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A Beitcher Society Narrative (1966)
Isidore Klotz, Secretary of First Beitcher Sick Benevolent Society
1495727A Beitcher Society Narrative1966Isidore Klotz, Secretary of First Beitcher Sick Benevolent Society

First Beitcher Sick
Benevolent Society

New York City

(Written in 1966 - Reprinted 1998 by Marvin Klotz)
* * * * *
Early HistoryWorld War II and AftermathLater History

Early history


It's the last third of the nineteenth century - the 1870s & 1880s in the United States of America - the gates of immigration are opened widely - to those who would enter from European nations - from the old world to the new world - American industrial development was on the advance - flourishing - The oppression of Czarist Russia and the threats of inter-European wars - anti-Semitic - low level economic conditions prevailing - rights to higher educational opportunities restricted - constant pressures upon the peoples - the outlook bleak.

Among the peoples who made their way to America were our landsleit of Beitch in the then Austria - first the pioneering fathers to look things over in the land of "milk and honey" - then followed the wives and families - children - then in the 80s and 90s our people came in greater numbers - the greater part finding their way in the City of New York - on the Lower East Side. Yes, they all crossed the wide wide Atlantic - all the way - taking two to three weeks - and for the most part - steerage class - way, way, down close to the ship's hull - in crowded quarters too close for comfort.

And then into the old tenement houses - cold water flats - old sanitation conditions - "water closets" (toilets) in the hallways to accommodate six and eight families - privies in the yards below. The first order of necessity - finding employment - and right into the needle trade industry for the most part - yes, twelve hours a day - six days a week they toiled - and labored in the sweat shops of New York - some carrying their sewing machines on their backs all the way to the shops.

With their meager pay envelopes - they had to make ends meet - food, rent, clothing, gas, heat - savings to make it possible for their loves ones to come across - to join in, yes to save for a "schiff's carte" - more landsleit in the 1900s & 1920s - remaining loved ones awaiting the opportunity. And then a few went peddling with their push carts - a few opened grocery stores - some were gifted with special trade skills - not many - families grouped together in neighborhoods - like other areas and nations - they visited one another - shared experiences - enjoyed their Sabbaths together - Beitcher and Gorlicer - from all areas in Galicia - "old country" feelings of togetherness and kinships took hold with a spirit - words cannot describe - so many years ago.

All of course didn't go well on a number of fronts - many of the old residents did not give a friendly welcome to our people - not all of course - those were the bigoted elements - many just simple national chauvinists - very many plain anti-Semites - Skirmishes often took place - Jews with beards especially were harassed - especially on the Sabbath and Holidays - on their way to the Shuls - all this they encountered in a strange land - otherwise fruitful - joyful nevertheless.

As greater numbers of Jews came to America - the rise of Synagogues kept pace - giving a feeling of added strength to our people - a spirit which grew into the very fabric of Jewish life - among the people of our ever-growing metropolis of Manhattan - Came the year 1903 - a great fire - a conflagration was raging in our people's home town of Beitch - cries for help followed on an immediate scale came forth to our American Beitcher and landsleit of adjacent areas - indeed, an SOS of first magnitude - things had to be done.

A closely-knit committee got together - things had to be done - moneys had to be raised - from every source possible - family, landsleit friends - monies were dispatched without delay - answering their cries without hesitancy - they gladdened the hearts of their loves ones in Beitch - lifting their hopes - adding to their confidence in American Beitcher - Through these struggles our American Beitcher grew close together - bringing forward an impassioned cry - for the urgency - the need - for a creation of a Verein of Beitcher in America.

The purpose - to help each other in case of need - just as other existing landsmannschaften organizations - already existing - to cement themselves into one organized cohesive body - to socialize - to exchange experiences more fruitfully - to hear from their loved ones in Beitch - and learn from one another - to help one another in the dispatching of "schiff carten" - to those still abroad.

