegar, cover it close, and let it simmer on a slow fire half an hour. A capon done after the French way. TAKE a quart of white wine, season the capon with salt, cloves and whole pepper, a few shalots; then put the capon in an earthen pan: you must take care it must not have room to shake; it must be covered close, and done on a slow charcoal fire. To make Hamburgh sausages. TAKE a pound of beef, mince it very small, with half a pound of the best suet; then mix three quarters of a pound of suet cut in large pieces; then season it with pepper, cloves, nutmeg, a great quantity of garlick cut small, some white wine vinegar, some bay-salt, and common salt, a glass of red wine, and one of rum; mix all this very well together; then take the largest gut you can find, and stuff it very tight; then hand it up a chimney, and smoke it with saw-dust for a week or ten days; hang them in the air, till they are dry, and they will keep a year. They are very good broiled in pease porridge, and roasted with toasted bread under it, or in an amulet. Sausages after the German way. TAKE the crumb of a two-penny loaf, one pound o suet, half a lamb's lights, and a handful of parsley, some thyme, marjory, and onion; mince all very small; then season with salt and pepper. These must be stuffed in a sheep's gut; they are fried in oil or melted suet, and are only fit for immediate use. A turkey stuffed after the Hamburgh way. TAKE one pound of beef, three quarters of a pound of suet, mince it very small, season it with salt, pepper, cloves, mace, and sweet marjoram; then mix two or three eggs with it, loosen the skin around the turkey, and stuff it. It must be roasted. Chickens dressed the French way. TAKE them and quarter them, then broil, crumble over them a little bread and parsley; when they are half done, put them in a stew-pan, with three or four spoonfuls of gravy, and double the quantity of white wine, salt and pepper, some fried veal balls, and some suckers, onions, shalots, and some green gooseberries or grapes when in season: cover the pan close, and let it stew on a charcoal fire for an hour; thicken the liquor with the yolks of eggs, and the juice of lemon; garnish the dish with fried suckers, sliced lemon, and the livers. A calf's head dressed after the Dutch way. TAKE half a pound of Spanish pease, lay them in water a night; then one pound of while rice; mix the pease and rice together, and lay it round the head In a deep dish; then take two quarts of water, season it with pepper and salt, and coloured with saffron, then send it to bake. Chickens and turkies dressed after the Dutch way. BOIL them, season them with salt, pepper and cloves; then to every quart of both put a quarter of a pound of rice or vermicelli: it is eat with sugar and cinnamon. The two last may be left out. To make a fricasey of claves feet and chaldron, after this Italian way. TAKE the crumb of a threepenny loaf, one pound of suet, a large onion, two or three handfuls of parsley, mince it very small, season it with salt and pepper, three or four cloves of garlick, mix with eight or ten eggs; then stuff the chialdron; take the feet and put them in a deep stew-pan: it must stew upon slow fire till the bones are loose; then take two quarts of green pease, and put in the liquor; and when done, you must thicken it with the yolks of two eggs and the juice of a lemon. It must be seasoned with pepper, salt, mace, and onion, some parsley and garlick. You must serve it up with the above-said pudding in the middle of the dish, and garnish the dish with fried suckers, and sliced onion. To make a cropadeu, a Scotch dish, &c. TAKE oatmeal and water, make a dumplin; put in the middle a haddock's liver, season it well with pepper and salt; boil it well in a cloth as you do an apple-dumplin. The liver dissolves in the oat-meal, and eats very fine. To pickle the fine purple cabbage, so much admierd at the great tables. TAKE two cauliflowers, two red cabbages, have a peck of kidney-beans, six sticks, with six cloves of garlick on each stick; wash all well, give them one boil up, then drain them on a sieve and lay them leaf by leaf upon a large table, and salt them with bay-salt; then lay them a-drying in the sun, or in a slow oven, until as dry as cork. To make the pickle. TAKE a gallon of the best vinegar, with one quart of water, and a handful of salt, and an ounce of pepper; boil them, let it stand till it is cold; then take a quarter of a pound of ginger, cut it in pieces, salt it, let it stand a week; take half a pound of mustard seed, wash it, and lay it to dry; when very dry, bruise half oif it; when half is ready for the jar, lay a row of cabbage, a row