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User:Prasuk historyk~enwikisource

From Wikisource
Babel user information
pl-N Polski jest językiem ojczystym tego użytkownika.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Users by language

Hello, I am Prasuk historyk. I am user in wikimedia fundation projects. My native language is Polish. More about me you search in here. I rarely edit on english wikisource, because I don't know what texts I add here. If you want more details about me see: my userpage on pl wikiqoute, commons userpage, meta userpage and wikimedia userpage. On meta and on wikimedia is my history on wikimedia fundation projects. I like eats crisps, chips, apples, popcorn, cutles, cereals, vegetables. And I like drink a beer, a water, a tea, pepsi, juice, etc. On wikisource, I have an account as of 23.02.2008/twenty three februrary twenty eight.