The over-all feeling of security in a strange land was beginning to stick - they were beginning to "feel at home" in a warmer manner - their sense of confidence took hold - then - the formation of the First Beitcher Sick Benevolent Society (Erste Kranken Unterstutzung Verein) - was formed - pm October 15, 1903 - in the City of New York - with the Statue of Liberty appropriately adopted - as the Beitcher Seal - symbolizing their first sight on arriving in the Manhattan Harbor - on their journey from Ellis Island through which all immigrants were cleared on entry.

And the Beitcher Society took on form - with the following Charter Members - Moishe Mendel Sturm -Shmiel Spanier - Dr. Leibish Spanier - Hersel Spanier - Avrahan Korzenik - Fishel Klotz - Yaacov Fuhrer - and other pioneers - all founders - too numerous for mentioning here - Many soon joined up - many of them dear friends - many from the vicinity of Beitch - They flourished in numbers - pride and confidence prevailed - the 1st President: Morris M. Sturm - the 1st Secretary: Barney Wachtel - the 2nd President: Michael Spielman - the 2nd Secretary: Moishe Klein - the 3rd Secretary: Michael Winter.

Then the purchase of Beitcher grounds at Mt. Zion to give security in death for its membership - and years passed - with a fluctuating membership roster - overall diminishing in numbers - as many landsleit moved out of the City - others for varied reasons - by 1926 Abrahan Korzenik was President - then Joseph Eichhorn in 1928 - came January 1933 - the Beitcher Society was saddened - the unexpected passing of its Secretary Michael Winter - after 26 years of devoted service - and a successor had to be found.

We then met on Clinton Street, Manhattan, at Clinton Hall - meetings were ill attended - just above a quorum for the most part - our members were at a low ebb the election of a Secretary was of first importance - this particular meeting was attended in much greater numbers - the 4th Secretary was elected - the son of a Charter Member was chosen - It was Isidore Klotz - a new day for the Beitcher entered - an English printed bulletin - a communication with a personalized ouch - items of interest - it took hold - a new spirit unfolded for the Beitcher - it gave new impetus - a flourishing mood prevailed - new ideas engendered - minutes were reported in English - better attendance took hold - and new members.

Then for the first time - on February 11th 1934 - Lincoln's Birthday Eve - a Beitcher Banquet - it was a grand success - it cemented the Beitcher into a strong feeling of solidarity - a Journal accompanied the function - adorned by the dedicated poem by our departed Pres. Eli Singer - "A Shtetele Beitch" - which touched the hearts of all - indeed a great dignified social event - the Beitcher Society was born anew - The President: Joseph Eichhorn - the V.P.: Samuel Klotz - the Chairman of Banquet: Samuel Dickstein - the Chairman of Journal: Elias Singer - Indeed, our 30th Anniversary Banquet at the Broadway Central was a function long to be remembered.

Our numbers grew from about 75 to 105 - that was 30 years ago - the numbers attending included landsleit - friends - Many have since been called to their final resting place - they are all in our hearts - We are blessed to have among us the blessed living.

1935 - Saul Unger is President - American born son of our Pioneer Beitcher, Pinie & Marie Unger - he is received warmly - he takes his post with pride - he initiates a vigorous term for the following two years - attendance at meetings rise appreciably - The English language is being spoken at meetings - younger members show up - new ones join - the Beitcher spirit climbs to new heights - In the meantime - the national depression grips the U.S.A. - across all frontiers - many members are affected for the most part - dues payments slow up - many in financial distress - the Beitcher Society comes to the aid of its members - relief to some - no member dropped due to inability to meet dues payments because of economic hardship.

In the meantime the rise of Hitler in Germany - with the increasingly menacing threat to our people abroad - as well as to all the world - The Sisterhood of the Beitcher Society is organized - its first President: Mary Unger - then the Beitcher Social League (a youth group) - the Sisterhood, a great aid in so many ways to the Beitcher Society - they prosper in membership - we prosper with them - shipments of Matzohs to Beitch an annual event - along with money aid dispatched - Elias Singer as Chairman - then 1938.