of cauliflowers and beans; and throw betwext every row your mustard-seed, some black pepper, some Jamaica pepper, some ginger; mix an ounce of the root of turmerick powdered; put in the pickle, which you must go over all. It is best when it hath been made two years, though it may be used the first year. To raise mushrooms. COVER an old hot-bed three or four inches thick, with fine garden mould, and cover that three or four inches thick with mouldy long muck, of a horse muck-hill, or old rotted stubble; when the bed has lain some time thus prepared, boil any mushrooms that are not fit for use, in water, and throw the water on your prepared bed, in a day or two after, you will have the best small mushrooms. The stag's heart water. TAKE balm, flour handfuls, sweet-marjoram one handful, rosemary flowers, clove-gilliflowers dried, dried rose-buds, borrage-flowers, of each an ounce; marigold folowers half an ounce, lemon-peel tow ounces, mace and cardamum, of each thirty grains; of cinnamon sixty grains, or yellow and white sanders, of each a quarter of an ounce, shavings of hearts-horn an ounce; take nine oranges, and put in the peel; then cut them in small pieces; pour upon these two quarts of the best Rhenish, or the best white wine; let it infuse three or four days, being very close stopped in a cellar or cool place: let it infuse nine or ten days, it is the better. Take a stag's heart, and put off all the fat, and cut it very small, and pour in so much Renish or white wine as will cover it; let it stand all night close covered in a cool place; the next day add the aforesaid things to it, mixing it very well together; adding to it a pint of the best rose-water, and a pint of the juice of celandine: if you please you may put in ten grains of saffron, and so put it in a glass still, distilling in water, raising it well to keep in the steam, both of the still and receiver. To make angelica water. TAKE eight handfuls of the leaves, wash them and cut them, and lay them on a table to dry; when they are dry; put them into an earthen pot, and put to them four quarts of strong wine-lees; let it stay for twenty-four hours, but stir it twice in the time; then put it into a warm still or an alembeck, and draw it off; cover your bottles with a paper, and prick holes in it; so let it stand two or three days; then mingle it all together, and sweeten it; and when it is settled, bottle it up, and stop it close. To make milk water. TAKE the herbs agrimony, endive, fumetory, baum, elder flowers, white nettles, water cresses, bank cresses, sage, each three handfuls; eye-bright, brook lime, and celandine, each two handfuls; the roses of yellow dock, red madder, fennel, horse-raddish and liquorice, each three ounces; raisins stoned one pound, nutmegs sliced, winter bark, turmeric, galangal, each two drams; carraway and fennel seed three ounces, one gallon of milk. Distill all with a gentle fire in one day. You may add a handful of May wormwood. To make slip-coat cheese. TAKE six quarts of new milk hot from the cow, the stroakings, and put to it two spoonfuls of rennet; and when it is hard coming, lay it into the fat with a spoon, not breaking it all; then press it with a four pound weight, turning of it with a dry cloth once an hour, and every day shifting it into fresh grass. It will be ready to cut, if the weather be hot, in flourteen days. To make a brick-back cheese. It must be made in September. TAKE two gallons of new milk, and a quart of good cream, beat the cream, put in tow spoonfuls of rennet, and when it is come, break it a little; then put it into a wooden mould, in the shape of a brick. It must be half a year old before you eat it; you must press it a little, and so dry it. To make cordial poppy water. TAKE two gallons of very good brandy, and a peck of poppies, and put them together in a wide-mouth'd glass, and let them stand forty-eight hours, and then strain the poppies out; take a pound of raisins of the sun, stone them; and an ounce of coriander seed, and an ounce of sweet fennel seeds, and an ounce of liquorice sliced, bruise them all together, and put them into the brandy, with a pound of good powder sugar, and let them stand four or eight weeks, shaking it every day; and then strain if off, and bottle it close up for use. To make white mead. TAKE five gallons of water, add to that one gallon of the best honey; then set it on the fire, boil it together well, and skim it very clean; then take it off the fire, and set it by; then take two or three races of ginger, the like quantity of cinnamon and nutmegs, bruise all these grossly, and put them in a little Holland bag in the hot liquor, and so let it stand close covered till it be cold; then put as much ale-yeast to it as will make it work. Keep it in a warm place as they to ale; and when it hath wrought well, run it up; at tow months you may drink it, having been bottled a month. If you keep it four months, it will be the better. To make brown pottage. TAKE a piece of lean gravy-beef, and cut it into thin collops, and hack them with the back of a cleaver; have a stew-pan over the fire, with a piece of butter, a little bacon cut thin; let them be brown over the fire, and put in your beef; let it stew till it be very brown; put in a little flour, an then have your broth ready and fill up the stew-pan; put in two onions, a bunch of sweet herbs, cloves, mace, and pepper; let it all stew together an hour covered; then have your bread ready toasted hard to put in your dish, and strain some of the broth to it, through a fine sieve; put a fowl of some sort in the middle, with a little boiled spinage minced in it; garnishing your dish with boiled lettuces, spinage and lemon. To make white barley pottage, with a large chicken in the middle. FIRST make your stock with an old hen, a knuckle of veal, a scrag end of mutton, some spice, sweet-herbs and onions; boil all together till it be strong enough; then have your barley ready boiled very tender and white, and strain some of it through a cullender; have your bread ready toasted in your dish, with some fine green herbs, minced chervil, spinage, sorrel; and put into your dish some of the broth to your bread, herbs, and chicken; then barley, strained and re-strained; stew all together in the dish a little while; garnish your dish with boiled lettuces, spinage, and lemon. English Jews puddings; an excellent dish for six or seven people, for the expence of sixpence. TAKE a calf's lights, boil them, chop them fine, and the crumb of a twopenny loaf softened in the liquor the lights were boiled in; mix them well together in a pan; take about half a pound of kidney fat of a loin of veal or mutton that is roasted, or beef; if you have none, take suet: if you can get none, melt a little butter and mix in; fry four or five onions, cut smasll and fried in dripping, not brown, only soft; a very little winter-savoury and thyme, a little lemon-peel shred fine; season with all-spice, pepper, and salt to your palate, break in two eggs; mix it all well together, and have ready some sheep's guts nicely clean'd and fill them and fry them in dripping. This is a very goo dish, and a fine thing for poor people; bacause all sort of lights are good, and will do, as hog's, sheel's, and bullock's but calf's are best; a handful of parsley boiled and chopped fine, is very good, mixed with the meat. Poor people may, instead of the fat above, mix the fat the onions were fried in, and they will be very good. To make a Scotch haggass. TAKE the lights, heart, and chitterlings of a calf, chop them very fine, and a pound of suet chopped fine; sason with pepper and salt to your palate; mix in a pound of flour, or oatmeal, roll it up, and put it into a calf's bag, and boil it; an hour and a half will do it. Some add a pint of good thick cream, and put in a little beaten mace, clove or nutmeg; or all-spice is very good in it. To make it sweet with fruit. TAKE the meat and suet as above, and flour, with beaten mace, cloves, and nutmeg to your palate, a pound of currants washed very clean, a pound of raisins stoned and chopped fine, half a pint of sack; mix all well together, and biol it in the calf's bag two hours. You must carry it to table in the bag it wis boiled in. To make sour crout. TAKE your fine hard white cabbage, cut them small, have a tub on purpose with the head out, according to the quantity you intend to make; put them in the tub: to every four or five cabbages, throw in a large handful of salt; when you have done as many as you intend, lay a very heavy weight on them, to press them down as flat as possible, throw a cloth on them, and lay on the cover; let them stand a month, then you bay begin to use it. It will keep twelve months, but be sure to keep it always close covered, and the weight on it; if you throw a few carraway seeds pounded fine amongst it; they give it a fine flavour. The way to dress it is with a fine fat piece of beef stewed together. It is s dish much made use of amongst the Germans, and in the North Countries, where the frost kills all the cabbages; therefore they preserve them in this manner, before the frost takes them. Cabbage-stalks, cauliflower-stalks, and artichoke-stalks, peel'd and cut fine down in the same manner, are very good. To keep green pease, beans &c, and fruit, fresh and good till Christmas. OBSERVE