Samuel Klotz is chosen President of the Beitcher - a born Beitcher, the son of Charter Member Philip & Reisel Klotz - the prospering Beitcher move up another notch - closer and warmer contact with our Sisterhood prevails - the Beitcher Youth League, with Bro. Alexander Chananau its 1st President, move into action - then the membership is stimulated by the success of its first banquet - and another takes place - at Central Plaza on Second Avenue, on Thanksgiving Eve, November 34, 1938.

The cooperation of the Sisterhood in that undertaking cannot be measured in these few lines - a journal accompanied the event - the banquet attendance had risen since our previous affair - our membership roster has grown - our Society became known for its vitality - its forward look - its all-round interest in vital programs.

1937 - the Beitcher Society, to provide for a growing organization - purchases additional grounds at Beth David - the grounds are dedicated - special buses to provide transportation - our departed Saul Briskman takes on as an "auctioneer" in the raising of funds - it's a success - a fine response by those present - Rabbi Levinthal is engaged - films are in evidence for the occasion - a great day for an important obligation - in the meantime - Hitler's menacing threat to all the world - not forgetting the Jews of Germany - already in flight - and our people of Beitch - frightened.

1938 - Sam Dickstein, American born, husband of Leah, - the son of Hyman & Martha Dickstein - of the Dickstein-Spanier mishpuche - is chosen President - things move on socially - a boat ride to Roton Point Park - picnics - a 35th Beitcher Anniversary Banquet - takes place on Thanksgiving Eve - November 23rd at Central Plaza - a grand social event - a souvenir journal produced - 1941 - Charles Zimmerman, A Gorliczer, chosen President - husband of our departed Gussie - already proud of the membership of his 3 sons-in-law - card parties with the Sisterhood - other events - picnics at Isi Sturm's at Park Ridge, N.J. Beitcher aid to its people in Beitch continued - the Hitler war is more menacing.

World War II and aftermath


December 7, 1941 - Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor - War is declared by F.D.R. - By October many of our Brothers are serving - the Beitcher Society gets busy - calling for blood donors - all payments of dues of men in service are discontinued - Bulletins are forwarded to our dear Brothers in service - packages are dispatched - salami and other foods - listings of all men in service on 1st page of Bulletin - contacts kept up - letters received - Hitler's war becomes more menacing.

June 22, 1942 - The Soviet Union is attacked by Hitler - The USSR becomes an ally in the war against the Axis - Hitler drives on in his march toward to Stalingrad - Hitler's crack forces meet with defeat at Stalingrad - the outlook brightens - American forces drive forward - English and French forces too - 1943 - Isi Klotz takes leave - is chosen President - Sam Dickstein as Secretary - The Bulletin in Isi's hands - We continue in close cooperation with the Sisterhood - in domestic efforts - UJA in particular.

1945 - Louis Bernstein chosen President - American born, husband of Anne, not a Beitcher - a devoted member - friend of the Zimmerman family - an attorney - conducts his post with a new touch - warm personality - then: the sudden tragic news of the massacre of our people in Hitler's gas chambers - explosive, horror-stricken news to the world - then thoughts of those who may have escaped the gas chambers - of all who might be living.

All the membership was alerted - to this frightening news - then the reports - slowly - of those who perished - those few indeed - who are alive - letters started coming through - cries for instant help - on an SOS basis - for aid from the Beitcher - from anyone - Pres. Louis Bernstein without loss of time - appoints Sam Klotz to take up the post - Overseas Chairman - full charge of planning - aid to our needy people - in their tragic saddened plight - in every part of Europe and the Western USSR - He gets busy - we get stirred into motion - his first move - his contribution of pishkes - to be distributed by mail into our homes - a start is made - but the pace must pick up.

The pishkes are dispatched - an Overseas Distress Tax was unanimously passed by all members - both approaches to accumulate members monies - but hardly sufficient to meet the requirements of giving succor - for food ad clothing - in the mean time letters coming in by the hundreds for aid - to Sam - already they have been contacted - informed of the Beitcher efforts - every letter is replied to - answered - giving each and every survivor - hope, hope.