to gather all your things in a fine clear day, in the increase or full moon; take well-glazed earthen or stone pots quite new, that have not been laid in water, wipe them clean, lay in your fruit very carefully, and take great care none is bruised or damaged in the least, nor too ripe, but just in their prime; stop down the jar close, and pitch it, and tie a leather over. Do kidney beans the same; bury them two feet deep in the earth, and keep them there till you have occasion for them. Do pease and beans the same way, only keep them in the pods, and don't let your pease be either too young or too old; the one will run to water, and the other the worm will eat; as to the two latter, lay a layer of fine writing sand, and a layer of pods, and so on till full; the rest as above. Flowers you may keep the same way. To make paco lilla, or Indian pickle, the same the mangos come over in. TAKE a pound of race-ginger, and lay it in water one night; then scrape it, and cut it in thin slices, and put to it some salt, and let it stand in the sun to dry; take long pepper two ounces, and do it as the ginger. Take a pound of garlick, and cut it in thin slices, and salt it, and let it stand three days; then wash it well, and let it be salted again, and stand three days more; then wash it well and drain it, and put it in the sun to dry. Take a quarter of a pound of mustard-seeds bruised, and half a quarter of an ounce of turmerick: put these ingredients, when prepared, into a large stone or glass jar, with a gallon of very good white wine vinegar, and stir it very often for a fortnight, and tie it up close. In this pickle you may put white cabbage, cut in quarters, and put in a brine of salt and water for three days, and then boil fresh salt water and just put in the cabbage to scald, and press out the water, and put it in the sun to dry, in the same manner as you do cauliflowers, cucumbers, melons, apples, French beans, plumbs, or any sort of fruit. Take care they are all well dried before you put them into the pickle: you need never empty the jar, but as the things come into season, put them in, and supply it with vinegar as often as there is occasion. In the above, you may do walnuts in a jar by themselves; put the walnuts in without any preparation, tied close down, and kept some time. To Make Paco Lilla or Indian Pickle. To preserve cucumbers equal with any Italian sweetmeat. TAKE fine young gherkins, of two or three different sizes; out them into a stone jar, cover them well with vine-leaves, fill the jar with spring-water, cover it close; let it stand near the fire, so as to be quite warm, for ten days or a fortnight; then take them out, and throw them into spring-water, they will look quite yellow, and stink, but you must not mind that. Have ready your preserving-pan; take them out of that water, and put them into the pan, cover them well with vine-leaves, fill it with spring-water, set it over a charcoal fire, cover them close, and let them simmer very slow; look at them often, and when you see them turned quite of a fine green, take off the leaves, and throw them into a large sieve ;then into a coarse cloth, four or five times doubled; when they are cold, put them into the jar, and have ready your syrup, made of double-refined sugar, in which boil a great deal of lemon-peel and whole ginger; pour it hot over them, and cover them down close; do it three times; pare your lemon-peel very thin, and cut them in long thin bits, about two inches long ' the ginger must be well boiled in water before it is put in the syrup. Take long cucumbers, cut them in half, scoop ouf the inside; do them the same way: they eat very fine in minced pies or puddings; or boil the syrup to a candy, and dry them on sieves. The Jews way of preparing salmon, and all sorts of fish. TAKE either salmon, cod or any large fish, cut off the head, wash it clean, and cut it in slices as crimp'd cod is, dry it very well in a cloth; then flour it, and dip it in yolks of eggs, and fry it in a great deal of oil, till it is of a fine brown, and well done; take it out and lay it to drain, till it is dry and cold. Whitings, mackrel, and flat fish, are done whole; when they are quite cold and dry, lay them in your pan or vessel, throw in between them a good deal of mace, cloves, and sliced nutmeg, a few bay leaves; have your pickle ready, made the best white wine vinegar, in which you must boil a great may cloves of garlick and shalot, black and white pepper, Jamaica and long pepper, juniper berries and salt; when the garlick begins to be tender, the pickle is enough: when it is quite cold, pour it on your fish, an a little oil on the top. They