Sam gets busy without end - the call for money - for clothes - went out with increased vigor - the Bulletin is put to great use - Bro. Ex-Pres. Harry B. Lind put his business loft at the disposal of the program - for storing up clothes coming in by hand - by parcel post - also for the storing of food - the packaging of parcels becomes effective - a number of steady Brothers offer their aid - they show up - Sundays, all day - tying parcels - delivery to the post offices.

Then the cry for a Beitcher Banquet on Thanksgiving Eve, November 26, 1946 - at Broadway Central Hotel - the proceeds - all for our Overseas Rehabilitation Program - a Journal to be published - to raise $5,000.00 - Members, landsleit, friends, came across - another great event for the Beitcher - this time, social and tzedgkah - a financial triumph for the Beitcher - moneys were on hand to carry on - Sunday after Sunday - packaging, packaging - time given to aid those in distress - and the Sisterhood's good work not to be forgotten in this effort of 1946.

Another member came to our assistance in the storing of clothes. Ex-Pres. Charles Zimmerman at his establishment - and there too energies were put to use. In the meantime - Overseas Chairman Sam had "paper work" in preparing listings for shipments from time to time - the kind of clothes to ship in each case - not easy - and most time consuming - but a most worthy effort.

Not simple to put into words - Sam's efforts - the raising of monies - climbing of stairs - phone calls - cries for bundles - for cooperation - later for affidavits - raffle books - The choice of Sam by President Bernstein was indeed a great choice.

Then 1947 - Harry B. Lind is chosen President - a born Beitcher - cries for bundles continue - more funds - the Sisterhood keeps assisting with hundreds of dollars.

1948 - Elias Singer is chosen President - a native of Beitch - survivors beginning to arrive in our country - all greeted by the Beitcher - they attend our meetings - they tell their stories - tears aplenty - all eager to listen to the anguished voices of their loved ones.

1949 - More survivor landsleit arrive - they are warmly received - the Beitcher Society reduces the initiation fee for them to a low-low figure - they begin to join up - many arrive in Israel as their land of adoption - those arriving here have found places of employment - not always easily and often in frustration - they become integrated into the American pattern of life - they learn their way around - their residences stable their children growing up - some reaching the colleges.

1950 - Simon Weintraub, a native of Beitch, husband of Kate, is chosen President upon the passing of our dear Elias Singer on February 5th - Beitcher assistance to domestic charitable and worthy institutions is continued through its membership tax - our September memorial services to our dear ones - who perished under Hitlerism is a yearly observance - in the month of Elul the 4th - 1953 - Plans are made for the celebration of our 50th Anniversary a Banquet - to be held Thanksgiving Eve, November 25th and in honor of our Overseas Chairman Sam Klotz - accompanied by a souvenir journal - the proceeds for continued overseas aid - with Israel concentration - a great attendance - a great event - financial and social success - with a message from our Israeli landsleit for our journal.

The Sisterhoods cooperation in this endeavor again exemplified the worthiness of their grand dedication - On April 13 1953 - just before our event - President Weintraub passed away suddenly - Sam took over the reins in the emergency as President - In June of 1955 Sam sails for Israel as a "sheliach" from the Beitcher Society - picnics to Isi Sturm's resort in Park Ridge continued - boat rides too.

The Beitcher launch an Israel Bond Drive - with Sam taking over the Chairmanship - the members respond - friends too - a worthy cause for the State of Israel - and for Jews generally.

Later history


1957 - Lou Berbstein is again President of the Beitcher Society - drafted as it were - carried on in his usually warm manner - capable in attracting better attendances.

1958 - Milton Margulies, American born, son of a native of Beitch - Abraham, & our departed Yetta Margulies - is chosen President - during which year the launching of our Gemilath Chesed (Free Loan) Fund for Israel was put into force.

1959 - Abraham Banner, Attorney - American born, son of Max & Rose Banner takes office as President of the Beitcher - on September 13th, Sam sails for Israel - establishes the Beitcher Israeli Gemilath Chesed Fund - is once again received royally by our people - returns February 14, 1960 - 1961 - Milton Maurer, Attorney, American born, son of a native Beitcher, our departed William and Fanny Maurer is chosen President - and another Beitcher Banquet is voted - for Thanksgiving Eve, November 22, 1961 - in conjunction with a journal - proceeds for Israel Projects Fund and a Testimonial to Secretary Isi Klotz.

Our Beitcher meetings are invigorated with Milton's leadership - as the son of a Beitcher - the Banquet goes off with tremendous social success - along with Milton's Chairmanship at the Banquet - with our usual M.C. Lou Bernstein - the proceeeds also successful - another event with a feather in the hat for the Beitcher Society - with many Beitcher friends attending - from near and far.

April 4th, 1962 - Sam again departs for Israel - as a seliach of the Beitcher Society in America - he is received royally - arrives back in December - The establishment of the Beitcher Welfare Fund was put into force during Milton Maurer's term of offfice - offering those of our members with 50 years membership - relief from payment of dues, as long as the Fund is enriched to cover the replacement of such payments to the Society's treasury.

Came 1963 - Milton Maurer wishes to bow out and make room for another to be honored at the post of the Presidency - However - Bro Maurer's usefulness at the post was too highly regarded - it was considered a must to have him continue for two more years - and though Milton has not looked forward to serving for two terms - it was so decided by the members - and so, Milton warmly acceded to the wishes of the members to serve.

Plans for another Banquet - for 1963 - on Thanksgiving Eve, November 27th at Broadway Central was voted - a journal to be published - the proceeds to our Membership Welfare Fund - and the honors - to our last remaining Charter Member - Abraham Korzenik - along with tributes to our organizing pioneers - making our 60th Anniversary - a grand success - a grand turn out - a grand function - grand proceeds - a grand journal - culminating in a most successful ever of all our previous endeavors - in the meantime our Israel Bonds Campaigns continue on with cooperation from members and friends - not to firget contributions to Welfare Fund from members and friends on a voluntary basis.

Interlude - Special mention must be made here of our Treasurer Abraham Weingast - American born, married to his lovely wife Netty, whose parents came from Gorlice - who held the post of Financial Secretary for 20 years - from 1939 to 1959 inclusive - 20 years of fruitful and devoted service to the Society during considerable activities through those years.

1965 - Bro. Irving Zibitt, a native of Biecz, son of our departed Elias - son of Sister Rachel Zibitt - is chosen as President of the Beitcher Society - prodded? - yes indeed - for he is a busy man - but in true Beitcher spirit - he follows his predecessor Milton Maurer - who too is a busy man at his Law Office. April 1965 - Sam is to take off for Israel - Pres. Zibitt's Youth Group of the Oakland Jewish Center is present at that meeting before his departure - in a program of song, music, dancing - and on his homecoming in November - Bro. Milton Maurer offers a very special spread in his honor - and as host - and a great feast it was - and with another special programming by President Zibitt.

All this and more in 1965 - with Pres. Zibitt at the helm - and it all happened while Irving & Helen were down in Miami Beach vacationing - when Irving returned a telegram of surprise in accepting the nomination - and to our great credit for our special efforts - and so upon being installed - Irving outlined a specific program for the Society - and the feast which followed was one to be remembered - Irving & Helen were our gracious hosts - and it was the occasion of their 25th Anniversary with the Beitcher.

Did our President carry forward his program? Indeed with every effort - Mother's & Father's day programs - impressive Memorial Services - Passover dedications - Channukah festival services - Purim programs - guest speaker programs - card party programs - narrative programs - musical programs - dance programs by the Bayside Oakland Jewish Center's Youth - outing efforts - dedicated Holiday addresses - host to Beitcher Society Committees at his office - in his usual inimitable manner - special birthday cakes on two occasions - and now: scholarships - gifts to first-born of members - and more, yes more - membership drives.

All this by Pres. Zibitt - and now our 64th Anniversary next year all this by our President who was timid about succeeding our Attorney President Maurer - all accomplished with pleasure - and too - the Beitcher Society Narrative - inspired by Irving Zibitt - our President - whose request was happily carried out - by your Secretary - who salutes the President for introducing such a challenging story - not entirely fulfilled - With Irving Zibitt's continued leadership - our Beitcher Society's future remains most promising.