will keep god a twelvemonth, and are to be eat cold with oil and vinegar: they will go good to the East-Indies. All sorts of fish fried well in oil, eat very fine cold with shalot, or oil and vinegar. Observe, in the pickling of your fish, to have the pickle ready: first put a little pickle in; then a layer of fish; then pickle; then a little fish, and so lay them down very close, and to be well covered; put a little saffron in the pickle. Frying fish in common oil is not so expensive with care; for present use a little does; and if the cook is careful not to burn the oil, or black it, it will fry them two or three times. To preserve tripe to go to the East-Indies. GET a fine belly of tripe, quite fresh. Take a four gallon cask well hooped, lay in your tripe, and have your pickle ready made thus: take seven quarts of spring-water, and put as much salt into it as will make an egg swin, that the little end of the egg may be about an inch above the water; (you must take care to have the fine clear salt, for the common salt will spoil it) add a quart of the best white wine vinegar, two sprigs of rosemary, an ounce of all spice, pour it on your tripe; let the cooper fasten the cask down directly; when it comes to the Indies, it must not be opened till it is just a-going to be dressed; for it won't keep after the cask is opened. The way to dress it is, lay it in water half an hour; then fry it or boil it as we do here. The manner of dressing various sorts of dried fish; as stock-fish, cod salmon, whitings, &c. The general rule for steeping of dried fish, the stock-fish excepted. ALL the kinds, except stock-fish, are salted, or either dried in the sun, as the most common way, or in prepared kilns, or by the smoke o wood-fired in chimeny corners; and in either case, require the being softened and freshened in proportion to their bulk or bigness, their nature or dryness; the very dry sort, as, bacalao, cod-fish or whiting, and such like, should be steeped in luke warm milk and water; the steeping kept as near as possible to an equal degree of heat. The larger fish should be steeped twelve, the small, as whiting, &c. about two hours. The cod are therefore laid to steep in the evening, the whitings, &c. in the morning before they are to be dressed; after the time of steeping, they are to be taken out, and hung up by the tails until they are dressed: the reason of hanging them up is, that they soften qequally as in the steeping, without extrating too much of the relish, which would make them insipid; when thus prepared, the small fish, as whiting, tusk, and such like, are flowered and laid on the gridiron; and when a little hardened on the side, must be turned and basted with oil upon a feather; and when basted on both sides, and well hot through. taken up, always observing, that as swet oil supples, and supplies the fish with a kind of artificial juices, so the fire draws out those juices and hardens them; therefore be careful not to let them broil too long; no time can be prescribed, because of the difference of fires, and various bigness of the fish. A clear charcoal fire is much the best way to know when they are enough is, they will swell as little in the basting, and you must not let them fall again. The sauces are the same as usual to salt-fish, and garnish with oysters fried in batter. But for a supper, for those that like sweet oil, the best sauce is oil, vinegar, and mustard beat up to a consistence, and served up in saucers. But for supper, for those that like sweet oil, the best sauce is oil, vinegar, and mustard beat up to a consistence, and served up in saucers. If boiled as the great fish usually are, it should be in milk and water, but not so properly boiled as kept just simmering over an equal fire; in which way, half an hour will do the largest fish, and five minutes the smallest. Some people broil both sorts after simmering, and some pick them to pieces, and then toss them up in a pan with fried onions and apples. They are either way very good, and the choice depends on the weak or strong stomach of the eaters. Dried salmon must be differently managed; FOR though a large fish, they do not require more steeping than a whiting; and when laid on the gridiron, should be moderately peppered. The dried hering, INSTEAD of milk and water, should be steeped the like time as the whiting, in small beer; and to which, as to all kind of broiled salt-fish, sweet oil will always be found the best basting, and no way affect even the delicacy of those who do not love oil. Stock-fish, ARE very different from those before-mentioned; they being dried in the frost without salt, are in their kind very insipid,